Career & Education Education

Benefits of Going Back to School Later in Life

Going back to school as an adult is very different than if you attend college straight out of high school, but it doesn’t have to be scary or daunting. In fact, there are many benefits of going back to school later in life! Thanks to your age, you’ll have more experience and knowledge to apply to your college education. Here are some advantages to going back to school as an adult:

Career-focused Education

Whether you’re looking into going back to school to switch careers or advance your current career, the education you receive as an adult is typically focused on your job field. Having professional experience to apply to your school is a huge benefit, as you can tailor your classes to match your career goals. Centering your education around your chosen career ensures you’ll be spending your time and money wisely, which isn’t always the case when attending college right out of high school.

Refine Your Skills

Refining your skills, whether they’re professional or personal, is one of the most common reasons why people return to school. Maybe you want more in-depth knowledge of a subject or there’s something you’ve always wanted to learn about. Now that you know what you’re interested in and what your areas for improvement are, attending college can help boost your desired skillset.

Personal Growth

As you grow older, it’s easy to lose sight of who you are by focusing on your family, job, and other responsibilities. Returning to school gives you the opportunity to focus on yourself again by exploring your interests and finding new passions, along with giving you a break from being the teacher or mentor yourself.

Earn More Money Through Education

Maybe you already have a great job, but you aren’t getting as much money as you could be in your field. Many jobs require a degree to advance or earn a higher income, which can earn you exciting new opportunities and the chance to land higher-paying gigs.

Professional Networking For Going Back To School

When you attend school with other adults, you can learn from them and expand your professional network. Studying with other students can help deepen your own learning as well as encourage you to connect with peers in your career field.

Flexible Courses

College courses for adult learning are typically more flexible since the professors know you have other responsibilities to deal with outside of school. They tend to be more balanced in terms of coursework and your home life, so you don’t have to worry about spending too much time on one or the other.

Final Thoughts

Going back to school as an adult can be an exciting and rewarding experience. For many people, it’s a chance to refine their skills, change careers, or earn more money, but it can also result in benefits like professional networking and personal growth. Regardless of your reason for returning to school, it’s a decision that can greatly benefit you in the long run.

Career & Education Education Financial Government Grants Loans

Federal Grants For Back To School

Your education experience never has to end. In fact, you can be a student for all of your life if you want to. And just because you are older and going back to school doesn’t mean you can’t receive federal financial assistance. You may be eligible for grants and scholarships for returning students if you are returning to college as an adult. Nontraditional college students, in fact, are eligible for financial help as well as low-interest federal loans. These alternatives may lower the cost of college and minimize the amount of student loan debt you must take on to pay for it.

How To Get A Grant

If you’re considering returning to school, the first step is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is often known as the FAFSA. To provide you access to federal grants, loans, and work-study programs, the federal government and schools in the United States must examine your FAFSA.

Far too many people think that FAFSA and other grants only apply to younger, college-aged students. But the truth is that federal assistance has no age limitations. An adult student fills out the FAFSA in the same way that a high school senior does. Even if you don’t qualify for grants, you should still apply for federal student loans through the FAFSA. Federal student loans offer lower interest rates and longer payback terms than private student loans, which might help you save money.

The Pell Federal Grant

When it comes to going back to school, you need look at more than simply FAFSA. The Pell Grant, for example, is available to college students of any age who can show financial need.

The amount of the grant is determined by your financial need, the cost of attendance at your selected institution, and whether you attend college part-time or full-time. The highest Pell Grant you could get for the 2020-2021 academic year was $6,345, but the ceiling varies each year.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

You could be eligible for a federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, or FSEOG, as well.

FSEOGs, like Pell Grants, do not require repayment. They are, however, only available to students who attend a participating school.

An FSEOG might pay you anywhere from $100 to $4,000 per year, depending on where you attend to school, your financial condition, and other variables. The earlier you apply, the more likely you are to receive the award.

The TEACH Award

If you’re pursuing a degree in teaching or educational administration as an undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, or graduate student, you could be eligible for the federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) award.

You can obtain a TEACH award for up to $3,772 if you agree to teach at a low-income school for at least four years.

If you don’t fulfill your service requirement, the government will turn your grant into a student debt that you must repay. As a result, it’s critical to think about whether a TEACH grant is suitable for you.

These are just some of the many federal grants available for students returning to school. Additionally, each state has its own many scholarships which gives new and returning students even more opportunities to continue their schooling career.

