Health & Home Home Improvement

DIY Home Improvement Projects To Do This Summer

Summer typically calls for lazy times in the pool but it’s also a great time for the much-needed home improvement projects you’ve been putting off. DIY home improvement ideas are literally the best because they save time and money and your home too gets a lot of TLC.

In this blog, we’re going to share five fantastic DIY home improvements for this summer and how you can upgrade your home without much effort.

1. Improved Window Treatments For Your Home

Have you ever thought of window treatments to beat the summer heat and keep your house comfortably cool despite the blazing sun outside? The best part is that installing advanced window treatments is not a complex job at all and it’s an easy DIY thing. You only need simple things like a blackout curtain or two, some motorized roller shades or even greater options from the market variety.

You’d probably even enjoy installing these, not to mention how outfitting the windows with shades will protect you and your family from harmful UV light and blind glares. Rid goodbye to scorching summer heat indoors with this DIY idea.

2. Bring Summer Into Your Home With More Plants

Summer may be hot but it’s a beautiful weather nonetheless. How better to enjoy it than bringing in some more greenery right in your house? This summer, give your outdoor area, a balcony or a designated corner in your home a fresh makeover with vibrant summer plants.

If you can afford it, try to spruce the area with a bright paint color too or landscape it if you’re feeling a tad more adventurous. Gardens have a magical ability to transform the aesthetical appeal of homes and perennials, hydrangeas, lupines etc. make the best choice.

If you’re not up for braving the summer heat and venturing outdoors, then you can stay in, give your interiors some glam makeover and still enjoy the season. A wall gallery sounds like a very creative idea and it is the best ways of livening up a home. You can look at creative DIY ways of converting a prominent wall in your home into a gallery wall.

Decorate it with family photos, some colorful artwork or even blend the two for a more striking end result.

4. Give Your Home’s AC Filters a Good Scrub

This might not be a lot of fun but it is necessary nonetheless. Replacing or at least cleaning your AC filters will make the summer more bearable and especially important if you have not done it for long.

The filters of any HVAC unit can accumulate tons of dirt, when we fail to clean them in a couple of months. You could make this DIY idea your summer project and thankfully, it does not take very long. You only have to locate the furnace vents on your AC, unscrew then and clean the filters thoroughly. If they’re beyond rescue, replacing them would also be a good idea. You can rid the filters of the mold, dust and tons of allergens living on it and ensure your family will only be breathing in cleaner air through the season.

5. Give Your Floor Some TLC This Summer

We’re usually focusing so much on statement walls, light fixtures, kitchen hardware etc. that we fail to realize the floor could do with some makeover too. This summer, you can give your floor some brightness and make it the highlight of the summer season.

You can go for an all out black and white tiling, neutral light tiling, matte tiles or those with graphic patterns or even settle for some hexagonal beauty. If you want something simpler, perhaps a darker stain to your existing hardwood or pulling up the carpet would do the trick too.

Health & Home Home Improvement

What I Wish I Knew Before I Did Home Renovations

As fresh DIY-ers we all start out with a lot of energy, enthusiasm and readiness for adventure. Years down the line, when we look back, we call regret not taking the time to find out certain things or not making assumptions that would have yielded better results for our home renovations.

In this blog, I’m going to share what I wish I knew before I renovated, to help you refrain from committing the same:

1. Do Not Start With Sweeping Renovation Changes Right Away

The prospect of home shopping is especially more exciting for us due to the prospect of getting to redecorate it as our own. In the excitement, we usually launch into the major haul as soon as we move in. Now that I look back on my home renovation journey, I wish I taken the time to first adjust to life in the new house.

If I had, I would have known better that the trendy new paint shade I’d chosen would make my living room look even darker and cavern-like. I would have realized which sheers to use or not to keep the sunlight flooding into my room in control.

The best approach is to put your to-do list off till you have adjusted to life in your new home, observed each and every nook and cranny in all lights at length, recognized your new self in the new house and then proceed.

2. Asking Local Contractors for Quotes

I wish I had not underestimated the costs of updates. If I had not relied on TC shows with stunning home makeovers so much, I’d have known asking local contractors to give quotes would have been the better idea.

