Health & Home Wellness

Personal Trainers’ Go-To Exercises

If you are looking for the best go-to exercises that personal trainers believe in, you should use the ones that they do at home.

Here are just a few of the easiest, most reliable exercises that you can do daily to achieve the body and stamina, and energy of a personal trainer.


You have time to do some squats while waiting for your coffee to complete brewing, brushing your teeth, or waiting for your shower to heat.

The squat is a basic compound activity that is used by personal trainers all around the world. That’s not just because it’s a terrific way to increase lower-body strength, but it also allows you to move about more freely in daily life.

Consider this: you’re ready to sit or stand up and you’re performing a squat. Inside and beyond the gym, the squat is essential for functional mobility.

The nicest thing about squats is how simple of an exercise they are to do. Simply stretch your feet shoulder width apart, engage your core, and drop your mid-section as if sitting in a chair. Stay in that posture for a certain length of time before rising up and repeating the process.

Plank Exercises

Planks are just maintaining the posture at the top of a pushup, and they are a consistently great shoulder, core, and willpower exercises. They’re also versatile since you can use them to do burpees, mountain climbers, side planks, plank jacks, and more.

The plank stance is also beneficial to the back. It activates the core stabilizing muscles, which helps to maintain the spine. Its simplicity is also important since it can be done anywhere and requires no special equipment. That’s why so many personal trainers return to the plank on a regular basis, at least once a day.


Movement is essential, but it’s also critical to concentrate on techniques that combat physical stagnation. Personal trainers are fully aware of this and remind their customers about it on a regular basis.

Sitting causes muscles around the hips and lower back to shorten, while also causing other muscles to overwork and become irritated. This is why the lunge matrix, sometimes known as “around-the-world lunges,” is recommended by so many personal trainers.

These multidirectional lunges enhance range of motion by lengthening the hip, lower back, and leg muscles that are latent when sitting.

How do you go about doing them? To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width wide. Then, using your left foot, take a big stride forward. Make sure both knees are bent to around 90 degrees, distributing your weight equally between both legs. The front knee of your front leg should be precisely above your ankle. Return your left foot to the middle.

Then Step out to the left side with your left foot and bend your left knee. Maintain a straight right leg extension. This is how you do a side lunge. Return your left foot to the middle.

Step your left foot behind you, bringing your right leg in front of you. This is your back lunge. Return to the starting position with the left leg.

Rep the process with the right leg in the opposite direction: right foot steps back into a rear lunge, then out to a right side lunge, and finally forward to a right front lunge.

Health & Home Wellness

Health Hacks – 10 Hacks That Prioritize Your Health

Are you too busy to maintain a proper healthcare routine? No problem! We have ten health hacks to help prioritize your wellbeing, even when you’re too busy to do it yourself.

1.    Order Smartly

Alright, so you’re too busy to manage meal preps yourself. If ordering food is your only option, then the best thing to do is call smartly. Instead of opting for fried chicken and loaded fries on the menu, you should order an entirely veggie-based meal. You’ll get your nutrition portion while keeping the calories away.

2.    Carry Water Always

This much can fit in even in the busiest of schedules. Hydration is crucial for optimal health, and all you need to do is carry your water bottle everywhere. Choose as large a bottle as possible to carry so you don’t have to refill often. Install an app on your phone to remind you to drink water so you can stay hydrated.

3.    Find Healthier Food Services

 Instead of opting for restaurants, it would be great to contract food service for the month. You will find plenty who cater to special diets and prepare wholly nutritious meals. This way, even when you can’t cook or meal prep yourself, you know you’re only getting healthy meals.

4.    HIIT

If you can’t make time for a leisurely workout, then opt for high-intensity interval training workouts. This requires only fifteen minutes a day but burns calories aggressively while building muscles.

5.    Nutritious Snacks

You can’t have meals on the go invariably with a busy life, but you can indeed have nutritious snacks. Pack up nuts, granolas, and whatever healthy snacks you can grab and carry around conveniently.

