Business Career & Education Financial Insurance

Your Guide to Choosing Small Business Insurance

Getting small business insurance is a very hard thing to do. Especially, if you don’t have as much knowledge about the small business world. Still, don’t be fooled into thinking that you can go for too long without insurance.

Small business insurance provides a net for you whenever you have some problems with money. If you have the right type, it can save you from total bankruptcy! You need insurance to handle unexpected costs and accidents that can befall your company and your employees. Those costs will come and pile up!

What Types Of Insurance Can I Pick From?

Here are some of the common types of insurance, and the one that you end up picking will be the one that completely benefits you.

One of the first types is Business Income Insurance. This covers all forms of money loss from physical property damage. If your bottom line or earnings are impacted by a car crash or damage to one of your buildings, then that is what is covered by this insurance. It’s very useful if you have some type of property to your name, less useful if you do not.

Another type that small businesses need to consider is the Business Liability Insurance. This keeps your small business safe from being sued. Many owners do not get this insurance, as they incorrectly think that an LLC will provide protection. It does not.

Other Types Of Insurance

If you are running a small business in the construction or building services, then you are going to need contractors professional liability insurance. This protects your contractors from being sued for errors, and liability claims. It’s a must for this niche, especially when you are just starting out.

Employment practices liability insurance is focused on protecting the employees of your small business from wrongful employment practices and these include discrimination, wrongful termination, and harassment.

Picking The Ones That Work

The insurance you need depends on your business. If you are hosting a small business with no employees and completely online, you will need different insurance than a construction company with 20 employees. Still, the most basic form of insurance should focus on protecting your business from the various problems that can plague it.

If you are unsure about what insurance your business needs, or are concerned that you are missing something, you should talk to an expert. A lawyer who specializes in small businesses and an accountant who knows the financial side of things, makes sure that you will cover all your bases.

If you don’t have insurance, you are leaving the door wide open for financial ruin for your business. The work and small sums that you pay now for business insurance are going to save you much later whenever problems arise, and you certainly won’t regret taking the time to have it done.

Make insurance an important part of your plan, and then you can get back to serving your customers.

Bankruptcy Legal

Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 & Chapter 13

Whenever you need to file for bankruptcy, it can be a terrifying experience for you. Not only do you need to go through the stress and frustration of the ordeal, but you also need to do it right. There are several different types of bankruptcy, and two of the major types are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

These legal options for your bankruptcy are both able to take on your debt, but both of them have consequences for you. It’s important to understand them before you take steps into filing for bankruptcy. Each one has it’s benefits and drawbacks, as well as long term effects on your life. Make sure to keep all of that in mind as you examine the options.

What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is called liquidation. It helps you by having you surrender some property or assets that can be turned into money. If you have no disposable income on hand to handle this massive debt, then you can file chapter 7. If your debt is discharged by chapter 7 bankruptcy, then you don’t have to pay that debt back. The money can then go somewhere else, and most debts can be discharged with few exceptions.

Filling can also increase the speed at which you overcome your debts, and can also stop debt collectors from taking action against you. That is very appreciated for people who are debt ridden, and it only takes around 100 days to finish. Your assets and credit will take a hit, but you will be debt free.

What Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

If you want to file your debt but wish to keep your property, then you can file for chapter 13. If you have disposable income on hand, then this is right for you. It will stop any foreclosure processes on your home, and will allow you to get a handle on your mortgage payments. It also stops your debts from being collected if they are discharged under chapter 13.

Chapter 13 also allows you to make consolidated monthly payments with a solid 3 to 5 year plan. You will know exactly what to pay, and when you need to pay it. It is not as fast as chapter 7 bankruptcy, and can strain your budget. However, if you can keep up with the plan, you will be able to keep your property throughout the process.