Often home owners end up taking out loans because they fail to get quotes from local contractors and don’t realize the actual home renovation expenses could far exceed in reality.

3. Not Factoring in Temporary Housing During Renovations

If a home renovation is to be a large-scale one, families often have to temporarily relocate to motels, AirBnb rentals or ask friends to rend out their guesthouses. As such, being away from your kitchen and your own utensils mean you have to spend a lot more on takeout meals or restaurants.

If I’d known that, I would have budget better.

4. Consider Alternatives

Another thing I wish I had seen back as a renovating home owner was that I could do a lot of things differently, if I had taken the time to research. Often we let TC shows cloud so much of our logic that we believe there is only that way to renovate our deck, do up our kitchen or go for light fixtures etc.

What we see in a DIY video is not the only way to handle a task because what works for others might not necessarily work for your house. The best approach is to review more tutorials and methods before embarking on a renovation task.

5. Not Working with a Professional

Often we let the misconception that a designer or architect rip us off precious money cloud our decisions, The fact is that these professionals are the experts are the best ones to verify whether what your envision is practical for your home or not.

Often home owners end up tearing walls and putting up elaborate fixtures that end up being disastrous with the structure and chemistry of the house. Ask the experts if you’re on the right track to avoid any renovation disasters.

Health & Home Home Improvement

11 Popular Pandemic Home Improvement Projects

Are you done sitting idle during the pandemic? We have eleven most popular home improvement projects to share with you. Perhaps you’d get the inspiration to make your time more interesting as the pandemic subsides and you home will get a fancy makeover too.

1. Fencing

Fencing is an ideal way of creating an impressive outdoor living space. You can add more definition to your outdoor area plus increase privacy with this home improvement project. The best part is that this upgrade is achievable in $100 or even less.

2. Exterior Upgrades

The pandemic has also seen 86% increase in exterior updates. So if you’re looking for a striking home improvement task, opt for landscaping or some exterior painting. The average cost for this will be around $2,960 for the exterior paint while landscaping may cost you $3,423 on an average.

3. Bathroom Remodeling

The other most popular pandemic home improvement trend has been bathroom remodels. If we’re to spend more time at home, it only makes more sense to have bathrooms where we can have a spa like or at least luxurious experience each time. At an average, bathroom remodels can cost around $10, 778.

4. Interior Painting

During the pandemic, home interiors have been seeing a lot of fancy makeovers too and are a relatively economical upgrade. If you’re planning an eye-catching transformation for your home, you could paint your interiors at an average cost of $2,007.

5. New Flooring

The next best pandemic home renovation trend is new flooring. The average costs of replacing worn-out wood, tiles or carpets are $4,680.

6. Kitchen Makeovers

During the pandemic thus far, 43% of homeowners have upgraded their kitchens, if your kitchen is approximately $150 square per foot, then you’d have to spend around $25, 544 on this home improvement project.

7. Remodeling the Living Room

Are you bored of your tired and dill-looking living room? So were 38% of other home owners too who utilized the pandemic free time to transform the highlight of their house. Renovating a living room costs an average of $2,050 to $3,150.

8. Upgrade Your Entryway

The entryway is among the first impressions of your home and it is only right to invest on upgrading it. Just like other homeowners, who spend an average of $509 in giving their entryways a fancier and newer look during the pandemic.

9. Make Your Bedroom Look New

Primary bedrooms have been the most lived-in during the pandemic and perhaps why more homeowners revamped these. Upgrading a basic bedroom during this time can cost your around $880 to $2,300.

10. Dining Rooms Upgrade

Since we’re no longer eating out at restaurants, home owners thought they create a fine dining ambience right at home. Dining room upgrades have been trending since the pandemic and cost an average of $12,000 for refurnishing.

11. Basement Upgrades

The pandemic is a good opportunity to make use of your fabulous spacious basement, if you haven’t done it before. Take cue from the 13% home owners who thought make their basement an appealing hangout was a good idea for surviving the social-distancing time.

