Dating Health & Home

6 Date Ideas That Don’t Involve Drinking

Have you ever heard of a sober date night? Well, these are surprisingly quite common. Not to mention, they’re quite fun as well. While it’s not necessary that a couple has drinks, a common perception is that fun date nights always have sparkling champagne or expensive wines.

If you’re trying to plan your romantic date night without alcohol, mentioned below are a few fun ideas that would be perfect. Whether you want to avoid drinking because you have work tomorrow or just for your health, you and your other half will have a great time with these ideas.

1.    Go for a Date Walk

Long walks are quite therapeutic, especially with your significant other. Instead of sitting for hours at the table, trying to finish your drink, you can plan a walk date or a daytime hike. This allows you to catch up on so much, and you get a lot of muscle moving as well, which is good health-wise. Pick out a nice isolated place for your date walk, and treasure the nature and small details around you.

2.    Attend a Local Food Festival

If you and your partner are foodies, then a date at a  food festival would be ideal. Imagine a million types of food you get to explore and munch on together. This is a good way to bond and enjoy food together.

3.    Explore a Museum Together

You would be surprised at the number of art galleries and museums around you. This is another place perfect for a date. You could explore different pieces together and bond in a unique way.  It is always attractive when both partners treasure art and history and share a love to learn.

4.    Coffee Date

If you want to go on a non-alcoholic drink date, how about going to a coffee house? They are a classic and allow you to catch up on a lot. If you pick up a trendy coffee house, it’s a great chance for you and the other to get lost in conversation. Coffee always brings two lovebirds together, and this is the best idea!

5.    Engage in Your Favorite Hobby

Before the meeting, discuss each other’s hobbies and select one that could be a part of your first date. Whether it’s swimming, visiting a library, or even dancing, a hobby as a first date is the best idea. This way, you get to know what the person is interested in and bond in a unique way.

6.    Go for A Dessert Date

Dessert dates are so much more fun and exciting because who doesn’t love a chocolate sundae? A dessert date is also another fun idea. The sweetness will definitely bring you both together and make you savor every minute spent together.

Final Words

Now that you have these fun date ideas in front of you, you should start planning. These ideas are completely effortless and will make you realize that you can also have fun without alcohol.