Business Career & Education

Starting a Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a business is no easy feat at all. But, every business from a bakery shop to a Fortune 500 company is all about using these same steps. Read here!

Starting a business is no easy feat at all, and it takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. It also has a lot of time and money invested into it. Thankfully, every business from a bakery shop to a Fortune 500 company is all about using the same steps.

Here are some of the best steps that are crucial to building a business, and the ones that you will need to follow no matter what business you decide to start.

Step 1: Prepare Your Idea

Every single business starts with an idea or a ‘why’. Maybe you want to sell makeup kits online, maybe you want to tutor students in math, maybe you want to build the next skyscraper. However, an idea in a vacuum isn’t worth squat.

So, you need to make sure that your idea has some level of substance behind it. Let’s say you want to sell makeup kits. What type of kits will you sell? What products will you use? Who will you market those kits for? If you can answer specific questions about how you will get your idea off the ground, then you will be able to make sure that you have a structure in place.

Nothing sinks a business faster than having an idea and not much else on your end, so always make sure to answer those common questions before you get started.

Step 2: Put A Business In Your Budget

Every business will cost some amount of money, and you need to be prepared for that. Setup costs, supplies, website hosting, and in some cases physical space are all expenses that will at first be coming out of your pocket. It could be a little or a lot of money, but no matter what you need to make sure that you are prepared for that expense.

Set some money aside 3-6 months before you start your business, and keep that little nest egg growing as you flesh out the ideas. Once you get started with finally getting your business off the ground, you can focus on creating your business and not your money woes. Plus, it’s good practice for the budget that your business will actually need!

Step 3: Pick Your Niche and Audience

An epic business is nothing without someone to sell too and something to sell, but most businesses go far too broad trying to please everyone. Instead of making your products ‘one size fits all’ you should focus on making your products applicable to a certain niche.

If you are designing a jewelry business, pick one thing and do it well. For example, you could try and sell only necklaces or only earrings until you get your audience.

Follow These Steps and You’ll Have A Chance

These three steps are the best way to have a clear vision for your business, and will make sure that you have an actionable plan going forward. Then you will be able to build on that plan with confidence!