This home renovation project will cost you $20,428 on an average.

Health & Home Wellness

Nutritionist Advice: 5 Secrets for Better Digestion

When it comes to digestive health, you need to consume essential nutrients and stop taking unhealthy food. Also, every person responds to different foods in a different way, so make sure that you know what type of food causes constipation and other digestion problems.

Here are 5 secrets for better digestion that you should know. Let’s take a look.

1.    Eat a High-Fiber Diet

A high fiber diet can help you deal with digestion problems. Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes improves digestion.

Additionally, a high-fiber regular diet can support the process of the food movement in your digestive tract. This way, there will be less risk of constipation. High fiber foods can treat or prevent several digestive problems such as hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This type of diet also helps you maintain or achieve a healthy weight.

2.    Chew your Food

Few people understand that digestion begins from the mouth. Your saliva and teeth are the first in the digestive process that helps you break down food. Your jaw, teeth, and cheek muscles exert pressure on the food. They turn the pointy bits and big chunks into smaller and softer bits.

Saliva comprises different enzymes that accelerate the digestion process. These enzymes are responsible for starting chemical reactions to crush your food. This process continues when the stomach secretes acids. This is why chewing your food properly is very important.

3.    Limit High Fat Food

Generally, fatty food slows down the digestive process, which is not good for digestive health. They increase the risk of constipation. However, as it is vital to consume some healthy fat, it’s best to pair fatty foods with high-fiber foods.

This way, the food will move to your digestive system smoothly.

4.    Add Probiotics to Your Diet

Soy milk, yogurt, and dark chocolate are rich probiotic food items. Probiotics are live yeast and bacteria that have many health benefits. They keep you healthy by limiting the effects of antibiotics, poor diet, and stress.

They can also help you boost nutrients absorption, treat irritable bowel syndrome, and support the immune system.  Although they are naturally present in the human body, for better digestion, you need to consume them in your diet.

5.    Avoid Foods that Irritate Your Digestive System

Some people can’t tolerate hot spices, while others can. It is important to know what type of foods can impact your health. Common items that don’t suit everyone are:

  • Hot spices
  • Red chilies
  • Alcohol
  • Desserts
  • Caffeine
  • Sugar

Bottom Line

The secret to a healthy digestive system is to balance your diet by either avoiding some foods completely or pairing them with healthy foods. However, it’s best to avoid consuming any food that can irritate your stomach. So, be careful and think twice before eating something for better digestive health.

Health & Home Media Recreation & Leisure Tech & Media

Best Young Adult Books We Are Obsessed With

There are many young adult books that we are low-key obsessed with, and we want to share them with you. If you are a fan of fantasy and romantic books, then you need to read the following mentioned books.

They Wish They Were Us

This amazing book is an artistic creation of Jessica Goodman. We must say, if you are a fan of thriller stories, then give a read to this book. Its storyline is pretty similar to the popular book “Gone Girl.” You will find everything, from friendship and romance drama.

The story revolves around the secret society in an elite prep school. Plus, it offers you a mystery that involves the murder of a famous girl. Hence, it has everything that you want in a book for young adults.

We Were Liars

This is another ideal choice for teens written by E. Lockhart. This book became popular after a great hype on TikTok. The story starts from an idyllic beach that will inspire you to spend a vacation on the East Coast private island.

However, when you reach the end, it will leave you in shock for days. The book comprises mystery, family secrets, and twists. If you are bored with sci-fiction books, then read this one to bring thrill to your life.

Year One: Chronicles of the One

Nora Roberts is the writer of this novel. This book tells a story that contains fiction and fantasy. It’s a story of the post-apocalyptic world, when both evil and good magic became popular.

Apart from this, you will love the idea of incorporating multiple storylines and characters. All the characters are striving for a better life in a completely new world so that they can survive. If you love Harry Potter and Divergent-type books, then you will like this one as well.


L.H. Cosway is the author of Happy-Go-Lucky, providing you lots of entertainment, thrill, and fun. Every workplace has an employee that no one wants to mess with. It is based on the same idea and revolves around the story of handsome Cameron Grant.