Picking The Right One

If you are still undecided about which one is the best for you, then you should try to talk to a lawyer and see if they can help you make your choice. They will have your best interests at heart and will be able to answer any questions that you have. Filing for bankruptcy is something that is tough for every single small business owner, but you need to make sure that you are completing the process. By examining your situation before you start the filling process, then you can make the best decision.

Bankruptcy Legal

Bankruptcy: What Are Your Alternatives?

Bankruptcy can be a trying time for any business, and you need to make sure that you keep a calm center amid all the turmoil. Debt, creditor harassment, and stress, can cause you to make rash decisions in the heat of the moment. One of those decisions is thinking that bankruptcy is the only option.

There are some alternatives to filing chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy, and some of them might be much better for you. They also all have a specific goal in mind.

Stop Debt Creditor Harassment

The phone calls, the emails, the lost wages… having creditors harass you is the worst, and can get very frustrating whenever you are already dealing with so much. If you want to stop the harassment, you don’t need to file for bankruptcy, and instead you can look into state and federal debt protection laws.

These laws protect you from abusive debt collector conduct, and you can easily bring them into play whenever you feel like the collectors are crossing the line.

You might even be able to negotiate with your creditors to get them off your back. You can offer up income or assets for sale, and can give you time to get back on your feet. Sometimes you can even settle your debt for less than you owe with this method, however it is still a good idea to have a lawyer on your side.

Talk To A Counseling Agency

A credit counseling agency can help you with the negotiation process by helping you repay your debts. They will negotiate on your behalf, and give you information about how you can improve your financial strategy. The agency will work with you to create a plan, and this plan allows you to repay your loans over time.

This allows you to pay off your debts over a period of time, without having ‘filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy’ on your record. There are a few risks, but it can be an alternative in a pinch.

Instead of Filing For Bankruptcy, Do Nothing

If you physically cannot pay your debts, a good option is just to not pay them. If you are scraping the bottom of the barrel and are unable to make money in the future, then people might not be able to sue you for your debt. There’s nothing for them to take if they do. Unless you default on child support or government taxes, you can’t be arrested for not paying.

Plus, the basic essentials can’t be taken away from you by law, so while it won’t be a comfortable debt free life, it will be a life you can live.

Figuring Out Your Next Steps

Before you take on an alternative to bankruptcy, you need to talk to an expert. Alternatives aren’t always the best solutions, so make sure that you have a plan to avoid bankruptcy while still paying for your debt. You’ll be able to get out from under the weight of your debt soon enough, and then you can get back to living life.

Business Career & Education

22 Online Business Ideas You Can Start Tomorrow

When it comes to starting a business online, there are a few methods you can’t beat! Here are several online business ideas that you can easily start with. Who knows what they will grow into!

  1. Consultant/Coach

If you are an expert in something, why not turn it into a business. So, show it off with a coaching package or program!

  1. Reseller

Do you have clothes you are not wearing anymore, or things you don’t use? Resell them for a tidy profit!

  1. Website or App Developer

If you love to code and design, then you are born for the process of making websites and apps that people will enjoy.

  1. Professional Organizer

If you like to declutter and make the most of space, you can become a professional organizer for physical and online spaces.

  1. Freelance Writer

Writing is a lucrative and fun way to make some serious money, so make sure to give it a go!

  1. Small Business Consultant

If you have owned or managed small businesses in the past, then working as a consultant might be your calling.

  1. Social Media Consultant

Not everyone is as up to date with the latest social media trends as you might be. Use that knowledge and spruce up people’s pages for a living!

  1. Blogger

Blogging as a business can be very interesting and important, and if you manage to write the right content and get it to people, you can make some serious money.

  1. Virtual Assistant

If you are organized and a whiz with computers, then you might be a good personal assistant to someone who needs the support.

  1. Tech Support

Who doesn’t enjoy calling tech support for help. If you enjoy tinkering with electronics you can easily start offering remote assistance as your business.

  1. Craft Maker

More businesses than you can think of have been spawned by people selling crafts. If you can make something really enjoyable, then you can sell it.

