Beauty Health & Home

The Biggest Beauty Trends To Try In 2022

Beauty trends are evolving every year. For two years, uncertain and unprecedented conditions have negatively influenced experimentation in the beauty industry. 2021 was all about mask products and elevated hygiene. But, not anymore as we are all set to experiment in 2022.

Beauty experts predict that 2022 will be an incredible year for the biggest beauty trends. Fragrances to change mood, to robots that paint nails, scientific hair care treatments, to skin minimalism are some new trends that you should try this year.

1.    Beauty Body Contouring

Body contouring is not a new technique. We used to have similar techniques previously. But unlike traditional methods, advanced body contouring is non-invasive and offers similar results without surgery. For instance, the latest muscle scalping technology will improve your tissue and skin after major weight loss. Furthermore, breast augmentation and a breast lift will remove excess fat and prevent skin from sagging.

2.     Robotic Treatments

In these modern times, human error for beauty treatment is unacceptable. If you always complain about improper nail paints, then get ready. Nimble is a gadget that paints your nails with the help of AI technology, 3D image processing, micro cameras, and tech-y algorithms.

The technology scans each nail and determines the starting and ending points. Once the device identifies the spots that need to be painted, it autonomously gets your nails down. With the help of this device, you can get a perfect manicure in 10 to 15 minutes. Furthermore, the warm airflow system will boost the nail drying time.

3.     DNA-Based Skincare Products

Environmental factors have a major impact on your hair and skin. But, genes determine the way you age. Furthermore, it also influences your skin’s sensitivity and pigmentation. But, with the introduction of DNA-based products things are changing.

With DNA-based skincare products, you can collect data from your DNA sample and analyze variations. Also, the technology translates the data and customizes your skincare treatment process for healthy and beautiful skin. DNA-based products will change the way we take care of our skin and hair.

  • Blue Light Protection

We spend more time in front of screens such as laptops and phones. The blue light from screens is harmful, especially with extended screen timing. Today, people are using various products to prevent the damaging effects of screens.

SPF is a product that has great importance in our life. It protects our skin from UV rays as well as blue light. The blue light emitting from the screen affects our skin’s natural radiance and makes wrinkles and fine lines more prominent. Furthermore, it causes damage to skin cell regeneration.


These are a few top beauty trends to try in 2022. Experts are consistently working on products to improve skin and hair health. Things like gender-neutral products, skin minimalism, and customized skin care products will also bring revolution in the beauty industry. If you want to keep your skin healthy and prevent aging, you can utilize the new trends set to brace this year

Health & Home Wellness

5 Tips To Get You Through Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression is common among men and women in their twenties. This leads to Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, which is another type of depression with symptoms. These symptoms are widespread in women. The symptoms of gloomy weather for an extended period are:

  • Sad and anxious feelings
  • Loss of concentration
  • Loss of interest in usual activities
  • Sleeping more than normal days and still feel tired

The optimal solution for this disorder is routine modification. But, how can you change daily activities when you don’t feel like leaving your bed. Here are a few tips that will get you through the gloomiest season of the year:

1.     Talk with Your Friends

The major reason why people feel depressed during the winter season is because of less social contact. If you don’t have someone to talk to about your life and problems during the low-light season, you will feel lonely. Everyone has private or professional problems in their life. These problems can result in SAD.

A simple chat with a friend or a colleague can help you through this time. Whether you meet them in person or talk on the phone, you will feel better after opening up. No other activity can change your mood quickly than having a cup of coffee with a true friend.

2.     Plan an Outdoor Activity

When you undergo seasonal depression, you should include a stroll in your activity. When you are outside, you will find many interesting things to make your day. Especially when you start your day with a morning walk, you will feel happy and active throughout the day. Exposure to sunlight in the morning will keep you on track.

3.     Try Light Therapy For Your Depression

A lightbox can also help when natural light is not available to brighten up your mood. A lightbox stimulates natural light and suppresses melatonin synthesis in your body. Furthermore, it also increases serotonin levels. Place the light box near your workstation for an hour a day. Your doctor will help choose the right lightbox model. The one that filters harmful UV light is an effective option.

4.     Take Hot and Cold Shower

When you wake up in the morning, take a shower. You might think about how the morning shower can get you through a depressing day? Well, you don’t have to take a normal shower. Alternating the temperature during the shower stimulates circulation and blood pumping. Start with warm water and switch temperature twice.

