Debt Financial

Ally Bank Does Away With Overdraft Fees

One of the most annoying features of banking in America has been eliminated by one financial institution. And it’s already receiving rave reviews from customers and promising a change for the entire industry. Overdraft fees are no longer charged by Ally Bank to any of its clients. Starting in April 2020, the bank will temporarily eliminate certain overdraft costs due to COVID-19 problems. This is a more permanent change for many big banks, and it is the first of its sort.

Ally CEO Jeffrey Brown stated in a message to customers: “Overdraft fees are a source of frustration for many consumers, but they are especially burdensome for others. It’s past time to put a stop to them.”

This is fantastic news for clients, and it might herald a sea shift for giant banks. Those who have long profited handsomely by charging tiny fees to large customer bases. Overdraft fees have long been seen as one of the most inconvenient and inevitable aspects of banking in the United States, but that perception may be changing.

What is an overdraft charge, exactly? Consider the following scenario: you write a check or are charged for a regular online payment, but your account balance is insufficient to cover it. Banks will often charge you an “overdraft fee” if you force them to pay the amount for you.

Why No More Fees?

Overdraft fees alone brought in $4 billion for America’s top four banks: Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, and Bank of America. They make a lot of money only from overdraft fees, as you can see.

A bank may handle a rejected check for less than $1  and sometimes even less than that. Banks have progressed beyond passing on those costs to charging a huge, profit-driven multiple of their own costs.

Lower-income families are more likely to be harmed by these fees since they are more likely to be short on cash. According to a poll released recently, those who lost money during COVID-19 paid more than four times as many fees to institutions.

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 5% of checking account customers overdraw their accounts more than 20 times each year.

Ally has consistently been called one of the finest online banks in the country. They receive high marks from customers across the board. Clark likes online banks over conventional banks, along with credit unions, since the excellent ones have low costs.

This isn’t the first time Ally Bank has taken such a step. Fees were removed by Discover Financial in 2019. Some banks that claim to have eliminated overdraft costs, simply do not accept overdrafts. Others provide “overdraft protection.”

Consumers will be pleased with Ally’s decision, and it may be a splash that will reverberate across the banking industry.

Overdraft fees have long been seen as part of the price of doing business with banks. However, this change with Ally shows that might not be the case much longer. After the wonderful reaction Ally got, it is likely that other banks might follow in its foot steps and eliminate their own overdraft fees soon.

Financial Savings

Budgeting: 7 Things That Will Hinder Your Finances

Coffee is widely spent on, especially if it’s a Starbucks. One cannot go by the day without coffee. While, it has become a support system in our lives, it is also one of the causes of wreaking chaos in our financial management. That being said, you cannot just manage your finances by cutting back on coffee. Here are 7 things that are possible hindrances to your finances:

1.   Neglecting budgeting

This should be a no-brainer. You can watch your money being spent but you don’t know where half of it went. When you start budgeting, you will know where your money went instead of just wondering about it. This will also help you in avoid buying unnecessary things.

2.   Working on a consistent salary

You need to start thinking of yourself as worthy enough to ask for a raise. If you have been working in a company for almost 3 years and you are still on the same salary package, it affects your finances. With inflation everywhere, your stable income won’t be of any use to you unless you buck up and ask for a raise. 

3.   Buying things you cannot afford and budgeting

Do you really need that car? Or a new place to move into? All of these decisions impact your finances. Buying things that give you no value can be cut back. The money can instead be put in a savings account. If you are taking loans just to fulfill your materialistic desires, it will affect your life. You will eventually be caught up under the pile of loans.

4.   Remove your Starbucks addiction from your finances

You don’t need to give up on coffee altogether. However, you can simply cut back on the number of coffees you have every day. If you have 4 cups of Starbucks, cut it down to three, two, and then one. You will notice how much money you save just by cutting back.

5.   Ignoring credit

You need to build up your credits. If you don’t focus on that, you can’t qualify for easy loans and low interest rates. A good credit history and score can help your finances in a number of ways. Building credit is not a day’s work but takes years to do so. So, start building your credit for your financial benefit.

6.   Not setting your financial goals

Not setting your financial goals also impacts your finances. You can get into spending loads without even thinking about the future. Set a savings goal every month. This will help you in spending money within your set limit. This will also help you to achieve future financial goals.