Career & Education Education Financial Loans

What Is A Preferred Lender List?

A preferred lender list is usually used by colleges to help students find lenders for private loans. Private loans may be needed if there is a gap between federal loans and scholarships. Usually, colleges will have certain criteria for private loan companies and the preferred list allows them to show students who meet the requirements.

Preferred lenders will also offer some of the same benefits as federal funding, such as loan deferment and forgiveness. Customer service is usually also better because they have worked with thousands of students before.

Colleges do not benefit from the lenders in any way financially. This means these lists will always be reputable and students don’t have to worry about being scammed.

Is choosing a preferred lender required?

No. Students do not have to pick a lender off of the preferred lender list. They can use any company or financial institution to take out private funding. Always have students research any possible lenders and let them pick the best one for their needs.

Loans are not one-size-fits-all. Everyone may need something different. Consulting the preferred lenders’ list though can make choosing a lender much easier. Most of the companies have years of experience and reviews from other students.

This allows the student to see how they have helped people before and gives them peace of mind when it comes to reputation. It will also help students narrow down potential lenders faster. They can know that the list is reliable and takes away some of the burdens of having to do hours and hours of research.

Are private loans always needed

Not all students have to take out private loans to go to school. Some students will receive scholarships or grants. The federal loans may also cover the amount needed. However, private loans are becoming more and more popular and needed with the sharp increase in tuition rates.

There are a few things you can do before looking into private lending. Also files a FAFSA every year you are in school to see if you qualify for any grants or other money that you don’t need to pay back. You can also ensure that you get federally funded loans which may have less interest rates and longer repayment plans.

Federal loans will usually give you more protection and fixed interest rates. They also don’t usually require a co-signer or credit score, which gives the student more options when borrowing.

After trying FAFSA and federal loans, students can use the preferred lender list to ensure they pick a good lender with a good reputation. It will also help students narrow down the search for finding good lenders.

Not all colleges have extensive preferred lending lists though. Larger colleges tend to have more options than smaller schools. Always ask around and see what other students have used and what has worked the best for them. Financial aid officers should also be willing to advise students and make sure they are making good loan decisions.

Career & Education Education

5 Best Sites For Taking Online Classes

Online courses are the best way to learn about different topics you want without wasting your time commuting. The best part is that you don’t even have to attend the course on a specific time and day, as you can learn at your own pace.

Here are some of the best sites for online classes that may offer courses on different topics.

1.    Udemy

This is one of the biggest and most popular sites for online courses. You can opt for any course from their 55,000 courses in different fields. Additionally, it also allows you to develop custom courses for learning. Udemy also offers you both paid and free content. You can also download their app for easy learning. The courses range between $9 and $500. Plus, you can also find several discount options on this site.

2.    EDX

EDX is another excellent site for online classes and provides completely free education to you. It is a non-profit educational site and has the objective to provide you high-quality content. This website helps you to improve your skills and knowledge in almost every field. You can find online classes on engineering, psychology, computer science, and others. The best part is that once you complete a course, they issue an official certificate that you can use to prove your knowledge.

3.    Bloc  

When it comes to Bloc, you need to know that this site only offers you web development courses. Still, it is a great platform to furnish your skills and abilities in web programming and designing. Bloc offers you a well-structured program that educates people 25 hours every week for several months. However, you may find the course expensive as the fees start from $4,250. While it is not affordable for some people, it is a great chance for people on a budget who want to gain knowledge and insights about the web development.

4.    LinkedIn Learning

Once you subscribe to LinkedIn learning, you can enroll in a variety of courses. These include art, design, business, tech, education, and much more. The teachers are highly educated and experienced and use innovative ways to help students understand the course. This platform offers you a one-month free trial, so you can test whether you want to invest in it.

5.    Coursera

Coursera is the best platform to enroll in college courses without spending a great amount of money. This site offers you courses on almost every topic, such as history, psychology, literature, science, and much more. Coursera only hires professors from top educational organizations to teach people. Their professors are from institutes like Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Stanford, and others.

Bottom Line

So, these are some best sites for online classes that you can choose according to the field you want to learn about. Make sure to check the course or field that you want to learn on the site you are choosing before enrolling.

Career & Education Education

6 Reasons Why Continuing Education Is Important

One should never stop learning, as it helps expand your knowledge and improve your skills. Plus, it provides more opportunities for professional and personal growth. You should continue your education even after you get a job. Here are some reasons why continuing education is important.

