Health & Home Wellness

Pick-Me-Ups To Make Your Days More Tolerable

Sometimes life can get tough and unbearable. Even if you are the strongest person among your friends, workload and stress can turn your mood down. This might put you in a situation where you question your entire life. Trying to find the cause during this time to solve the problem won’t always work. In fact, it rarely works. You need effective techniques to cheer up and feel better.

That doesn’t mean that you have to avoid problems and issues in your life. Instead, step away from these problems for a while and approach them when you feel better and motivated. You can effectively face your issues with a clear mind and a positive outlook. That’s why you should know some pick-me-ups to remind you that you are still okay and things will be better.

Top 10 Pick-Me-Ups

Here are some effective techniques or pick-me-ups to brighten your day between busy routines in life.

1. Open the Windows

If the weather is pleasant, you should open all the windows and let a fresh breeze enter inside your home or office. The smell of grass, little licks of wind, and the chirping of birds will magically bring positivity to your life.

2. Make Your Room Cozier

Turn on the lamps or lit the scented candles as this will make your room comfy. This is one of the easiest pick-me-ups to lift your mood.

3. Make Your Bed

Even if you are not a person who does a lot of chores, you can try this when your life gets unbearable. Making your bed is the least you can do for an instant lift in your heart.

4. Watch Funny Videos

YouTube can play a significant role to change your mood. If you feel exhausted because of excessive work, you can watch cat and dog videos. Also, pranks, funny home videos, and laughing babies can help.

5. Get Back to Your Hobby

Is there anything that you like the most and when you are busy with that activity you forget everything else? This could be gardening, playing a musical instrument, or even writing. Performing activity that you love and enjoy immediately make your heart flutter and give you the pick-me-up you need.

6. Complete a Task

The task doesn’t have to be your daily work. Something that you left unfinished for a long time will work. For instance, continue with the painting you left due to a lack of motivation or a song that you were writing last year. These activities bring your productivity right on track.

7. Take a Walk

Take a break in life and leave your home to walk around your neighborhood or anywhere that you feel like going.

8. Make a Phone Call

Whether you visit your friend or give them a call, you need to talk your problems out. When you interact with someone about your problems you feel lightened. Even if you don’t feel like talking about the problems, discuss your pet.

9. Visit Your Relatives

If your relatives live nearby, you can spend some time with them. This will give you a break from busy activities. If your mom makes the best cookies, then you should try this pick-me-up.

10. Go Shopping

When you purchase something that you wanted for a long time, you will feel happy about it. So, head to the nearest shop and get whatever you feel like purchasing. This can be clothes, shoes, and even new sunglasses.


So select a pick-me-up from the above list and take a break from your busy life. Believe it or not, you will feel motivated and relaxed when you will back to your activities.

Health & Home Wellness

5 Tips To Get You Through Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression is common among men and women in their twenties. This leads to Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, which is another type of depression with symptoms. These symptoms are widespread in women. The symptoms of gloomy weather for an extended period are:

  • Sad and anxious feelings
  • Loss of concentration
  • Loss of interest in usual activities
  • Sleeping more than normal days and still feel tired

The optimal solution for this disorder is routine modification. But, how can you change daily activities when you don’t feel like leaving your bed. Here are a few tips that will get you through the gloomiest season of the year:

1.     Talk with Your Friends

The major reason why people feel depressed during the winter season is because of less social contact. If you don’t have someone to talk to about your life and problems during the low-light season, you will feel lonely. Everyone has private or professional problems in their life. These problems can result in SAD.

A simple chat with a friend or a colleague can help you through this time. Whether you meet them in person or talk on the phone, you will feel better after opening up. No other activity can change your mood quickly than having a cup of coffee with a true friend.

2.     Plan an Outdoor Activity

When you undergo seasonal depression, you should include a stroll in your activity. When you are outside, you will find many interesting things to make your day. Especially when you start your day with a morning walk, you will feel happy and active throughout the day. Exposure to sunlight in the morning will keep you on track.

3.     Try Light Therapy For Your Depression

A lightbox can also help when natural light is not available to brighten up your mood. A lightbox stimulates natural light and suppresses melatonin synthesis in your body. Furthermore, it also increases serotonin levels. Place the light box near your workstation for an hour a day. Your doctor will help choose the right lightbox model. The one that filters harmful UV light is an effective option.

4.     Take Hot and Cold Shower

When you wake up in the morning, take a shower. You might think about how the morning shower can get you through a depressing day? Well, you don’t have to take a normal shower. Alternating the temperature during the shower stimulates circulation and blood pumping. Start with warm water and switch temperature twice.

5.     Start a New Hobby To Take Your Mind Off Of Your Depression

Most people spend their time on the couch binge-watching Netflix shows. This is a good idea to spend your time during depressing days. But, watching movies and web series endlessly can cause nausea and put you back into the same depression.

Changing your hobbies is an effective technique to switch your moods. For instance, reading, baking, and painting are some activities that will keep you going through the season. Also, choose an activity that you always wanted to start.