This man doesn’t love to socialize with his fellow workers, which makes everyone curious about him. You will encounter romance and tension in this novel that will force you to read this book in a day.

The Promised Prince

Kortney Keisel is the author of The Promised Prince. This storyline is based on the love story of Renna Degray. She is hopeful of finding her love of life when, out of chance, she meets a handsome man.

Renna tries to control her feelings because he is the Prince of Albion. But she finds it difficult to forget her love, as the Prince makes it hard for them. This novel is the best young adult book that includes all the fantasy and romances a teen wants.

Bottom Line

So, read these young adults’ books one by one to keep yourself entertained and amused. For sure, if you already love adult books, you will like these as well.

Dating Health & Home

5 Green Flags to Look Out For On a Dating App

Dating apps offer you information that you can check before chatting with a person. But there are few things that you need to look for in their profile and way of communication.

Want to know more? In this case, read the article further to get a complete idea.

1. Their Photos Show Their Hobbies and Interest On The Dating App

There is absolutely nothing wrong with uploading a few selfies on your profile. But when a profile only contains selfies, it shows the person is self-obsessed. A profile looks more appealing and interesting when it has photos of friends and family. The pictures showing a person involved in certain hobbies give you more idea about the person.

2. They have a Unique Opening Introduction In Their Profile

Dating apps allow you to write something about yourself. People who take some extra time to come with a unique and attractive opener are more interesting to date. It makes them stand out from other profiles.

We must say that figuring out an excellent opener is certainly a challenging task. So, you need to appreciate it when someone spends time on it.

3. They Ask You Questions

Asking a simple but right question can go a long way. Even you may have noticed that fewer people ask you questions about yourself. If someone asks about your hobbies, interest, and other things instead of showcasing their achievement and interest, then you should hold on to them.

Plus, there are also chances that they might have interest in you, as they are trying to know you.

4. Their Instagram Shows Similar Interests

Many dating apps allow users to link their Instagram accounts to show potential interests, hobbies, and matches. So, if you like a profile that also connects with the Instagram account, then do some research.

Check whether their interests on Instagram match with the one they have written on their dating profile. Their Instagram profile will also tell you about their personality.

5. They Ask for a Date at the Right Time

Although there is no rule about how much time people need to chat before asking for a date, people who take time to understand you before dating are better candidates. It’s best to avoid people who ask you for a date immediately after the first encounter.

This also shows that they have some personal standards, which is why they have thought a lot before asking for a date. Not to mention, you can also take it as a sign that you are suitable for them based on their requirements and preferences.

Bottom Line

So, these are the green signals that you can find in a dating app. If you find a person who meets all these criteria, then you should not refuse them for the date.

Children Family

The 8 Best Cookbooks for Kids in 2021

Looking for the best cookbooks for kids? Here are some amazing books that you can give to your little ones so they can learn and have a wonderful time in the kitchen.

1. The Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs

This cookbook is full of amazing, delicious, and easy recipes for little chefs. It comprises more than 100 recipes that are ideal for cooking or baking for breakfast, dinner, lunch, and as a snack. From desserts to beverages, this book has made everything just easy and simple so that your kids don’t face any problem understanding the preparation and cooking process. You can check recipes of fluffy blueberry pancakes, fried eggs with avocado toast, and much more.

2. The Big, Fun Kids Cookbook

You can surprise your children with this best cookbook for kids. It has more than 150 recipes that children will love to prepare and eat.  The book offers plenty of cooking tips, color photos, quizzes, fun food games, coloring book pages, and other things. In short, your children can use it not only to impress others but also enjoy some time outside the kitchen. They can make candy bar cake, Hawaiian chicken kebabs, broccoli cheddar soup, and several other dishes with the guidance of this book.

3. Bake, Make and Learn to Cook

This book is the British Bake-Off winner, which inspires children to wear the apron and create something mind-blowing with everyday ingredients. You can find simple savory and sweet recipes in this book. The best part is that no recipe needs excessive effort and time, which makes it ideal for little bakers. This way, your children can bake different types of cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and other baking items without your help.