5.     Start a New Hobby To Take Your Mind Off Of Your Depression

Most people spend their time on the couch binge-watching Netflix shows. This is a good idea to spend your time during depressing days. But, watching movies and web series endlessly can cause nausea and put you back into the same depression.

Changing your hobbies is an effective technique to switch your moods. For instance, reading, baking, and painting are some activities that will keep you going through the season. Also, choose an activity that you always wanted to start.


Hopefully, you will find these tips effective to get through the gloomiest season of the year. One thing to always remember is that things will get better soon. So if you feel depressed, plan your routine and stay busy. Do whatever fascinates you and you can easily get through this period. Don’t fight with the symptoms. Instead, understand and accept the feeling.

Financial Savings

5 Financial Goals to Make This Year

Saving for things that are currently out of your budget is a wise choice. Whether you are 10 years old and want a bicycle or an adult who wants to buy a new car, saving would be the best goal. But, as you grow up financial management becomes a complicated activity.

So, if you find financial management challenging and want to figure out ways to achieve the unachievable, then you should start by setting up goals. When you have goals in your mind, you can easily stick to a strategy, despite a tight budget. Here are some financial goals that you should include in your New Year’s journal and learn how to achieve them:

1.     Build an Emergency Fund

Normally, people think of an emergency fund as a short-term financial goal. But, that is not entirely true. Emergency funds have long-term financial benefits as well. The emergency fund works as a money management tool. It can help you through medical expenses and job loss.

To create a long-term emergency fund you need to set saving goals. This doesn’t mean that you should have a single large goal. Rather divide this goal into smaller ones to keep a track of them. Start with small but regular contributions. Also, limit your monthly expenses and automate your savings in a separate bank account.

2.     Manage Credit Card Expenses

Interest charges negatively and largely influence your cash flow. Therefore, you should reduce your credit card use. Furthermore, you shouldn’t use a credit card unless you know how you are going to pay. If you have trouble paying for the use, try credit consolidation.

3.     Reduce Your Expenses

When you learn how to manage your expenses, you get complete control over your finance. You should set a goal to spend less than you earn. This means that you need to avoid using a credit card. When you limit your expenses, you get plenty of income for investment, saving, and paying off debt. At first, differentiate between needs and wants. You cannot achieve your financial goals without recognizing extra expenses.

4.     Quit Any Addiction

This might not seem like a financial goal, but you can save a huge amount by quitting any addictions. Whether you are addicted to cigarettes or alcohol, you are wasting your money. Addiction works like a financial parasite that eats up all your money. However, when you quit your addictions, you can add a significant amount in savings. To quit any addiction you need to distract your mind whenever you feel the urge to so end the money on it.

5.     Develop Skills

Adding new skills to your portfolio can lead to large payoffs. If you are a student you can attend workshops and conferences and learn new ideas to earn money. However, if you work in an office, you can take additional training and become an expert. Developing new skills open new opportunities and doors to earn income.


For many people, financial management seems like an irritating task. Keeping track of your income and expense requires more time. But, setting your financial goal will improve your future. If you want to be independent when you get old, you should take control of your finance from now.

Health & Home Media Tech & Media Wellness

5 Best Books for Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year is here and we are ready to change our future after the pandemic and other negative energy surrounding our lives. This could very well be the year when you move toward success and struggle to achieve a healthy life. So, make sure you determine your strategy and stick to it. We’ve listed the best books for your New Year’s resolution here!

Best Books for Your New Year’s Resolution

This year, read motivational books and create the right strategies to fight unproductive habits. Reading books can make you proactive and help you control your decisions. You can learn from other people’s experiences to deal with negativity and develop the power to change for good. Here are the five best books to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions:

1. Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig (Buy Now)

We live in a world where we are anxious and stressed all the time. Although social media platforms keep us connected, we are still lonely than ever. To deal with this negative and lonely world this year, you should read “Notes on a Nervous Planet”. In this book, Matt Haig highlighted the issues that we face in the world. Furthermore, this book includes effective techniques to stay happy in the 21st century. Haig wrote this book from a personal perspective, which gives you a new way to look at current problems and learn to solve them.

