Career Career & Education

How To Negotiate A Really Lowball Job Offer

It happens to the best of us every now and again. You get an offer that just seems designed to insult you. You probably feel frustrated, upset, and significantly unheard and undervalued. The first step is to not jump to conclusions and to react in as neutral a way as possible initially. Then, here are some techniques to cope and negotiate.

1.   Ask For Some Time To Consider

This is a great passive tactic to implement immediately. Ask them for a couple of days to consider the offer, and give them a definite time frame in which they can expect a response. A good general idea is about 2-3 business days. This gives you time to mull and doesn’t waste their time, but also lets them know in a passive way that the offer wasn’t immediately acceptable.

2.   Decide On Your Strategy

This is where you will decide if you’re going to express your disappointment outright or counter with a more reasonable offer. Many people will choose to negotiate first, in the hopes of getting a position that they really want, while making some compromises. Others will count it as a loss, but send a message expressing that disappointment and offering to consider if the conditions were improved.

3.   Determine If The Job Is Worth It

There may be cases where it just isn’t worth the hassle of going back and forth. There are some signals that your negotiations would be unsuccessful. Some of these factors include the employer insisting that the offer is the best they can do, further research indicating that the offer was fair, when you won’t be able to negotiate with a level head, or if the position simply isn’t worth the emotional strain.

4.   Counter & Know What’s Important To You

When you counter, make sure you go in with a plan that you can use for some framework. Know what’s important to you at a job, if they can’t offer more money, can they offer additional vacation time? If they can’t offer that, what can they do to make the offer more appealing? Sometimes you will be surprised at the perks they will offer that won’t end up on your paycheck.

5.   Know Your Job Market

You can’t decide what is and isn’t a fair offer if you don’t have a thorough knowledge of the salary range for the position nationwide as well as regionally and locally. Be sure you aren’t just throwing numbers at them in the hopes that they’ll bite. You may even be in the market for things like stock options or other equity in the company.

6.   Know Your Value

This is another area where research is incredibly valuable. Knowing how much you, your skills, background, experience, and so on are worth, can help you squeeze every bit of value out of a prospective offer. Even take into account how badly the company needs you, or needs to fill the position. A position with high turnover may be worth a higher bid.

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

8 Tips For Planning A Safe Road Trip During COVID

Now that some lockdowns have loosened, and quarantines have lifted in many locations, it could be the perfect time to get out and stretch, so to speak, and hit the open road. Carefully, of course. Let’s take a look at 8 great ways to make a road trip happen.

1.   Make A Definite Plan

Impromptu road trips are probably a thing of the past until this pandemic is more under control. This will be the most stressful and challenging part of your trip. Planning every single thing that you can plan for. This gives you a chance to plan alternates, also.

2.   Be Sure Of Cleaning Protocols Anyplace You Stay

Ask. Don’t assume, ask. This is incredibly important during the pandemic. You should be sure of their COVID cleaning protocols, just as they should. They should know exactly when things were last cleaned and sterilized, and if they don’t, stay somewhere else during your road trip.

3.   Keep Apprised Of The Cancellation Policies

Make sure any place that you are planning to travel has a good cancellation policy, that is as close to the day you leave as possible. If something changes, you will have more opportunity to regain any deposit that has been paid, or at least avoid the full charge if possible.

4.   Ready Your Ride

Make sure you keep your car sterilized and equipped for the constant task of keeping yourself clean. Make sure you have some backup masks, cleaning wipes, hand sterilizer, and maybe even some disposable gloves and mini garbage bags. This will be super helpful for your road trip.

5.   Plan Your Dining Carefully

I love to eat out, it’s one of my favorite things to do on a road trip but during a pandemic, things can get a little dicey. Be sure to research via reviews how local eateries are handling no-contact or low-contact deliveries or dining. Some restaurants are reopening as well, but you will probably find, just as I did, that there are certainly some establishments that are taking things casually despite the circumstances.

