Financial Insurance

The Best Renter’s Insurance Companies

Finding good renter’s insurance is always an amazing idea if you are renting a home or apartment. In some lease agreements, it is even required. Make sure to check your lease agreement and see what stipulations are laid out.

There are so many renters’ insurance companies that it can be difficult to find the right one. The best company will depend on your possessions and where you live. Always remember to shop around for quotes and coverage options.

Bundling insurance can also be cheaper. So, if you have car insurance, see if your company also offers renters’ insurance. It could save you more money than using a new company that doesn’t know you.

State Farm

Everyone has heard of State Farm because they are one of the largest car insurance companies. They offer huge discounts if you want to bundle. They also give discounts if your place of residence has certain security features such as burglar alarms, smoke detectors, and other devices.

You can also easily find a quote online if you don’t want to call someone or wait on the phone. Like their car insurance, they offer great deals and plans for your home or apartment.


Amica has some very affordable options. You can also receive a discount if you put your bills on auto-pay and if you have paperless billing. You can also bundle with car insurance for a larger discount. The more years you go without needing to file a claim, the more discounts you will receive.

They also have extra add-in options for things like electronics, valuables, and jewelry. You can track any claims online through the app or the very easy-to-use website. Keep in mind they do not offer options for people who have a residence in Alaska or Hawaii.


Nationwide offers all the basic things you might need in a renter’s insurance plan. They also have policies for credit card coverage and building addition/alteration coverage for no extra cost.

They offer discounts if you also use them for car insurance or have safety features in your home such as smoke detectors. The longer you go being claim-free, the more discounts you will receive.

Nationwide is a very large company with very few customer complaints. This is very rare and shows they have high customer service skills.


This is one of the best options if you are active military or a veteran. It can also be used by your families and spouses. They also have coverage for floods and earthquakes for no extra cost. They also offer banking and investment products that you can bundle together.

Some other companies to consider are:

  • Travelers
  • Allstate
  • American Family
  • Assurant
  • Auto-Owners
  • Farmers
  • The Hartford
  • Homesite
  • Lemonade
  • Liberty Mutual

What to include in your policy?

Every policy will be different, but some things should always be included:

  • Personal property coverage for belongings
  • Liability insurance coverage for injuries to you or a guest
  • Medical payments coverage
  • Loss of use coverage will pay for hotels or food when needed
Career & Education Education Financial Loans

What Is A Preferred Lender List?

A preferred lender list is usually used by colleges to help students find lenders for private loans. Private loans may be needed if there is a gap between federal loans and scholarships. Usually, colleges will have certain criteria for private loan companies and the preferred list allows them to show students who meet the requirements.

Preferred lenders will also offer some of the same benefits as federal funding, such as loan deferment and forgiveness. Customer service is usually also better because they have worked with thousands of students before.

Colleges do not benefit from the lenders in any way financially. This means these lists will always be reputable and students don’t have to worry about being scammed.

Is choosing a preferred lender required?

No. Students do not have to pick a lender off of the preferred lender list. They can use any company or financial institution to take out private funding. Always have students research any possible lenders and let them pick the best one for their needs.

Loans are not one-size-fits-all. Everyone may need something different. Consulting the preferred lenders’ list though can make choosing a lender much easier. Most of the companies have years of experience and reviews from other students.

This allows the student to see how they have helped people before and gives them peace of mind when it comes to reputation. It will also help students narrow down potential lenders faster. They can know that the list is reliable and takes away some of the burdens of having to do hours and hours of research.

Are private loans always needed

Not all students have to take out private loans to go to school. Some students will receive scholarships or grants. The federal loans may also cover the amount needed. However, private loans are becoming more and more popular and needed with the sharp increase in tuition rates.

There are a few things you can do before looking into private lending. Also files a FAFSA every year you are in school to see if you qualify for any grants or other money that you don’t need to pay back. You can also ensure that you get federally funded loans which may have less interest rates and longer repayment plans.

Federal loans will usually give you more protection and fixed interest rates. They also don’t usually require a co-signer or credit score, which gives the student more options when borrowing.

After trying FAFSA and federal loans, students can use the preferred lender list to ensure they pick a good lender with a good reputation. It will also help students narrow down the search for finding good lenders.

Not all colleges have extensive preferred lending lists though. Larger colleges tend to have more options than smaller schools. Always ask around and see what other students have used and what has worked the best for them. Financial aid officers should also be willing to advise students and make sure they are making good loan decisions.

Financial Real Estate

10 Investments to Boost Your Home’s Value

Selling your home can be a long process that takes many appraisals and real estate agents. They may recommend you do some things to increase the value of your home. If you know you want to sell your home soon, you can start making these investments now, so you aren’t stuck doing several at the same time.

You might also have already completed some of these if you have ever made home renovations in the past. Check the following guide to see some simple investments you can make to increase the value of your home.

1. Brighten Up The Space

Homes that are light and airy usually sell much faster. Consider adding some lighting to important rooms like the kitchen and bathroom. You can also add dimmer switches to make the lighting in all the rooms much more inviting.

