Tax Services

How To File Taxes for Free

Tax season for 2023 has ended for most Americans. However, if you didn’t have your paperwork together, or you couldn’t get your return finished, you had the option to file for a tax extension. That gives you until October 15th to prepare and submit your return. (Note: an extension only applies to the paperwork. If you owe taxes, you were still expected to pay them no later than April 18th.) The good news is that the IRS offers a program that allows most Americans to file their taxes for free without the help of expensive accountants or tax software programs. They call this program “File Free”.

What is Free File?

The IRS Free File program is a service that connects eligible taxpayers with commercial tax preparation software at no charge. Some providers also offer free state tax returns. Per IRS guidelines, this program is available to filers who have an adjusted gross income (AGI) of less than $73,000 for the 2021 tax year. (Your AGI is your total gross income less qualifying deductions, such as the standard deduction, IRA contributions, HSA contributions and business expenses.) The IRS doesn’t have an age limit to use the program, but some tax software providers have more conservative income and age limits. For example, to use the product, your AGI cannot be greater than $41,000, and requires that users be age 56 or younger.

According to the IRS, roughly 70 percent of American taxpayers are eligible to use Free File. However, fewer than five percent of eligible taxpayers in 2020 took advantage of the Free File program. Many of these taxpayers paid for access to tax software or paid accountants to prepare their returns.

How do I apply for Free File?

The IRS makes it easy to access the Free File program. To get started on your tax return using this service, first visit According to the IRS, “You must begin your filing option at Going directly to a (tax software) company’s website will result in not receiving the benefits offered (on the IRS site)”. Once you’re on the IRS site, you’ll see a variety of offers from tax software providers. You simply choose the product that best matches your tax situation. The IRS even has a widget that will help you determine which offer is best for you.

(Note: you can only prepare your current year’s tax return using the Free File program. Previous year’s returns, if you haven’t prepared them yet, need to be completed using another program or by hand.)

Once you have chosen a software provider, you can click through to their website from the IRS website and complete your return, verify it and either print and mail it or submit it via the IRS e-file system. If you opt to file taxes online, you’ll get an email directly from the IRS saying they have accepted your return (if indeed they have).

Free E-File Providers

For the 2021 tax year, there were eight providers in the Free File program. Tax software providers that currently participate in the IRS Free File program include,,,,,, and 

Tax software heavyweights, Intuit (TurboTax) and H&R Block were part of the Free File program through the 2020 tax year, but they no longer participate in the program.

Additional benefit to using Free File

In addition to the obvious cost benefit (it’s free), there are several other good reasons to use the IRS Free File program. For instance…

  • Each provider guarantees the accuracy of the return you prepare using their software.
  • Each provider also offers some type of free customer service to answer any question you might have.
  • The IRS prohibits providers from offering you any refund-related bank products while you are preparing your refund, such as refund anticipation loans.

How To File taxes on your own

Of course, you can also file your taxes for free without assistance, by picking up the forms at your local library or other civic building or printing the forms from the IRS website and reading the instructions online. However, US tax law is complex and ever-changing. It can be complicated for someone without a tax accounting background to complete the paperwork accurately.

Where’s My Refund?

The majority of American taxpayers are owed a refund after they file their tax returns. That’s because most Americans work for companies that deduct taxes from weekly, bi-weekly or monthly paychecks. Usually the deduction more than cover a worker’s tax obligation. So, what question do most tax papers ask the minute they’ve filed their return electronically or put it in the mailbox? “Where’s my refund?”, of course. 

Traditionally, the IRS has processed tax refunds quickly if you filed electronically and slightly longer if you filed by mail. However, the events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have caused the IRS to reduce staff, at a time when IRS employees have been charged with administering several sets of stimulus checks to Americans. The result last year was longer than usual wait times for tax refunds. This year, according to the IRS, 90% of taxpayers should receive their refunds within 21 days if they opt to have their funds deposited directly into their bank accounts. Paper checks and other refund options take somewhat longer. You can check on current processing times by visiting this IRS page.

If you want to keep track of the progress of your refund, the IRS has created a free app, IRS2Go, that will let you know the status of your tax return.

IRS Phone Number: Customer Service and Human Help

Although it may seem like filing your tax return is a one-sided conversation, the IRS does offer several options to get help and answers if you need them. For example, you can call the IRS customer service phone number 800 829-1040 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Recorded messages on more than 100 tax-related topics are available by dialing 800 829-4477. This number is also available 24/7, seven days a week. 

Credit Financial

Is There A Minimum Credit Score To Apply For A Credit Card?

Credit inquiries can damage your credit score so it is important to understand your score and your options before you ever submit an application.

Credit cards are one of the best ways to help establish your credit, build your credit, and, in some cases, rebuild your credit. However, if you are someone who has a limited credit history or has some problems on your report that drag down your score, you may have trouble getting a credit card.

That’s not to say that it’s impossible. There are credit card options for all types of credit scores. There is not a clear answer to whether there are minimum scores or not. Sometimes, there are minimums for particular cards that come with high limits, low interest, or a lot of benefits. Sometimes, a lower score could leave your options much more limited and may lead to you needing to get a secured card.

Credit scores can be confusing and you don’t want to apply for too many new lines of credit all at once just to face a slew of denials and a huge hit to your score. In this article, we’re going to explain the different credit options for you based on your score range and explain how you can avoid hard inquiries when you’re shopping around for the best credit card option for you.

How Low Can My Score Be To Get A Credit Card?

The lowest score that you can have and still be eligible for some credit cards is actually zero. The more complex answer is that it all depends on your credit history and the credit card issuer. If you are just getting started on your credit journey, you’re not going to have a score just yet. Even if that’s the case, there are still options for you. If you’re enrolled at least part-time in a college degree program, you will very likely be able to get a student credit card. Student credit cards tend to have lower limits but may also have features like cashback for good academic performance, low interest, and reduced fees.

If you have no credit score or a very poor credit score, it’s going to be harder for you to find a credit card that works for you. Where your score truly comes into play is with the terms and conditions of the cards you’re eligible for. Scores in the 300-580 range are considered to be pretty bad credit.

Your score may be that low because of debt, accounts in collections, a foreclosure or repossession, or missed or late payments. These things can happen to anyone and you shouldn’t let it discourage you from looking for a credit card at all. If you’re someone with a score in this low range, though, there are only certain kinds of cards that you’re going to be able to get. One of the most common occurrences is that you will only be eligible for a secured credit card.

A secured credit card requires you to make a deposit that is (usually) equal to your credit limit. These are different from prepaid cards though because they do report to all the major credit bureaus and will help improve your score as long as you’re smart with them.

You will probably have to settle for a card with a lower credit limit.

Credit cards designed for those with bad credit also come with higher interest rates and will not come with any rewards or benefits that you may see in a more premium card. Even though that’s not ideal, it’s still a great way to get started.

Most credit cards that are designed for those with bad credit report monthly to all three major credit bureaus to help you get your score up faster by giving you a positive payment history as long as you stay current.

Also, settling for a card like this is something that is only temporary. Eventually, your score will improve or the creditor will see that you’re able to make your payments and you can either qualify for or upgrade to an unsecured card with better terms. One thing to keep in mind is that your credit score plays a role but there are other things that creditors will look at before issuing you a card of your own. They’re also interested in your monthly or annual income as well as looking at your history of on-time payments.

In order to qualify for a credit card with good terms, you need to be able to demonstrate to banks that you’re not a risk. The best way to do this is by working on your credit score, but having a steady income and good payment history can help boost your odds.

What If My Credit Is Just Fair?

Fair credit is the term used to describe your financial health if your score falls in the range of 580-670. If you fall into this range, you are very likely to be able to get a credit card without much hassle. Even though that is the case, creditors still consider people who fall in this score range as “subprime borrowers.”

This means that you may not be eligible for very competitive rates such as low interest, rewards, perks, or other benefits that come with more premium cards. If your score is in this range, you will most likely be able to get an unsecured credit card without much issue.

