Children Credit Family Financial Tax Services

Is Child Credit Still Relief Bill’s Best-Kept Secret?

This post-lockdown world is changing a lot of things for a lot of people. Even though there are millions of Americans that may be eligible for the debut of the Child Credit, there are some indications that they may not even know they should be getting this money.

A Financial Lifeline?

There will be monthly payments of up to $300 per eligible child as part of a completely overhauled 2021 tax benefit that proponents are touting as a “financial lifeline” for millions of eligible families. Some other estimates suggest that this benefit may be able to slash child poverty by nearly 50%.

But the problem is the families who need this money the most don’t seem to know about it. Many of them are non-filers with the IRS. This means in order to get their money, they will need to sign up separately at a website. Thankfully, the website is said to be up and running and operating smoothly. Indications at local events, however, show that a huge portion of the families that need this money, don’t know they are owed these payments.

The Campaign for Working Families, which is a non-profit tax preparation service for low-income families and others who qualify, says that they have signed up far fewer people for the credit than they initially anticipated. They are hearing from those affected, that even if a particular family is eligible for and due the child credit, the information surrounding how to sign up or provide information has proven confusing at points.

The Official Word From The IRS

The IRS says that for most people, the payments will happen automatically and no action will be needed. There have been some official IRS evens in cities like Philadelphia that have higher rates of non-filers than many other areas. These non-filers will not usually have much information on file with the IRS since they are not required to file yearly returns, due to low income or other circumstances, which means the IRS has no way of getting those families their money. This can be solved in most cases by simply visiting the IRS site.

IRS Web Tools & Opting Out

The IRS is offering some web tools to manage payment status as well as provide other functionality. There is a portal for those who may be receiving the payments but do not want to accept them currently. Maybe, if they expect their situation to change before the next tax filing season.

There is a series of deadlines for opting out, for those who do not wish to receive the payments. The next deadline is the 2nd of August to opt-out for the payment due on the 13th of August. The IRS site will provide a means to determine if you are eligible for the payments in the first place. This site will also let users verify that they have been enrolled, as well as update their banking information.

Bankruptcy Business Career & Education Legal

How Can Bankruptcy Help My Business?

Sometimes running a business means making some tough choices. One of those potentially incredibly difficult choices is whether or not to file for bankruptcy protection. It can feel daunting, but you need to remember the laws surrounding bankruptcy. They were created specifically to protect entrepreneurs, businesses, and those who operate businesses.

Just because you are filing bankruptcy doesn’t mean that your business is going to be confiscated, liquidated, and eliminated. There are some types of filings that will offer protection to the business. This will allow them to continue their operations while solving some of their seemingly insurmountable debt problems.

This is the case with many larger companies that comprise significant portions of industries, like airlines and large banks. Businesses like this, and many others, will often use a bankruptcy filing as a strategic maneuver. These business use it to reduce or eliminate debt, while legitimately restructuring their business. This can result in a more efficient business operation overall. This will lead to an increase in profitability even without new revenue streams.

The Types Of Bankruptcy Filings

There are three main types of bankruptcy that may be applicable to your business. They are chapter 7, chapter 11, and chapter 13. Make sure that before you make any decisions, you speak with the legal counsel for your business.

If you do not have legal counsel, it may be worth it to pay for an evaluation or a la carte bankruptcy preparation from a local bankruptcy lawyer. Let’s take a look at each type of filing, and what it might entail for your business.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 bankruptcy consists of having a court-appointed agent, called a trustee. They will sell your assets and use the proceeds to pay your creditors. By filing for chapter 7, the structure of your business will determine if you will be able to keep it operational. Sole proprietorships may benefit the most here, while legally separate entities like LLCs or corporations may want to file on behalf of the business.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 is where your business will be allowed to keep its assets while setting up and maintaining a repayment plan with all of the creditors. These can be notoriously complex, but filing for chapter 11 is the only way to let corporations, LLCs, and even partnerships reorganize and continue their business operations. Filing Chapter 11 may also let sole proprietors restructure and continue operations, but do not meet the debt limits for Chapter 13.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 filings are only available to businesses that are owned and operated by sole proprietors. With this filing, the business gets to keep all of its assets and is assigned a repayment plan with its creditors. There are some stringent debt limits that apply for those seeking Chapter 13 protection. However, using Chapter 13 as part of your business bankruptcy strategy can let sole proprietors include business debt as well as personal debt. This makes it a great option.

