Dating Health & Home

11 Date Nights to Try This Weekend at Home

Can’t go out for dates anymore due to social distancing? No problem. We’ve got you covered with eleven fabulous ideas for a date night at home this weekend.

Can’t go out for dates anymore because of social distancing? No problem. We’ve got you covered with eleven fabulous ideas for a date night at home this weekend.

1.    Chocolate Party

Wine and cheese are not always fun. It can get boring after some time. A chocolate tasting event, especially for two, is a lot more fun and romantic now. Look for ideas and printables online for this one.

2.    Bake Off Challenge

Trust us; a bake-off challenge is super fun and romantic. Turn your kitchen into a battlefield of cupcakes and delight each other with your baked treats.

3.    Wine Tasting

If you’ve already tried chocolate tasting, then perhaps a wine tasting would be a great idea for this weekend. Buy some fancy bottles be your partner’s sommelier for the evening.

4.    Arabian Date Night

Give your home an Arabian night romantic makeover. There are some great DIY ideas for this one, and you can turn your living room into an exotic dating place for you two.

5.    Play a Game

A game of “would you rather’ can be a lot of fun. You may get to know a lot more about your partner this way, things you never had the opportunity to explore before.

6.    Set a Romantic Spread for two

Yes, turn chef for your partner this weekend. Try to whip up your best recipes and set a romantic candlelight table for two. Put some music on slow, wear a sexy outfit, and charm the socks off your lover.

7.    Karaoke Date

Bring karaoke at home. Sing your heart out with him/her, even if you are both awful at it. If nothing else, you’ll be howling with laughter for sure.

8.    Backyard Theatre Date

Transform your backyard into a romantic, open-air theatre for two. Bring in a screen and put his/her favorite movie on. Keep loads of popcorns, nachos, and other treats on hand.

9.    Virtual Yoga Class

A date where you and your partner get to invigorate your minds and bodies together is a great idea. Try a yoga class for some low-key exercise experience for the two. It will surely be a memorable experience.

10. Spa Date at Home

Lock yourselves in the house, switch off your phones for a few hours and make sure there is no interruption. Then get out the face masks, moisturizers, and whatever beauty products you’ve gathered for the spa.

Slice some cucumbers for your tired eyes and don your sexy robes, it’s time for some rest and relaxation! Also, do not forget the romantic massages and soft music for your partner.

11. Gourmet Meal

Get your recipe books out or search for an exotic recipe or online. It can be anything that catches your fancy. Then roll your sleeves up, top up your wine glasses and cook together. Whether or not you manage to prepare a restaurant-quality meal, you both will certainly savor the fun together in the kitchen.