  1. Drop Shipping

Drop shipping allows you to take orders for online retail, but then forward those orders to someone else that does all the delivery and the legwork.

  1. Tutoring

If you know a particular subject or about a certain test, you might be able to teach it effectively to others. Make a tutoring business!

  1.  Make A Youtube Channel

If you are more comfortable in front of a video camera, then you can educate and entertain through Youtube and make money through ads.

  1. Digital Courses

Another way to get some information out there is to use digital courses. Easily digestible courses can help you share your expertise in a fun format.

  1. A Podcast

A podcast about something you are passionate about can really bring people in. So start one! It’s super easy!

  1. Cover Letter/Resume Writer

How many people are looking for work right now? How many are doing it with bad resumes that haven’t been updated in a year? A lot! So, reach out and see if you can help.

  1. Graphic designer

If art is your method of communication, then you can create pictures and designs for companies. So, go start that graphic design business!

  1. Email writer

People are sending out more emails than ever before, and if you can write an email for yourself you can do one for a company.

  1. Nutrition Planner

If you are obsessed with tracking everything you eat, and want to bring that obsession to the workplace, then feel free to start this business!

  1. Life Coach

You’ve got lots of experiences you can share that others can learn from, so don’t be afraid to share.

  1. Online Business Advisor

There are more and more people looking to make a living online every single day, why not show them how to do it?

Any one of these online business ideas could be your next big hit, so pick one and get it started!

Business Career & Education

Starting a Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a business is no easy feat at all, and it takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. It also has a lot of time and money invested into it. Thankfully, every business from a bakery shop to a Fortune 500 company is all about using the same steps.

Here are some of the best steps that are crucial to building a business, and the ones that you will need to follow no matter what business you decide to start.

Step 1: Prepare Your Idea

Every single business starts with an idea or a ‘why’. Maybe you want to sell makeup kits online, maybe you want to tutor students in math, maybe you want to build the next skyscraper. However, an idea in a vacuum isn’t worth squat.

So, you need to make sure that your idea has some level of substance behind it. Let’s say you want to sell makeup kits. What type of kits will you sell? What products will you use? Who will you market those kits for? If you can answer specific questions about how you will get your idea off the ground, then you will be able to make sure that you have a structure in place.

Nothing sinks a business faster than having an idea and not much else on your end, so always make sure to answer those common questions before you get started.

Step 2: Put A Business In Your Budget

Every business will cost some amount of money, and you need to be prepared for that. Setup costs, supplies, website hosting, and in some cases physical space are all expenses that will at first be coming out of your pocket. It could be a little or a lot of money, but no matter what you need to make sure that you are prepared for that expense.

Set some money aside 3-6 months before you start your business, and keep that little nest egg growing as you flesh out the ideas. Once you get started with finally getting your business off the ground, you can focus on creating your business and not your money woes. Plus, it’s good practice for the budget that your business will actually need!

Step 3: Pick Your Niche and Audience

An epic business is nothing without someone to sell too and something to sell, but most businesses go far too broad trying to please everyone. Instead of making your products ‘one size fits all’ you should focus on making your products applicable to a certain niche.

If you are designing a jewelry business, pick one thing and do it well. For example, you could try and sell only necklaces or only earrings until you get your audience.

Follow These Steps and You’ll Have A Chance

These three steps are the best way to have a clear vision for your business, and will make sure that you have an actionable plan going forward. Then you will be able to build on that plan with confidence!

Health & Home Wellness

Nutritional Morning Drinks Instead of Coffee

Coffee has significant health benefits like boosting your focus and staying alert. It can help you lose weight, burn fat, and reduce the risk of stroke, cancer, and dehydration, etc.

Its dehydration part is quite alarming for those who want to sip coffee first thing in the morning. In order to avoid its early morning consumption, scientific research opines there are better alternatives to coffee. Let’s take a look at some of the best nutritionist-approved drinks to offset your coffee habits.

