Business Career & Education

7 Steps to Create a Marketing Plan That Works

There may be several strategies and ideas that you can incorporate in your business with an idea to develop it. However, a timely marketing plan can do wonders for taking your business to the next level. This plan could be the difference between failure and success.

So, here are 7 steps to create a marketing plan that actually works.

1. Research to Know Your Marketing Business

You should focus on developing a long-term approach for strategizing your business’ future. This approach should be on your customer feedback about your services and product’s credibility. Consider arranging a market study to assess your company’s standing with clients and vendors.

This data will give you the right mind-set to know your business standing, value, and credibility.

2. Know your Brand Health

It would help if you arranged a market survey to know about your product’s feedback. This will make you know your brand’s market value. Assess its value by comparing it with the competitor’s product to get a clear understanding. Depending on the result, you should set the next 12 months’ goals to improve your clientele and dig into a new customer base.

3. Determine Target Market

What more you can do to improve your product. It’s like getting the right audience to listen to you. So, focus more on knowing what segment of market your product can capture.  It would help if you got customer feedback, shared it with your marketing team and production unit to improve your end product. This will help you determine your target market.

4. Set a Budget

You should be careful about allocating a certain budget for marketing, advertising and promoting business. You should spend this money on marketing-related activities alone.

Budgets are difficult to come by. You may need to withdraw money from another part of your business to replenish marketing and promotion. So be careful and run the numbers twice to justify the new budget allocation.

5. Know your Rivals

There is a good chance that you are facing some fierce competitors. You should know them, their strengths as well as weaknesses. That will help you guide how you can progress. You should know why people like their products and try to improve on that a step ahead and sell your product.

6. Create a Tactical Marketing Strategy

The strategy should be on course about how to achieve your goals? Whereas tactics like digital promotion, social media, websites, public relations, and trade conferences are just one facet of marketing. Email marketing, direct sales, and lead generation are another extension of marketing strategy. You need both to fork a sound strategy for a successful business future.

7. Get Set, Go!

These steps are needed to create a marketing plan for your business that actually works. Just put them together and devise a strategy that suits you best. Marketing plans can vary from simple to more complex methods. So, be ready to alter or amend them as and when required.


Therefore, you should always have a marketing plan to promote your business. But ensure its timely implementation and ensure its being applied in soul and spirit.