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5 Green Flags to Look Out For On a Dating App

Dating apps offer you information that you can check before chatting with a person. But there are few things that you need to look for in their profile and way of communication.

Want to know more? In this case, read the article further to get a complete idea.

1. Their Photos Show Their Hobbies and Interest On The Dating App

There is absolutely nothing wrong with uploading a few selfies on your profile. But when a profile only contains selfies, it shows the person is self-obsessed. A profile looks more appealing and interesting when it has photos of friends and family. The pictures showing a person involved in certain hobbies give you more idea about the person.

2. They have a Unique Opening Introduction In Their Profile

Dating apps allow you to write something about yourself. People who take some extra time to come with a unique and attractive opener are more interesting to date. It makes them stand out from other profiles.

We must say that figuring out an excellent opener is certainly a challenging task. So, you need to appreciate it when someone spends time on it.

3. They Ask You Questions

Asking a simple but right question can go a long way. Even you may have noticed that fewer people ask you questions about yourself. If someone asks about your hobbies, interest, and other things instead of showcasing their achievement and interest, then you should hold on to them.

Plus, there are also chances that they might have interest in you, as they are trying to know you.

4. Their Instagram Shows Similar Interests

Many dating apps allow users to link their Instagram accounts to show potential interests, hobbies, and matches. So, if you like a profile that also connects with the Instagram account, then do some research.

Check whether their interests on Instagram match with the one they have written on their dating profile. Their Instagram profile will also tell you about their personality.

5. They Ask for a Date at the Right Time

Although there is no rule about how much time people need to chat before asking for a date, people who take time to understand you before dating are better candidates. It’s best to avoid people who ask you for a date immediately after the first encounter.

This also shows that they have some personal standards, which is why they have thought a lot before asking for a date. Not to mention, you can also take it as a sign that you are suitable for them based on their requirements and preferences.

Bottom Line

So, these are the green signals that you can find in a dating app. If you find a person who meets all these criteria, then you should not refuse them for the date.