1. Green Tea or Matcha

Green tea has a lot to offer for having matcha as its prime alternative to offset caffeine deficiency. Matcha contains amino acids-like I-theanine, which will offset the effects of caffeine.

You can get a cup of green tea if matcha is not available around. Green tea is rich in polyphenols that keep away inflammation. Both tea options will prove to be great for your caffeine deficiency.

2. White Tea

White tea refers to several styles of tea which is minimally processed leaves of the Camellia plant. Its antioxidants and polyphenols fight your inflammation and aging. What’s more, white boosts heart health by minimizing cholesterol. It’s a pale yellow tea, in fact and doesn’t cause stains.

3. Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea is low in tannins and from any traces of caffeine and oxalic acid. it’s a good herb for eliminating your caffeine urge because of the presence of antioxidants. It’s another natural remedy for lowering blood sugar.

Rooibos tea will also settle the stomach which is the best alternative to coffee for those people who struggle with early morning nausea.

4. Mushroom Coffee

Mushroom coffee comes from grinding regular coffee with the addition of mushroom powder. It’s good for supporting your immune system because of the presence of antioxidants in mushrooms. Mushrooms offer low caffeine than coffee.

This will help reduce anxiety and improves sleeping patterns. Mushroom coffee reduces early morning headaches that may come while quitting coffee.

5. Warm Water and Lemon

Instead of coffee, try mixing warm water with few drops of lemon. It’s a simple way to replenish your dehydration. As a result, proper hydration can help reduce fatigue, brain fog, and ensuing headaches.

Its early morning consumption will keep your digestive tracts clear during the day. Something everyone should consume. It’s a great help for lowering or soothing joint pains and stiff muscles.

6. Green Juice Before Breakfast

You can add a daily serving of spinach or other green of your liking to make it drinkable. However, you should have a slow juicer that can extract all nutrients from the desired fruit or vegetables.

Green juices offer a lot of benefits, like reducing weight and improving your hydration plus digestion. They will shield you from free radical damage and steer clear from depression.


If you are willing to get rid of your early morning coffee intakes, then go for one of these drinks. These are natural alternatives to replace your coffee. There are hardly any significant side effects that may discourage you from opting for any of these drinks.

Health & Home Wellness

6 Ways to Make Your Salads Like Sweetgreen

Salads are hard to resist, especially for those who take their health seriously. Now there are salad parlors offering the best combination of fruit, vegetables and lettuce as a salad.

You may find it difficult to convince younger people in the house to take a salad. If they don’t like it, you may change your salad preparation methods. Surely they will like it.

Let’s go for easy but healthy 6 ways to make your salads taste as good as Sweetgreen.

1. Switch up your greens

There’s a lot of variety to green up your salad. You can do mix and match greens like spinach, romaine, arugula, cabbage, iceberg, and dandelion greens, etc.

Mixing a few of these greens together can add a different flavour to your salad dish you will savour for a long. Kale will offer you healthy vitamin A and C, whereas arugula will give you bet calcium and potassium.

2. Change the Texture

A mix of creamy and crunchy textures will bring your salad to new heights. One serving of ricotta cheese, Greek yoghurt, and or avocado will add a creamy and filling texture to your meal. You can make it taste crunchy by adding some juicy and crispy slices of apple, celery or kiwi.

3. Add a Red to Your greens

You may not like a lot of green in your salad. As many people don’t like green alone, they may like to see a tinge of red in it instead. So you can add a red by cutting small cubes of tomato, or long slices of red chilli. You can go further by adding dry cranberries or nuts; both will add a lot of nutrition and necessary healthy fats.

4. Tomato Replacements

Fresh tomatoes may be in abundance in your area in other areas it may be rare. Rather than going for off-season frozen tomatoes, you can opt for its substitutes:

  • Sweet peppers offer more Vitamin C than tomatoes
  • Raw Beets
  • Strawberries

These are friendly alternatives to tomatoes for offering good antioxidants, vitamins and minerals like a tomato.