Hopefully, you will find these tips effective to get through the gloomiest season of the year. One thing to always remember is that things will get better soon. So if you feel depressed, plan your routine and stay busy. Do whatever fascinates you and you can easily get through this period. Don’t fight with the symptoms. Instead, understand and accept the feeling.

Career Career & Education Health & Home Wellness

Why Time Off Is Good for Your Health

A workaholic usually sees “taking time off” as something they can do later. But they don’t realize how necessary it is for their growth and mental health. Research shows there are many people who have succumbed to illness by overworking. According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), 745,000 people pass away from ischemic heart disease caused by overworking every year.

Taking time off doesn’t necessarily mean having to go on vacation. Rather, it can mean paying attention to yourself and giving yourself a break from work. There are many reasons you’ll want to take some time off, so read further below to learn how it can benefit your health in a good way.

1.    Helps Refresh You into a More Productive Person

Taking small breaks at work is always refreshing and necessary. Now imagine taking a whole month or a few weeks off from work. You’ll definitely feel refreshed and energetic once you return. Your productivity levels will increase, and you’ll pay attention to work with a cool, calm, and motivated mindset.

2.    Gives You Time to Work on Your Relationships

It’s not easy to maintain relationships or meet friends regularly when you have a tight work schedule. But, it is important to meet your friends weekly or have a cute family night every Friday. Meeting with friends helps you realize that your loved ones are always there for you and vice versa. Taking some time off will help you make up for all the missed nights out and dinner dates.

You can also go for a small road trip for a week. You’ll see the therapeutic effect a small road trip can have on your mental health. During a tough career life, you need to have the support of your close friends and family. However, you need to maintain your relationships with them for that to continue.

3.    Helps you Achieve a Mental Break

When constantly working throughout your day, your brain tends to push back. That’s where you start to experience different mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, etc. This will also soon start having a bad effect on your work, and that’s the last thing you need. Taking some time off will allow your brain to rest and give you time to clear your head. Clearing your head lets you get back to work with a more refreshed and energized side of you.

4.    Allows You to Rethink About Your Goals

Taking time off will also give you time to think if your job is something you want to continue. You might come up with something more of your liking or a brilliant idea that may get you to the top.


Right now, taking time off from work may seem impossible. But the benefits it has on your health are bound for you to take one now. So it’s time to apply for your leaves and take that long break you deserve!

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure Wellness

15 Ways to Celebrate Yourself That Cost No Money

Taking care of yourself and celebrating yourself is crucial to optimizing your mental and physical health. Some people don’t practice self-care because they think it has to be expensive.

Try these 15 ways of taking care of yourself that are absolutely free.

1. Write down your achievements

At the end of each week, write down everything you accomplished. These can be personal achievements or professional ones. This a perfect way to celebrate yourself and all that you have accomplished!

2. Organize your home

Cleaning out an old closet or room in your house can make you feel like you unburdened yourself. Take a few hours to organize and clean.

3. Get outside and celebrate

Being outside can make you feel like a new person. Spend a few hours reading, hiking, or just being in the sun.

4. Make a playlist

Create a playlist of songs that make you feel good and motivated. Listen to it every time you get something done.

5. Make a fancy meal for yourself

Use food you already have in your house to treat yourself to a fancy meal. If you don’t like to cook, make yourself a fancy coffee drink.

6. Journal about yourself

Write down things you have done lately that you are proud of. Look to the future and list some things you want to accomplish within the next few weeks or months.

7. Celebrate your brain

Celebrate your intelligence by learning a new skill. This can be done by downloading a language learning app or by listening to podcasts or Ted talks to get inspired.

8. Learn a new hobby

Many hobbies can be done at home and online for free. Try to think of something simple you have always wanted to do. Maybe it’s yoga and you can watch and practice free yoga videos.

9. Celebrate someone else

What better way to celebrate yourself than by celebrating a friend or family member? Send flowers to someone you know who just achieved something. Invite them over for a movie or walk to spend time talking with them.

10. Read a book

Taking time to finish that book you’ve had sitting around can make you feel like you did something productive. Ask to borrow a book from a friend if you want to, this way you’re not spending money.

11. Get up for the sunrise

Rising early can make you feel accomplished and productive. Spending some time outdoors at the beginning of the day also makes the rest of your day peaceful.

12. Make a routine

People who follow routines often get more done. This will give you more time to celebrate yourself.

13. Do an at-home spa day

Use cosmetic items you already have around the house and make a spa day for yourself.  You could take a warm bath or do a face mask. This is a perfect self-care day.

14. Get away from the phone

You don’t have to be on someone’s radar all the time. Set the phone down and think about yourself. You deserve to celebrate you!

15. Take a nap

Celebrate your day or morning by resting and spending some time alone.

Legal Social Security Disability

Mental Health Disability Claims

The Social Security Administration uses pre-established mental health guidelines to determine which applicants for benefits qualify. These disabling impairments and their criteria are listed in what is referred to as the Blue Book. It lists the exact criteria and conditions that will allow an individual to qualify for and collect Social Security Disability benefits. There are a total of 9 mental health categories covered, and they are:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Affective Disorders
  • Autism Spectrum
  • Mental Retardation
  • Organic Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Somatoform Disorders
  • Substance Addiction Disorders

Each category is evaluated with its own criteria, and to qualify for benefits, the applicant will need to show that they meet said criteria. An alternative is to show that the cumulative effect of multiple disabling conditions is equivalent to the accepted criteria.

