Legal Social Security Disability

A Look into the SSDI Application Process

The application and approval process for SSDI, can look fairly simple, but in reality, getting approval can be difficult without proper preparation.

The application and approval process for Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, can look straightforward and fairly simple. However, in reality, getting approval can be quite difficult without proper preparation.

Be Sure You Qualify

The very first step in the SSDI application process is to make sure you qualify and are eligible to collect the benefits you are seeking. The Social Security Administration looks at and considers several criteria when deciding on an application.

Are You Capable Of Substantial Gainful Activity

These criteria simply determine whether you can work and earn an income for yourself. The amount in the SSA guidelines changes yearly along with inflation. However, in 2021 if you make or are able to make more than about $1,300 each month, then you are considered to be capable of gainful activity.

Is The Disability Projected To Last 12 Months Or Longer

You will only be able to successfully claim SSDI if you show that your disability will last longer than 12 months. If it will be less than 12 months, you will not be able to qualify.

Is Your Disability Listed In The Blue Book

The Social Security Administration uses a set of guidelines referred to as “The Blue Book”. It lists the specific conditions, impairments, and disabilities that would qualify someone to receive SSDI. There are exceptions to having specifically named conditions. If you do not see yours in the list you may still be able to qualify.

The SSDI Application Process

Once you are sure you meet the requirements, and that your disability is severe enough, you will need to fill out the application and provide your documentation.

Work History & Medical Documents

You will need to provide your evidence proving your attempts to work, your medical diagnosis and history, and your personal history. You will also need to release your records to the Social Security Administration for a full review. Your disability should show a clear impact on your ability to work. The application will then be signed, and either mailed or dropped off at a local office.

The Initial Review

This is where your SSDI application is checked for completeness and to ensure you meet the requirements for benefits. At this stage, you will often be assigned to a claims examiner, who will review your medical evidence.

Medical Exam Or Request For Additional Information

If you were not approved initially, but not denied, you may be given another opportunity. You must submit more evidence and documentation to bolster your claim. You may also be asked to have an examination by a consultative medical professional working with the SSA. Often this stage can take up to 5 months to complete. It also may require multiple interviews and requests for info. If denied, you will be able to appeal a limited number of times. However, each one will add a significant amount of time to the claim.