2. Hanger Management by Susan Albers (Buy Now)

When we are hungry, we experience instant lash or crashes. In this book, Albers explained how hanger leads to impulse eating and poor decisions. She also suggested some ways to ignore hunger, eat healthy food, and prevent overeating. She further explains how these preventive measures can change your mood and behavior.

People think that hanger management is not possible. But that is not true. With this book, Albers shares some management tips and strategies to make healthy decisions and control the hanger cycle. Following these methods, you can nourish your body and maintain a positive mood.

3. The Big Life by Ann Shoket (Buy Now)

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, career goals lead the list. But, every year we choose career goals that most of us fail to achieve. The problem is we focus only on the job. But, Ann Shoket’s book “The Big Life” emphasizes showing the bigger picture. The book explains how millennials should understand the problems with their money, passion, and love. She tried to connect youth with the realities of working. If you are looking for a solution to move forward in your life, you should buy this book.

4. Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon (Buy Now)

Austin Kleon explains creativity is an accessible and fun way. This book is a guide to start living a creative life. Whether you are an accounting manager or a starving artist, you should read this book. It will help you shed the fears that prevent you from taking the first steps.

5. All the Single Ladies by Rebecca Traister (Buy Now)

Don’t get confused with the title of the book. This book isn’t about non-dating women. Instead, the book highlights the advantages and disadvantages of long-term dating. Rebecca Traister went through extensive research to decode the meaning of relationships from history. So, if you want to understand the deep meaning of coupledom, you should read this book this year and set your relationship goals.


These books will help you stick to your New Year’s resolution and will encourage you to maintain a progressive life. Hopefully, you will be able to achieve your New Year’s resolution this year.

Health & Home Wellness

3 Insanely Easy Weeknight Dinner Recipes

Every year when the winter ends, we notice an increase in our craving and that is normal. Even if you are on a weight loss diet, there is no harm in including a weeknight dinner a week. Weeknight dinners will refresh your mood. However, planning a weeknight meal plan can be hard. Here are some simple weeknight meal plans that are delicious, fresh, and quick to make. So without further ado, let’s start with our first weeknight meal:

Saucy Mac & Cheese

You will love curly noodles in the creamy sauce. This corkscrew pasta is cavatappi or cellentani. But, you can use any spiral pasta that you can easily find. You will enjoy making this weeknight recipe as it includes lots of toppings including golden crumbs and cheese. You can also add ground pepper for a spicy taste.

To prepare the recipe cook pasta as directed on the package. Include melted butter and bread crumbs and cook until they turn golden brown. Don’t forget to stir. Melt the remaining butter in a skillet and stir until it turns smooth. Now add milk and let it boil. Cook for two minutes or until thickened and reduce the heat. Drain pasta and cheese mixture. Now cook for 3 to 4 minutes and sprinkle cheddar cheese and bread crumbs.

Teriyaki Beef Roast

This is a Japanese-styled pot roast recipe. Your taste buds will like the blend of flavors. You can make this recipe with leftover meat and gravy.

At first, you need to add green pepper, carrots, potatoes, and onion to a slow cooker. Heat oil in a large skillet on medium heat and roast vegetables on both sides.

Transfer roast to slow cooker and add brown sugar and mushrooms. Now add ginger, teriyaki sauce, pepper, and oregano in a small bowl make a sauce. Drizzle sauce over roast and mushroom.

Cook roast for 7 to 8 hours until tender. If you have leftover meat, you can skip this step. Now remove vegetables from the roast and place them on the serving platter. Pour the juicy gravy and serve with a toast.

Smoky Spanish Chicken

If you have tried Smokey Spanish Chicken in a restaurant, you will love this recipe. You can make this easily at home and enjoy a healthy weeknight dinner.

Mix smoked paprika, salt, pepper, and water and rub over chicken. Keep the skillet on medium heat and place the chicken. Cook until it turns brown. This will only take 4 to 5 minutes. Now remove the chicken from the pan. Add mushroom and green onions in the skillet and cook for 1 to 2 minutes or until it turns tender.

Add tomatoes and chicken and cook for a few minutes. Now place the chicken in the serving dish topped with green onions.


Did you find these weeknight dinner recipes easy? If yes, then you should try them at home. Refresh your recipe rotation and have fun. Your entire family will love these recipes.