2. Update The Plumbing

Make sure known of the pipes are rusty or old. Consider updating the pipes to plastic tubing because they will last longer. Try not to have too many new holes when updating the plumbing.

3. Focus On The Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the first rooms people see, so it needs to be updated and elegant. Consider doing a simple remodel that could include new cabinets, new counters, or more modern appliances.  Make sure the kitchen flows well and has plenty of room to prep and cook food.

4. Finish The Basement

Regardless of whether you use it not, finish the basement. Potential buyers will be willing to pay more if a basement is already done and doesn’t need additional work. This also adds square footage to the home when you are putting it on the market.

5. Update The Bathroom

This doesn’t have to be a big remodel as it usually isn’t one of the top-selling points. You can always add new lighting or add some new paint. Fixing and cleaning the grout will also go a long way in adding value to your home.

6. Add Wood Floors

People are willing to pay more for wood floors as opposed to laminate. You can also use engineered wood if it’s cheaper. You can add them to the main rooms or every room.

7. HVAC Replacement

A new HVAC replacement can make your home more energy efficient which is a huge selling point. Adding in a new unit can make your home value much more.

8. Update The Landscaping

Adding some landscaping to the front or backyard can increase your home’s value by quite a bit. It also makes the home stand out.

9. Add Attic Insulation

This can be DIY and very cost-effective. It can make your home warmer and also make it more energy-efficient. Adding insulation to doors and windows can also add energy savings.

10. Get Rid Of Panels

Panels on walls and floors instantly make your home look old. Try replacing them with something more modern and elegant. This will make people much more likely to buy your home.

Career & Education Education

5 Best Sites For Taking Online Classes

Online courses are the best way to learn about different topics you want without wasting your time commuting. The best part is that you don’t even have to attend the course on a specific time and day, as you can learn at your own pace.

Here are some of the best sites for online classes that may offer courses on different topics.

1.    Udemy

This is one of the biggest and most popular sites for online courses. You can opt for any course from their 55,000 courses in different fields. Additionally, it also allows you to develop custom courses for learning. Udemy also offers you both paid and free content. You can also download their app for easy learning. The courses range between $9 and $500. Plus, you can also find several discount options on this site.

2.    EDX

EDX is another excellent site for online classes and provides completely free education to you. It is a non-profit educational site and has the objective to provide you high-quality content. This website helps you to improve your skills and knowledge in almost every field. You can find online classes on engineering, psychology, computer science, and others. The best part is that once you complete a course, they issue an official certificate that you can use to prove your knowledge.

3.    Bloc  

When it comes to Bloc, you need to know that this site only offers you web development courses. Still, it is a great platform to furnish your skills and abilities in web programming and designing. Bloc offers you a well-structured program that educates people 25 hours every week for several months. However, you may find the course expensive as the fees start from $4,250. While it is not affordable for some people, it is a great chance for people on a budget who want to gain knowledge and insights about the web development.

4.    LinkedIn Learning

Once you subscribe to LinkedIn learning, you can enroll in a variety of courses. These include art, design, business, tech, education, and much more. The teachers are highly educated and experienced and use innovative ways to help students understand the course. This platform offers you a one-month free trial, so you can test whether you want to invest in it.

5.    Coursera

Coursera is the best platform to enroll in college courses without spending a great amount of money. This site offers you courses on almost every topic, such as history, psychology, literature, science, and much more. Coursera only hires professors from top educational organizations to teach people. Their professors are from institutes like Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Stanford, and others.

Bottom Line

So, these are some best sites for online classes that you can choose according to the field you want to learn about. Make sure to check the course or field that you want to learn on the site you are choosing before enrolling.

Health & Home Wellness

A Scientific Look: Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

Blue light exposure can be dangerous, and most of us are not even aware of how we are exposed to it every day and how it can have a negative impact on your eyes. The most harmful exposure you get is from your electronic screens. Fortunately, blue light glasses can help reduce the harmful impact this has on our eyes.

These glasses help ease the painful side effects that come from getting too much blue light exposure and have lenses that filter out blue light especially those that come from your mobile screens. If you want to learn more about these glasses and how they are beneficial in reducing symptoms, then read further below.

What Are Blue Light Glasses?

Blue light glasses are special glasses that help tackle the exposure blue light has on your eyes. The lenses in these glasses come with non-glare protection. Most of the exposure you will get is from electronic devices, sunlight and light bulbs.

Possible Benefits of Blue Light Glasses

Help Get You a Good Night’s Rest

According to many researchers these glasses help you get better sleep at night. This is due to the exposure from electronic devices stoping or reducing the sleep-inducing melatonin production in your body. According to a study carried out by the University of Houston in 2017, patients wearing blue light glasses have an increase in the melatonin levels around 58%.

This is why it is always advised to use your phones or tablets before you sleep. While keeping the device away might be the best option to get sleep and contain your melatonin production, the best option for you right now is to wear a pair of light blueish glasses.

Reduces Eye-Strain Helping You Work Better

You naturally attain digital eye-strain if you’re a phone addict or use them during the wrong hour before sleeping continuously. An eyestrain has  major impact on your day to day activities as it makes it difficult for you to carry out chores, or even properly see.