7.   Taking the same route

This might sound funny, but changing your daily route also helps. Take a route that doesn’t have Starbucks right around the corner. It will automatically help you control your urge to buy coffee every time you pass around it. Believe it or not, this will save you money and create a positive impact on your finances.

Saving up and helping your coffee addiction are parallel concepts that are linked together. So, don’t give in to your addiction and save your finances!

Health & Home Wellness

10 Ways to Feel Healthier by Tomorrow

Getting healthy has become much more important nowadays. With so many of us indulged in an overload of work, our health takes the backseat. It is about time we all make space for a healthy lifestyle in our schedule. Here are 10 things you can do to feel healthier by tomorrow:

1.   Exercise – Even if it is for 15 minutes

Ensure that you move your body, even if it is for 15 minutes. Sitting all day and working for eight or nine hours will stiffen up your bones. A light run, walk, and even some yoga moves will help ease you into exercising daily. This is also good for your mental well-being.

2.   Avoid Munching Late Night

Your body needs to go through its digestion process after you finish dinner. You should eat at least 3 hours before you sleep. This will help your body to maintain its process, otherwise, it all keeps adding up as fat in your body.

3.   Drink Lots of Water

This needs to be a full-on habit, especially during winters. We often forget to drink water as soon as the temperature drops. Water keeps us hydrated, resulting in glowing skin and better blood circulation. Coffee and tea are not considered liquids that keep you hydrated. So keep a bottle of water everywhere you go.

4.   Prepare a Nutritious Meal

Everyone loves burgers, pizzas, and pasta; but these are not healthy meals. Avoid having them frequently. If you are not a salad fan, go for healthy food like salmon, vegetables and chicken, soups, chickpea noodles. You will not find them boring, and they taste fine, too!

5.   Adopt Portioning Snacks

Portion out your snacks, so you have something to reach out to when you are hungry. Pack snacks that have protein and fiber. This will prevent you from overeating and keep your energy level intact.

6.   Stretch. And Stretch. Stretch.

We often underestimate stretching, but you will feel so good after doing so. Always stretch when you wake up in the morning and before going to bed. It helps your muscles to relax and give you a good night’s sleep. Perform each stretch for about 30 seconds.

7.   Drink a Cup or Two of Coffee

If you are a fan of coffee, this is for you. Coffee has beneficial antioxidants. One or two cups of coffee is an appropriate addition to your healthy routine.

8.   Eat Dark Chocolate for Sweet Cravings

You don’t have to cancel all your sweet cravings but find an alternative instead. Dark chocolate is the best alternative if you cannot give up on sweets. The cocoa in it also includes beneficial antioxidants and flavonols that help prevent heart diseases.

9.   Sleep for Seven to Nine Hours To Be Healthier

Going to sleep at a decent hour is highly important for a healthier lifestyle. Your body needs rest, and you need to stick to a consistent schedule for that.

10. Connect with Your Surroundings

We all get so indulged in the work that we forget to connect with everyone around us. Volunteering, doing community work, and communicating with loved ones also positively affect your physical and mental health.

Adopt the above-mentioned steps in your life and pave the way for a healthier tomorrow!

Career Career & Education

How to Prep for Performance Review & Get a Raise

Despite enjoying your work and being happy with it, performance review still scares us all. It is that time of the year when you have to sit down and go over your performance with the manager. The review can either result in you staying at the same place or earning a raise. It is both time-consuming and causes anxiety. However, if you are prepared beforehand, you can save yourself from getting worried about it. Here are a few tips to prepare for a performance review and even land a raise:

·      Think of Your Performance Review as a Job Interview

You must remember how you did all the preparation before landing this job. Your performance review will analyze your current performance and possible prospects for a raise. So, take it as applying for a higher-level job. Revisit your old interview practice approach. Have your friend do a mockup interview.

·      Show Your Achievements

One of the important techniques is to show your achievements. Make a good presentation about what objectives you delivered and how much they positively affected your company. Brainstorm the value that you bring to this company. Show them how it can improve with your work in the future. You can talk about an upcoming project that you think is perfect to lead with your experience. These ideas will present a positive image to your manager and a possible raise.

·      Prepare to Get Criticized

This is your performance review of the year. It cannot be all positive, so you have to make up your mind to accept the criticism that you will receive. Listen to it and note down the points. You might not agree with all the criticism, but you have to accept it as your future in the company depends on it.

