Health & Home Wellness

My Experience With A Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Out of all the therapeutic massage treatments, lymphatic drainage has been quite popular since a while now. There’s a reason why all of us love to rush to a practitioner, as soon as the opportunity presents itself. The rhythmic strokes in gentle, long motions and the light pressure feel almost magical as the lymph nodes flow more easily and the toxins begin to leave our bodies.

Our immune systems naturally contain the lymph systems inside, which helps us fight against infections. In nature, the lymph is a slightly yellowish, clear fluid that plays a vital role in transporting oxygen and nutrients to our cells. While it is performing this task, it keeps collecting the toxins from our body and flushes them out through lymph nodes.

Within our bodies, the lymph vessels exist in a quantity that is twice more than the blood vessels in us. The lymph system does not have a pump like that of our heart, which pumps blood in our body. What the lymph system does instead is that it uses pressure from the blood vessels and the muscle movements to run our lymphatic fluid around.

How I Felt After My Lymphatic Drainage Massage

My personal experience of a lymph drainage massage began with an appointment at the local massage center in my neighborhood. Before proceeding, I verified that the masseuse had professional training in this and was proficient at lymphatic massages. I also made it a point to discuss my personal health issues and let her explain how the treatment would be beneficial for me.

My ultimate goal is seeking a lymphatic drainage massage was to get some relief for my chronic back pain and injuries as a result of sports. When we had discussed at length what method the masseuse would use and what I could expect as the outcome, she began the massaging process.

Like every other massage, this one also requires you to undress and lie atop a heated table. After that, you experience light and repetitive strokes on your legs, back, stomach, armpits and arms. It is nothing like the deep tissue massages you get in other treatments, but lighter and more calculated movements.

At the end of the massage, I had to rest aplenty and also drink a lot of water, but like masseuse had mentioned, I experienced the full benefits only a few days later. My steps had an extra spring to them, I felt like a spurt of energy in my body and lightness in my physique. I no longer could feel any bloating or water weight weighing me down.

Rather, my body felt less inflamed, mid section lighter and a constant feeling of contentment and comfort surrounding me. If I keep regular appointments with a lymphatic draining massage expert, I’m sure my health is going to improve even more significantly.

Here are some of the top benefits of a lymphatic drainage massage:

Top Benefits

  • Increased weight loss, due to the higher calorie-burning efficiency of your body from the improved metabolic rate.
  • More reduction in water retention
  • Decreases chances of viruses, including minor flu bugs and cold. Strengthens your body against infections and sickness, and improves the healing process.