Financial Real Estate

How to Sell Your House Faster by Its Curb Appeal

How can you boost your curb appeal to sell your home, having those buyers ready to make an offer before they hit the living room? We’ve got the top tips.

It’s getting to the time of year when home sales absolutely explode. If you are getting ready to sell your house, you should know most of the main ways that you can squeeze all the extra value out of the inside of your home.

But what about the exterior? How can you boost your curb appeal and have those buyers ready to make an offer before they even hit the living room? We’ve got the top tips, take a look.

1.   Quality Signage In Front Of Your Home Is Important

It may seem like one of the more trivial things, but the real estate signage in front of your home is a direct reflection of how you and your listing agent regard your property. It should be clean and made from quality materials.

2.   Trim Your Trees And Shrubs

The foliage around your home should accent it, not define it or hide it. It doesn’t take an award-winning artist to trim some hedges and shrubs to make them look nice before going on the market. Bigger trees may need a professional trimmer to come do it safely. Attractive pruning is one of the things noticed immediately by those pulling up to your home. If there are any diseased trees or limbs, you may want a skilled arborist to address those.

3.   Pamper Your Lawn

Make sure you keep your lawn neatly mowed and precisely edged. If you don’t have the right equipment, don’t be afraid to call a local landscaper to come one afternoon before the listing goes live or before an open house. Depending on the time of year, a quick lawn feeding can green it up and really impress potential buyers.

4.   Add Some Color To Your Home

A few flats of flowers from the local nursery or home improvement center can be worth their weight in gold when placed strategically around visible gardens. A splash of the color outside can really help, particularly in areas where HOAs prevent many colors in exterior paint shades. Stick with simple flowers and bright colors, but don’t go overboard. Top it off with fresh mulch.

5.   Refresh Your Walkways In Front Of Your Home

This is often overlooked, but it can add incredible value to your potential sale price on your home. Having your driveway, walkways, and sidewalk professionally pressure washed can make them look nearly new. If you have a blacktop driveway, throw a coat of sealant on it so that it looks nice and crisp.

6.   Stage Your Deck

Really want to sell your house? Make your outdoor spaces look inviting. Clean furniture, pressure washed deck and patio area, and maybe a fresh coat of stain makes for a beautiful and welcoming outdoor relaxation area.

7.   Get Neighbors On Board

Selling your home for top dollar doesn’t stop at your wallet. Your neighbors benefit from higher property values when a home on the block sells for a good price. Let them know you’re selling, and ask (as nicely as possible) if they could match your efforts at making things beautiful for the potential buyers.