6.    Don’t Stress Eat

If you’re busy and hungry, you must still remember not to stress eat. Practice some breathing exercises and make them a habit so that you relax significantly before you begin chewing. No matter how demanding your routine is, stress eating never makes for optimal digestion.

7.    Use Technology

There’s an app for everything these days, so why not use one to manage your health too? Use an app that reminds you to have a glass of water, reminds you of its bedtime, reminds you to work out, etc. This might be the motivation you need in a day to give your health some attention.

8.    Set a Boundary

No matter how ambitious you are, or how much of a kick you get from being a successful professional, you have to set a boundary. If nothing else, do it for the sake of your health. Do not let work overpower you to the extent where you neglect your nutritional and sleep requirements etc.

At the end of the day, you have life only if you have good health. Remember to prioritize your body’s needs before investing all your efforts, energy, time, and focus into work.

Health & Home Wellness

Vitamin C, Am I Getting Enough?

Vitamin C is among the essential micronutrients that are necessary for optimal function. With the ongoing spread of COVID-19 and rampant flu season, it is gaining more popularity.

Vitamin C deficiency is not very common in the more developed countries, perhaps because of the abundance of fresh produce. Furthermore, supplements and certain foods additionally incorporate vitamin C to provide people sufficient quantities. Hence, you will see only 7% of people lacking in it.

Currently, the RDA recommends ninety milligrams of vitamin C in a day for men and women from age nineteen and above. How do you figure if you are getting enough of it in a day or lacking somewhere?

While most symptoms of this deficiency develop in months, you can watch out for some other signs.

1.    Body Hair

One subtle sign of vit C lacking in your body is corkscrew-shaped body hair. If you notice your hair growing in coiled or bent shapes, know that your protein structure is suffering defeats.

2.    Bumpy, Rough Skin

Vit C is essential for your collagen production: the abundant protein in your connective tissues. These consist of your blood vessels, bones, joints, hair, and skin. When you run low on vit C, you will likely develop skin conditions, including keratosis pilaris, with bumpy chicken skin on your buttocks, thighs, and upper arms.

3.    Damaged, Dry Skin

Sufficient amounts of vit C in your body will keep your skin healthy and supple. The outer layer or epidermis will glow and be smooth. The essential function of vit C is to protect your skin against the sun’s oxidative damage.

Additionally, collagen production combines to plump up and revitalize your skin. When all that lacks in your body from a deficiency, your skin will turn dry and rough.

4.    Fingernails with Lines, Red Spots, and Spoon Shape

If you note thin, brittle, and concave-shaped nails, they are likely a sign of vit C deficiency. Even your nail beds may develop vertical lines and red spots when the blood cells weaken and rupture.

Some Other Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Vitamin C

Some other signs could also be indicators of a deficiency. These include:

  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Loose teeth
  • Brittle and dry hair
  • Bruising and bleeding
  • Your gums may change color or turn purple. You may even note bleeding or swelling frequently.
  • Poor wound healing
  • Anemia
  • Scurvy

Best Sources of Vitamin C

If you’re looking for the best vit C sources to increase your intake, consume more of the following foods.

  • Parsley
  • Broccoli
  • Papaya
  • Strawberry
  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Lychee
  • Kiwifruit
  • Sweet red pepper
  • Black currents
  • Guava
  • Acerola cherry

You must also note that vit C does not take heat very well and breaks down if you expose it to heat. Hence, you’ll be much better off consuming raw vegetable fruits for vit C intake than cooking the sources.

You must also remember that your body cannot store large amounts of vit C at a time. Hence, the best practice is to eat lots of fresh produce daily.

Final Thoughts on Vitamin C

You can find plentiful amounts of vit C in fresh vegetables and fruits. While a deficiency of it is not very common, it is possible if you don’t consume the right foods. Some signs can help you catch the deficit at the earliest.