6.   Do Your Own Cleaning Job To Be Safe

I trust most housekeeping staff, but just in case they were a little overworked or spread a little thin on that shift, I’ll give the room and surroundings a quick once-over. Just with some wipes, I’m not talking about steam-sterilizing the whole floor. It will give you some peace of mind, and it will give you an extra layer of protection.

7.   Wipe Down When You’re Done

Not your surroundings, your belongings. Give a sanitizing wipe a tour around anything you have that may have been exposed, such as your shoes, laptop, suitcase, and so on. This makes sure that you aren’t bringing any pathogens with you to other destinations on your road trip.

8.   Have A Plan To Get Tested On Arrival

This probably won’t be an option or a need for everyone traveling, but in my case it was. I was going to be staying with my folks, and they’re both in their 60s and cancer survivors, so I didn’t want to take any chances. I made plans to get tested on my way into town and stayed quarantined until I heard back.

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

6 Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday on a Budget

Most of us love our birthday. Particularly these days, when celebrating another solar return can be a pretty big deal. It only comes once a year, and it can feel like a personal slight not to go all out and spend a bunch of money on a party for you and a ton of people.

That’s the exact reason why learning how to pull the reigns back on your natal day spending can be a necessary evil. So you’ve got to learn some better ways to help those around you to celebrate such an important day, without spending a fiscal quarter’s worth of rent payments.

Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin

Focus on what is really important, and try to cut out a lot of the other fluff. Once you know what is going to be the important experience or purchase this year, focus on that and invest in it. The benefits are two-fold, not only are you doing or getting something that you love, but you are going all in, and not skimping at all.

Stay Within Reach Of Home

Staycations are incredibly popular right now, particularly with the pandemic. To celebrate your birthday, find a local gem that you’ve always wanted to try, or go somewhere fairly local that you love and don’t get to visit often enough. Many people forget that you can have a great vacation by pretending to be a tourist in your own nearby big city. Jetsetting can get spendy, but staying local can let you use your resources more wisely.


This past year or so has been the start of a ton of new traditions, as well as the end (or hiatus) of many other time-honored customs. Take this opportunity to create a birthday tradition that is uniquely you. This should be a way that you can personally set the day apart from the rest, maybe you just treat yourself to breakfast at your favorite diner. Make it yours.

Get A Birthday Deal

If you hunt around, you can probably spend your entire birthday doing and eating things for free. Check out birthday benefits for places that have birthday clubs and give you benefits like free coffee, burgers, ice cream, and more. Make sure you sign up before the big day, however, since some don’t offer the benefits on the day you sign up, or they require some approval process.

Hide Out Or Hand Out

Lots of people want to go out and be social for their birthday, and really party it up. But there is a growing number of people that find joy in small intimate gatherings and charitable giving. Maybe a fancy charcuterie date with your partner, maybe a date helping out in a soup kitchen.

Get Whimsical For Your Birthday

Feel free to give yourself a makeover or get a little silly for your birthday. Hair color you always wanted to try?  Love those little party poppers from the grocery store? Superhero-themed cake? Twinkly lights while you build a birthday blanket fort?

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

Where to Travel After COVID? 25 Inspiring Escapes

After being stuck at home for more than a year, things are finally starting to get better. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recently stated that those that are fully vaccinated for Covid are now cleared for travel. As things are opening back up, many people are planning their first vacation following the pandemic. With so many cool places to choose from, it can be hard to narrow it down to one place. Let’s take a look at 25 of the most breathtaking destinations you can travel to this year.

1. New Orleans

The “Big Easy” is best known for creole, Mardi Gras, Voodoo, and rich Cajun history.

2. Sydney

From the iconic Opera House to yacht-fill harbor, Sydney is full of diverse entertainment.

3. New York City

There’s never a dull moment in the Big Apple. Check out Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, and more.

4. Kerry, Ireland

If you’re looking for breathtaking scenery, the Lakes of Killarney and Carrantuohill are waiting for you.

5. The Maldives

Another great scenic destination is the white sand and blue water of the Maldives.

6. Edinburgh, Scotland

As the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh is known for the arts and festivals.

7. Tokyo, Japan

From museums and festivals to cuisine and sports, Tokyo has something for everyone.