Anxiety Disorders

To claim SSDI benefits for an anxiety disorder, you must have medical evidence demonstrating at least one of the following:

  • Compulsions and obsessions that result in distress
  • Recurring and unpredictable anxiety or panic attacks weekly
  • Persistent irrational fear
  • Persistent anxiety with symptoms like motor tension

Affective Disorders

The requirements to qualify for SSDI with an affective disorder you will need to demonstrate two years of treatment along with the inability to function outside of a supportive environment or have documentation that acts as evidence showing your condition effectively prevents functioning in any work environment.

Autism Spectrum

You will need to show demonstrably that the condition prevents normal communication, social interaction, and engagement. You must also show that these limitations prevent your ability to work.

Mental Retardation

You, or your ward, will qualify if you can show documentation showing any one of the following:

  • Depending on others for personal care, like bathing, eating, using the bathroom
  • IQ of less than 60
  • IQ less than 70, combined with other physical or mental conditions that preclude working

Organic Disorders

You may qualify for benefits if you can show that you have been receiving treatment for one or more of the following for two years with the persistence of the condition.

  • Time and place confusion
  • Memory disorders
  • Hallucinations
  • Personality changes
  • Mood disturbances
  • Limitations of daily activities
  • Limitations of socialization
  • Loss of 15 IQ points or more

Personality Disorders

You will need to show evidence of your condition causing you to be unable to adapt to a social or work setting. Your disorder will also need to show at least one additional symptom such as seclusion, autistic thinking, hostility, passiveness, odd behavior patterns, impulsive damaging behavior, and more.

Psychotic Disorders

Qualifying for SSDI under this category requires medical documentation showing two years or more of your condition’s impact on your ability to be in a work environment. You may also be able to qualify if you have any symptoms that severely affect your ability to be in a social or work setting, like hallucinations, delusions, incoherence, and more.

Somatoform Disorders

For somatoform disorders, you will need medical evidence showing a history lasting several years of physical symptoms that require drastic lifestyle changes, by the age of 30.

Substance Addiction Disorders

To qualify for SSDI for substance abuse disorders, you must prove with medical documentation that the abuse issues have resulted in a mental disorder, neurological disorder, or digestive disorder.

Children Family Health & Home Wellness

Don’t Live Alone? 10 Ways to Carve Out Me Time

Not every one of us is fortunate to own or rent our own space. Sometimes, family obligations and cultural values force us to live in a family system, while environmental factors such as the pandemic and others force us to move in with family or roommates, instead of living alone.

No matter what the reasons may be, it can get entirely frustrating when you just do not get any time for yourself. Devoid of peace and quiet, one cannot survive calmly for long. So how can you carve out alone time for your own sanity when you don’t live alone?

Here is how:

1.    Communicate Your Need for Peace Clearly

Emphasize how you need peace and some alone time. Of course, if you’re dealing with family or friends, you need to set the boundary very gently without hurting feelings. You can make a weekly routine where you spend some time in a solo activity, like writing your journal, etc. Let others know not to interrupt you then.

2.    Boundaries

Set a physical boundary that helps you withdraw to a secluded corner, even if for only a few minutes in a day, to enjoy that much needed alone time. It could be your reading corner, a desk, or even a Prayer place.

3.    Plan a Solo Outdoor Escapade Every Weekend

Whether it is a close-by park or a hiking trail, or even a trip for groceries, make sure you plan one trip every Saturday or Sunday alone.

4.    A Daily Stroll

This is a great idea because it will not only keep you physically fit but also give you much-needed free time. A jog every morning or a leisurely stroll alone in the evenings is a great idea.

5.    Stop By at a Café on Your Way Home from Work

There are days when you are lucky to have a lesser workload. In that case, try not to return home directly but rather stop for a cup of coffee at a café for a breather and soak up all the moments alone.

6.    Early Mornings

The best time to grab some alone time is to wake up before the others. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. Imagine the silence and tranquility when all else are asleep, and you can just relax without intrusion.

7.    Early Bedtime

Similarly, going to bed early is a great way to spend some me-time too. If nothing else works, an early bedtime routine during the week can give you some time to run through your thoughts alone before drifting off.

8.    Date Nights or Happy Hours

Although it may not be alone time, do not hesitate or feel guilty to plan these. It’s okay to grab some special time without the presence of your family or your roommates. A date with your pals or happy hours with colleagues is a treat you deserve every once in a while.

9.    Practice Solitude

Even when you’re living with a crowd, you can practice alone time. It requires some skill, but soon you’ll be able to withdraw emotionally and mentally from the others. Choose a quiet corner during family dinner times or others and try not to contribute in conversation. Focus on your thoughts while trying to block out the sounds around you.

10. Volunteer for Errands

Does your mom need something from the farmer’s market? Has the family pet run out of its stock of biscuits? Volunteer to run outdoor errands if you can manage them. This could be a great way of being by yourself, away from the people at home.