5. Get plant-based protein

You can add plant-based protein to your daily salad by adding a small amount of cooked or boiled grains like beans and rice. Whereas cooked lentils are also a significant source for getting proteins.

Besides nuts, seeds and avocado slices will make it a nice and full meal. Such salads will get your proteins, fats, starchy and non-starchy carbs and a unique flavour on top of everything.

6. Add Fruit To Your Salad

Adding fruits to your salad will make it an unbeatable meal. Fruits will give you the fibres, nutrition, and tinge of sweetness. You can go for chopped, sliced, or pieces of fruits for your creation. Remember, to opt for seasonal fruits only to get their best for your health.

In winters, you can add citrus to your salads through caracara, blood red oranges or clementine.


Now, you see there are more reasons to keep salad on your table with every meal. Salads are a fresh way to get healthy food in a manner of your liking and choice.

Business Career & Education

7 Steps to Create a Marketing Plan That Works

There may be several strategies and ideas that you can incorporate in your business with an idea to develop it. However, a timely marketing plan can do wonders for taking your business to the next level. This plan could be the difference between failure and success.

So, here are 7 steps to create a marketing plan that actually works.

1. Research to Know Your Marketing Business

You should focus on developing a long-term approach for strategizing your business’ future. This approach should be on your customer feedback about your services and product’s credibility. Consider arranging a market study to assess your company’s standing with clients and vendors.

This data will give you the right mind-set to know your business standing, value, and credibility.

2. Know your Brand Health

It would help if you arranged a market survey to know about your product’s feedback. This will make you know your brand’s market value. Assess its value by comparing it with the competitor’s product to get a clear understanding. Depending on the result, you should set the next 12 months’ goals to improve your clientele and dig into a new customer base.

3. Determine Target Market

What more you can do to improve your product. It’s like getting the right audience to listen to you. So, focus more on knowing what segment of market your product can capture.  It would help if you got customer feedback, shared it with your marketing team and production unit to improve your end product. This will help you determine your target market.

4. Set a Budget

You should be careful about allocating a certain budget for marketing, advertising and promoting business. You should spend this money on marketing-related activities alone.

Budgets are difficult to come by. You may need to withdraw money from another part of your business to replenish marketing and promotion. So be careful and run the numbers twice to justify the new budget allocation.

5. Know your Rivals

There is a good chance that you are facing some fierce competitors. You should know them, their strengths as well as weaknesses. That will help you guide how you can progress. You should know why people like their products and try to improve on that a step ahead and sell your product.

6. Create a Tactical Marketing Strategy

The strategy should be on course about how to achieve your goals? Whereas tactics like digital promotion, social media, websites, public relations, and trade conferences are just one facet of marketing. Email marketing, direct sales, and lead generation are another extension of marketing strategy. You need both to fork a sound strategy for a successful business future.

7. Get Set, Go!

These steps are needed to create a marketing plan for your business that actually works. Just put them together and devise a strategy that suits you best. Marketing plans can vary from simple to more complex methods. So, be ready to alter or amend them as and when required.


Therefore, you should always have a marketing plan to promote your business. But ensure its timely implementation and ensure its being applied in soul and spirit.

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

Cleared for Takeoff: What to Know About Travel

The air travel industry is still reeling because of the coronavirus and its subsequent surge. There are new traveling guidelines, restrictions, strategies and new protocols in place for air travel. However, people are ready to hit the skies, once again.

Although many airlines stopped operations during the pandemic, they continue to stick to their schedules, as things get better.

In this piece, you will get a handy guide about air travel, making sure you can travel in 2021 without any hassle.

1. Save Now For Your Trips

The pandemic has severely hit our lives and earnings. So, it may sound logical to look for ways to save now. Like having more working hours at your office, start selling handicrafts, cut down your impulsive shopping. You can negotiate with your bank and insurance people for better interest rates, etc.

