Legal Personal Injury

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

The cost for hiring a lawyer after a car accident can vary based on the accident and the injuries you received. However, unlike other attorneys, they do not usually charge hourly. You will probably pay some fees and not be liable for the attorney fees if your lawyer does not win your case.

Lawyer Contingency Percentage

This will be the main part of what you will pay a personal injury lawyer after being in a car accident. It is usually about 25-40% of the money you receive in compensation. Most will charge you one-third, so be prepared to not take home the whole amount of the money you recover.

Make sure you review the contingency fee with the lawyer and ensure you understand the rules behind it before you sign anything.  Always ask them to explain it to you if you don’t understand it.

Contingency fees will vary based on the lawyer and your personal injury case. You will usually pay a higher fee if you have to have a trial by jury. If the settlement is met quickly, you will probably owe less of a contingency fee.

Contingency fees can also be negotiable, so always discuss with your lawyer what they expect and what you think is fair.

Other Fees and Expenses

Most personal injury lawyers do not charge upfront litigation expenses or court fees. They will usually pay the costs for medical records, police reports, court reporter fees, and expert witness fees. If they win your case, you will have to reimburse them for all these costs.

Some personal injury lawyers though will make you pay these fees as they become due. They will usually send you a statement weekly or monthly to say the money they’ve spent and expect you to pay them the money when you receive the statement. These fees will need to be paid before they will advance with your case.

If you are using a large firm, they are more likely to pay these fees for you upfront. Smaller firms or family firms will need the money sooner because they won’t have enough to upfront the costs.

All the fees will automatically be taken out of your settlement amount, so always keep a record of all fees so you can double-check to make sure they’re correct.

Other Fees

Some lawyers will not have a pure contingency fee even though this is the most common way for personal injury attorneys to charge their fees. You might have an attorney that charges a retainer fee instead. They will then end with a contingency fee based on your settlement and how much item they put into the case.

Overall, there will not just be a flat fee for getting a personal injury lawyer. It will depend on the records and paperwork they need for the case. It will also depend on your settlement number and if the case will go to trial. Make sure to review all fees and percentages with your lawyer.

Legal Personal Injury

Can I Sue My Employer For Negligence?

When it comes to the relationship between an employer and their employee, things are usually great for a while. In the event that things go wrong, however, it is important that you know what your rights are as an employee. The law sees this relationship and does its best to keep all parties involved covered and rights protected.

So, if you are injured at work and your employer is at fault, what are your options? Are you able to file a negligence lawsuit against them? The short answer is no. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about your rights and seeking financial repayment for workplace injuries.

Suing Your Employer for Negligence

If you are injured at work and the accident was your employer’s fault, suing your boss for your medical expenses may seem like the logical thing to do, but it isn’t necessarily the right answer. Most states across the country have workers’ compensation laws in place that were made specifically to help employees seek compensation after a workplace injury.

Because of the workers’ compensation system, you cannot sue your lawyer unless the negligence was intentional. Businesses have workers’ comp insurance set up to cover employee injuries and it protects them from having to deal with lawsuits.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation was designed to keep the employee and employer protected. In order for an employee’s accident to be covered, there are some strict rules that must be followed. First and foremost, the injury has to occur while the employee was following their company’s rules. However, if not, they may not be eligible for financial help.

If you work in a factory and one of the safety rules is that protective eye gear must be worn at all times, then you need to be sure to wear them. If you aren’t wearing them and a large piece of metal is lodged into your eye socket, then you are on the hook for your own negligence.

When Can You Sue Your Employer for Negligence?

Generally speaking, in most cases, you cannot sue your employer for negligence. However, here are a few circumstances in which you may be able to file that lawsuit:

  • Your employer is without workers’ compensation insurance
  • Your employer hurt you intentionally
  • You are not technically employed by the company

Returning to Work Following an Accident

If you suffered severe injuries at work, returning to work can feel overwhelming. In order to claim worker’s comp benefits, it is important that you return when your doctor releases you. Otherwise, you may miss out on the workers’ compensation benefits.

Workplace injuries that leave you missing shifts are expensive in multiple ways. Not only do you have medical expenses you weren’t expecting but now you are several days short on your paycheck. If you were hurt at work and are in need of assistance with your medical bills and missed wages, a work injury lawyer can help.