Health & Home Wellness

Losing Belly Fat: Best & Worst Foods To Fight It

Are you struggling to lose your belly fat? Tell us about it!!

The problem is not yours alone: millions worldwide wish they could flaunt their bod at the beach, but the unflattering flab doesn’t allow it. But fret not: your days of despair have come to an end right here.

Below we share the best and the worst foods in your battle against belly fat.

The Best Foods To Fight Belly Fat:

  1. Black beans are the best food sources for the good bacteria in your gut. They consume the soluble fiber from the beans and transform it into butyrate, a chemical that increases your calorie-burning potential.
  2. Avocados- have tons of monounsaturated fat that reduce your appetite and prevent belly fat accumulation. Why fear the creaminess when it is just what you need to melt that ugly flab on your stomach? Let avo toast be your healthy-indulgence from now on.
  3. Salmon have rich contents of omega-3 fatty acids, squash inflammation, and fight the ungainly belly flab. This fish increases your adiponectin levels, boosts your metabolism while burning fat.
  4. Miso paste- the priority in losing belly fat is to support your balanced gut microbiome by eating certain foods. Miso paste is just one essential food that would team up with your healthy bacteria and stimulate your digestive system. Do you know why? Because miso paste contains fermented soybeans with koji and salt. These strengthen your immunity and fry the extra belly fat.
  5. Eggs- these fill you up with protein and help you keep up a healthy gain to help your muscles steal the fat cells from your abdominals. What happens as a result? You get washboard abs while consuming only 78 calories from an egg and a whopping 6 grams of protein. What more do we need to say?
  6. Yogourt- predominantly greek yogurt for fighting belly fat.
  7. Sardines- contain even more fatty acids than salmon and improve cholesterol plus belly fat.

The Worst Foods To Fight Stomach Fat:

  • Processed foods- these are your primary enemy; they cause a flab on your belly as round and significant as the donut you grabbed off a counter. Why? Because they contain sodium, and sodium attaches to water. As a result, you end up with bloating or swelling. You will find tons of sodium in processed and packaged foods. Even the sauces, dressings, baked goods, deli meats, and canned soups that please you so well are your arch-rivals.
  • Fat loaded foods- These are your favorite pizzas, crispy bacon strips, and all the fried foods that make your mouth water. Unfortunately, these also make your tummy bulge out just as much and clog up your arteries too. It is best to limit your saturated fat intake to ten percent of your calories a day.
  • Dairy foods- Yes, calcium is necessary, but dairy foods come in various forms such as ice cream, milk, and cheese. These are potential troublemakers for the tummy because of the lactose content inside. People from specific backgrounds are susceptible to lactose and don’t digest it too well. In case you cannot give up on dairy, try to take an enzyme supplement alongside such as Lactaid. Before you consume dairy, have one supplement so that it breaks down lactose better.
Health & Home Wellness

A Low-Carb Diet: The Ultimate Guide

If you are a beginner in the low-carb diet world, this is the ultimate guide you need.

You are probably aware of the massive success of the low-carb diet around the world. People are drawing more towards it in health consciousness and because of its successful results in reducing weight and improving health.

These diets have existed for several decades, and doctors of all ages have been recommending them. An even better idea is not to resort to unique or expensive products and not count calories either. The best low-carb diet is to fill yourself with plenteous whole foods and consume more nutrition that way.

What Is A Low-Carb Diet?

A low-carb diet reduces your carbohydrate intake, which you consume through pasta, bread, and sugary foods. Instead, you eat lot more vegetables, fats, proteins, and whole grain foods in this diet.

In this diet, you eat more fat and protein to full your calorie-requirements, with fat being the primary source of necessary calories. Most low-carb eating plans incorporate more fat because they contain the essential macronutrients your body needs.

The advantage of fat is that it is the lowest effect on your insulin levels and blood sugar. Controlling sugar and insulin levels in your body is key to burning fat better for energy. However, whether the fat is a body or dietary fat depends on how recently you had a meal.

Low-carb eating plans exist in several shapes and sizes. The most common worldwide are carb cycling, the Keto diet, the Atkins diet, the paleo diet, and others. It is better to run a medical exam with your doctor, analyze your health-status and then meet a nutritionist to determine the best diet plan for you.

