Career Career & Education

How To Build A Better Relationship With Your Boss?

Maintaining a respectful and productive relationship with your boss is important for your growth and the company’s success. When you intend to initiate a relationship with your boss, you should be aware their goal. One of the most important goals of any boss is to work with hardworking employees. If you help your boss with this goal, they will appreciate your efforts.

Build a Better Relationship with Your Boss

Let’s be honest, you want to have a better relationship with your boss, and here is how you can do that:

1.     Give Your Boss Value

Keep in mind that your boss hired you for a reason. They want you to add value to their company. Bosses want their employees to agree with them as well as solve critical problems and challenges. Thus, you can win their heart by giving reasonable suggestions, showing confidence, and speaking facts. When your suggestions and ideas will result in the company’s growth, your boss will have confidence in your capabilities.

2.     Anticipate Their Challenges

You need to understand the challenges your boss faces every day. You can find solutions for their problems and make their tasks simpler. Sometimes, you have to anticipate their challenges before it occurs. So, when your boss will ask a question about the problem, you have a thoughtful answer supporting a solution. Thinking ahead to help your boos will make you a valuable team member.

Your boss undergoes a plethora of challenges every day. Reducing their problems will make them like you. They have a lot of work that you don’t know about. So, why not simplify the tasks that you know of. Also, if your boss has rude behavior, they might be under a lot of pressure. You should understand their position and make things easier for them.

3.     Learn to Communicate Well

You should learn how your boss wants to communicate with you. Whether they like to receive detailed or one-liner emails, you should keep the communication the way they want. If they ask you to send an outline for a project, you should always send them an outline to give them an overview. You should try to mimic their style and improve your communication skills according to their preference.

4.     Make Your Boss Look Good

Everybody wants to maintain a good reputation in the workplace and this includes your boss as well. So, if you want to make your boss happy, make them look good. Remember, when your boss is happy, they will make you happy. This means that you shouldn’t correct your boss when other employees are around. Making your boss embarrassed in front of others by pointing at their mistakes will make them angry.

5.     Ask for Feedback

Always share feedback about your tasks with your boss. Never think that your manager doesn’t have time for your feedback because they are busy with their tasks. Sharing feedback and progress about your tasks will remove the burden from their shoulders. As a result, they can think straight and stay focused on other tasks. A feedback email will do the trick.


In the end, if you want to build a better relationship with your boss, try to gain their trust. Consider your boss as a mentor and go-to person. Creating a better relationship with your boss will result in business success and rewarding for you as well.

Dating Health & Home

New Relationship? 12 Tips to Keep it Healthy

Have you found the one you always dreamt of? Then it is only right for you to feel new relationship anxieties. When you find your soulmate, you want to do everything to protect the relationship from messing up.

Here are fifteen pieces of advice to help you build your relationship into a healthy and strong one:

  1. Keep your past from your new relationship, especially if it is a bitter or sordid one. By keeping your past away, it does not mean you hide essential events of life from your new partner. Let them know everything because relationships you build on honest last for life. However, don’t keep bringing everything from your previous life into your new one. Keep bitter memories and mistakes away.
  2. Accept your partner’s flaws and not just their attractions. You have to live with the entire being for life and put up with their shortcomings.
  3. Discuss your future as a couple and the life you two plan to spend. Let each other know of your ambitions, how many kids you wish to have, where you plan to settle in the future etc. It is important to be on the same page when planning the entire life together. Where plans clash, it causes irreparable conflicts.
  4. Maintain clear communication from the start. Talk about everything, your hurts, your expectations, and your preferences in the intimate life, your beliefs and values, etc. Your partner deserves to know it all.
  5. Step out of your comfort zone for the other’s sake. Does your partner love paragliding, but you never fancied it? Experience it together. Share in each other’s thrills and passion. It does wonders for the relationship.
  6. Never hold back any aspect of your life from your partner. You are not called ‘soulmates’ without reason. The bonding runs soul-deep, and your partner deserves to be a part of every aspect of your life, both good and bad.
  7. Do not glam up always. No one spends their days at home looking like a model off the runway. Let your partner see you in sweats and PJs, doing the dishes, etc. Let them accept you as you are.
  8. Share all the load together, from house chores to financial burdens. When you share the load equally, life becomes easier for both.
  9. Invest in actions more than words. You need not be too extravagant. Simple acts of love, like giving him/her a rose, making his/her favorite meal one day, helping him/her with house chores, etc.
  10. Do not get too clingy out of possessiveness and jealousy, as it can drive your partner away from you. Being needy of his/her presence, time and attention is cute, but only to a certain extent.
  11. Give them his/her space. Let them spend time with their family and friends even if it means staying away from you for an evening. Honor their plans and space.
  12. Listen to your partner. Be curious about their day and their likes and dislikes but all in a healthy way.