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8 Ways to be a Fabulous Grandparent

Grand parenting is not all about spoiling your grandkids. In addition, there are ways in which you positively influence your grandchild’s life. Learn how.

Grand-parenting is just as necessary in shaping a child’s life positively as parenting is. Here are 8 ways to be a fabulous grandparent:

1.    Recognize Your Value

Grandparents often fail to recognize and acknowledge the monumental importance they have. You are even a more prominent source of wisdom, education, and experience for your grandchildren. Devote more of your time to them, such as offering childcare or scheduling time at least once a week with the kids.

2.    Devote Unconditional Time

As a grandparent, you probably have lesser social and work commitments, so you must devote as much time as possible to your grandchildren. Teach them things their parents cannot make time for, such as taking them to construction sites to watch from a distance, talking about life under the water, and your experiences of traveling to other countries.  

3.    Refraining from Appearing Fearful

Grandchildren often seek validation and approval for their experimental projects from grandparents. So, the next time a child comes to share his/her plans with you, refrain from voicing out how you dread the idea.

Lend unconditional support, enthusiasm, and encouragement while keeping a watchful eye as the little ones embark on their journeys and passions. As a grandparent, you can pretend to be thrilled about whatever excites them (of course, only if appropriate).

4.    Ponder Over Books

As a grandparent, the greatest gift you can give the grandchildren is by transforming them into book lovers. They’re from the age of technology, and most likely, their parents are too. So, you have the unique gift of sharing the love of books with them and introducing them to a whole new world of learning.

5.    Encourage Spirituality

If you follow a reticular faith, then be a spiritual inspiration for your grandchildren. Spend time meditating, praying, reading your Holy Book, and teaching all the little ones spiritual values.

6.    Good Manners

If anyone hopes to teach the importance of manners, values, and traditions to the little ones, it is you as their fabulous grandparent! So, teach your grandchildren the art of manners, courtesy words, family values, and others.

7.    Do Not Over Indulge

Many live under the perception that grandparents are selfless. While pampering your next generation is a great thing, overindulging them will only have unfavorable effects in their future. Lavish them with love and whatever you can afford while teaching them to be grateful. Also, never hesitate to say no to your grandchildren when they make unreasonable demands.

8.    Avoid Jealousy

Those who face being a grandparent prematurely are often unable to cope with the conflicting emotions. Hence, you may feel bouts of jealousy over your daughter/son-in-law and may intentionally or unintentionally criticize him/her, which your grandchild can pick up.

Speak only positive words of your grandchild’s parents and other family members, so that they learn to respect everyone and never indulge in bitter feelings in any way.