This saving will give you the boostto go all out for air travel whenever the time comes.

2. Get the Most out of Flexible Bookings

In 2020 airlines were flexible about bookings and reservations. The same mind-set works on the same pattern in 2021. So look for the best and most economical routes to get to your destination. Many resorts and hotels are also offering very low and special rates with flexible payment plans.

Most of the airlines are offering great deals with soft cancellation policies. You can scoop anyone of these.

3. Travel Insurance

In the pre-pandemic world, most travel insurance companies were not giving cover for a global pandemic, now they are.

So do a thorough search to secure the best rates for covering your desired level of insurance. You can check with multiple options, as hotels and resorts have joined hands with many insurance companies, you can opt with any of these. Call in few quotes and compare them and evaluate the cost of air travel and hotel. This will give you a simple idea of what kind of sum you need to pay as travel insurance.

4. Prepare for High Demand

Several trips were cancelled in 2020 and many people rescheduled those trips for the year 2021. So consider if you want to tour the most visited destination, and then be prepared to pay extra money to airlines.

Travel industry experts are expecting a surge in air travel during the second half of this year. You may book now to get the best rates and flexible terms from airlines, hotels and insurance people.

5. Pandemic Looms

Remember, we are still in the steam of a pandemic. The airlines and tourist industry is still suffering from it. So, ensure that you fulfil the norms set forth by airlines, hotels and other relevant people in this chain.

You should prioritize your own and other’s safety as a top priority during the entire round trip. It would also help if you made sure you had full information for safety protocols you will follow during the entire trip.


Air travel industry gurus and pundits are optimistic about air travel resuming sooner than later. We all hope life comes back to normal. So be careful during your next air travel, follow health and safety restrictions to steer clear from trouble.

Credit Financial

Credit Card Points: Rule of Thumb for Redeeming

Are you unsure of how to redeem credit card points? If yes, let us discuss the rule you probably didn’t know about.

The saying goes that the best way to redeem your credit card reward points is by ensuring you secure as much value as is possible. If we were to give you a comparison, we’d say credit card points are an unofficial and unique form of currency. Hence, the rule of thumb here is to select redemption options equaling at least a cent each.

Often the most confusing aspect here is for people to decide which redemption option is the absolute best and will give the most value. History also proves that comparatively merchandise and gift card options are not the best ways to redeem your points. It would be better to choose cash back or travel options instead, if deriving maximum value is your goal.

If you want to measure your point’s value, you can divide your reward’s dollar value with the number of points you need to get it. Once you have a figure, if you manage to earn more than a cent for each of your point, trust us, you’re on the right track.

However, if you’re earning less than a cent, there is no doubt that you’re making wrong choices and getting bad end out of the deal.

Rule of Thumb

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your credit card points:

  1. Your primary aim must be to ensure that your rewards are aligning with your interests. If your goal is to use your income better, you’d be wise to choose a card that has a cash-back option on basics, such as purchasing from your regular stores, topping your fuel/gas etc. if you like traveling, you may want to choose a credit card that offer airline miles beyond your local hub.
  2. The trick is not choosing a rewards program that does not cater to your interests or needs. Be watchful for rewards that are actually a trap in disguise to make you spend more than you can afford, such as a sign-up bonus etc.
  3. Never underestimate the power of cash back rewards. They provide you with the most basic currency there is to spend just as how you desire. You can go back in recent history and check the stats that prove cash back is the favorite credit card reward of consumers.
  4. Do not get a credit card on an impulsive decision. Always take the time and effort to compare an offer with other credit cards. At the same time, you must always remember to check the rewards terms as well of the cards you’re already using.
  5. Do not make the mistake of carrying too many reward cards at a time. You may end up diluting your rewards value because of the way your spending goes haywire with owning several cards at a time.


When redeeming your credit card points, your primary goal must be to select an option that maximizes the value of your rewards, to a cent each or even more but nothing less than that.