Career Career & Education

6 Ways To Get More Freelance Work

Whether you’re a freelance writer, photographer, or teacher, freelancing can become demotivating when you fail to manage a schedule and prepare a strategy. Freelancing jobs have become more popular than before in today’s age, and it is one of the best ways to put your talents to use. If you’re trying to start freelancing or engage with more clients, you’re in the right place. Freelancing may sound easy, but it’s not. This article will guide you on how you can gain more freelance work.

1. Take referrals from your current clients

If you’ve already started freelancing and have been able to secure at least two clients, you must ask them to refer you to more people. They can get you in touch with other clients from different industries, depending on the work you’re providing.

2. Increase your network

One of the best ways to broaden your network is by making contacts, and the best way to do that is with the help of social media. You’ll find plenty of freelancing groups on Facebook, as well as other networking platforms. Here, you can find many potential clients seeking the services you provide. Of course, this will involve getting out of your comfort zone, and having to talk to random people online. But, it’s worth it in the end as you’ll definitely get more freelance work.

3. Market your work services

Whether you’ve started a small business or are freelancing as a writer, one of the best ways to get more clients is by advertising your work. You can create a post that lists all your services and price range, and post it on all social media platforms. Ask your friends and family members to share and engage with your posts so your chances of getting clients are higher. You can also create a website to lure in potential clients.

4. Be straightforward in what services you’re providing

You must give a detailed explanation about the services you provide, whether it’s in person or on your website. You can start off with your experience in the freelancing industry, and the types of clients you’ve worked with before. Be as detailed as possible, and you can include details that provide more insight as to your freelance work.

5. Engage in competitive pricing

It seems realistic to set prices low once you begin with freelancing work, but remember that price can play an important role when clients choose you. If the price is set too low, your clients may think your services aren’t up to par. Set the bar high by keeping your prices moderately high. Make sure to take a look at your competitors’ pricing and how they change it based on projects and client requirements.

6. Make clear contracts

Remember to provide contracts with clear details as communication is essential for making a good impression. In the long run, it’s beneficial to help you get more freelancing work. Make sure your needs are addressed the same way you’ve addressed the services you will provide. It helps clients understand the agreement they’re getting into.

Freelance Work Conclusion

Hopefully, with the help of this article, you can now apply all these tips to get more freelance work. Remember to take referrals, prepare a marketing plan, build a network, set great prices, and write comprehensive contracts.

Beauty Health & Home Wellness

A Dermatologist Changed My Skincare Routine

If you want to take care of your skin, then you’re in the right place. It’s probably time where you might need to tweak your skincare routine. Dermatologists are the best professionals to go to when you want a good change in your skincare routine. Mentioned below are a few ways how a dermatologist can help makeover your skincare routine.

1. Switched to More Multitasking Products

According to many dermatologists, instead of forcing different ingredients in your skincare routine, simplify the process for yourself. You can do this by switching to products that have more than one function. This saves you a lot of time and reduces the amount of product you exposed to your skin. You could opt for a product that acts as a sunscreen, moisturizer, and primer. You will find many products like these, just make sure to look in the right places, and choose from renowned brands.

2. Go For Products with Glow Booster Properties

Summers are usually the time where people often struggle with hyperpigmentation and their skin dulling. This calls for products that allow your skin to glow more. So look for ingredients such as Retinol as this is a great component for a skin cell turnover and leads to good texture and clean pores. Doing this will definitely help you achieve that perfect no-makeup makeup summer look.

3. Opt For Lighter Moisturizers

Moisturizers are the go-to skincare product, and they’re truly irresistible. However, according to many skin care specialists applying heavy moisturizers in the summer isn’t the best choice for your skin. Instead, switch to moisturizers that have lighter formulas as they won’t clog the pores in your skin. They will leave you with light-weight, silky skin. This doesn’t mean you should skip using moisturizer, as it is one of the most important elements of your skincare routine. You can get back to the heavier formulas in the winters.

4. Apply SPF More Than Once

SPF is another important element of your skincare routine, especially in the summer. Applying it once on your skin is not enough. If you plan on spending most of your summer outdoors, you must reapply sunscreen every two hours at least. The best thing to do is keep a small travel-size sunscreen in your bag or car as this way, you won’t forget to apply it and keep your skin from burning.