Some of the most popular cards right now for people who fall into this category include the Capital One® Platinum Credit Card, the Capital One® QuicksilverOne® Cash Rewards Credit Card, and the Indigo® Platinum Mastercard®, but there are hundreds of options. The caveat with any of these credit cards that are suited for your category is that you are probably going to face high annual fees.

Many of the most popular credit cards targeted to fair credit customers can have annual fees as high as $99. This is usually based on your perceived creditworthiness from the creditor.

What Is The Ideal Credit Score For Getting A Credit Card?

In America, the majority of people have credit scores that fall into the categories of poor or just fair. The benchmark for what counts as good credit varies depending on where you look for the information, but it is generally considered to be above 670 at the very lowest. Most scores that are considered to be “good” are over 700; to be considered excellent, your score should be over 800.

Because of the huge discrepancy in what is considered to be “good credit” and the credit score of the average American, it is hard to say if there is an ideal credit score at all. To make sure that you have the best possible approval odds for an unsecured card, your score should absolutely be above 600 and most likely closer to 650.

If your score is less than that but you have a positive payment history and limited accounts in collections, you will still probably be able to get an unsecured credit card. If your score is closer to 600 or comes in under 600, you’re probably only going to be able to get a secured credit card even if all of the other factors such as payment history, delinquencies, and inquiries look good.

Credit card companies don’t really have a preference for what score they would like you to have. The main thing that a creditor cares about is the risk. What if they give you all this money and then you are unable or unwilling to pay it back? This is the question they ask themselves any time someone with a lower credit score submits an application. They mitigate that risk by requiring a deposit, having high interest, or charging higher fees.

They also will not offer as many rewards at these lower levels. In order to get the best deal from a creditor, you must have good credit. If you have good credit, you are not going to have any problem getting approved for a credit card. Banks also like to compete for these customers because they’re the least risky and the most profitable for the card issuer. Someone with good credit is smart with their money, makes their payments on time, and is going to be very attractive to a creditor.

Because of that, cards suited for people with good credit have lower fees, lower interest, and more benefits associated with the card. This could be things like cashback, miles, and other perks. So, while there is no set ideal credit score or even a set minimum credit score, banks still show a clear preference.

You will almost always be able to find a credit card that you’re eligible for, regardless of your score. Finding a card that is the best possible deal out there is going to be a lot harder for anyone who doesn’t have good or excellent credit, though.

What If I’m Scared To Be Denied?

If you’re learning about credit cards or shopping around for one, it probably comes as no surprise that hard inquiries on your credit, denied applications, and attempting to open a lot of lines of credit all at once are things that will all negatively impact your score. The first thing you should know is that a hard inquiry on your credit takes as long as two years to drop off.

Fortunately for you, though, they have a very low impact on your score and will likely only bring you down a couple of points. This is something that you can bounce back from in just a few months. The same is true of credit card denials; they bring your score down, but not by much, and you won’t have to wait very long for it to even back out. However, it still isn’t fun to sift through cards and submit applications just to see yourself denied over and over again.

It can be very discouraging. There are a few things that you can do to help keep this from happening to you, though. First, you should make sure that you are researching as much as possible about the cards that you’re considering. Be realistic about what you think you’d qualify for and start there. Read the terms and conditions for the card. Some credit card issuers will even dictate what score range they expect applicants to fall into.

One website that puts it right on the bottom of every card description is Mastercard. Many others do the same. Second, you can make use of online tools like those offered by Credit Karma, Nerd Wallet, and the like. Many websites have tools that allow you to fill out a little bit of information and they will give you a list of credit cards and inform you of your approval odds for each one.

This can be a great way to get a feel for what cards it would be worth applying to if you’re just not sure how your credit score is going to measure up. The final thing that you should make sure that you take advantage of is prequalification.

Many credit card applications are able to collect some basic information about you and let you know if you prequalify, which means that they see your information and decide that you are most likely qualified for a specific card. These tools can be incorrect but that doesn’t happen very often. Prequalifying for credit cards does not include a hard inquiry on your credit and can help you make a more informed decision before deciding to apply.

In Conclusion

There are credit cards out there for people in all different types of financial situations and with all different credit scores. The better your score is, the better the cards that you’ll qualify for will be. You shouldn’t let a low credit score make you feel like you can’t get a credit card but, you should be prepared that you may not be able to get exactly what you want just yet. Settling for the best credit card that you qualify for at your current score is going to help you push your score up to where you want to be, as long as you use it accordingly.

Tax Services

How Long Should You Keep Your Tax Returns?

Keeping old tax records may save you time and energy if you are ever audited or need to file an amended return. Previous year’s tax returns can also be used to prove your income when asking for a loan, such as a mortgage. In this post, we’ll go over how long you should keep tax returns and how to organize your documents in case you need them in the future.

How Long Should You Keep Your Current Tax Returns?

At the very least, you must keep your tax records for three years after the date you filed your return or two years after the day you paid the tax, whichever is later. 1. If you file your return before the deadline, it will be considered filed on the deadline. For example, if you file your tax return in February 2025, five years before the deadline of April 15, 2025, you must keep your tax records until at least April 15, 2030, five years after the return is due.

If you own a company that employs people, you must keep copies of employment tax records for at least four years after the tax is due or paid, whichever comes first.   Creditors or insurance companies may require you to keep tax records for longer than the IRS requires.

Federal Tax Returns

Maintain records for a minimum of three years, as the IRS will typically audit your returns three years from the date of filing. The majority of audits, however, take place within two years of filing. Even three years later, you may find that you do not want to throw away those records. Additional returns may be audited if the IRS discovers a “substantial error,” though it will typically not go back more than six years. There is no statute of limitations on IRS audits if the IRS suspects tax fraud or if you failed to file a tax return for a particular year.

Consider this when disposing of documents that are no longer required to be maintained. Having those documents on hand can help you demonstrate that you followed the rules. And you can always contact the IRS for more information about your specific issue.

Three Years

Maintain three years’ worth of tax returns, along with supporting documents such as W-2s and 1099s. Additionally, you should keep copies of receipts, canceled checks, and credit card or bank records that support any claimed deductions or credits. Maintain property records for at least three years after you sell it, regardless of whether it is your primary residence, another piece of real estate, or investments such as stocks and bonds. Your records will aid you in determining whether you profited or lost money on the sale.

Six Years

If you underreported your income by more than 25% of the amount disclosed on your return, the IRS has six years to audit you. Similarly, if you underreport income from foreign financial assets by more than $5,000, the same regulation applies. If you underreported your income by more than 25% of the amount disclosed on your return, the IRS has six years to audit you. Similarly, if you underreport income from foreign financial assets by more than $5,000, the same regulation applies.

Seven or More Years

If you are writing off a loss due to bad debt or a worthless security, the IRS requires that you retain documents for seven years. The IRS has ten years to collect taxes after determining that you owe them.

State Tax Returns

While many states follow the IRS’s three- and six-year audit timelines, some states give themselves additional time to audit you. These rules have the potential to become quite complicated. For example, California has a four-year statute of limitations on audits and requires you to file an amended state return if the IRS adjusts your tax liability. 56. For information on the rules governing state tax audits, contact your state’s taxing authority. Maintain all records for the duration of the statute of limitations in your state.

Tips for Keeping Tax Returns Organized

It is irrelevant whether you maintain your tax records on paper or electronically. You simply need a system that enables you to locate your records quickly in the event of an emergency.

If you wish to keep paper copies of your tax returns, store them in a fire-and water-resistant safe. Consider creating a new folder for each tax year to organize paper records. Scanning your data and storing it electronically on an encrypted disc or in the cloud, on the other hand, is frequently a more secure and efficient option. Given the sensitivity of the information, ensure that it is protected with a complex and unique password and that two-factor authentication is enabled.

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure Wellness

The Best Smart Watches and Fitness Trackers

Smart Watches and fitness trackers are a great way to track your nutrition and fitness journeys. Many professional athletes and bodybuilders use them so they can easily track their steps and their calories throughout the day. Some smartwatches are from large companies, while others are lesser-known and might be more wallet-friendly if you are on a budget. Check out the best ones below:

Apple Watch SE

This is easily the best one on the market, but it’s only a good choice if you own an iPhone. They sink to the iPhone and can be used with all the IOS apps and features. The design is sleek and durable, so you can work out and lift weights the entire time you have it on.

