Financial Tax Services

Which Tax Software is Best for You?

There are different tax software available and the best option for you will depend on your situation and what taxes you file.

Tax season is upon us and for many people, that means stress and worry about filing their taxes correctly. You want to be sure to file your taxes correctly while still getting all of the deductions and refunds that you qualify for. Using tax software can help you achieve that goal.

Tax software leads you through the entire tax process by asking questions to know what forms you should file. They will also tell you what information you need and where to find it on your tax forms. They also make it easy to file electronically so that you can get your refund quickly.

There are different tax software available and each kind of tax software is best for certain people and situations. Which one you want to use will depend on your situation and what taxes you file.  


TurboTax is one of the leading tax filing software companies. Their software asks you questions about how you’re filing taxes this year, how you made money, and what your year looked like financially to get you to the right places to file correctly and get the right deductions. They also account for federal and state taxes in the same filing. 

This software is easy to use whether you’re an individual or business filing taxes. It will automatically include home purchases, dependents, and other deductions so you don’t have to worry about including them. By answering the questions it asks you, you can be ready to file electronically and know that they will be filed correctly. 

H&R Block

If you want free software to file your taxes, H&R Block can help with that. They provide ease of filing without having to pay for anything. It covers federal and state taxes for many filing options without any additional charges. 

Many individuals do not have complex tax forms, they have a W-2 form and some deductions. In these situations, having a free option for filing taxes is the best option. When your taxes are easy to file, they should come with a corresponding price tag.   

Tax Slayer

As more people become reliant on the gig economy or self-employment for either a portion or for their entire paycheck, having tax software that understands that can help ensure that your taxes are filed correctly. These kinds of jobs have different tax forms and deductions that you want to account for.

Tax Slayer is affordable and will help you account for all of the ways you made money and the different deductions that you qualify for. They provide options for state and federal taxes so you can be assured that all of your tax needs are met.     


Filing taxes requires different needs depending on how you’re filing taxes. Some taxes are easier to file than others. There are several kinds of tax software available so you can find the right one for your situation. Filing taxes with the help of tax software makes filing taxes easy, no matter how you made money.