Final Thoughts

Once you make these changes and additions to your skincare routine, you will notice some amazing results and will never want to go back.

Financial Real Estate

Can I Break A Lease And Leave Early?

When you rent an apartment and sign a lease, staying there for the duration of the agreement seems like it will be doable. However, sometimes things come up. Whether you got a job offer in another location, have a family crisis, or any other reason, there are many situations where you would need to break a lease. The good news is, usually breaking a lease is possible.

While there are reasonable circumstances in which a lease would end early, you will likely still face some form of penalties for ending the contract early. Let’s take a look and see what your options are.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when planning to end your lease is that you signed a contract. That means it is legally binding. So, depending on the terms, your landlord may be able to take legal action against you for breaching that contract.

As a consenting adult, you agreed to meet the terms of the lease, but unexpected things do come up. Because of how unexpected life can be, leases are broken more often than you’d think. Even though leases are broken frequently, the tenant will still have legal obligations before they are completely free.

Reasons to Break a Lease

Moving onto the next chapter in your life is an exciting time, often with a few challenges involved along the way. One thing that can prove difficult is getting out of your lease early. Some reasons you may want to move to include:

  • Dealing with a crisis within the family
  • Relocating for school or work
  • Studying abroad
  • Moving in with a partner
  • Purchasing a home

Unfortunately, even the best personal reasons aren’t a valid reason to break your lease without penalty. Many landlords include a clause in the leases that outline the procedure of breaking the lease. They also include what consequences the tenant will face, if any.

How to Break Your Lease

Ending your lease early can be a difficult process in some places, but the first step should always be reading your lease to find out any details regarding breaking the lease. Some landlords include information about termination fees and appropriate notice. You should also read up on rental laws in your state or county.

If your lease doesn’t have any information about breaking the lease early, you’ll need to speak with your landlord or property management company. You may be nervous about approaching your landlord regarding breaking your lease, but it’s important to do this right away so you know exactly what your responsibilities are and so you can handle things the right way.

Consequences of Moving Early

Due to unanticipated developments, you may find yourself needing to get out of your lease sooner than planned. Moving early can come with consequences, such as continuing to pay the rent until the spot is filled or a fee, but ending your lease on good terms is always worth it.

Legal Personal Injury

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

The cost for hiring a lawyer after a car accident can vary based on the accident and the injuries you received. However, unlike other attorneys, they do not usually charge hourly. You will probably pay some fees and not be liable for the attorney fees if your lawyer does not win your case.

Lawyer Contingency Percentage

This will be the main part of what you will pay a personal injury lawyer after being in a car accident. It is usually about 25-40% of the money you receive in compensation. Most will charge you one-third, so be prepared to not take home the whole amount of the money you recover.

Make sure you review the contingency fee with the lawyer and ensure you understand the rules behind it before you sign anything.  Always ask them to explain it to you if you don’t understand it.

Contingency fees will vary based on the lawyer and your personal injury case. You will usually pay a higher fee if you have to have a trial by jury. If the settlement is met quickly, you will probably owe less of a contingency fee.

Contingency fees can also be negotiable, so always discuss with your lawyer what they expect and what you think is fair.

Other Fees and Expenses

Most personal injury lawyers do not charge upfront litigation expenses or court fees. They will usually pay the costs for medical records, police reports, court reporter fees, and expert witness fees. If they win your case, you will have to reimburse them for all these costs.

Some personal injury lawyers though will make you pay these fees as they become due. They will usually send you a statement weekly or monthly to say the money they’ve spent and expect you to pay them the money when you receive the statement. These fees will need to be paid before they will advance with your case.

If you are using a large firm, they are more likely to pay these fees for you upfront. Smaller firms or family firms will need the money sooner because they won’t have enough to upfront the costs.

All the fees will automatically be taken out of your settlement amount, so always keep a record of all fees so you can double-check to make sure they’re correct.

Other Fees

Some lawyers will not have a pure contingency fee even though this is the most common way for personal injury attorneys to charge their fees. You might have an attorney that charges a retainer fee instead. They will then end with a contingency fee based on your settlement and how much item they put into the case.

Overall, there will not just be a flat fee for getting a personal injury lawyer. It will depend on the records and paperwork they need for the case. It will also depend on your settlement number and if the case will go to trial. Make sure to review all fees and percentages with your lawyer.