The battery life isn’t as good as with other Apple Watches, but the display is good and it’s a great value for money.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4

This is the top choice If you use an Android phone instead of an Apple device. It was designed with Tizen and has some of the same features, so you will find it easy to use if you own or use Tizen products.

The performance is great with long battery life. It’s also very lightweight and comfortable, so you won’t feel like it’s weighing down your arm while you’re working out or practicing sports.

Apple Watch 6

Another choice by Apple with better battery life and more features. The price is much higher than the SE, but the extra features will be worth it if you plan to use the watch every day. It has added extras such as blood oxygen monitoring and an upgraded chipset.

It has the same screen and design as the Apple Watch 5 though, so you won’t find the way it looks or feels any different from the older models.

Fitbit Versa 3

If you don’t want the smartwatch paired to your phone or aren’t an exclusive iPhone or Android user, you might benefit more from using a FitBit. There’s a built-in GPS and the design is extremely comfortable to wear and workout with while you have it on.

The main features are all fitness-related, so you won’t find much benefit from it if you want a watch that can pair with the phone and use apps.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 3

Allow it’s made by Samsung; you can still use this watch if you’re an iPhone user. It has a rotating bezel which makes navigation and use. Apps on the watch can be used with the Wear OS or Watch OS.

Keep in mind that some apps and features are limited with iPhones.

Fitbit Versa Lite

This is a more affordable FitBit device. The battery can last a few days without needing a charge. The body is small, and light compared to other smartwatches. Overall, this is the best option if you want mainly a fitness watch that is pocket-friendly.

Family Senior

5 Senior Services & Products You Can’t Live Without

We recognize that as you get older your needs for new or different services and products can change. Finding affordable, helpful, and easy products and services can be crucial for many seniors. Numerous resources exist, but most of them are either difficult to find, confusing to apply for, or largely unheard of.

Well, do not stress! We have scoured the internet and put together the 5 best senior services and products that you won’t be able live without. 

As always, if you know anyone that could benefit from these services or products, share this with them!

1. Eargo

Searching for the perfect hearing aid? Well, look no further. Eargo has the ultimate, virtually invisible hearing aid that puts complete hearing personalization at your fingertips. 

Eargo is designed to be easy and convenient. From talking with a professional to chosing your preferences for your hearing aid, everything can be done from the comfort of your home.

You’ll also be relieved to know that many insurance plans may cover some or all of the cost, and Eargo will do all of the work for you to determine your coverage.

Find out if this invisible-fit hearing device is right for you by getting a free sample of Eargo’s hearing aid. 

2. A Place For Mom

Are you unsure where to look for senior living options for your loved ones? A Place For Mom is the perfect solution. You know your family and they know senior living.

A Place For Mom’s proven process can help you find the right senior living community for your loved one hassle free. You start by connecting with an expert senior living advisor. Then, you review a personalized list of communities. Once you pick a place, you can tour and decide with confidence!

Find the perfect place for your loved ones with A Place For Mom!

3. Final Expense Insurance

Life insurance is important. It is one of the most affordable ways to financially protect your loved ones in the event you’re not there to take care of them. 

Life Insurance Savings Group shops highly rated insurance companies to save you time and money. In order to prepare your quote, they will need a bit of information from you. It’s as easy as filling out a quick form!

Let Life Insurance Savings Group help you navigate final expense insurance and why it’s so important for you and your family.

4. eharmony

Looking for love, but don’t know where to find it? eharmony is committed to helping senior men and women find love every day.

The eharmony Compatibility Matching System® is the key point of differentiation between their service and that of traditional senior dating sites. It is also the main driver of their matching success. eharmony’s matching is based on using its 32 DIMENSIONS® model to match you with a select group of compatible senior men or women with whom you can build healthy and happy relationships.

eharmony is committed to helping senior singles find love every day. So what are you waiting for? Join for free!

5. Time Share

Are you feeling stuck with your Timeshare? Then this is the perfect service for you.

Today, putting your unwanted Timeshare in front of potential buyers is easier than ever thanks to the range of Timeshare Resale companies providing commission-free online tools to help owners sell their Timeshares.

You can get started in 4 easy steps. You’ll begin by entering the name of your Resort and check its eligibility for a cash sale. Then you’ll speak with a Timeshare resale expert and get the current Market Analysis, 100% free. Then you can sit back and relax as your Timeshare goes on the market.

So, fill out the form to find out your Timeshare’s eligibility for a cash sale!

Financial Insurance

Car Insurance: Tips & Ideas for Cutting Costs

When you’re behind the wheel, you need car insurance to protect you. But how can you make the liability insurance or car coverage more affordable for you?

Here are some tips and ideas for cutting your car insurance costs:

  • You must remember that insurance companies offer multi-car discounts and make it your goal to take advantage of that. Hence, if you try obtaining a quote from an auto insurance company for a single car, they will surely give you a higher quote.

But if you asked them for quotes for several cars or drivers at one time, you will get a more discounted bulk rate. Do you know why? Because they’re willing to give you a deal if they see promises of more business from you.

You can gather your family members, neighbors, friends etc and then ask for a collective quote.

  • Insurance companies are smarter than you think. They conduct studies to prove that people with good credit scores are less like to make insurance claims. Hence, try paying your bills on time and clearing your credit card debt before purchasing your car insurance. You could win lower premiums this way.
  • Being a safe driver is one easy way to cut car insurance costs. It’s common knowledge that safe drivers are the favorites, especially for car insurance companies. Try to maintain a good driving record and you’ll win safe driving discounts in return on your insurance, almost up to 10% to 23 %.
  • Insurance companies insure different people and cars differently, which is why you will find a difference in thousands of dollars between their quotes. This is why we suggest you first shop around well to see who’s offering what. With three or four quotes in hand, you can settle for the most reasonable one.
  • There are some insurance companies who award discounts to those who undergo defensive driving course. With this course, you can the number of points on your license. You may even opt for accident prevention or similar course to win this discount. Not a bad idea it seems!
  • Bundling your insurances can lower your costs too. You may already be having a homeowner’s insurance or some others and if you wish to purchase more than one policy, it would be a great idea to ask your agent to bundle these. In return, your insurance provider may give you a discount, which they often do on bundle insurances.
  • Using mass transit will shower fewer miles on your insured automobile in year and that is sure to reduce your costs too. You see, it is typical for an insurance company to make you fill a questionnaire before signing up for discounts. If you are commuting for three to four hours daily back and forth from work, you will surely be paying more premiums that those who only drive a mile a day.

Hence, a good idea is to ask your insurance company about their mileage thresholds. That way you can plan your mileage accordingly to win a discount.

Business Career & Education Financial Insurance

Your Guide to Choosing Small Business Insurance

Getting small business insurance is a very hard thing to do. Especially, if you don’t have as much knowledge about the small business world. Still, don’t be fooled into thinking that you can go for too long without insurance.

Small business insurance provides a net for you whenever you have some problems with money. If you have the right type, it can save you from total bankruptcy! You need insurance to handle unexpected costs and accidents that can befall your company and your employees. Those costs will come and pile up!

What Types Of Insurance Can I Pick From?

Here are some of the common types of insurance, and the one that you end up picking will be the one that completely benefits you.

One of the first types is Business Income Insurance. This covers all forms of money loss from physical property damage. If your bottom line or earnings are impacted by a car crash or damage to one of your buildings, then that is what is covered by this insurance. It’s very useful if you have some type of property to your name, less useful if you do not.

Another type that small businesses need to consider is the Business Liability Insurance. This keeps your small business safe from being sued. Many owners do not get this insurance, as they incorrectly think that an LLC will provide protection. It does not.

Other Types Of Insurance

If you are running a small business in the construction or building services, then you are going to need contractors professional liability insurance. This protects your contractors from being sued for errors, and liability claims. It’s a must for this niche, especially when you are just starting out.