You may feel more tired and, and see a massive drop in your productivity levels. According to many new blue light glass wearers, they have seen a massive change in their productivity levels after wearing these glasses. They also suffer from lesser headaches which can have an impact on your entire day.

Reduce the Chances of AMD

While there is still much more research needed to prove this, blue light glasses help reduce the chances of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). This is one of the main sicknesses that lead towards blindness. With the help of a pair of these glasses you can prevent getting AMD.


Now that you are aware of the possible benefits of blue light glasses, it’s time you get yourself one. It becomes more important to wear these if you have a continuous exposure and already have weak eyes.

Debt Financial

Investing When You’re Living Paycheck To Paycheck

High living costs and stagnant wages leave millions of people left with nothing but a small amount every month. Do you have a lot of expenses like bills, travel expenses, saving for retirement, grocery, and a lot more? Many people who are living paycheck to paycheck think they cannot invest some money for the future. Well, that’s not the case, as you can make some investment by using your money wisely.

So, here are some realistic approaches to invest when you are living paycheck to paycheck.

1. Consider Micro Investing

If you find it hard to spare some amount and save in your account, Micro investing is a good idea.

Start an investment account with the least amount of money that you can save monthly. You can also use an easy app like Robinhood, Acorns,, and many more. Then you can link the app account to your bank account. Thus, whenever you buy anything, your change will automatically get invested in your account. 

2. Cut down Your Expenses

Set your budget for monthly income and expenses; it always helps. In this case, you can reduce the amount for the less essential and extra expenses. It may not be as easy as it seems; however, it will bring an outcome if you try consistently.

By cutting down some expenses, you will have some amount by the end of the month. Besides, you can choose a cheaper service to get rid of the heaps of expenses.

3. Purchase a Portion of Shares 

Are you keen on investing your money in a company in the form of dividends? Financial investing involves buying a portion of a company’s shares instead of going for the whole. So as the company’s shares fluctuate up and down, you will get your dividend in the same way. 

4. Utilize Any Bonuses or Extra Income for Investing

Here is another idea that sounds beneficial! You can invest extra money and the bonus you get. You could utilize multiple ideas like purchasing the old items and selling them again. Invest in any shop to get a monthly return, and you can also do many more things. 

5. Set up an Emergency Fund

It is the best practice that brings realistic outcomes. Even if you are left with a small amount after cutting down daily expenses, keep it safe in your money-saving jar. You can also set up an emergency fund to deal with unexpected expenses in the future. 

Final Thoughts

It is a stressful and painful experience to live paycheck to paycheck. You can fight against this challenging situation. However, you can build a better and wise strategy to come out of it. The above-discussed ideas are worth trying and do not even require any particular technique. So, choose any idea and start investing today. 

Health & Home Wellness

What I Make For Dinner When I Don’t Want To Cook

If you do not have the mood for making dinner tonight, you can choose from the below-given ideas to prepare a mouthwatering dish in minutes. These are delicious, nourishing, and healthy dishes to get ready in the shortest time

The Simplistic and Effortless Fish Tacos

When you don’t feel like spending time preparing a heavy dinner, it is a perfect idea. The most uncomplicated food doesn’t take much time to make. The fish is covered with melted butter, spices. It just goes to bake, needs flake a little, and done. Sprinkle garlic sauce if you want, or sprinkle lemon to add a flavor. 

Easiest Basil Chickpea Curry

It does not take more than a few minutes to prepare Basil chickpea curry. The dish has a superb flavor and does not even require many ingredients. It gets ready quickly with a combination of leftovers of the previous night.

Fried Delicious Chicken Sandwich

The chicken sandwich is a great idea to satiate your hunger. There is no need to do heavy cooking. It will take a few minutes to fry bread slices and keep some batter with small fried chicken pieces and add in spices. Ta-da! Your tasty chicken sandwich is ready.

Taco Soup

Taco soup is something everyone loves, whether kids or adults. The healthy and effortless dinner is gluten-free and takes less than 30 minutes to get ready. It is, however, a delicious combination of ground beef, black beans, corn, tomatoes, and spices.

Sesame Ramen Noodles

The scrumptious dish does not involve anything complicated. You can add any leftover chicken, shrimp, tofu, and an egg on top of it. Then, to enhance the flavor, spot it with ramen noodles. Besides, you can make your seasoning sauce to add the spicy flavor and the best combination. 

Orange Tofu and Edamame Stir-Fry

Here is another perfect, tasty, easy, and meatless dinner. You coat crispy tofu with sweet red bell peppers, protein-packed edamame, and flavorful orange sauce. The healthy one-pot dinner is sure to satisfy your cravings. 

One-Pot Pasta Primavera

Here is the quick and easy dinner recipe that will suit you the most if you are a vegetarian. You can add plenty of fresh spring vegetables along with pasta to make it super yummy. 

Final words 

The above-mentioned yummy meals are mouthwatering. You can prepare them with easy ingredients in minutes. They don’t take a long time, and you don’t even require many ingredients to try these recipes for dinner or any other meal. Whether you have less time or don’t have the energy to cook heavy meals, try out the quickest recipes to make your dinner flavorful.