8. Vancouver, Canada

This is the ideal destination for the outdoor adventurer. Camping, hiking, and skiing await.

9. Santorini, Greece

The most recognizable of the Greek islands, Santorini is known for its white buildings with blue accents.

10. Singapore

Singapore is popular for its tall buildings, bright colors, and clean streets.

11. Hong Kong

From lush parks to mountains to beautiful cultural diversity, Hong Kong would be a great vacation spot.

12. London, England

From the classic red phone boxes to modern marvels, there is a ton to do in London.

13. Barbados

If you’re looking for a Caribbean getaway, check out the beautiful blue waters of Barbados.

14. Seoul, South Korea

Full of culture, Seoul is perfect for those that are into fashion, food, art, or architecture.

15. Machu Picchu, Peru

One of the New Seven Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu is both breathtaking in beauty and history.

16. Lisbon, Portugal

Full of old-world charm, Lisbon is adorned with yellow trams, steep hills, and blue and white tiles.

17. Hawaii

Whether you want to relax and unwind or go on adventures, Hawaii is a great destination.

18. Beijing, China

Beijing is a wonderful vacation spot for anyone the loves to learn about history.

19. Las Vegas

Great for visitors of all ages, there is always something fun to do in Vegas.

20. Matterhorn, Switzerland

This is one of the best places for skiers.

21. Bora Bora

This is the perfect location if you want a romantic getaway.

22. Cape Town, South Africa

Your camera will get a workout with all of the gorgeous scenery, from the Atlantic Ocean to Table Mountain.

23. Paris, France

Perfect for anyone that wants to go for a second honeymoon.

24. Los Angeles

As the entertainment capital of the world, there is never a shortage of fun in LA.

25. Bali, Indonesia

From lakes and waterfalls to mountains and flower gardens, Bali is a great destination if you love a beautiful view.

Career & Education Education Financial Loans

How Student Loans Affect Credit

How Do They Affect Your Credit?

Student loans can have a major effect on your credit score. Taking out loans and paying them back will vastly improve your credit score, but it is detrimental when you so much as miss a payment—in fact, it can drop your score by more than 100 points!

The credit score affected is the one of the person who took the loan out; sometimes by parents and others by co-sign with parent and child. For example, if your parent took out a loan to help you pay for school, it would only affect their credit, not yours.

When You Are Missing or Behind on Payments

Most student loans are installments, which means that you pay a certain amount for an allotted time period. The good news is that your score won’t start to decrease until after the missed payment has been reported by the lender:

  • Federal student loan servicers can wait up to 90 days to report
  • Private student loan servicers can wait up to 30 days
  • They still have the option of charging immediately, however

Another consequence of missing/late payments is that it can increase your debt-to-income ratio (DTI):

  • It represents the amount of your monthly income that goes towards paying off debts (higher is worse)
  • Since the amount of debt you owe accounts for a large portion of your credit score, the DTI is a good reflection of your debt repayment status, though it does not directly change your credit score
  • Too much installment debt (ie. student loan debt), can impact your ability to take out more loans in the future because it determines whether or not you can afford their payments

In the worst-case scenario, you could end up in default:

  • Federal student loans usually consider this to begin at 270 days behind, and private at 120 days
  • This stays on your credit report for seven years
  • You will likely face collection and legal action in order to collect on the debt

If your student loan payments become unfeasible and you are becoming concerned about going into default, there are several options:

  • You may contact the lender to see if there is an alternative payment plan available. For example, extended deferment period or income-driven repayment.
    • This is based off of your current income
  • See if you are eligible for a student loan forgiveness program—this can get rid of your student loan debt
  • Look into refinancing your student loans (replacing existing debt with another lower-costing loan through a private lender)
  • This may decrease your monthly payments, but it can also extend your payment period by a number of years, which then adds to your interest costs

Student Loans and Improving Credit

Though there are many negative consequences to neglecting your student loans, there is also the potential for achieving greatness within your credit. Because most college students haven’t yet had many credit cards or loans taken out—if any—they could serve as the foundation for your credit history. Granted they are paid regularly and on time:

  • Student loans can be add to your credit mix (types of credit used) to increase eligibility for future loans—lenders like to see diversity in credit history
  • They can also add to positive payment history, which is the bulk of your credit score
    • Some lenders even allow for small payments during deferment, which is when you are not required to make payments yet
    • This is usually when you are enrolled in school and the subsequent grace period
    • However, if you choose to start paying these installments during deferment, they still show up as payments in your credit history, thus raising your score


As long as you make sure to pay your student loans off on time and in full, they can be an extremely beneficial asset when building a line of credit. If you neglect them, however, it will take years to recover from the damage. Making a solid plan for your future payments or reallocating your finances are the best ways to assure that your student loans work in your favor rather than against you.

Legal Social Security Disability

Non-Medical Requirements Needed For SSDI

There are a number of qualifications needed to apply successfully for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. When you apply, the Social Security Administration will look at a variety of factors to see if you qualify, and there are the standard requirements of being able to show medical proof of disability, but there are non-medical requirements as well.

Social Security Disability Insurance Requirements

To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, you must show medical and non-medical needs. There are three basic conditions for being considered eligible for SSDI payments, they are:

  1. You must show a “medically determinable” disability that significantly limits your ability to be gainfully employed.
  2. Your medical condition must either be terminal or be expected to last no less than 12 months.
  3. You must have earned a sufficient number of standard work credits with the Social Security Administration.

When used to consider the eligibility of SSDI recipients, gainful employment is defined by the SSA as earning or being able to earn, about $1,300 per month or more. This limit is $2,190 if your disability is blindness.

In addition to the medical requirements of proving a medically determinable disability, and that the disability is expected to last a minimum of 12 months, or result in the death of the recipient, there is a need to show that you are “insured” with the Social Security Administration by having earned enough work credits during the time you were employed.

Non-Medical Requirements

When you are employed, you pay federal Social Security payroll taxes, a portion of which is FICA. Taxes collected under FICA go into the Social Security trust fund and are used to pay SSDI benefits to recipients. Part of the application process for SSDI will be a mandatory review of your employment history to show that you have contributed to the system such that you qualify for benefits.

The work credits required to be eligible vary with the age of the applicant. If the applicant is under 24, they will only need to have worked for about 1.5 years, accumulating a minimum of 6 work credits. Applicants between 24 and 30 will need to show a work history of between 2 and 4.5 years, with a minimum of 8 to 18 work credits. Those between 31 and 42 will need to show 5 years of work and 20 credits to gain eligibility. After 42, you are required to earn a minimum of 2 credits every 2 years.

Documents sufficient for proving work history include income tax returns, pay stubs, W2 forms, detailed job history, and so on.

If you fail to meet the required number of work credits for SSDI, you may still be able to qualify for SSI. To show a need for SSI you will need to show less than $2,000 in assets, or $3,000 for couples, and limited income.

Career & Education Debt Education Financial Loans

Student Loans for Bad Credit

When you are figuring out how you will be funding your education for the next several years, having bad credit can really impact your options. Federal student loans are a great option to start with, but they only go so far, and many still have a tuition gap to fill. If there is a concern with the credit history and score for the student applying, there are still some viable methods for getting the funding needed to get the education they are aiming for.

The federal loans do not require any credit history and they have a wide variety of flexible repayment options. However, borrowing limits are often too low for many state or private universities, and so there are still significant costs due from the student before term. Often private lenders will require student borrowers to have a credit score minimum of 690, which can exclude many potential students. Here are some tips for those with bad credit, or simply limited credit history:

1.   Always Start With Federal Loans

No matter what the credit condition of the applicant, they should always start with the FAFSA and federal student loan programs. This will also put the student through an eligibility check for additional funding sources such as grants and scholarships, as well as work-study programs. The interest rates of federal loans are often fixed and below 5%. One of the additional bonuses is the flexible repayment options, like income-based repayment.