Employment practices liability insurance is focused on protecting the employees of your small business from wrongful employment practices and these include discrimination, wrongful termination, and harassment.

Picking The Ones That Work

The insurance you need depends on your business. If you are hosting a small business with no employees and completely online, you will need different insurance than a construction company with 20 employees. Still, the most basic form of insurance should focus on protecting your business from the various problems that can plague it.

If you are unsure about what insurance your business needs, or are concerned that you are missing something, you should talk to an expert. A lawyer who specializes in small businesses and an accountant who knows the financial side of things, makes sure that you will cover all your bases.

If you don’t have insurance, you are leaving the door wide open for financial ruin for your business. The work and small sums that you pay now for business insurance are going to save you much later whenever problems arise, and you certainly won’t regret taking the time to have it done.

Make insurance an important part of your plan, and then you can get back to serving your customers.

Debt Financial

Where Can I Find The Best Debt Consolidation Company?

In these tough economic times many Americans are faced with significant credit card debt and are looking for help reducing their monthly payments. Debt consolidation allows you to combine numerous debt obligations into one and streamlines the repayment process for credit cards, loans, and other bills. Debt consolidation usually includes lower monthly payments and a repayment plan that saves money and resolves debt faster than you could on your own.

It can be hard to decide on what debt consolidation company or website to use. We have done the research and we are providing you with our top picks for debt consolidation and loan options.

3 Major Benefits of Debt Consolidation

1. Track debt repayment
Once you consolidate your debts, regardless of which method you use, you will have one bill to pay. This can help you stay on top of your finances and set an attainable goal for your debt repayment plan.

2. Save money on interest
Ideally, you will use a financial product with a lower interest rate and fewer fees than what is charged on your current debts. This reduction in interest will help you save money you’d have been required to pay had you not consolidated.

3. Build your credit score
Paying off credit card debt with a loan can have an immediate effect on your credit score by lowering your credit utilization ratio. This is the total amount of credit available to you versus the amount of credit card debt you have.

Financial Insurance

Vantis Life Insurance Review

Vantis Life Insurance Company is a popular life insurance provider that offers a variety of policies to meet the needs of its policyholders. Its products are available through a network of independent agents and financial advisors. Vantis Life has an A.M. Best rating of A (Excellent) and is a member of the Life Insurance Settlement Association.

History of Vantis Life Insurance
Vantis Life Insurance Company was founded in 1968 in Hartford, Connecticut. The company is a subsidiary of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., and offers a variety of life insurance products, including whole life, term life, and universal life insurance. Vantis Life has an A.M. Best rating of A- (Excellent) and is accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

Vantis Life Insurance Company has a long history of providing quality life insurance products to its customers. The company was founded in 1968 and has been a subsidiary of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. since then. Vantis Life offers a variety of life insurance products, including whole life, term life, and universal life insurance. The company has an A.M

Overview of Vantis Life Insurance
Vantis Life Insurance Company is an insurance provider that offers a variety of life insurance products, including whole life insurance, term life insurance, and universal life insurance. The company has been in business for over 70 years and is headquartered in Alabama. Vantis Life Insurance Company is a subsidiary of American International Group, Inc. (AIG).

Vantis Life Insurance Company offers a variety of life insurance products that can meet the needs of most consumers. The company’s website is user-friendly and provides detailed information on the different types of coverage available. Consumers can get quotes and purchase policies online or over the phone. Vantis Life Insurance Company has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and is accredited by the National Association of Insurance

Vantis Life Insurance Products
Vantis Life Insurance Company is a leading provider of life insurance products in the United States. The company offers a wide range of life insurance products, including term life, whole life, universal life, and indexed universal life insurance. Vantis Life Insurance Company also offers a variety of annuity products.

Vantis Life Insurance Company has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and is accredited by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The company has been in business for over 30 years and has an excellent reputation for customer service.

Vantis Life Insurance Company offers a variety of life insurance products that can meet the needs of any individual or family. The company’s products are competitively priced and offer a wide range of coverage options

Vantis Life Insurance Rates
Vantis Life Insurance Company is a life insurance provider that offers a variety of policy options and riders to meet the needs of its customers. The company has a wide range of products, including whole life, term life, and universal life insurance policies. Vantis also offers a variety of riders that can be added to a policy to provide additional coverage for things like long-term care or income protection.

Vantis Life Insurance Company is a great choice for those looking for a life insurance provider with a wide range of products and riders. The company has competitive rates and offers a variety of discounts that can help make coverage more affordable.

Vantis Life Insurance Claims

Vantis Life Insurance Company is one of the top life insurance companies in the United States. They have been in business for over 100 years and have an excellent reputation. Vantis Life Insurance Company is known for their prompt payment of claims and their customer service. I have had a life insurance policy with Vantis Life Insurance Company for over 10 years and have never had any problems with them. I have always been happy with their service and would recommend them to anyone looking for a life insurance policy.

Vantis Life Insurance Ratings
Vantis Life Insurance Company is one of the top life insurance companies in the United States. They have an A.M. Best rating of A++ and a Comdex score of 100, which is the highest possible rating. Vantis also has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Vantis Life Insurance Company offers a variety of life insurance products, including term life insurance, whole life insurance, universal life insurance, and annuities. They have a wide range of rider options and benefits, making it easy to find a policy that fits your needs.

The company has an excellent claims process, with most claims being processed within two weeks. They also offer a wide range of discounts, including a multi-policy

Financial Insurance

Voya Life Insurance Review

Voya is one of the leading life insurance companies in the United States. The company has been in business for over 140 years and offers a variety of life insurance products to meet the needs of its customers. Voya is a publicly traded company and is headquartered in New York, NY.

Voya Life Insurance offers a variety of products to its customers, including term life insurance, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. The company has a long history dating back to 1847, and it has an excellent reputation in the industry. Voya Life Insurance is a great choice for those looking for a reliable and well-established life insurance company.

What is Voya Life Insurance?
Voya Life Insurance is a life insurance company that offers a variety of products to its customers. The products offered by Voya Life Insurance include term life insurance, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. Voya Life Insurance also offers a variety of investment products, such as mutual funds and annuities.

Voya Life Insurance has been in business for over 140 years and is one of the largest life insurance companies in the United States. Voya Life Insurance has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and is rated four stars by NerdWallet.

customers have stated that they are happy with the products offered by Voya Life Insurance and the customer service they have received. Customers have also said that they like the fact that

What products does Voya Life Insurance offer?
Voya Life Insurance offers term life insurance, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. It also offers annuities. I like that it offers a variety of products because it gives customers options. I think the prices are reasonable, and the customer service is good. I would recommend Voya Life Insurance to anyone looking for a life insurance policy.

What are the benefits of Voya Life Insurance?
Voya Life Insurance has been in business for over 140 years and offers a wide range of life insurance products to its customers. Some of the benefits of Voya Life Insurance include:

-A wide range of life insurance coverage options: term life, whole life, universal life, indexed universal life, and more
-Competitive pricing: Voya is a large company with lots of buying power, which allows them to offer their products at competitive prices
-Flexibility: Voya offers a variety of riders and options that can be added to their life insurance policies, allowing customers to tailor their coverage to their specific needs
-Financial strength: Voya has an “A+” rating from A.M. Best and is a

What are the drawbacks of Voya Life Insurance?
Voya Life Insurance has been in business for over 100 years and offers a variety of life insurance products. However, there are some drawbacks to Voya Life Insurance. One drawback is that Voya does not have the lowest prices for life insurance. Another drawback is that Voya does not have the best customer service. Finally, Voya does not have the best financial rating.

Voya Life Insurance offers a variety of products that can meet the needs of many consumers. The company has a long history, which gives it the experience and stability that many consumers look for in an insurer. Voya is a publicly traded company, which adds to its financial stability. The company has an A.M. Best rating of “A”, which is good news for consumers.