1. You’ll Improve Your Skills

Thanks to advancements in technology, companies introduce new and updated software now and then. Continuing education or enrolling in a course can help you learn advanced tech skills that you can take advantage of in your career. Depending on your knowledge and abilities, you can learn as simple skills as making PowerPoint presentations or as complex as software programming like CSS or HTML.

2. You’ll Make More Money

Having more expertise and knowledge about different courses and programs can help you make more money. Of course, a college graduate has more chances to get a better and high-salary job than a person who has studied till high school.  

Hence, the more skills you have, the more chances you will get to find a high-paying job in a demanding company.

3. You’ll Have More Confidence As You Gain More Skills

When you educate yourself more about the industry and attain the skills that you need to succeed in your field, you will feel more self-assured and confident in the workplace. You may have seen confident co-workers who have used their good vibes to get a superior position in the company. You can do the same.

Not to mention, having confidence in yourself also allows you to ask for raise in salary, as you will have a resume to prove your proficiency.

4. You’ll Improve Your Social Network

We all know that greater exposure to the world offers you better social networking. Continuing education helps you meet the people who belong to the same field and who have similar interests. You can share your views and opinions and can take advantage of their knowledge and skills.

Surrounding yourself with people from the same industry also allows you to take advice when you have to make big decisions.

5. You’ll Grow Personally

Even if you have an amazing job and you are satisfied with your lifestyle, it doesn’t mean you can’t continue your education. Continuing getting education takes you on a journey of personal development.

Education can help you become a better person by teaching you different aspects of life. Even if you are continuing education for professional reasons, it will still help you grow personally.

6. You’ll Be Able to Make a Career Transition With Your New Skills

People who want to switch to a completely new field need to have certain education and talent to get the job. Thus, you should continue your education to take a new path in your life.

When you have more knowledge about the field you want to enter, you will get the job more easily. Plus, you will also find it easy to adjust in a relatively new industry.

Bottom Line

In a nutshell, continuing education opens your way for personal and professional growth. You will get better options in the future to get success in your career. Not to mention, you will become a better person, and will also learn social and communication skills.

Career & Education Education Financial Loans

Student Loans: How Long Does It Take To Pay It Off?

With the costs of school steadily rising and the necessity of a college education growing even more ruthlessly, many people are choosing to take on student loans. These loans- designed to help people who can’t pay out of pocket get access to education- are a godsend to some.

Still, having a loan hanging over your head is no one’s idea of a fun time. For one, loans tie you to an institution and limit your freedom. You might also feel more vulnerable to things like market instability if your loans are high and your funds low. So, how long will that loan be with you? How long does it take to pay off a student loan?

What Is The Size Of Your Loan?

To figure out how long it might take you to pay off your loan, you should first consider how big your loan is going to be and how much you’ll be able to pay monthly.

Loans are paid off in small installments, with interest and possible fees tacked on. This means that if you have a loan of $30,000, you’ll be paying in small increments of that loan for a period of time.

If you can pay more per month, you’ll end up with a shorter time to repayment. This will also help you in other sectors of your financial help. Student loans may come with different terms and different interest rates, meaning that your loan time might vary depending on who you get it from and what kind of contract you sign onto.

Overall, if you’re able to make larger monthly contributions, your loans will dissipate much faster. Choose to pay them piecemeal, and you could be stuck with them for a much longer period than if you chose to take off big bites.

What Is The Term?

A loan term designates how long you will be taking to pay off any given loan. If your loan has a term of, say, 15 years, that means that your bank has set up your payments so that you will have paid off your loan in that among of time- plus interest.

Many student loans come with a term of about ten years. This means that students who start college in 2022 will optimistically finish off their loans somewhere around 2032- or when they’re 28 years old.

But this estimate doesn’t always pan out. Loan recipients often take 20 years or more to finish paying off their loans, which, again, will depend on how much they’re willing to pay and how much they can spare for their bank or loan service at the end of the month.

So, if you’ve got a loan of $30,000 with a term of ten years, you’ll be paying big parts of that loan every month- plus interest. If you’ve got the same loan with a term of 20 years, you’ll be paying much smaller rates- half as much.

Thus, how long a loan will last is a combination of term length and how much a debtor can pay.

Career & Education Education

Continuing Education and Online Learning

Choosing to continue your education is a big next step. The learning goals increase and you’ll need to dedicate more time to perfecting your craft and developing your education. Continuing your education may also mean you need to stop working full-time to dedicate the amount of time you need to your studies.