Explain to your manager how you will overcome the observed criticism and ensure your commitment to the company.

·      Review Current and Future Goals

Go over your previous goals and come up with future goals. This will show your boss your commitment and dedication to the company. You might even land a raise if your boss considers your efficiency. If you have already met your previous goals, that counts as a big plus for your raise.

·      Present Your Case for Salary Raise

You need to directly bring up the salary raise objective on the table. After all the discussion, make a case for your future in the company. Show them how you have earned the right to get a raise depending on the past performance. Tell them how you fulfill all the requirements and should get a raise. A strong case from your side will grab your boss’ attention.

Your hard work and commitment will determine how far you have come and how far you can go. You have done everything in the past year, so all you can do for your performance review is to be one step ahead. Review your performance, prepare for your boss’ analysis and be sure to present a powerful case that lands you a raise.

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

15 Edible Gifts to Send to Your Friends This Holiday

Who doesn’t love to indulge in sweet treats during the holidays? Of course, everyone does! And who doesn’t love to receive gifts on Christmas? Everyone loves it! Be it a chewy chocolate cookie, or Santa-shaped candies, Christmas is not Christmas without all the delicious edibles. Let’s have a look at 15 edible gifts to send to your friends this holiday season:

1.   Madeleine Cookies Dipped in Chocolate

The sweet, airy treats covered in chocolates can be the perfect edible gift for your friend. Add some edible red sprinkles on top, and you are good to go!

2.   Christmas-Shaped Cookies

Cookies shaped like Santa, stars, Christmas trees, or gingerbread men can never grow old. They are a favorite of both children and adults and even pets!

3.   Cream and Ginger Sandwich Cookies

Combine cookies and cream to form a delicious sandwich! This will be a hit among your friends.

4.   Chocolate Granola Bark

In most cases, granola is a high-fiber protein bar, but add in some chocolate, and it becomes much more exciting. The pistachios in the bark add a fine flavor, too!

5.   Jam-Filled Cookies

Jam and cookies are the perfect Christmas combo! Bake different shapes of cookies, add the delicious strawberry jam, and combine them together to make a sandwich. Delicious written all over it!

6.   Santa Spoons

Create Santa spoons with cocoa and marshmallows. These frosty spoons look adorable in a gift package and taste delicious with hot chocolate!

7.   Pretzels

This salty-sweet treat becomes tastier when dipped in chocolate. Add multi-color sprinkles on top to give them a Christmassy feel.

8.   Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Nobody has ever said no to Chocolate Chunk Cookies! Your friends will never stop munching, especially with the gooey chocolatey goodness inside. Wrap them beautifully and put a red bow on top to complete the Christmassy feel.

9.   Milk Mug Mixers

Make use of those beautiful vintage spoons this Christmas. Put frosted chocolate on the spoons and wrap them in cellophane. The chocolate will melt when you mix it in hot milk. A delicious warm drink by the fireplace!

10.  Homemade Jams

Homemade jams never go wrong. Make seasonal flavored jams, and package the jar. Add in a baguette or two to complete the gift for your friends.

11.  Eggnog Mix

The ultimate Christmas drink pancake mix. Pack eggnog mix in jars and add a cute little note around them. Your friends will love it and who knows they invite you over for breakfast to enjoy!

12. Crunchy Popcorns

Make caramel-covered crunchy popcorn, and send it over to your friends. The simple, yet yummy snack makes up for the Christmas movie night. Pack them up in tins for a beautiful presentation.

13. Nut Biscotti

This almond chocolatey biscuit is the perfect snack for the holidays. It is not very sweet and a good munching partner. Put them in jar containers and add a bow to make it a beautiful gift.

14. Chocolate Hazelnut Clusters

 Clusters are one of the easiest holiday gifts you can give to your friends. You can make them with two to three ingredients only, depending on what you want to add. Your friend can also keep them in the fridge for up to a month.

15. Mini Cheesecakes

A cookie-based cheesecake will light up your friends for sure! This tiny wonderful treat has its own pleasantness. Don’t forget to top it up with a yummy blueberry sauce.

You can come up with lots of edible gifts to send to your friends during the holidays. Make sure to present them beautifully and make their holidays even better!