Voya Life Insurance offers term life insurance, whole life insurance, universal life insurance, and annuities. The company has a variety of riders that can be added to policies, which allows consumers to tailor their coverage to meet their specific needs. 
Voya also offers an array of riders that can be added to life insurance policies, such as concurrency, supplemental universal life insurance, and variable universal life insurance. Terms and conditions apply to these additions, so be sure to review the rider carefully before adding it to your policy. 

Financial Insurance

Zander Life Insurance Review

Here’s our Zander Life Insurance Review for you. By acquiring life insurance via Zander, you may save money and time. Zander’s assistance simplifies this transaction significantly by removing the need for you to make several judgements regarding the sort of policy and riders you want to purchase.

Zander, on the other hand, does not offer long-term investing opportunities. When your term insurance policy ends, certain firms may allow you to convert it to permanent insurance.

Zander life insurance rates

Term life insurance rates range from $50 and $150 each month. However, some of Zander’s solutions may be far less expensive. We were able to obtain pricing as low as $21 per month for a $400,000 coverage by utilizing the Preferred Plus health class.

Apart from the insurance carrier with whom you choose to engage via Zander, the following factors will affect your premium:

  • Age
  • Habits of a smoker
  • The health class that you fall into is determined by your age.
  • Risks in the workplace
  • Hobbies that may be deadly
  • The extent to which something is covered

What affects my rate with Zander

Preferred Plus health ratings, which have the lowest rates, are accessible exclusively to those who match the following health criteria:

  • Follow your doctor’s recommendations to maintain a healthy weight-to-height ratio.
  • Less than 135/85 mm Hg
  • Cholesterol levels are checked and maintained at a healthy level of 220 mg/dL.
  • My parents were not diagnosed with heart disease or died of it until they reached the age of 60.
  • In the previous five years, no tobacco products have been consumed.
  • With the exception of a few incidences of skin cancer in your medical history, you are cancer-free.
  • At least one and a half years of successful treatment of blood pressure and cholesterol.

To qualify for a discounted premium for the Preferred health class, the following requirements must be met:

  • A blood pressure reading of less than 140/88 mm Hg Cholesterol levels less than 240 mg/dl
  • I haven’t smoked in over a year.
  • My parents were not diagnosed with heart disease or died of it until they reached the age of 60.
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be controlled for at least a year and a half.
  • Except for a few occurrences of skin cancer, you have never experienced cancer in your medical history.

How to get a quote from Zander life insurance

It makes no difference whether you purchase life insurance online or over the phone:

  1. You can access the Life portion of your application online or by calling 800-356-4282.
  2. Kindly complete the fields below with your personal information, such as your name, residence, health condition, and insurance tier. To view the whole quote, click See Quotation.
  3. Sort by lowest premium cost to determine which policies offer the most value for your money. You may pick a service provider by clicking the Choose Plan button next to the business’s name.
  4. If you choose to pay monthly or annually, click the Next Step button.
  5. After completing the sections about your health, career, and sources of income, click Next to proceed with the application.
  6. When you’re through filling out the form and ready to submit it, click Send.
  7. Conducting study on the insurance company’s next moves will reveal them. Two examples of this sort of practice are a medical history interview and physical examination.
  8. Your insurance coverage will begin once you’ve selected a payment plan and paid your first payment!

It may take four to six weeks to complete the insurance company’s approval process, which includes a medical evaluation. If you’re switching insurance carriers, you may be required to maintain your current coverage until your new one is issued and paid for.

What types of life insurance coverage does Zander offer?

Zander is primarily an expert in term insurance. This policy is valid for a period of ten to thirty years. If you are matched with a permanent life insurance provider, you can convert your term life insurance coverage as you mature.

What riders can I add to my policy?

Zander adopts an uncomplicated approach to life insurance, avoiding many of the frills offered by typical companies. However, some of Zander’s business associates may make the following offer:

  • Child rider. Include a little amount of coverage in your child’s life insurance policy for funeral expenditures.
  • Rider accompanied by a spouse. Consider enhancing your child’s life insurance policy with a little amount of funeral price coverage.

Zander life insurance reviews and complaints

According to their website, Zander has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and ten customer complaints as of October 2021. When it comes to Zander, the grade is an A+. Zander has responded to complaints regarding unsolicited sales calls and billing difficulties

Career & Education Education

10 Best Tuition Free Colleges In The US

The college years can be some of the best years of your life. But they can also be a time of great financial stress. The costs of tuition, room and board, and other expenses can quickly add up.

Thankfully, there are a number of colleges and universities that offer free tuition. These schools typically have low student-to-faculty ratios and offer a variety of academic programs.

If you’re looking for a tuition-free college, be sure to check out our list of the best schools. With a little research, you can find the perfect school for you and your budget.

Campus Based Tuition Free Colleges

1. Berea College
Berea College, located in Berea, Kentucky, is one of the top tuition-free colleges in the United States. Founded in 1855, Berea was the first interracial and coeducational college in the South. The college’s mission is to “provide for the education of promising students from low-income families who have great potential but little opportunity.”

Berea College students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of academic and extracurricular activities. The college offers over 30 majors and 50 minors, as well as a number of pre-professional programs. In addition to academics, students can participate in athletics, music, theatre, and a variety of other extracurricular activities.

2. College of the Ozarks
If you’re looking for a tuition-free college experience in the United States, the College of the Ozarks is hard to beat. Nestled in the Ozarks Mountains of southwest Missouri, this unique college has been tuition-free since it was founded in 1907. 

Students at the College of the Ozarks pay no tuition, but they do have to work 15 hours per week in one of the college’s on-campus jobs. In addition to their regular coursework, students also take classes in topics like Christian Values, Western Heritage, and Patriotic Education. With a student-to-faculty ratio of just 12:1, the College of the Ozarks offers a personal education experience that is hard to find at other

3. Deep Springs College
Deep Springs College is one of the top 10 tuition-free colleges in the United States. It is located in Deep Springs, California and was founded in 1917. The college has an enrollment of about 26 students, all of whom are male. 

The college offers a two-year course of study that combines academic and vocational training. Deep Springs College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

4. Excelsior College
Excelsior College is located in Albany, New York and was founded in 1971. The college specializes in distance learning and adult education, and is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Excelsior College does not charge tuition for any of its programs, making it one of the top tuition-free colleges in the United States. 

The college offers over 60 degree and certificate programs, as well as a number of professional development courses. Excelsior College is a great option for adult learners who are looking to further their education without incurring any tuition costs.

5. George Mason University
George Mason University, located in Fairfax, Virginia, is a public research university with over 33,000 students. The university was founded in 1957 and is named after George Mason, a Virginian planter and statesman who was a delegate to the U.S. Constitutional Convention. The university is classified as a research university with “high research activity” by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

The university offers over 200 degree programs through its 11 schools and colleges. The school of business is the largest, with over 6,000 students. Other popular majors include nursing, psychology, and computer science.

George Mason University is a tuition-free college for Virginia residents. 

Tuition Free Online Colleges

1.Alice Lloyd College Alice Lloyd College is a small, Christian liberal arts college located in Pippa Passes, Kentucky, about 15 miles from the Virginia border. The college was founded in 1926 by the Presbyterian Church and currently serves around 800 students. The college offers a traditional liberal arts education with majors in areas such as English, history, political science, economics, and philosophy. 

2.Arizona State University Arizona State University is a public research university located in Tempe, Arizona, about 15 miles east of Phoenix. The university was founded in 1885 as the Tucson School District. It was later renamed as the Arizona State School of Science and Letters, then as Arizona State College in 1928, and finally as Arizona State University in 2012.

3.Brown University Brown University is a private research university located in Providence, Rhode Island. The school was founded in 1764 and is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States. The university is ranked 22nd among national universities by the TIME and is listed 29th by US News & World Report.

4.City College of San Francisco City College of San Francisco, also known as City College, is a two-year community college located in San Francisco, California. The school was founded in 1929 and serves around 44,000 students each semester. The college is renowned for its liberal arts for transfer programs and its science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs.

