Financial Real Estate

Selling Your Home? Here’s a Moving Timeline

Normally, the process of selling your home is not done quickly. Read here to get a better understanding of the moving timeline for selling your home!

Selling your home can be a very stressful time. From worrying that you’ll make enough money on the sale to concern about having to move in the midst of everything else that you have to deal with when selling your home. Generally speaking, the process of selling your home is not done quickly. Most people plan for months before even listing, and then from there you never know how long it could take.

Right Now

Whether you think you’ll be ready to move in 3 months or 6 months, you should have a list date planned, as it makes it easier to plan ahead and get your home ready to show potential buyers. Not only this, but it also simplifies the moving process when you finalize your plans on where you will be living next.

Two Months Prior to Listing Your Home

The market can fluctuate greatly, so it is a smart move to wait to decide on your list price until closer to when you will place your home on the market. Browse the local market; the comparable homes will help you set a price that isn’t so low you lose out on money but not so high that people are not interested.

Six Weeks Prior to Listing Your Home

If you do not already have a real estate agent in mind, this is the time to start getting recommendations from friends and family so you can interview a few candidates. You may get lucky and find someone great right away, but it could take you a few weeks to pick.

You should also get your home ready. A fresh coat of paint inside and outside and a few simple upgrades can make a big difference.

One Month Prior to Listing Your Home

This is a great time to start moving out. Renting a storage unit and eliminating unnecessary clutter, seasonal items, and things you have been storing in your home allows potential buyers to really see the home, helping them visualize their belongings and families in the space.

Two Weeks Prior to Listing Your Home

Contact the company that is handling your mortgage and get the payout information. You will need to know exactly how much you owe so you can price your home right. Also, you want to get any liens on your property taken care of.

If you have decided to use a real estate agent, this would be a great time to discuss staging so your home is ready to be listed.

One Week Prior to Listing

It’s almost time! This is the time where you or your agent will take pictures inside and outside of your home. First impressions matter and these photos will likely be the first thing potential buyers see about your house.

Listing Day and Beyond

Now that your home is on the market, your agent could call you anytime saying someone wants to view the house. It is best to keep your home as clean as possible so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute to get things ready to view.