Financial Insurance

Car Insurance: Tips & Ideas for Cutting Costs

When you’re behind the wheel, you need car insurance to protect you. But how can you make the liability insurance or car coverage more affordable for you?

Here are some tips and ideas for cutting your car insurance costs:

  • You must remember that insurance companies offer multi-car discounts and make it your goal to take advantage of that. Hence, if you try obtaining a quote from an auto insurance company for a single car, they will surely give you a higher quote.

But if you asked them for quotes for several cars or drivers at one time, you will get a more discounted bulk rate. Do you know why? Because they’re willing to give you a deal if they see promises of more business from you.

You can gather your family members, neighbors, friends etc and then ask for a collective quote.

  • Insurance companies are smarter than you think. They conduct studies to prove that people with good credit scores are less like to make insurance claims. Hence, try paying your bills on time and clearing your credit card debt before purchasing your car insurance. You could win lower premiums this way.
  • Being a safe driver is one easy way to cut car insurance costs. It’s common knowledge that safe drivers are the favorites, especially for car insurance companies. Try to maintain a good driving record and you’ll win safe driving discounts in return on your insurance, almost up to 10% to 23 %.
  • Insurance companies insure different people and cars differently, which is why you will find a difference in thousands of dollars between their quotes. This is why we suggest you first shop around well to see who’s offering what. With three or four quotes in hand, you can settle for the most reasonable one.
  • There are some insurance companies who award discounts to those who undergo defensive driving course. With this course, you can the number of points on your license. You may even opt for accident prevention or similar course to win this discount. Not a bad idea it seems!
  • Bundling your insurances can lower your costs too. You may already be having a homeowner’s insurance or some others and if you wish to purchase more than one policy, it would be a great idea to ask your agent to bundle these. In return, your insurance provider may give you a discount, which they often do on bundle insurances.
  • Using mass transit will shower fewer miles on your insured automobile in year and that is sure to reduce your costs too. You see, it is typical for an insurance company to make you fill a questionnaire before signing up for discounts. If you are commuting for three to four hours daily back and forth from work, you will surely be paying more premiums that those who only drive a mile a day.

Hence, a good idea is to ask your insurance company about their mileage thresholds. That way you can plan your mileage accordingly to win a discount.

Financial Insurance

5 Steps to Lower Your Car Insurance Rates

The cost of owning a vehicle quickly adds up between fuel, maintenance, and insurance. Any little bit of money you can save makes a difference. While you might feel like you don’t have any say in your car insurance rates, there are things you can do to reduce the price.

The most obvious way to lower your premium is by being a safe driver. People with good driving records automatically get lower rates, but even if you have a few blemishes on your record, there are steps you can take to reduce your car insurance rate.

1. Check Insurance Rates Before You Purchase a Car

If you are just at the beginning stages of buying a car and getting insurance, do your research in advance. Not all vehicles are considered “insurance friendly.” Car insurance providers determine premiums based on a car’s repair cost, safety record, value, and the likelihood of theft. For example, a sports car is more likely to be crashed, stolen, and expensive to repair. As a result, insurance companies charge you more money because there is more liability.

On the other hand, some vehicles can get you much lower insurance rates based on safety features. Some auto manufacturers build their cars to withstand crashes better than others. They may also include special features, such as:

  • Brake Assist
  • Collision Warning
  • Lane-Departure Warning
  • Blind-Spot Warning
  • Pedestrian Detection
  • And More!

2. Request a Higher Deductible

Whether you’re dealing with health, home, or auto insurance, your deductible always has a significant impact on your premium. You can lower your premium by increasing your deductible, but you need to find the perfect balance. While you could make your payment more affordable by dramatically increasing your deductible, you shouldn’t increase the deductible beyond what you can afford to pay in the event of an accident. 

3. Decrease Coverage on Older Cars

Older cars often aren’t worth the premium you are paying if you have too much coverage. In these cases, it would make more sense to reduce your insurance amount. For example, you could drop collision and comprehensive coverage if it would be more cost-effective for you to pay for the repairs out of pocket.

If you aren’t sure of your car’s value, we recommend that you ask a bank or auto dealer. You can also use a site like Kelly Blue Book to determine your car’s current value. With that information, you can change your coverage when it is time to renew your car insurance policy.

4. Seek out Auto Insurance Discounts

Did you know that many car insurance providers offer a variety of discounts? If not, you could be missing out on valuable savings. We recommend that you talk to your insurance company to see if you qualify for a low-mileage discount. This discount would be for anyone who carpools to work or works from home.

Other companies offer deals to good students or good drivers with clean records. You could even take a defensive driving course to lower your rate. Other discounts you may be eligible for include:

  • Multi-Car Discount
  • No Accidents in Three Years
  • Good Credit Record
  • Customer Loyalty
  • Combined Auto and Home Insurance
  • Anti-Theft Devices

5. Shop Around with Different Providers

Lastly, if you still aren’t satisfied with your rates, you should consider shopping for a policy with another company. We suggest that you get a car insurance quote from at least three providers before you settle on one plan. Different companies and agents may be able to offer you different rates.

If you want to take the leg work out of insurance shopping, you can utilize several online price comparison tools. Your state insurance department may also be able to help point you in the right direction.

Take the First Step Towards Lower Rates

We suggest that you work your way through the steps if you would like to find cheap car insurance. However, you shouldn’t rely on price alone. We suggest that you find a company with a reputation for excellent service because there is value in that as well. The lowest rates might not always mean the best coverage. It is up to you to find the best rate for your needs and budget.