Career Career & Education Health & Home Wellness

Why Time Off Is Good for Your Health

A workaholic usually sees “taking time off” as something they can do later. But they don’t realize how necessary it is for their growth and mental health. Research shows there are many people who have succumbed to illness by overworking. According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), 745,000 people pass away from ischemic heart disease caused by overworking every year.

Taking time off doesn’t necessarily mean having to go on vacation. Rather, it can mean paying attention to yourself and giving yourself a break from work. There are many reasons you’ll want to take some time off, so read further below to learn how it can benefit your health in a good way.

1.    Helps Refresh You into a More Productive Person

Taking small breaks at work is always refreshing and necessary. Now imagine taking a whole month or a few weeks off from work. You’ll definitely feel refreshed and energetic once you return. Your productivity levels will increase, and you’ll pay attention to work with a cool, calm, and motivated mindset.

2.    Gives You Time to Work on Your Relationships

It’s not easy to maintain relationships or meet friends regularly when you have a tight work schedule. But, it is important to meet your friends weekly or have a cute family night every Friday. Meeting with friends helps you realize that your loved ones are always there for you and vice versa. Taking some time off will help you make up for all the missed nights out and dinner dates.

You can also go for a small road trip for a week. You’ll see the therapeutic effect a small road trip can have on your mental health. During a tough career life, you need to have the support of your close friends and family. However, you need to maintain your relationships with them for that to continue.

3.    Helps you Achieve a Mental Break

When constantly working throughout your day, your brain tends to push back. That’s where you start to experience different mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, etc. This will also soon start having a bad effect on your work, and that’s the last thing you need. Taking some time off will allow your brain to rest and give you time to clear your head. Clearing your head lets you get back to work with a more refreshed and energized side of you.

4.    Allows You to Rethink About Your Goals

Taking time off will also give you time to think if your job is something you want to continue. You might come up with something more of your liking or a brilliant idea that may get you to the top.


Right now, taking time off from work may seem impossible. But the benefits it has on your health are bound for you to take one now. So it’s time to apply for your leaves and take that long break you deserve!

Financial Real Estate

15 Tools Every New Homeowner Should Own

Moving into your own place for the first time can be exciting and stressful. Making a list of all the things you might need when moving can be overwhelming. It’s often the simplest and most useful thing we forget. We might also not realize we need something until after the fact. Getting some of these tools will make sure you are prepared for any situation in your new home.

1. Flashlight

Hopefully, your power never goes out, but you never know what could happen. Keeping a flashlight in the house will give you a way to have some light in the case of power outages.

2. Duct Tape

Duct tape is known for being able to fix anything. It can be used to make temporary fixes while you want a professional to come and permanently repair the problem. It can also be used to tape pipes to keep them from bursting or leaking water.

3. Plunger

Sometimes this one is needed in a pinch and unless you thought of it ahead of time, you might find yourself stuck without one. They can be used to unclog sinks or toilets. They will often fix the problem very quickly and effectively.

4. Tape Measure

You never know when you might need to measure something. Tape measures are more versatile because they can measure larger areas including rooms and walls. This can help if you are installing something or doing another home project.

5. Safety Glasses

These can be used in cases of emergencies or if you need to mix chemicals. They can also be used when you are using a power tool.

6. Screwdriver Set

A small one and a large one are good ideas because they can reach every size area. Manual ones are also less likely to damage screws.

7. Wire Cutters

These can cut through wires and maybe even small nails depending on the quality of the pair.

8. Safety Mask

Paints can sometimes be toxic. So, if you are painting your home, you might need to wear a safety mask. They can also be worn if you are in a dusty or dirty environment.

9. Claw Hammer

You can use this to drive and remove nails. Make sure to get them in a variety of sizes.

10. Torpedo Level

This can help you hang paintings and another décor in a straight line making your home look more elegant.

11. Hacksaw Tool

You can use this tool to cut through metal objects like bolts and brackets.

12. Caulking Gun

This is great for sealing up cracks and gaps you may have in your structure.

13. Wrench Tool

This is great for tightening bolts or fixing pipes. Consider getting an adjustable one.

14. Pliers

This can help you pull out nails and bolts. Make sure to get one with flat and curved areas.

15. Wrench Sets

This gives you an open and closed loop. This lets you use remove bolts that are standard and metric sizes.