5. College of the Ozarks
 The College of the Ozarks, often simply referred to as CO, is a private, liberal arts college located near the Buffalo River in Point Lookout, Missouri. The college was founded in 1925 by Clinton E. Norwood in order to teach students in a rural environment without charge. The college motto is Learning for Life.

Do Military Colleges Charge Tuition?

Students who attend the U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy get a full tuition-free education.

Who Should Consider A Tuition Free Education?

 If you are looking to save money on college tuition then a community college may be the way to go. These schools are usually located in or very near major cities and offer lower tuition as well as the same credits accepted at other four-year institutions. 

You might also consider one of the colleges and university on our list including a tuition free campus based education, or an online alternative. 

Featured Resources: What Is A Pell Grant?

Career & Education Education

10 Most Beautiful Colleges Campuses In The US

If you’re looking for breathtaking college campuses, you’ve come to the right place. From the rolling hills of the University of California, Berkeley, to the stunning foothills of the University of Colorado at Boulder, these campuses will take your breath away. In addition to their natural beauty, these campuses offer a wealth of academic and extracurricular opportunities for students.

So whether you’re looking for a place to study or a place to play, these campuses have it all. There are an endless amount of beautiful college campuses in the United States and it was difficult to narrow it down to just ten. The campuses that made this list include University of Virginia, Stanford University, Duke University, and more…

1. University of Virginia – Charlottesville, Virginia

There are few college campuses in the United States as picturesque as the University of Virginia. The school, founded by Thomas Jefferson, is set against the Blue Ridge Mountains and features pristine lawns, stately red-brick buildings and landscaped gardens. It’s no wonder that the university has been called “the most beautiful campus in America.”

In addition to its physical beauty, the University of Virginia is also renowned for its academic excellence. The school is consistently ranked among the top public universities in the country and is home to a number of prestigious programs, including the Darden School of Business and the School of Law. With its combination of stunning architecture, lush grounds and outstanding academics, it’s no

2. Stanford University – Stanford, California
Nestled in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, Stanford University is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It’s also one of the most beautiful, with its red-roofed buildings, palm-lined paths, and manicured gardens. The campus spans more than 8,000 acres, so there’s plenty of room to explore. And if you want to get away from it all, you can take a hike in nearby Stanford Hills Park.

3. Duke University – Durham, North Carolina
Duke University is located in the city of Durham in the state of North Carolina. The university is home to over 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students. The campus spans over 8,000 acres and includes several notable buildings and landmarks. Duke University is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the United States and is one of the most selective universities in the world. Duke University’s nickname is the “Blue Devils” and its official colors are blue and white. 

The university’s athletic teams compete in the NCAA Division I as members of the Atlantic Coast Conference. Duke University’s campus is often cited as one of the most beautiful in the United States

4. University of California, Berkeley – Berkeley, California
The University of California, Berkeley is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States. The school is set against the backdrop of the San Francisco Bay, and its architecture is a mix of traditional and modern styles. Berkeley is also known for its lush landscaping and extensive gardens.

5. Vanderbilt University – Nashville, Tennessee
Vanderbilt University is located in Nashville, Tennessee and is considered one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States. The university was founded in 1873 and has an enrollment of over 12,000 students. The campus is located on 330 acres of land and features Georgian-style architecture. Vanderbilt University is also home to a number of art museums and galleries, as well as a botanical garden.

6. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Michigan
If you’re looking for a stunning college campus, the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor should be at the top of your list. The school’s massive 10,000-acre campus is home to some of the most beautiful architecture in the country. The campus is also home to a variety of museums and art galleries, as well as a beautiful arboretum. In addition to its physical beauty, the University of Michigan is also one of the top academic institutions in the country.

7. Georgetown University – Washington
Georgetown University is one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States. The university is located in Washington, D.C., which is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Georgetown University has a beautiful campus with a lot of history. The university was founded in 1789 and is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit university in the United States. Georgetown University has a lot of beautiful buildings, including the Healy Hall, which is a National Historic Landmark. Georgetown University also has a lot of green space, including The Quadrangle, which is one of the most beautiful places on campus.

8. University of Colorado at Boulder
The University of Colorado at Boulder is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and offers students breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. The campus is also home to a variety of flora and fauna, making it a beautiful place to learn and explore.

9. University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley is home to some of the most beautiful architecture in the United States. The campus is also full of green space, with well-manicured gardens and lawns. Berkeley is truly a beautiful place to call home.

10. College of William and Mary
The College of William and Mary is located in Virginia and is one of the oldest colleges in the United States. The campus is beautiful with its brick buildings and green space. The college also has a scenic waterfront.

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What Is A PELL Grant?

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Financial Insurance

10 Best Cars for Seniors

The best cars for seniors are those that are safe and reliable. Seniors should look for cars with good safety ratings and plenty of features that can make driving easier. Some of the best cars for seniors include the Kia Soul, Subaru Outback, and Ford Escape.

These cars are all safe, reliable, and comfortable, and they offer features like automatic transmissions and plenty of room for passengers and cargo.

Featured Resources: Best Full Coverage Car Insurance

Why Seniors Need a Safe Car
As we age, our bodies change and we become more susceptible to injury. This is why seniors need a safe car that will protect them in the event of an accident. The 10 best cars for seniors are those that have a high safety rating and are equipped with features that make them easy to drive. Some of these features include:

  • -Automatic transmissions: These make it easy to shift gears without having to use a clutch.
  • -Power steering: This helps seniors keep control of the car, even if their muscles are not as strong as they used to be.
  • -Large windows: This gives seniors a better view of the road and helps them avoid obstacles.
  • -Ample legroom: This ensures that seniors can comfortably reach

1. Kia Soul

As we age, our bodies change and we may not be as strong or agile as we once were. This can make driving a challenge, especially if we are not in a car that is well-suited for our needs. Here are 10 of the best cars for seniors to keep them safe on the road.

The Kia Soul is a great option for seniors. It has a wide variety of safety features, including blind spot detection and rear cross-traffic alert. It is also equipped with a backup camera and has plenty of room for passengers and cargo.

The Honda CR-V is another good choice for seniors. It has many of the same safety features as the Kia Soul, plus it has a Honda Sens

2. Subaru Outback
The Subaru Outback is a great car for seniors to keep them safe on the road. With its all-wheel drive, the Outback can handle any type of terrain and weather conditions. The Outback also has a high ground clearance, making it easier for seniors to get in and out of the car. The Outback is a very reliable car and has a reputation for being one of the best cars on the road.

3. Ford Escape
The Ford Escape is a necessity for any senior citizen. It comes equipped with all of the features that are necessary for a senior to be safe on the road. It has a large trunk that can hold all of the groceries that a senior might need. It also has a spacious interior that makes it easy for a senior to get in and out of the car. The Ford Escape is also very affordable, which is important for seniors who are on a fixed income.

4. Honda CR-V
The Honda CR-V is a great car for seniors to keep them safe on the road. It has a wide variety of features that make it a great choice for seniors. It has a large number of airbags, a rearview camera, and a lane departure warning system. It also has a good reputation for reliability and safety.

5. Toyota RAV4
As people age, it is important to consider their safety when on the road. Here are the top 10 cars for seniors to keep them safe while driving.

The Toyota RAV4 is a great choice for seniors. It has a high safety rating and is equipped with features like adaptive cruise control and lane keeping assist that can help seniors stay safe on the road. It also has a large touchscreen display that is easy to use and a comfortable, spacious interior.

The Honda CR-V is another great option for seniors. It has many of the same safety features as the Toyota RAV4, but also has a power liftgate that can make it easier for seniors to get in and out of the car. 

6. Chevrolet Equinox
Assuming the reader is looking for the safest cars for seniors to drive, the Chevrolet Equinox would be a good choice. It has a five-star safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and is equipped with standard safety features like airbags and antilock brakes. It also has a rear-view camera and StabiliTrak, which can help prevent accidents. The Equinox is a good choice for seniors who want a safe, reliable car that is easy to drive.