With the current pandemic, online learning has increased exponentially. While this can be difficult for many who connect around and in school, for those who want to continue with their education, online learning provides a whole new opportunity to finish school from the comfort of your own home.

We’ll be talking about some quick hints and tips on how to continue your education through online learning! You’ll find yourself at the top of the class without having to leave your home or quit your job!

Education Opens Doors

Practical experience will take you a long way but spending time in the classroom gives you a step up in an increased education-focused world. Continuing education classes are a great way for anyone from any background to take part in this step up for the world and economy.

Continuing education classes are specifically geared to adults within the community and are designed by school boards, colleges, and universities. The topics range across everything from art history to computer programming. There are even programs that end with a certificate so you can show you’ve passed the course.

Those who already have a degree may choose to continue their education as well to hone their skills and keep learning so that they can teach or train others. Many employers allow for people to take part in these classes but it can still put a strain on your schedule if you have to leave or commute to continuing education classes throughout the week.

Online Learning Takes Center Stage

This is where online learning comes in! Classes that were previously only offered on a strict meeting schedule are now up in different forms online. You can enroll through your local school or university or check out classes offered by Ivy League schools through other websites.

This opens up the topics that are available to an even wider range! You can learn French from teachers in Paris, take cooking classes with world-renowned chefs, or connect with a teacher in your community to become a better educator yourself. No matter what you want to learn, there’s an online class for that.

While online learning has opened doors for many, it doesn’t offer quite the connection that in-person classes do. Keep this in mind when you are looking for a way to get connected to the larger learning community. Classes offered through online learning often have very flexible schedules so you can do your classwork when you’re home after work or even when your kids go to take a nap in the afternoon.


Choosing to continue your education is a great first step to further success! But dealing with commute times and strict class schedules can make it hard to commit. Online learning allows for flexible schedules and a new, wider range of class availability. Leap, enroll today!

Career & Education Children Education Family

Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School

Wondering how you can help your child to succeed in elementary school? If so, here are some tips and ideas to help your kids.

1.    Make Your Child’s Learning Important

Teach your children that learning is important. Of course, children learn better and quickly if they love a particular subject. However, learning other things that they don’t find interesting is also important. It helps them to know and explore different things.

2.    Aim High

You don’t need to pressure your children; just teach them to aim high. You must realize that your expectations can significantly impact your child’s performance in elementary school. So, don’t expect your children to score 100% in every subject but encourage them to do their best.

3.    Prioritize Your Child’s Study Time

Playing and interacting with other children is important for your kid’s social and intellectual skills. But that doesn’t mean to give them a free hand. Make it clear from the beginning of their school life that they have to study before playing. This will help them understand the importance of studies over other things.

4.    Stay Up to Date

It’s important to stay informed about your children’s school. You can check the school’s website and see the calendar for the upcoming events and tests. You can also check what new posts they have published on their site for annual exams.

5.    Meet your Child’s Teacher

You need to meet your kid’s teacher whenever you get time. You can discuss your child’s performance and ask the teachers to guide you on what you can do for the betterment of your children.

6.    Help them Prepare for Tests

It’s important to prepare your kids for class tests and discuss their studies. The more you will involve with them in the preparation process, the more they will feel motivated to study.

7.    Stick to a Routine

Many parents don’t understand that having a proper routine for their kids is crucial even on holidays. Having a routine will prevent them from getting off the track. You need to give them breakfast, lunch, and dinner on time. They should give time to their studies and also get to play with their friends. Also, make sure they sleep on time.

8.    Talk Often

You need to know how your children feel about their teacher, classmate, and classroom. Ask them what they like and dislike about their school. Give them a chance to express their excitements, anxieties, or disappointments every day. Moreover, support and encourage them by praising their efforts and achievements.

9.    Show Your Interest

Don’t only ask about your children’s day or what they think about school. You need to listen to them carefully and show interest. Guide them on what they can do to solve a certain problem. Also, teach them how they can improve themselves even more.

10.  Designate a Space For Your Child’s School Work

Like adults want a workspace to complete their tasks without any stress and distractions, children also need a study room. You need to designate a place in your house with ample light, enough room to work, and lots of supplies. This will encourage your kid to study without being distracted.