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

Why Christmas Will Cost 17% More Than Before

According to economic specialists evaluating numerous sectors and current pricing patterns, Christmas activities will cost 17% more in 2019 than they did before the epidemic. The cause of this? The dreaded inflation that is impacting nearly every industry and every aspect of our everyday lives.

What Is Inflation?

And what exactly is inflation? Simply put, inflation is the gradual loss of a currency’s buying value over time. The rise in the average price level of a selection of chosen goods and services in an economy over time may be used to calculate a quantitative estimate of the pace at which buying power declines. An increase in the overall level of prices, which is frequently stated as a percentage, signifies that a unit of money now buys less than it did before. Right now, America is facing what could be a very serious period of inflation, following the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.

How Does This Affect Christmas?

According to estimates, gifts, a normal Christmas lunch for ten people, and a tree will cost an average of $1,700, up from about $1,500 only a few years ago in 2019.

Experts have calculated how extreme the price hikes will be across the board. They do this by evaluating the pricing of prominent goods on many holiday wish lists. As well as the prices of components for a holiday feast and other Christmas mainstays. For example, the cost of a gallon of milk has increased by more than 27% since last year.

Christmas trees are considerably more costly, especially if you buy a new artificial one. The typical fake tree is 26% more expensive than last year. The average natural tree is around 5% more expensive.

It’s vital to remember that the news isn’t always negative! Not everything on your Christmas wish lists has been affected by inflation. Numerous popular gift items have remained unchanged in price since last year, including smartphones, footwear, and a Nintendo Switch or Sony PlayStation.

Despite the fact that inflation is skyrocketing—at its highest rate in over 30 years, according to government officials—shopping seems to be unaffected so far. Many big stores have already claimed record sales, both online and in person.


According to the National Retail Federation, this year’s Christmas retail sales will be the largest on record.

The consumer price index, a key indicator of inflation, has grown 5.4 percent in the last year, the highest level in more than a decade. While President Biden and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell have stated that the price rises are only temporary, indicating pent-up demand as a result of the epidemic, many economists anticipate the scenario will endure far beyond 2023 and 2024.

An overabundance of money is the primary cause of the current inflation in the United States. The money supply in the United States increased by $5.5 trillion between December 2019 and August 2021, an astounding 35.7 percent growth in just a year and a half, owing mostly to the Federal Reserve’s purchases of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities. Of course, this has benefited the economy at a time when it was most needed. However, it has also resulted in the present Christmas price issue.

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

8 Indoor Hobbies To Get You Through The Winter

You probably don’t like to leave the house other than for household essentials and work routines during winter, right? Well, that’s the case with most of those living in chilly regions around the world. However, life can easily become boring inside the house, and old habits can get uninteresting. Whether you’re on holiday or taking a break from work, here are 8 of the best indoor winter hobbies.

1.    Listening To TED Talks

If you’re a lover of information in the sense that you seek knowledge about anything at any given time, TED talks are the perfect indoor hobby for you. You can check out the most famous talks and discussions to enhance your perspective.

2.    Sewing and Tailoring Hobbies

This idea doesn’t need an introduction since, at some point in your life, you must have seen someone knit or sew a clothing item. Being as versatile as indoor hobbies get, you can sew your own scarves, socks, or even sweaters to try on.

3.    Scrapbooking Hobbies

If you’re really stuck inside the house due to extreme winter conditions, don’t let yourself down. Try to make a scrapbook and track your journey through family photos. Remembering nostalgic and enjoyable times can surely regulate the production of “stress” hormones in the body.

4.    Painting Hobbies

Why let your thoughts and words go to waste? Try out the best oil and watercolor paints at your disposal to express your thoughts onto a bright and ready canvas. Instead of thinking in terms of words, emotions, and facial expressions, try to focus on the flamboyant color combinations present on your color palette.

5.    Household Restorations

It might be time to take care of that broken chair or loose sink in your house. This way, you can avoid the morning frustration of stubbing your toe on the broken furniture.

6.    Plan and Workout

Did you previously have trouble starting and sticking to a fitness plan? Winter’s the perfect opportunity to work on your stamina and explosive power. Use a well-ventilated space to create a home gym and start working out by taking tips and guidance from professional trainers.