4. Gruffalo Crumble and Other Recipes

If you want to cook something with your children, you should go for this book. It contains 24 recipes specially designed for parents who want to spend cooking time with their little ones. Apart from this, your children can cook different types of cuisines and dishes. They can learn to make scrambled eggs, ice cream, sandwiches, etc.

5. Cool Kids Cook

Yes, we also have a suggestion for teens who don’t know a lot about cooking. This book is a fun, informative, and stylish cookbook that teens can use. They can learn interesting facts, cooking recipes, and healthy eating choices. From burgers to sandwiches and cakes to beverages, your kids can learn everything from this book.

6. The Complete Baking Book for Young Chefs

This kid-friendly cookbook includes some amazing baking recipes. Not to mention, your children can learn to bake 100 baking items with the help of this guide. It also has some baking secrets so that children can learn something new in the baking learning process. All the recipes contain a step-by-step baking procedure to help children bake without any help.

7. Little Green Kitchen

The Little Green Kitchen is a book that helps children cook dishes that they can serve to their families. This means everyone in the family can enjoy the food. The best part is these recipes only have vegetables. Plus, your children learn to eat healthy food. Furthermore, all the recipes only take around 30 minutes to cook.

8. The Super Easy Teen Cookbook

This book offers you 75 insanely tasty and mouthwatering recipes that are perfect for enjoying alone. Whether your children already have some basic cooking knowledge or not, they can easily cook because of the step-by-step cooking process. You can enjoy different food made by your little ones, such as spaghetti, tacos, matcha-pineapple smoothie, or carbonara. Your children will also learn some safety tips, common grocery terms, and other things.

Bottom Line

Cooking and baking have become easier for kids, thanks to these books. We must say that your children will become pro after few weeks when they try several recipes from these best cookbooks for kids.

Bankruptcy Legal

What Bankruptcy Can and Cannot Do

You’ve pulled the plug and filled for bankruptcy, attempting to overcome the massive debts placed on you. Still, even bankruptcy has its limits, and you need to figure out what you can and cannot do. Using bankruptcy to combat your debt can work, especially if you are besieged by collection calls and lawsuits.

There are two common chapters of bankruptcy. Chapter 7 allows you to liquidate some of your property or assets to gain some cash. Chapter 13 puts you on a payment plan to make sure that the debts can be paid over a few years. Each plan has different benefits for you, and here’s what filing for bankruptcy can mean for you.

What Does Bankruptcy Do?

Bankruptcy can stop collection calls, garnished wages, and lawsuits. It can also stop various types of debt, with some exceptions. While credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans can all be stopped, you will still need to pay some debts regardless of the plan you pick.

You can file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and they will help you wipe out your debt. Even with different benefits and drawbacks, the most important thing to know is that they give you all the tools to manage your debt.

Bankruptcy also stops the harassment from creditors using an ‘automatic stay’ put in place by the court. This stops creditors from coming after you and puts a freeze on lawsuits and wage loss. It can also temporarily freeze an eviction, repossession, or foreclosure on a piece of property.

Depending on which chapter you get, you can either create a payment plan to handle the debt. You can also liquidate some of the assets. Either way, you’ll be able to pay off the frozen loans and potentially remain in the house without an eviction.

What Can’t It Do?

Bankruptcy, as powerful as it is, is not a cure all for your debt woes. For starters you will need to pay required payments such as child support and alimony, and you won’t be able to stop the foreclosure of a property that you cannot reasonably afford. The creditor can still take a lien where they can sell the property at auction and that money goes towards your loans.

Student loans also can’t be eliminated unless you can prove that you will have ‘undue hardship’ by repaying them. It’s a tough standard to be qualified for, and you will need to prove that you can’t pay for your loans now or in the future.

Tax debts and other nondischargeable debts cannot be paid off as well, and they will either stay with you or you will pay them in full through the repayment plan. This depends on which chapter you file for.

Bankruptcy is a powerful tool, but it does have its limits for your business. Make sure to talk to an expert before filing, and you will be able to get a clear picture of how bankruptcy can help you.