Bottom Line

If you want to make your kid succeed in elementary school, you need to give time to your children. But make sure to avoid putting a lot of pressure on them, as it can negatively impact their performance. Try to be their friend with them while discussing studies.

Career & Education Children Education Family Government Grants

Education Grants for Single Mothers and Fathers

We’ve all seen the ads talking about “grants for single mothers” or “go back to school now, forgivable loans”. But they always seem to feel like scams, and I’m left wondering many times if there is any authenticity to them. In most cases, they are exactly what they sound like: too good to be true.

Many end up leading to lists of financial aid links and programs that you can buy, while some others aren’t even legit websites and are just scams trying to take money and information from those looking for help.

With that in mind, there are some real educational funding programs that provide grants for single parents. There are also scholarship programs and educational grants for single parents that are based on skill and merit. Lastly, there are programs to help students pay off educational loans.

Federal Pell Grants

The Federal Pell Grant Program is one of the more well-known grant programs. It is not limited to only single mothers, despite being known as the “single mother grant”. Pell grants have helped many parents continue their education and boost their earning ability.

Federal Pell Grants are based strictly on financial need and are generally offered only to undergraduate students. To qualify for a Federal Pell Grant the applicant must first have filled out and filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. Applications can be filled out online through the official website. The 2020-2021 school year holds a maximum possible Federal Pell Grant amount of $6,345.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants

The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant programs operate on a state-by-state basis. They are most frequently given to students who show the most need based on the information submitted in their FAFSA. Depending on the degree of financial need, awards up to $4,000 per year can be seen.

Academic Competitiveness Grant

This is another merit-based grant. The Academic Competitiveness Grant is specifically designed for first year college students and second year students who graduated in 2006 or after. It is awarded as a supplement to students receiving the Federal Pell Grant. Students can expect up to $750 for their first year and up to $1,300 for their second year.

Individual State Grants For Single Parents

In addition, a large number of states offer their own various grants and financial assistance options for single parents. These are less popular and often underutilized because fewer people know about them. Qualifications for each of these will vary by state. California’s version, called the Cal Grant is prioritized for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged families. These programs should have websites in coordination with the state, and more information will be available there.

SMART Grants

The National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant or SMART Grant is an award given to students in programs related to the sciences, such as mathematics, technology, engineering, and more. The recipients are determined by merit from third and fourth year Pell Grant students.

Career & Education Education Government Grants

How to Finance Your Child’s College Education

Finding out that your child has been accepted into college is most likely going to be one of your proudest experiences. But then the reality sets in of how much it’s going to cost to pay for tuition, fees, and even room and board for four years at a private college. With averages that top $30,000, paying for a college education isn’t as cheap as it used to be.

Thankfully, there are a handful of ways to make sure there is some financial wiggle room for when your little genius starts their higher education. Let’s take a look at the top ways.

1.   Federal Loans

This should be the student’s first stop If the funds haven’t already been saved. Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA will help determine the amount of aid your student may be eligible for through federal and state programs. Some of these programs will be grants, but a major portion of the cost will likely be paid for by Federal Student Loans.

If your child is a dependent, they may also be eligible to get a Parent PLUS Loan, if you provide your information. It will depend on your credit, but it’s a fixed-rate and will cover up to the entire cost. The other option for federal loans is Stafford Loans.

2.   Private Loans

Even after grants, scholarships, and federal loans, depending on where your child is going to be enrolled, there still may be some costs due. This is where private student loans may be of benefit. They will often be at varying levels of interest, depending on credit, and each lender will have their own terms, just like with any other type of loan. Loans can be obtained either in the parent’s name or in the student’s with the parent as a co-signer.

3.   Leverage A 529 Plan

The 529 College Savings Plan is becoming increasingly popular these days. These savings plans allow a higher contribution than other savings plans, and the funds can be used for any college-related costs tax-free. The plan can be diversified significantly and offers a much better return than traditional savings accounts.

4.   Use Home Equity

This is one of the two “last resort” options. If you are the owner of your home you may be able to fund some or all of your child’s tuition with the equity in your home. This is not the highest-risk method, but it’s second in line. You can use either a home equity line of credit, take out a home equity loan, or even do a cash-out refinance. All carry some risk.

5.   Use Retirement Funds

This is an absolute last resort option. The type of funding available would depend heavily on the type of retirement account that was being drawn from. If this is an option you would like to pursue, you should reach out to your financial institution, as well as your tax professional, to discuss how to impact your retirement minimally.