Another essential fact to acknowledge is that not all diet-plans suit or affect everyone in the same way. We all have different body types with different medical histories. How a particular diet would affect us depends on our metabolism and the workings of our digestive system.

Hence, selecting a diet just because you noted satisfactory results in people around you is not a wise thing to do. It would be best to go through a proper channel with healthcare experts for the best diet-plan and execute accordingly.


To simplify the diet for you, we have broadly categorized the foods you must eat and must not.

You Must Avoid:

  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • White rice
  • Potatoes
  • Beans
  • Artificial foods
  • Processed meats
  • Starchy foods
  • Sugary foods

You Must Eat:

  • Natural fats like butter
  • Vegetables and especially leafy greens
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Meat

You can snack on berries, nuts, quinoa salads, and foods that fill you up well but do not increase your body’s carb level.

Who Is Not Eligible for a Low-Carb Diet

If you do not suffer from any chronic health issues, it is safe for you to begin a low-carb diet. However, those who fall under the categories below must not start with the diet unless they have sought approval from a doctor.

  • Those who have diabetes and are on medications or insulin
  • Those mothers who are breastfeeding
  • Those who suffer from blood pressure problems and are on medications.

Final Thoughts

Low-carb diets help reduce your carb intake while increasing fats and proteins in your meals. The idea is to maintain your sugar and insulin levels to burn fat better, gain more energy and lose weight. Many have experienced multiple health benefits from adopting a low-carb diet, and it could work for you as well.

Health & Home Wellness

Keto Diet: The Ultimate Guide

Are you planning to lose weight but not sure of the right diet? The Keto diet has been among the most popular eating-plans since past recent years, and we have all the information right here.

Keto or ketogenic diet is high fat and low-carb diet aiming to boost your health while reducing weight.  Many people worldwide have claimed to experience remarkable results, which is not surprising considering how clinical studies provide evidence.

The diet promises to have some significant health benefits for Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, cancer, and diabetes.

What It Is

If you know of the Atkins diet, you will have some similarities in keto too. The latter is a low-carb diet that focuses on more protein and fat intake. It aims to reduce your carbohydrate levels drastically and fill you up with fats that will burn faster and provide you more energy.

When the carb levels begin reducing in your body, we call ketosis into a metabolic state. When you reach ketosis, your body’s burning efficiency improves significantly, and you gain more energy.

The diet’s functions include turning the fat into ketones in your liver and supplying more energy to your brain. Among the many health advantages of the diet, the most prominent is the reduced insulin and blood sugar levels.

We all know how increasing ketones while controlling blood sugar and insulin are highly advantageous for our health.

If you are planning to begin on the diet to experience its results, you can select several versions of it. However, before you start executing your eating plan, it is best to seek your doctor’s approval and consult with a nutritionist.

Often underlying health issues coupled with the diet can cause disastrous results, especially if one is ignorant or negligent.

Types of Keto Diet

The types of Keto diet include:

  • High Protein Keto Diet- you will find this quite similar to a standard keto diet, but you have to consume more proteins in this version. This diet’s ideal ratio is 35% proteins, 60% fat, and 5% carbs.
  • TKD or Targeted Keto Diet- in this diet, you can add some carbs to your meals around your workout.
  • CKD or Cyclical Keto Diet- In this version, you go through periods of high refeeds of carbs. For example, you will have to live through five days of a Ketogenic diet and follow it with two days of high carb days.
  • SKD or Standard Keto Diet- This version includes high fat, moderate protein, and low carbs. The typical percentages have 10% carbs, 20% protein, and 70% fat.

Most of the studies have focused on high protein and standard ketogenic diets, owing to the wide popularity. The other versions, including the targeted or cyclical keto diets, are more advanced in the methods and only suitable for athletes and bodybuilders.

Final Thoughts

Keto is a low-carb, high-fat diet that aims to send your body into a state of ketosis. In this metabolic state, your body relies on more fats for fuelling your energy than on carbs. You can reach ketosis faster by observing intermittent fasting modifying your diet.