7.    Practicing Fighting Techniques

If you want to let go of your emotions and calm your frustrated mind, try practicing martial arts or jiu-jitsu. Meditation techniques can help you become more focused and concentrated, provided there’s a given task at hand.

8.    Start a Healthy Diet

Being indoors gives you an ample amount of time to take care of yourself, whether emotionally, mentally, or physically. Surprisingly, taking up a healthy and planning your foods in advance can offer physical as well as mental issue relief.


The abovementioned hobbies aren’t the only ones you can pick up during your time indoors this winter. You can start cooking, working on your fashion, house improvement, learning new languages, and making new online friends. There’s a wide variety of hobbies and difficult tasks that you can perform.

Health & Home Wellness

Diabetes-Friendly Swaps For Holiday Cooking

The holidays are here! That means it’s time for wonderful festivities with family and friends – and wonderful holiday meals as well.

As yummy as your holiday snacks will be, many of them can load you up with calories and carbs and sugars that can make maintaining a slim tummy and healthy sugar level awfully hard. But keeping track of your sugar levels is important, especially if you’re diabetic. Therefore, there are vital steps and things to remember when you are enjoying the holidays with those closest to you. You don’t have to be a Grinch, you can still enjoy Christmas! You just need to be extra careful and keep these food facts in mind as the holidays approach. 

Shortbread Over Frosted Sugar Cookies

A buttery shortbread square has just 9 grams of carbs, which is 75% less than a frosted sugar cookie. Better still, go for the shortbread with almonds for a boost of protein and fiber.

Salsa Over Creamy Spinach Dip

Choose naturally low-carb salsa (just 4g per 14 cup) over mayo and sour cream-filled dip to add zip to your chip. In addition, each 14 cup, you’ll save 120 calories and 14 grams of fat.

Healthy Fresh Veggies Over Crackers

A pound of wheat crackers has the same amount of carbs as 212 cups of raw vegetables. You’ll also cut down on salt and fat, as well as get a vitamin and mineral boost.

Healthy Mixed Nuts Over Snack Mix

Instead of a snack mix containing cereal, dried fruit, and candy–which may have more than 24g carb every 12 cup–go for simple mixed nuts. Nuts are high in protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fats, with just 7 grams of carbohydrates per ounce.

Lemon Sparkler Over Soda

A 12-ounce can of soda has 40 grams of carbohydrates, all of which come from sugar. That’s almost three tablespoons! Instead, combine 4 ounces fresh lemonade with 8 ounces sparkling water to make a drink that is two-thirds lower in carbohydrates and sugar. Serve with a lemon slice as a garnish.

Holiday Pumpkin Pie Over Pecan

Corn syrup and brown sugar raise the sugar content of pecan pie. Instead, save 10 grams of carbs by eating a piece of pumpkin pie. Slowly chew it and relish just a few nibbles.

Dark Chocolate Over Brownies

A single ounce of dark chocolate has half the carbs of a sugary brownie. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which may have heart-healthy properties.

Turkey Over Glazed Ham

In comparison to a glazed ham, which may typically have more than 7g carbohydrates and more than 800mg sodium, a well cooked turkey may include just 2g carbs and roughly 300mg sodium. Turkey is a bit more adaptable than ham, and it gives you a lot of leftover possibilities.

Wild Rice Stuffing Over Bread Stuffing

Depending on the recipe, substituting rice for bread may save you more than 20 grams of carbohydrates and more than 100 milligrams of salt. Hot cooked wild rice is nutty and aromatic, making it an excellent complement to fresh spices.

Health & Home Home Improvement

All of the Holiday Essentials You Could Need

The best approach to enjoying sweater weather is to savor each and every day with fun and memorable activities. With friends and family, you get a chance to make plenty of memories during the holiday season. But whenever you’re planning a gathering with family or friends, especially during the holiday season, you have to keep a checklist of all the essentials you need.

So without any further ado, let’s get down to some of the most important holiday essentials that everyone needs.

Coffee Mugs

Did you accidentally break your favorite coffee mug? Don’t wait up! This is an opportunity to get a fashionable new mug to sip on your hot chocolate and coffee. Coffee mugs are the highlight of your life indoors during the winter season. They hold some of the most pleasant smells like coffee, tea, and other hot and soothing beverages.