2.   Do Everything You Can To Get A Co-Signer

This will dramatically improve the overall interest rates and terms of all loans that the student will qualify for, and will often allow them to qualify for additional loans their credit alone would not allow. The big caveat with this is that it is frequently difficult to find anyone other than perhaps a parent or grandparent to be your cosigner. This is because the cosigner will become responsible for the debt as well if the primary signer defaults.

3.   Compare The Basic Features And Interest

Many of the independent companies will have a wide variety of interest rates and terms that will largely be dependant on the applicant’s credit specifics. Providers such as Ascent have interest rates that range from below 7% to over 14% on fixed rates, and 5.8% to 12.9% on a variable, while other popular bad credit student loan providers A.M. Money Private Student Loan and MPOWER Private Student Loan both strictly offer fixed-rate loans only.

A.M. Money Private Student Loan, MPOWER Private Student Loan, and Funding U Private Student Loan are all providers that will be able to service loans for without requiring a minimum credit score. They offer a variety of fixed interest rates as well as terms for their student loans. They will each use slightly different criteria to gauge loan approval, such as GPA, and some students with special status like DACA. Limitations often include availability limited by state or by the school.

Legal Social Security Disability

Medical Conditions and Disabilities: Do You Qualify?

If you have a medical condition that impacts your day to day life, you may want to file a disability claim. The Social Security Administration’s Listing of Medical Impairments is a guide containing medical conditions that, given certain conditions are met, automatically qualify you for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

For those that have a medical condition on the list, they’re typically considered disabled and should be able to receive benefits. The process is fairly straightforward, provided your condition qualifies and you are able to provide sufficient proof of disability.

List of Impairments

The conditions that will put you into the disabled category vary based on your age. There are separate lists for those under 18 and over 18. The list of medical conditions for adults to qualify for SSI or SSDI include:

  • Mental Disorders: Autism, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, intellectual disability
  • Musculoskeletal Problems: Back conditions and other issues with the bones and joints
  • Blood Disorders: Hemophilia, sickle cell, etc.
  • Digestive Tract Issues: Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, etc.
  • Cardiovascular Conditions: Coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, etc.
  • Respiratory Illnesses: Asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.
  • Neurological Disorders: Cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis, etc.
  • Immune System Disorders: Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV & AIDS, chronic kidney disease
  • Sense & Speech Issues: Loss of speech, loss of hearing, blindness, etc.

What If Your Condition Isn’t Listed?

The possibilities for disabilities are so varied, it would be almost impossible to list all of the potential conditions. Even if you have a serious medical condition that prevents you from obtaining any gainful employment, you may still be able to make a successful SSDI or SSI claim.

The first requirement for possible consideration is that the condition must be medically determinable. This simply means that you need to have a real condition that has been established in the medical community via laboratory or clinical testing.

The next condition is that the medical issue must limit or reduce your residual functional capacity. Your residual functional capacity can be calculated by evaluating your most demanding or exerting activity that can still be accomplished despite your medical impairment.

A disability claims examiner will use your residual functional capacity to decide your exertional level. Your exertional level will range from “sedentary work” to “very heavy work” based on how much weight is able to be lifted and carried safely.

Medical Evidence Needed

In order to gain approval for medical Social Security disability, you’ll need to be able to show some proof of the severity of your condition. Medical evidence can include:

  • Blood work panels
  • CAT scans
  • Mental health records
  • MRA
  • Physician examination
  • Treatment notes and reports

For your medical evidence to be considered valid, it needs to be within the timeframe that the disability occurred. Additionally, you need to be able to prove that your health is poor enough to impact your ability to perform normal work duties.

If you need help with your case, speak with an experienced SSDI attorney near you.

Credit Financial

Credit Cards: Best Low-Interest Cards of 2021

When you qualify for a low credit card interest rate, you qualify to reduce the overall cost of your debt over a longer period. When you borrow money or use credit, you usually have to pay a premium on that borrowed money in the form of interest.

