Career Career & Education

In A Career Rut? 4 Tips To Help Stay Motivated

Have you been feeling like you’re just following the same recipe day after day with your career? Read here for more tips to stay motivated.

Finding a fair and satisfying work-life balance has become far more difficult in recent months. As the pandemic drags on and we are largely working from home, more people are feeling stuck in their career. Sure commute times are zero, but it can still leaving you feeling like you’re just following the same recipe day after day. Like millions of Americans you might need a little help to keep things fresh.

1.   Never Stop Investing In Yourself

This is number one for a reason. If the things you learn and the skills you develop will increase your value no matter what you do, and you keep them no matter your employer, then it seems like a no brainer. Learning a new skill set can open up significant opportunities without even leaving your current organization.

In addition to building marketable value in desired skills, you may find that a bit of professional or personal development adds a spark of motivation where maybe before was only monotony. Always research new trends, tools, and techniques. Never be afraid to invest your own time and money in your development.

2.   Always Be On The Lookout For Bigger & Better

One of the ways that you can tell it might be time for a career change, is if that motivation just won’t come back and there are no more opportunities for advancement where you’re at. Because, sometimes in long-time positions, you can end up only doing one thing by default, and are overlooked for other positions and opportunities.

Take an objective look at your career, and decide if it really fits with your vision of where you want to be in 5 years, 3 years, or even twelve months from now. If you question it, then it’s time to market yourself and move on.

3.   Increase Focus On Non-Work Activities

It is possible, and incredibly likely in our highly-competitive economy, to become too focused on your career. While what you do is a part of who you are, make sure you retain a part of yourself that is not related to your work.

Make sure you are investing in other parts of your life. So take some time to start a new hobby or activity, many websites and apps provide ways to learn different skills and talents, even other languages, directly from experts in those skills. Taking time away can help you to remain committed to the long game, and can increase motivation when you start to feel like you could be burning out.

4.   Keep The Big Picture In Mind

Don’t forget that this all revolves around your passion, which is the key to retaining motivation. If you get into a rut, then keeping your focus on that passion can be challenging. Keep your career choice vision clearly in mind, don’t be afraid to pivot if you need to.

It’s important to remember that your job isn’t your career, it is just a part of it. Your career will be filled with various jobs and roles that are all ultimately aligned with that choice.