Business Career & Education Financial Insurance

Your Guide to Choosing Small Business Insurance

Getting small business insurance is a very hard thing to do. Especially, if you don’t have as much knowledge about the small business world. Still, don’t be fooled into thinking that you can go for too long without insurance.

Small business insurance provides a net for you whenever you have some problems with money. If you have the right type, it can save you from total bankruptcy! You need insurance to handle unexpected costs and accidents that can befall your company and your employees. Those costs will come and pile up!

What Types Of Insurance Can I Pick From?

Here are some of the common types of insurance, and the one that you end up picking will be the one that completely benefits you.

One of the first types is Business Income Insurance. This covers all forms of money loss from physical property damage. If your bottom line or earnings are impacted by a car crash or damage to one of your buildings, then that is what is covered by this insurance. It’s very useful if you have some type of property to your name, less useful if you do not.

Another type that small businesses need to consider is the Business Liability Insurance. This keeps your small business safe from being sued. Many owners do not get this insurance, as they incorrectly think that an LLC will provide protection. It does not.

Other Types Of Insurance

If you are running a small business in the construction or building services, then you are going to need contractors professional liability insurance. This protects your contractors from being sued for errors, and liability claims. It’s a must for this niche, especially when you are just starting out.

Employment practices liability insurance is focused on protecting the employees of your small business from wrongful employment practices and these include discrimination, wrongful termination, and harassment.

Picking The Ones That Work

The insurance you need depends on your business. If you are hosting a small business with no employees and completely online, you will need different insurance than a construction company with 20 employees. Still, the most basic form of insurance should focus on protecting your business from the various problems that can plague it.

If you are unsure about what insurance your business needs, or are concerned that you are missing something, you should talk to an expert. A lawyer who specializes in small businesses and an accountant who knows the financial side of things, makes sure that you will cover all your bases.

If you don’t have insurance, you are leaving the door wide open for financial ruin for your business. The work and small sums that you pay now for business insurance are going to save you much later whenever problems arise, and you certainly won’t regret taking the time to have it done.

Make insurance an important part of your plan, and then you can get back to serving your customers.

Bankruptcy Legal

Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 & Chapter 13

Whenever you need to file for bankruptcy, it can be a terrifying experience for you. Not only do you need to go through the stress and frustration of the ordeal, but you also need to do it right. There are several different types of bankruptcy, and two of the major types are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

These legal options for your bankruptcy are both able to take on your debt, but both of them have consequences for you. It’s important to understand them before you take steps into filing for bankruptcy. Each one has it’s benefits and drawbacks, as well as long term effects on your life. Make sure to keep all of that in mind as you examine the options.

What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is called liquidation. It helps you by having you surrender some property or assets that can be turned into money. If you have no disposable income on hand to handle this massive debt, then you can file chapter 7. If your debt is discharged by chapter 7 bankruptcy, then you don’t have to pay that debt back. The money can then go somewhere else, and most debts can be discharged with few exceptions.

Filling can also increase the speed at which you overcome your debts, and can also stop debt collectors from taking action against you. That is very appreciated for people who are debt ridden, and it only takes around 100 days to finish. Your assets and credit will take a hit, but you will be debt free.

What Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

If you want to file your debt but wish to keep your property, then you can file for chapter 13. If you have disposable income on hand, then this is right for you. It will stop any foreclosure processes on your home, and will allow you to get a handle on your mortgage payments. It also stops your debts from being collected if they are discharged under chapter 13.

Chapter 13 also allows you to make consolidated monthly payments with a solid 3 to 5 year plan. You will know exactly what to pay, and when you need to pay it. It is not as fast as chapter 7 bankruptcy, and can strain your budget. However, if you can keep up with the plan, you will be able to keep your property throughout the process.

Picking The Right One

If you are still undecided about which one is the best for you, then you should try to talk to a lawyer and see if they can help you make your choice. They will have your best interests at heart and will be able to answer any questions that you have. Filing for bankruptcy is something that is tough for every single small business owner, but you need to make sure that you are completing the process. By examining your situation before you start the filling process, then you can make the best decision.