Health & Home Media Tech & Media Wellness

10 Books To Read If You Want To Improve Yourself

Reach for books that ignite passion, educate you, and motivate you to take action. While there are so many books in every corner of the world, we have chosen the 10 best ones for you today. Give them a read and make the impossible possible!

1.   The Only Skill That Matters – Jonathan A. Levi

Jonathan Levi provides you with the tools that you need to face future problems with, whether in your career or private life. The book has a great outline to help you learn better things. It is a game-changer and is a hit among people who have already read it.

2.   Fooled by Randomness – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

This book teaches us something we hear from very few people: you may do everything correctly and yet lose, or you can do everything wrong and still win. It is not about the end result, but the things that led you there. This book will help you create such a viewpoint to live in a world that you don’t completely comprehend.

3.   The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey

The book shares seven habits to adopt in order to be genuinely productive in anything you want to do. Covey also discusses the importance of paradigm shift, i.e., a change in how we view ourselves and the world. The book is full of wisdom!

4.   Eat That Frog – Brian Tracy

Procrastination is a huge problem nowadays. We have so many distractions around us that it is hard to concentrate. The author of this book advises methods to save ourselves from procrastinating. It gives you deep insights on how to break the procrastination spell and focus on your priorities.

5.   The attention Revolution – B. Alan Wallace

The advent of technologies has caught our attention in the strongest way possible. This book guides us to empower ourselves with meditational strategies. It gives you a strong outline to take your focus back and focus on training your mind to achieve the important things in life.

6.   Mindsight – Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

The author has combined neuroscience, psychoanalysis, and meditation to create an effective book. It includes everything that you want to know about reprogramming your brain by combining social and emotional intelligence.

7.   How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

This is one of the oldest self-improvement books; and a huge success. It talks about the importance of self-worth and guides you to achieve important goals. The book tells us the importance of making the other person feel appreciated in order to do a successful business partnership with them.

8.   The 4-Hour Workweek – Timothy Ferriss

The author has done a good job of getting across the importance of the digital lifestyle. He also emphasizes starting your business and keeping a high level of energy in doing so. A must-read to develop your attitude, productivity, and health.

9.   Let Go! – Pat Flynn

Let Go! Is an inspiring story of the author himself. He shares the challenges he faced, and what led him to succeed in those challenges. This book should be in your collection to get inspired by the author’s entrepreneurial skills.

10. Habit Stacking – S. J. Scott

The author of this book talks about habit stacking in your life. He states that instead of making a dozen changes in your life, make tiny changes. Scott shares interesting strategies to inspire the act.

Go buy a book today!

There are thousands of books penned down by inspirational people. Applying those lessons in our life can also turn it around for the better. It is all about the mindset you adopt after reading the motivating words.

Debt Financial Loans

Can’t Pay Rent? Here’s Where To Find Help

Hundreds of thousands of American tenants lost a critical legal safeguard when the countrywide eviction ban was repealed.

The United States Supreme Court recently overturned an eviction restriction. This now means that landlords throughout the nation to proceed with evictions without restraint.

The Eviction Ban is Over

Even while the federal moratorium was in effect, the eviction prohibition was not standard across the board. The moratorium was not enacted in every state in the United States. And not all tenants were aware of the order or how to benefit from it. Therefore, it didn’t reach as many people as it should have.

Although the federal eviction moratorium is no longer in effect, if you have been unable to pay your rent or your utilities due to the epidemic and are facing eviction, you may be eligible for a personal government bailout.

Rent Help Still Remains

Despite the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the federal eviction moratorium, another program remains. A first-of-its-kind, $47 billion government rental assistance program, which covers energy bills and up to 18 months of rent for tenants who have been unable to pay due to the pandemic’s financial effects, is still in place.

The federal program has been hampered by regulations and rules and red tape and has been far too slow to get off the ground since its creation last year, but authorities are working to make it simpler for hard-hit tenants and landlords to collect money they are entitled to. There are many tools available to assist individuals in determining where and how to apply.

How to Get Rent Help

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has built a website where people may input their location. This way they can get contact information for the local organization that administers the assistance in their area.

Another website, run by the nonprofit National Low Income Housing Coalition, provides details on the 493 state and local agencies that distribute the aid, including which agencies allow renters to simply state that the pandemic has caused them financial hardship and that they have lost income, or that they meet other eligibility requirements. Applicants in certain states are required to provide papers. This includes leases and pay stubs to establish that they fit the criteria.

