Dating Health & Home

How Couples Stay Happy During Quarantine

Curious how to stay happy in your relationship during quarantine? Read here for best practices to keep both partners happy.

The pandemic came as a welcome respite for many couples who were over the moon with joy at spending more time with their partners. For others, it is probably a nightmare, especially if the chemistry between them is dwindling, and they’re ready to pull each other’s hair out.

The good news is that it need not be as bad as that: certain key practices that can affect your relationship healthily, keeping both partners happy during the quarantine. Here’s how:

1.    Help with Chores

The first key practice is to share the load of home chores. Divide the work equally so one does not feel unfairly burdened. If you are good at cooking while the other has no issues doing the laundry, then volunteer to do what you’re good at it.

Sharing each other’s load like a team will keep you both happy and even strengthen your relationship.

2.    Give Each Other Space

Just because you’re spending all the time indoors together does not mean you have to constantly breathe down each other’s neck. Give each other ample space without creating a fuss. Let your partner breathe, have zoom calls or facetime with friends and family or even work out separately.

If your partner wishes to go for a stroll in the nearby park alone, try not to balk at it. Make your own me-time while giving your partner theirs. But the key is to coordinate your schedules so that you both take your alone time together.

3.    Plan Fun Couple Activities

Don’t let your time housebound become boring. You may not get to dine out at lavish restaurants, party at the bars, or go dancing on the beach, but you can plan all that and more at home. Make weekends special with cookouts in the backyard, plan movie nights with popcorns, or just a fancy date at home.

4.    Make One Meal a Day Special

If you’re both working professionals, then you’re perhaps working just as much from home. If the days are busy, at least try to make your dinners special. Cook what you both love, try out new recipes, and spend quality time with lively conversations during dinners.

5.    Try Couples Yoga or Meditate Together

If you both could never make time for these due to your demanding careers, now is your opportunity. Try practicing some meditation or yoga together. It will strengthen your personality and intellect and help attain a level of calm, peace, and control together. Besides, yoga and meditation are a great way to unwind from stress, and what could be better to do it as a couple.

6.    Fix Your Loose Ends

While you’re dating, everything seems like moonlight and roses as romance is in abundance. Once you start living together, you realize the many flaws and imperfections and many things you struggle to put up with in your partner.

A relationship strengthens and stays healthy when partners work as a team to address their differences. Take the pandemic time to focus on one another, accept your differences, work on your flaws, learn more about each other, please each other more and even give your home a makeover.