Career Career & Education Education

How To Choose The Right Online Course or Degree

If you are planning to choose an online degree or course for further studies, then you need to know some factors to make the right decision.

The following are some considerations that can help you find the right and suitable class to improve your skills.

Determine Your Goals

Of course, the first thing you need to do is to define your goals. Spend some time understanding what you want to achieve through your education experience. Do you want to get enrolled in a course that can help you get a promotion in the office? Do you only want to learn skills that you can use for short-term purposes? Or do you care to get proof of your degree and course at the end in the form of a certificate, degree, or something else?

Once you understand what your preferences and goals are, you can easily choose the right online classes for yourself.

Spend Some Time Exploring Online Courses or Degrees

When you get a clear idea about your objective of enrolling in online classes, you need to search about courses. Look for the institutes that offer you online platforms for learning. Additionally, once you find some best sites, dig deeper to get an idea of whether they offer your required course or degree.

Make sure to check the outline of the courses or degrees to determine what you will learn from the online class or whether it meets your criteria.

Choose the Right Institution For Your Degree or Course

It is important to understand that there are hundreds of organizations that are offering online classes on a wide variety of subjects. However, not every course or degree is credible and offers you excellent education. You need to choose the one that is highly reputable among the students and offers the best teaching solutions. Consider your time, goals, financial capability, future plans, and field before making any decision.

There are three types of institutes that you can choose from, including:

  • Accredited College or University- if you want an academic degree or certificate, you need to look for a reputable university.
  • Specialized Training Institute- this type of institute offers you affordable and flexible courses.
  • Vendor-Specific Courses- some manufacturers and vendors provide specialized training on their specific products.

Methods of Assessment

One of the important factors when it comes to choosing any course or degree is the assessment process. Some online classes assess you through project-based tasks or coursework, while others require students to take exams. You need to pick courses with methods of assessment that you can perform best in.

For instance, If you don’t have time to give exams at a specific time and date because of your busy schedule, then it’s best to avoid courses with exam assessment methods.

Bottom Line

Just make sure to consider all the mentioned factors before choosing an online course or degree. Since the purpose of online classes is to give you access to high-level education in an easy and simple way, you need to determine what type of classes meet your preferences.

Financial Insurance

Reduce, Pause, or Cancel Your Car Insurance

In some cases, you might want to pause or cancel your car insurance on a car you aren’t actively using. It can be a great way to cut down on costs for a few months and save money that could be better used in another area of your life.

Some car insurance companies will allow you to suspend the car insurance for a few months while in others you will need to cancel it completely. It’s a common way for people to save money when they are having a financial hardship. Many companies will be lenient if you explain to them the situation and tell them it’s for economic reasons.

Most car insurance companies will make you call or appear in an office to pause or cancel your plan. This is for security purposes because they want to ensure that you are the one canceling the plan and not someone else.

Reducing Your Plan

This involves minimizing your plan to only pay for the car insurance parts that are required by your state. It’s called a minimum coverage option. Most states require you to have liability insurance, personal injury protection, and medical payments coverage.

You might want to also keep comprehensive coverage if you are storing the vehicle. This will make sure that the car is covered if it is stolen or is damaged from falling objects. It will also protect the car from vandalism.

Make sure to contact the DMV if you only have comprehensive coverage and not liability coverage. This way they know no one is driving the car and you only have insurance to protect it from non-driving damage.

They will usually make you file an affidavit so that it’s on file somewhere that no one will be driving the car.

Pausing Your Car Insurance

This allows you to stop paying the car insurance momentarily for a few months while you get your finances together. This allows you to keep from experiencing coverage lapse. It’s also more cost-effective than canceling your insurance and then reapplying for a new one at a later time.

Pausing car insurance is only allowed by some companies and usually under certain circumstances. You will also need to go to the DMV and get an affidavit of non-use. This allows you to legally stop paying car insurance while you are not driving the car.

This isn’t usually an option if you have a car loan. Lenders almost always require you to have coverage but check your agreement to see the specific protocols.

Canceling Your Plan

This will also not work if you have a car loan. Canceling completely ends your insurance. If you decide to start driving again, you will need to look for a new policy and resign a plan.

This also requires a DMV visit to receive a form to say you will not be driving the car. This will create a lapse in your insurance history and might may your insurance more expensive when you begin to drive again.