According to existing rules, roughly 750,000 individuals will be evicted throughout the country before the end of the year.


The rental aid program is the last remaining enormous protection for American renters now that the larger eviction ban is over. And many of the remaining state eviction bans are supposed to end by September. With evictions allowed to resume in an estimated 90% of the country by October, the need for financial help to millions is needed just as much now as before.

If the present rate of rental aid distribution continues, 1 million to 2 million families will be behind on their rent and without help by the time the remaining state eviction moratoriums expire.

Thankfully, the federal assistance program exists- although many people don’t know of it. People are calling on the federal government to do even more. They want them to assist people but so far there are no plans in Congress for such help.

Health & Home Wellness

How To Improve Your Posture at Work

You may already know the fact that the more you move your body throughout the day, the better it is for your overall well-being. However, that can be quite a challenge when you work all day sitting at a desk. After all, your posture can affect your overall health, including your blood flow, mood, and the strength of your muscles and joints. While it is normal for people not to take notice of their posture, you should know that poor posture is the reason for your backache.

We understand if you think that you can’t do much to help yourself, but here’s the good news: you can be mindful of your posture and fix it while going along your usual workday. Here are a few ways you can work smarter at your desk.

Sit All the Way Back

If you are a person who experiences constant back pain due to sitting for long hours, you need to change how you’re sitting. Most adults experience back pain because they’re unaware of the right way to sit in an office chair. Make sure that you are sitting with your butt touching the back of the seat. Then, you will notice a gap between your lower back and the seat, which is the natural sway in your spine. You should use a firm cushion and place it in the hollow space to support your back.

Adjust the Height of Your Chair For Better Posture

If your work involves a lot of typing, this will do wonders for you. Your keyboard or desk should be at a height that your elbows bend at an angle of 90 degrees while you type. If you feel like this is not true for you, you can adjust your chair to the correct height. Or, it is even better if your char has adjustable armrests. Make sure you adjust them to the same height as your desk.

Position Your Screen

You must have experienced cervicogenic headaches or neck pain from working long hours sitting at a computer. The reason for such pains is that you have your screen positioned at the wrong height or level. This can cause bad posture. Such head and neck aches occur when you stare at screens that are either too high or too low. So how can you make sure to position your screen correctly? Your screen should be directly in front of your eyes, at natural eye level. When you do, your chin will stay parallel to the ground when you look at the screen.

Avoid Slouching

This may require a little practice to finally master, and at times, you may even forget to maintain proper posture. Nevertheless, it is totally possible to fix your posture once you build an awareness of how you’re standing or sitting. It is very common for people to slouch to some extent, which can be really hard on their spine. You can open your shoulders by rolling them down and back. While you do this, you will feel your upper back muscles engage. This can be hard in the beginning, but in time, it can effectively relieve all your aches.

Let Your Feet Touch the Ground For Better Posture

We believe that you can’t ensure proper posture if you don’t start from your feet. It seems impossible to fix your posture if your feet are not placed flatly against the floor. This can negatively affect the shape of your spine if you sit down to work for long periods of time. Make sure your feet are pressed on the floor, and your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Propping your legs on an object can tighten your hamstring muscles or cause an irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Health & Home Media Recreation & Leisure Tech & Media

Read These Books If You Love The Royal Family

Do you love to read about the British Royal Family and their secretive lives? To satisfy your curiosity about the most famous monarchs in the world, here’s a list of 15 books that you must read if you’re a fan of the Royal Family.

1. The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser, and the Wardrobe

The book is all about life inside Buckingham Palace. Coming from the perspective of Queen Elizabeth’s dresser of 25 years, this book covers royal fashion.

2. HRH

While discussing one outfit after another, the author takes the reader through a journey from post-WWII to Megxit. The book talks about four of the most iconic Royal Family women.

3. Before the Crown

If you love reading romance novels, this book should be on the top of your list. It highlights and imagines a setting in which Princess Elizabeth meets Philip for marriage.

4. Buckingham Palace

From an interior designer who is also an artist, this book is a vivid description and guide to Buckingham Palace. This book plans the perfect illustrations for Royal Family fans.

5. Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret

Encompassing the possible aspects and imaginable outcomes of Queen’s sister’s life, this book is one of the most popular Royal biographies on the internet.

6. Elizabeth and Philip: A Royal Love Story

If you’re interested in the background of the Royal Family, try out this book that covers the love story of Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth with some rare Royal Family photos.

7. Lady in Waiting

This book dramatically showcases the life of those in the inner circle of the Royal Family. It outlines the life of Anne Glenconner, befriending Princess Margaret and the Queen.

8. Matriarch

If you have spent enough time learning about what’s happening in the Royal Family these days, you’re probably curious about the family’s history. Here’s a book about Queen Elizabeth’s dear biological mother.

9. The Royals

Do you wonder if certain events actually took place? Read this amazing book that tells shocking details about some of the most memorable events involving the royal family.

10. Finding Freedom

Swift through this attention-grabbing book’s pages to learn about the events leading up to Meghan and Harry’s departure from the Royal Palace.

11. Elizabeth the Queen

Find out more about the life of Queen Elizabeth as a modern-day monarch in this book.

12. Meghan: A Hollywood Princess

What do you know about Meghan, Duchess of Sussex? Read this book to learn how Meghan met Harry in the author’s words.

13. Snowdon

Dive into the details of Princess Margaret’s husband’s life and how he tackled issues during his time with the Royal Family.

14. The Windsor Knot

This novel series involves Queen Elizabeth and tracks the journey of her solving a murder mystery that took place surprisingly at a supper event.

15. The Duke

Right before the passing of Prince Philip, this book gained popularity as it outlined and covered the eccentricities of his life.


These 15 books can surely add to your fandom for the Royal Family. Consider reading them according to your interests and preferences to learn things about the Royal Family that you didn’t know before. Some of the books are also part of a series, so they have sequels as well!

Health & Home Wellness

Personal Trainers’ Go-To Exercises

If you are looking for the best go-to exercises that personal trainers believe in, you should use the ones that they do at home.

Here are just a few of the easiest, most reliable exercises that you can do daily to achieve the body and stamina, and energy of a personal trainer.


You have time to do some squats while waiting for your coffee to complete brewing, brushing your teeth, or waiting for your shower to heat.

The squat is a basic compound activity that is used by personal trainers all around the world. That’s not just because it’s a terrific way to increase lower-body strength, but it also allows you to move about more freely in daily life.

Consider this: you’re ready to sit or stand up and you’re performing a squat. Inside and beyond the gym, the squat is essential for functional mobility.

The nicest thing about squats is how simple of an exercise they are to do. Simply stretch your feet shoulder width apart, engage your core, and drop your mid-section as if sitting in a chair. Stay in that posture for a certain length of time before rising up and repeating the process.

Plank Exercises

Planks are just maintaining the posture at the top of a pushup, and they are a consistently great shoulder, core, and willpower exercises. They’re also versatile since you can use them to do burpees, mountain climbers, side planks, plank jacks, and more.

The plank stance is also beneficial to the back. It activates the core stabilizing muscles, which helps to maintain the spine. Its simplicity is also important since it can be done anywhere and requires no special equipment. That’s why so many personal trainers return to the plank on a regular basis, at least once a day.


Movement is essential, but it’s also critical to concentrate on techniques that combat physical stagnation. Personal trainers are fully aware of this and remind their customers about it on a regular basis.

Sitting causes muscles around the hips and lower back to shorten, while also causing other muscles to overwork and become irritated. This is why the lunge matrix, sometimes known as “around-the-world lunges,” is recommended by so many personal trainers.

These multidirectional lunges enhance range of motion by lengthening the hip, lower back, and leg muscles that are latent when sitting.

How do you go about doing them? To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width wide. Then, using your left foot, take a big stride forward. Make sure both knees are bent to around 90 degrees, distributing your weight equally between both legs. The front knee of your front leg should be precisely above your ankle. Return your left foot to the middle.

Then Step out to the left side with your left foot and bend your left knee. Maintain a straight right leg extension. This is how you do a side lunge. Return your left foot to the middle.

Step your left foot behind you, bringing your right leg in front of you. This is your back lunge. Return to the starting position with the left leg.

Rep the process with the right leg in the opposite direction: right foot steps back into a rear lunge, then out to a right side lunge, and finally forward to a right front lunge.