7. Nissan Rogue
The Nissan Rogue is a great car for seniors who want to stay safe on the road. It has a variety of features that make it a safe and reliable car, such as a blind spot monitoring system, lane departure warning system, and a rear cross traffic alert system. It also has a comfortable and spacious interior that is perfect for seniors who want to be able to get in and out of the car easily.

8. Hyundai Tucson
Hyundai Tucson is a great car for seniors. It has a lot of features that make it safe for seniors to drive. It has a rear-view camera, blind spot detection, and lane keeping assist. It also has a lot of airbags. The Hyundai Tucson is a great car for seniors to keep them safe on the road.

9. Mazda CX-5
The Mazda CX-5 is a great car for seniors. It is safe, reliable, and has a good safety rating. It is also comfortable and easy to drive. The CX-5 is a great choice for seniors who want a safe and reliable car.

10. Jeep Cherokee
When it comes to finding a safe and reliable car for seniors, the Jeep Cherokee should be at the top of your list. With its four-wheel drive and high ground clearance, the Cherokee is able to handle any type of terrain and weather conditions. Additionally, its comfortable interior and easy-to-use features make it a great choice for seniors who want to stay safe on the road.

Career Career & Education

13 High Paying Jobs That Don’t Require A College Degree

The fact that a bachelor’s degree has substantial differences in salary potential across different industries is not evidence that it is essential. You can earn six figures in some careers without a degree.

Professionals always look for the best return on investment for their career and professional development. College degrees are a good indication of someone’s knowledge and abilities in a particular field. Nonetheless, this raises an important question: Is the return worth the time and money spent? 

Even with the growing costs of attending college, a college degree remains an important indicator and deciding factor in the hiring process. Many degreed individuals who are having difficulty finding jobs, or getting jobs in their field as initially expected, are underqualified or overqualified for the jobs they find. What is the best way to determine if a college degree is likely to be beneficial and worth the investment? 

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a definitive answer. By exploring other career paths that do not require a degree but do not have the same growth trajectory or employment potential as your chosen career, you can gain a very broad understanding of whether a college degree is necessary in order to pursue your chosen profession.

As you plan to earn an advanced degree, such as an advanced degree in a teaching area, or a PhD in a related field, then you are greatly increasing your chances of earning a high salary. In addition, you should know that not everyone needs to go to college. There are several other options, including vocational training. If you would like to know how to figure out if you should go to college, you might start taking some online classes, check out this article: “5 Best Places To Take Online Classes.”

If you are interested in any of the jobs on the following list, you may be able to earn a six-figure income, or at least close to it, without having to spend money or time on a college education.

A Note on the Use of Median Salaries

The career paths selected for this list all offer median annual salary of more than $60,000. In cases where the median is less than $60,000, bear in mind that these career paths offer opportunities for you to reach a six-figure salary without spending 4-6 years in college. You also may gain certain intangibles such as sales commissions, on-the-job experience, and the ability to rise to a position of leadership in your field that can all make a six-figure salary attainable.

Maybe college isn’t something you’ve been particularly interested in, or you feel that you need to get a job quickly in order to climb that ladder of opportunity. But considering you have pretty good grades, why not take some time to explore the possible careers and degree paths that can get you on a six-figure salary?

Otherwise, keep reading to find out how to break into a high-paying career, even if it doesn’t require a college degree (or if you’re already mid-career and are looking to boost your salary)!

1. Air Traffic Controller

The life of an air-traffic controller is no picnic. You are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, wherever you are. And there’s no easy shift rotation. Air-traffic controllers have to work nights, weekends, rotating shifts, and must absolutely maintain an absolute maximum of concentration. It’s a tough life, and it’s no wonder that hiring and advancement are pretty competitive.

At a 4% growth rate, it will add fewer than 1000 new jobs between now and 2030. In other words, this occupation is rarified air. But that’s a minor consideration. If you want to set your career in the right trajectory, working as an air traffic controller could give you a salary boost.

2. Police Officer

Being a police detective is a dream of many. Your training program and subsequent on-the-job training with other experienced detectives will provide you with most of the knowledge, credentials, and expertise you need to be successful in your job.

Although police officers and detectives made a median salary of $67,290 in 2020 according to the BLS, numerous career advancement pathways and a strong labor union made it possible for detectives and investigators in the 75 earnings percentile to earn a $111,900 salary in 2020. Longevity, leadership and specialization can all lead to six-figure earnings for veteran law enforcement officers.

3. Online Entrepreneur

Billionaires rarely started out by getting a bachelor’s degree. As a matter of fact, the American university system often stresses the importance of formal education—pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree—over knowledge gained from experience and practical learning.

4. Radiation Therapist

Using radiation to treat cancer is a very common practice, and Radiation Therapists play an important role in this process. Radiation Therapists earned a median salary of $81,100 in 2020 according to the BLS, but top earners may make a six-figure salary of $115,200. 800 or more.

5. Executive Chef

Chefs are in demand. Those who are willing to commit the hard work, long hours, and sometimes stressful work in a fast-paced environment have the chance to gain this experience and become a top-notch chef. While working at the entry level means that this will be your job for at least a couple of years, and that this could be your only path to success, starting in an entry level kitchen position could be your stepping stone to the top.

But not everyone in the restaurant industry achieves this status. Many learn valuable lessons along the way, whether it be the “hard knocks” lesson of kitchen life or simply that cooking isn’t for you—and that it’s okay to say that.

6. Independent Trade Contractor

The ability to earn a living from a specific trade skill whilst enjoying a work life-balance is within reach for many budding entrepreneurs. Whilst professional standards and the cost of education varies by vocation, many skilled trade position can be worked into a successful and profitable small business. The ability to earn a living from a specific trade skill and enjoy work life balance is within reach for many budding entrepreneurs.

Whilst professional standards and the cost of education varies by vocation, many skilled trade position can be worked into a successful and profitable small business.

The ability to earn a six-figure salary has more to do with a company’s ability to grow than just your own individual hustle. Possessing a specific portfolio of trade skills opens up a range of business and career opportunities, which is often much broader than may be immediately apparent. Your earning potential as a trade professional is influenced by the size of the local market where you provide service, your ability to either differentiate yourself or carve out a profitable niche in your field, and your own ambition and level of professionalism.

7. Freelance Writer

The aim of this post is to provide you with a list of tips on how to excel in the world of freelance content development. Take it from somebody who’s been there. However, you should understand that it takes a lot of work and the fostering of positive long-term relationships to earn six figures as a freelance writer. Only a fraction of freelance writers will make that kind of money. But, you can get there. Here’s how. Learn how to write a pitch. Email your pitch to the editor of the publication you’re targeting. Always ask to be paid for your writing. Know your strengths and play to them. Set concrete goals. Get involved in a community of freelance writers online. 

8. Nuclear Technician

The field of nuclear technicians is expected to contract by 12% between now and 2030 due, in part, to retiring and otherwise outgoing professionals. However, despite the impending shrinkage of the market, there will still be 700 new job openings created every year between now and then. That is good news for those who seek employment with nuclear technicians while the field is shrinking, as the available positions will only become more desirable and necessary as time advances.

9. Sales Executive

While it’s hard to predict exactly how much you’ll earn in sales until you start selling, here’s a quick look at what your earning potential could be:

  • Low-Level Sales Representatives bring in around $50,000 a year.
  • Insurance Sales Agents typically earn between $70,000 and $80,000 a year.
  • Luxury Car Sales Agents claim median salaries of around $51,280.
  • Sales Engineers bring in nearly $78,550 a year.
  • Business Development Managers (average salaries reported by Pay Scale) earn over $99,400 a year on average.
  • Sales Managers earn a median salary of $112,860, but you can exceed that with commissions if you’re really on top of your game.
  • Senior Managers who sell can command a salary of around $158,070.
  • Sales Directors can earn salaries of around $130,000, and Boards of Directors can pull in as much as $177,500 a year.
  • Executives can command salaries upwards of $250,000.

Now, of course, these are just median salary examples… but you get the idea. The best sales professionals can earn well into the six figures thanks to sales commissions.