Citi Diamond Preferred Card

This is a card with a 0% introductory rate, but the great part about the introductory rate is that it lasts for a year and a half. A full 18 months of zero interest can be a goldmine if you have some debt to catch up on. Once the intro period is over the interest rate will revert to the rate stated in the terms, generally a 14%-27% variable APR. To qualify for this card the applicant will need excellent credit and a FICO of between 720 and 850.

Discover Cash Back

Discover has reinvented itself in recent years as a very competitive card company, and this card is another reason why. The $0 annual fee and 0% APR intro period for a robust 14 months make this an attractive card that you do not need to have nearly-perfect credit to qualify for. They will accept applicants with a credit score as low as 690 with improving terms for scores up to 850.

Chase Freedom Unlimited

The Chase Freedom Unlimited card is another great card with a 0% APR for 15 months on purchases. It also has an entry point for consumers with credit scores from 850 down to just 690, so if you have faced some credit challenges this card might be a great match to get caught up.

In the first 3 months, spending $500 on purchases earns a $200 bonus, a legitimately nice return. The customer also earns 5% on travel purchases, 3% at restaurants, other dining, and drugstores. There is no minimum to redeem the cashback, like on some other cards.

Blue Cash Everyday Card

For a card with a great 0% APR intro period, and nice cash back benefits beyond that, the Blue Cash Everyday card is an enticing option. The intro period is a leisurely 15 months, and the APR after that can range from 13.99% up to 23.99%.

If you spend $1,000 in the first 3 months, you get $200 back. Additionally, you 3% back at grocery stores, up to $6,000 in a year, 2% back from gas stations and select department stores, and 1% back on other purchases.

U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card

If you are one of the few who can qualify for the U.S. Bank Visa Platinum card, you should certainly consider having one. They provide a 0% intro APR for a massive 20 months, and a variable APR of between 14.49% and 24.49% after that. You’ll need a credit score of 720-850 to get in the door. Additionally, paying with the card provides up to $600 to protect against cellphone damage and theft.

Financial Loans

What Are The Best Car Loans

When purchasing a car, one major obstacle for many people is the cost. Even inexpensive cars can cost thousands of dollars. Many people don’t have thousands of dollars to spend at once, especially if they need a new car as soon as possible. Getting a car loan can help you cover the cost of the car while offering easy ways to repay.

When shopping for a vehicle, one of the steps that shouldn’t be neglected is looking for auto loans. Finding the right loan can help you save money while repaying the loan and negotiating with dealerships. Having a car can help you negotiate a lower rate, or even decrease monthly payments.

PenFed Credit Union

PenFed Credit Union offers low rates for new and used auto loans. They even offer to refinance loans. They offer loans from $500 up to $100,000 so that no car is out of reach. Depending on what kind of loan you are applying for, rates can start as low as 1.39% for a new car. To get a loan from PenFed, you will need to join the credit union, but those standards are easy to meet.


LightStream is an auto loan company where the application can be completed entirely online with money often coming in the next day. They offer a variety of loan types, including new and used cars and classic car loans. The loan rates range from 2.49% to 9.49%, with applicants with the best credit getting the lowest rates.

Bank of America

Bank of America is a familiar financial institution to many, making them a welcome choice for many people. They also offer rates as low as 2.59% with a maximum of $7,500 for a loan. They do not give out loans for cars older than ten years or with more than 125,000 miles. Borrowers can choose from a 48, 60, or 72-month long loan after completing the quick application process.

Consumers Credit Union

Consumers Credit Union offers auto loans as low as 2.69% for up to 60 months. They also don’t have a minimum or maximum loan amount, loans are approved based on your credit history and the car report. Borrowers must also be a member of the credit union, which requires a payment of $5.


myAutoLoan is the best choice for people with a poor credit score. This is a marketplace option where borrowers can compare multiple offers and choose the loan best for them. The application process is quick and borrowers can compare four lenders. Loans are as low as 2.49% for new, used, and refinancing loan options.


Buying a car is expensive and many people can struggle to cover the expensive costs. Having a loan will help you buy off the car without a high-interest rate. Even if you have a history of bad or low credit, it is possible to find a lender that will help you. Get the car of your dreams with an auto loan.