Financial Savings

20 Ways to Take Control of Your Finances

Many people struggle with their personal finances and money. Luckily there are many tips and tricks to help you get more in control of your finances.

Many people struggle with their personal finances and money. Luckily there are many tips and tricks to help you get more in control of your finances. 

Evaluate How Much Money You Have

Before making changes to your finances, you need to evaluate exactly how much money and debt you have. This will give you a baseline of what to expect with your finances, where you need to improve, and where you can go with your finances.  

Track Purchases

When starting to evaluate your finances, you want to see where your money is going. When you do this you’ll be able to make changes about what you spend your money on. This is also something to continue doing once you have set a budget.  

Set a Budget

Once you have evaluated your current finances and seen where your money is going, you can set a budget. There’s a lot of software and apps you can use to set and track your budget. Having a weekly or monthly plan laid out will help you stick with your plan.

Review the Budget

Every budget will need to be reviewed, you can set this either weekly or monthly. Your financial needs may change and having a review can help you set those changes.

Make Financial Goals

Having a financial goal can give you something to work towards with your budget. It will be easier to stick to a budget when you’re saving for a house or business. 

Automatic Money Transfers

Having your money transfer automatically every paycheck will help you know how much money you have. It will also be harder to miss that money if it was never in your account to start.

Talk to Others

Talking with people that you admire money-wise will help you find ways to save and spend money you may not have known about previously.

Test Saving Methods

Some budgeting ideas will work better than others. Trying new ways will help ensure that you’re using a financial plan that works best for your situation.

Save Money

Saving money every month is the best way to know that you have enough money. This saved money can be towards a specific goal or a general savings fund. 

Minimize Debt

Debt can break many people’s budgets. Don’t let that happen to you by minimizing how much debt you get into. 

Make a Plan to Get Out of Debt

When you’re in debt, make a plan to get out of debt quickly. The more debt you have, the more interest you will have to pay.

Have an Emergency Fund

Don’t let a financial setback take you too far back. With an emergency fund, you can be prepared for many financial mishaps. 


Investing money can be a great way to build more financial equity. It can be used for retirement or other long-term goals.

Earn More Money

While saying “just make more money” is often easier said than done, you can get a side job or start a small business that can help you make more money.

Live Within Means

Many people can fall into the trap of trying to keep up with the neighbors. Staying within your financial means will help you stay out of debt and on track with your financial goals.

Shop Smarter

Shop with coupons or with deals to get the most of your purchases.

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit will ensure that your money gets in the back as quickly as possible so you don’t have to worry about it.


AutoPay ensures that you don’t fall behind on bills and incur late payment fees.

Read About Finances

Reading about finances will help you develop new financial and money-saving strategies.

Hire a Financial Planner

A professional financial planner can help you develop financial goals and ways to meet those goals.