Soft and Cushy Slippers

Do you want to avoid the dreaded feeling of your feet hitting the cold floor first thing in the morning? Well, there’s an easy solution for that! You can purchase the comfiest and stylish cushy slippers, so you don’t have to walk on cold floors if you don’t have carpeted or heated floors.

Ball Garlands and Holiday Wreaths                        

You can’t argue that it just doesn’t feel like the holidays when you don’t put up garlands and wreaths around the house. Find the best pairs of garlands and wreaths to become one with the holiday season during the most cheerful time of the year.

A Wonderful “Welcome” Doormat

If you regularly host guests during the holidays, you need a ‘Welcome’ doormat. They’re a great way of welcoming friends and family to your humble abode. It’s also a warm and wholesome way of making sure that all your guests feel at home. So, buy a doormat that resonates with the winter and holiday theme inside your home. Besides, doormats can keep out the dust and snow, so you have to do less cleaning around the house.

Flocked Holiday Christmas Trees

Is it really the holidays if you haven’t put up a Christmas tree? Make sure that you have this holiday-centric indoor decorative item on your winter holiday shopping checklist. When you spend more time with friends and family indoors, you must consider keeping the theme consistent with the ongoing holidays. Besides, decorating the Christmas tree is a fantastic activity to engage in with friends and family.


Do you have all the winter holiday essentials jotted down for your next shopping trip? Well, in case you forgot something, cross-check with the list above and make sure that you haven’t forgotten anything in advance. Winter is the best time of the year to stay indoors and get cozy. Thus, having all the required amenities and essentials at hand might improve your experience.

Health & Home Home Improvement

10 Holiday Living Rooms We Want To Copy

There’s always room for improvement when you’re standing inside the most beautiful of places. Do you have the skills to identify which areas of your living room need improvements? If you don’t think you’re creative enough, here are some reliable holiday decoration ideas.

1.    Going Traditional on a Modern Landscape

You can try out some interesting traditional-like furniture items over your modern living room interior. Think of a wooden garland and wreaths stationed over a hand-cut Christmas tree in the corner of the room.

2.    Upholstering Living Room Walls

Bold artwork is one of the best techniques to accommodate a sense of celebration, especially during the holiday season in winter. However, don’t leave your living room wall unattended. You should improve it with suitable upholstery, such as leather, velvet, or vinyl.

3.    Creating Timeless Characteristics

If you’re a fan of simplicity, you’ll fall in love with this décor idea. Paint the living room with a bright white color to give off a timeless vibe. Incorporate metallic appliances or furniture to add a contemporary look to your room.

4.    Holding Onto an Off-White Plain Living Room

Painting the walls with subtle shades of off-white, along with traditional jute rugs and carpets around the house creates a solid impression for the holiday season in the most unconventional manner.

5.    Adjusting the Furniture

Adjust your furniture according to a holiday theme. For instance, make the coffee table a focal point for your living room since it is the Christmas holidays and winter season. Remove old books and place ornaments or planters that are perfect to match the ongoing season.

6.    Include a Blend of Different Shades Minimally

Even if your furniture remains the same color, you can try to blend in several different combinations to the walls and lampshades. Marigold shades and navy highlights could do just the trick for your matching interior décor.

7.    Chase an Eclectic Living Room Profile

You can play around with your accessories by placing oriental rugs suitable for sitting, standing, and walking around in the living room with a big comfy cushion. Keep the accessories to a minimum while including the light-colored rugs and carpets around the room.

8.    Accomplishing a Monochrome Profile for the Living Room

If you appreciate feminine energy and wish to accomplish an eye-capturing living room profile, you can incorporate Monochrome vibes. Try adding a unique crystal chandelier with shiny and bright accessories near the focal point to grab your guests’ attention.

9.    Paste a Wallpaper around the Living Room

There are no holds to what kind of wallpapers you can have in your living room. However, for a holiday impression, consider going for lively and cheerful wallpaper that resembles the rest of the room, including accessories and colors.

10.  Hanging Geometrical Paintings on the Walls

Geometrical patterns are bound to grab visitors’ and guests’ attention at first glance. They include intriguing shapes and designs that make a room look more complex than it actually is. But, be careful not to give your guests headaches with illusion-like pattern paintings.


Now, you can try out appealing changes to your living room without feeling too much work. In fact, try to include a combination of the above mentioned changes to elevate the décor and create a more eclectic ambiance for your house interior.