10. Real Estate Investor

Much like sales, real estate is a field in which a combination of personal drive, determination, and charisma can separate you from the field. As with sales, you can begin working in the real estate brokerage field with just a high school diploma or GED. The primary qualification for beginning work in this field is a real estate license, which you can earn by completing a brief certification course and passing the licensing exam administered by your state. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for Real Estate Brokers was $60,370 in 2020. But once again, as with sales in general, this median salary tells only part of the story when it comes to potential earnings.

Your ability to hustle, to truly understand and pursue the needs of your clients, and the economic opportunity within the region you serve can all lead to earnings that far exceed this median range. The real estate market is particularly sensitive to ebbs and flows in the overall health of the American economy. This can lead to fluctuations in earnings, and one should be prepared for this possibility. However, real estate is also an excellent option for those with an interest in taking on a side hustle. Many real estate brokers are self-employed or freelance, which means you could have the freedom to set your own appointments around a day job. As a supplementary income on top of your 9-to-5, real estate could easily push you into six-figure territory.

11. Health Educator

For those who love to teach and are skilled in the area of health, a career as a health educator can be very financially rewarding. Health educators teach others about health and may be employed by hospitals, health care facilities, pharmaceutical companies, the Centers for Disease Control, or insurance companies. This career, which is closely related to the field of medicine, typically includes teaching others about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of disease. A health educator is paid an annual salary that is typically in the range of $45,000 to $75,000.

12. Dental Assistant

A dental assistant is a person who works in the dental office, assisting the dentist and hygienist. Dental assistants perform a variety of tasks, from answering the phone and greeting patients, to sterilizing equipment and preparing materials for procedures. A dental assistant’s salary depends on the region of the country in which he or she works and the type of employer. Generally speaking, however, dental assistants are paid an hourly rate that ranges from $9 to $17 per hour.

13. Computer Programmer

A computer programmer is a person who designs, writes, and maintains the computer programs used to run many systems. Computer programmers create software applications, such as database management systems, word processors, and games. A computer programmer’s salary depends on education level and experience. The average computer programmer earns an annual salary in the range of $40,000 to $80,000.

Financial Insurance

Best Car Insurance for Classic Cars & Restorations

Classic car insurance is less common than regular car insurance. There are a lot of companies that offer coverage for your daily driver, but there are more companies specializing in classic cars. Don’t worry, our experts have compiled a list of the best classic car insurers according to their services, coverage, and benefits. To determine which classic car insurance coverage is offered, check each provider’s specifics.

Best overall Classic Car Insurance: American Modern

Basic auto insurance normally only covers collision and comprehensive damage. When you have your car stolen or totaled, you will only receive its market value instead of what you paid for it. American Modern’s auto insurance is much more comprehensive. Theft and damage to spare parts are also covered along with the market value of your car. There is a $2,000 coverage amount, which is four times more than the average $500 provided by most insurance companies.

Most accidents and damages to your classic car are not covered if you don’t have a policy specifically for antiques or classic cars. American Modern partners with some institutions and organizations that collect classic cars, such as museums and car clubs, to offer flexible mileage plans to fit their specific needs.

American Modern underwrites policies for Geico, so you may also be eligible for a bundling discount if you have another unrelated insurance policy.

Best for Restoration Cars: Hagerty

We explored three companies offering coverage for restoration projects at any stage of completion. Hagerty is the company you’re looking for, because they provide 750-dollar spare parts coverage is higher than average, and there is no mileage limit. Because Progressive classic car insurance is underwritten by Hagerty, you could receive a discount for bundling.

Hagerty is more than just the leading provider of classic car insurance. Carcierge, a 24/7 roadside assistance and concierge service, can help you with everything from replacement parts to finding local repair services.

Hagerty is a company that’s built a reputation for providing classic car insurance for a wide range of cars. It could be anything from that classic Thunderbird convertible you inherited from your grandfather to that precious 1963 Pontiac GTO your parents scrimped and saved for. Hagerty covers almost any type of classic car, motorcycle, tractor, military vehicle, and even antique boat.

Best for Daily Drivers: Safeco

With Safeco’s regular use insurance, you can drive up to 10,000 miles per year. If you drive your car frequently, go on a lot of road trips, or drive long distances, this might be a good option. If you have further questions about driving your vehicle, contact your insurance provider.

There are a few restrictions with Safeco Classic Car insurance. Vehicles insured by Safeco must be at least 10 years old, limited production modern classics less than 10 years old, and antique cars at least 25 years old. Neither Safeco nor its policies cover kit cars, racing cars, or cars that haven’t been restored.

FAQs about Classic Cars

How old does a car have to be to be considered a classic?

In order to register and insure your Classic Car as a Classic, it must be at least 20 years old, but not more than 40 years old. If you are going to register it and insure it as a Classic, it should be kept in its original design and specification.

How many miles can you drive on Classic Car Insurance policies?

Although there are many different insurance companies and each caters to different demographics, you generally will have more mileage limitations when you purchase a classic car insurance as opposed to a regular auto insurance policy. An annual mileage limit of between 5,000 and 10,000 miles per year is standard for classic car coverage.

Is Classic Car Insurance cheaper than regular insurance?

Classic car insurance is usually much cheaper than regular car insurance. According to TheZebra, a classic car policy costs around $200 to $600 annually. If you own an abnormally expensive vehicle, your rates may be higher.

Financial Insurance

Can I Register My Car In Another State?

It is important to register your car in the correct state, as well as insurance policies vary by company and state. When you’re doing it for the first time, car registration and insurance may seem confusing and overwhelming. If you want to protect you and your car, you should be aware of all rules and regulations beforehand.

Those looking for information about registering and insuring their vehicles will find this article helpful. 

It can be confusing and tricky to locate a DMV near you and understand the registration requirements. This article will help guide you through it so everything is as painless and easy as possible.

Can I register my car in a state where I don’t live, i.e., another state?

Your car must be registered in the state where you live to comply with your state’s registration requirements and your insurance company’s coverage requirements.

It is important to obtain a new license plate and title once it has been registered in another state.

The address where the vehicle will be stored must be listed when you register for a car insurance policy. When registering their driver’s license and their auto insurance policy, most people use the address of their primary residence. If you do not know which address to put on your insurance policy always ask your insurance agent. 

Special circumstances for registered cars

I have a few ways to answer your question. You just need to make sure you get a clear, accurate report that’s free of conflicting information.

It’s important to remember that college students don’t live on campus all four years. Somewhere in there, many people are moving to another state and going home for the holidays. When they’re not at school, even those who live in another state usually spend holidays and summer at home.

So it’s possible their permanent residence may differ than their college address. 

Active Duty Military & College Students May Be Exceptions

Active duty military personnel. Military personnel on temporary assignments usually retain their home state registration. 

Check out our featured article on Best Car Insurance for Military

You only need to register your vehicle where you actually live and drive most often if you split your time between two states. If you are not aware of your status, you may want to double check your information on the DMV website to make sure it is accurate.

The registration and insurance requirements for vehicles vary significantly from state to state. In addition, auto insurance coverage and registration rules can vary from policy to policy or based on the state in which you register or file a claim. If you change addresses, make sure you are properly registered and insured with your state and auto insurer.

You can register a car in one state and insure it in another. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to figure out which states allow this and which don’t.

Due to varying insurance laws from state to state, you must purchase auto insurance in the state where your vehicle is registered. 

The address on your vehicle registration should also match the address on your insurance policy most of the time. 

Your primary address has a significant impact on the risk assessment of your insurance. For your policy to be valid, this address must be accurate.

In the case of college students and active-duty service members, your insurance’s garaging address may be different from the permanent address on your registration.

Check out our article on best car insurance for young drivers.

If you qualify for one of these exceptions, you must still register your car in the same state where you insure it.

Register Your Car in the State You Live

The most efficient way to register a car is to visit the state’s DMV as soon as possible. On most drivers’ licenses, registrations, and auto insurance there is a consistent address.

Students in college, active-duty military, and people living in two states may need to list a different address on their insurance than on their registration. Nevertheless, you’ll still need to register and insure your car in the state where you’re a permanent resident.