Dating Health & Home

Keep the Romance Alive in Your Relationship

Nothing compares to the thrill, the excitement, the butterflies-in-the-tummy feeling of a new romance. Everything turns into moonlight and roses in your world when you have only begun dating your soulmate. But what happens once the newness of the relationship wears off and your spark begins to dim?

You make weekend plans-grand ones. You plan surprises for one another to rekindle the fires of passion and the thrill of romance. And here’s how you can do that:

1. Plan a Surprise

A surprise date? But you’ve already heard that idea so many times before. So what? It doesn’t lessen the thrill and excitement of coming home from work on a Friday night to a candlelit room and dozens of rose petals lining the way to a cozy romantic set up for two.

2. Make Reservations at His/ Her Favorite Restaurant

Who can ever not feel delighted at such an unexpected treat? If he/she is fond of steaks, lobsters, or pasta, treat them to their favorite restaurant this weekend.

3. Plan a Romantic Picnic

Nothing rekindles passion and romance more than a picnic in the woods or at the beach, or somewhere in the mountains. Some mouthwatering al fresco food and chilled beverages would complete the fun.

4. Explore Your Hometown

When was the last time you both turned tourists? Remember the fun of hopping through colorful streets, trying a dozen delicious street foods, and just sightseeing? Plan them this week with some hometown exploration.

5. Give them a Spa Treatment at Home

Trust us, lathering your beloved in essential oils, perfumed massage creams with candlelight rose petals, and soft music will turn up the heat.

6. A Dance Class For a Little Romance

Is there a weekend dance class for couples coming up? Book yourself and your partner for it. Some rock n roll, Zumba, or even Waltzing can sizzle up the chemistry.

7. Plan a Movie Night in Your Backyard

Do you have a cute little yard in your home? Well, turn it into a romantic, open-air theatre for two this weekend. Spend the night watching romantic movies under the star and live some magic of your own.

8. Organize a Romantic Treasure Hunt

Leave a trail of romantic, naughty love notes for your partner. Lead them to a surprise (you all decked up) as the treasure hunt surprise. You can let the mood decide the rest.

9. Dance the Night Away

No, you don’t need to head to a crowded club for that. Set your sound system up, dim the lights, and put your favorite songs on a roll. Then take him/her in your arms and dance the weekend away.

10. Cook them a Grand Breakfast

Why not surprise your partner with his/her favorite breakfast? Sacrifice your sleep on Saturday morning and whip up a batch of their favorite breakfast muffins. Present it in bed with a bouquet of roses to sweeten the treat even more.

Dating Health & Home

10 Ways to Up Your Dating Game in 2021

Wondering how you can step up your dating game in 2021? Well, that is not difficult if you make wise decisions. Here are some tips to spice things up and take your dating game to another level.

1. Pay for the First Date

Okay, it’s true that gender rules while dating are outdated. Men don’t always have to pay for dinner. However, paying for the meal makes you look a bit more generous. This is how you can impress women by being a little considerate and paying the bill.

2. Keep All Options Open

It is vital to understand that not everyone is going to get their dream partner in a crowded bar or find a prince charming waiting for them. Do not limit your search, as you never know you may find that special someone anywhere. So, the more options you keep open, the more chances you have to find the right person for you.

3. Remember That Saying No is Okay

To level up your dating game, you need to start saying no to the things you don’t like. If you don’t talk about the things you want and expect from your relationship, the chances are you will break up soon. Do remember that empathy and compromise in a relationship are crucial. If you don’t want to get into a relationship or take things forward or don’t want to text back, then avoid that.

4. Use Alone Time to Your Advantage

You might be wondering how it would benefit you. Well, 2020 has taught us a lot, and we have seen that spending some time alone helps us to think about ourselves, our hobbies, likes, and dislikes. You may have also built a true sense of understanding the world and people. Spending some alone time thinking wisely will help you prepare yourself for a successful date.

5. Avoid Some Outdated Rules

You need to ditch some outdated dating rules like don’t kiss on the first date. You might have also heard people saying that wait for the other person to make the first move. Don’t know what factors have determined these stupid rules, but these are absolutely vague. Make sure to make decisions according to your own choices and comfort level.

6. Be Ready for Discussion

As clichéd as it may sound, but we would love to emphasize it again, “COMMUNICATION IS KEY FOR AN EXCELLENT RELATIONSHIP.” Yes, that is true – always be ready to discuss everything. It’s even important to discuss things that you don’t like or may have to face because of your partner. This way, you both can build a good and true relationship.

7. Picture Your Best Self

Most of us feel really concerned and worried about our appearance. People try different outfits just to choose the best one. Having said that, it only makes you more conscious. The best way to get confidence is to picture yourself in the best form. Visualizing yourself in the best circumstance will help you decide what clothes will look best on your body or what type of conversation can make your partner fall for you.

8. Be Polite On Your Date

Boys and girls, when you are going on a date, you need to put your best foot forward. Guys look extremely attractive when they wait for women to sit first or show respect and love. Girls can win the game by talking politely and listening to the man carefully. And a pro tip for both is to keep your mobile aside and be attentive.

9. Maintain Good Eye Contact With Your Date

Maintaining eye contact throughout the date will promote a sense of belonging and love. It also makes you look more confident. The other person will also feel comfortable with you while talking about anything.

10. Be as Honest as You Can

Do remember that being honest and being disrespectful have a great difference. You need to be honest regarding yourself in a way that the other person doesn’t feel uncomfortable with you. Plus, don’t be rude or arrogant when pointing out their mistakes. You can also calmly and respectfully tell those things that you may not feel right.

Bottom Line For Dating

So, these are a few tricks and tips to step up your dating game. It’s really easy; you only need to be open in all aspects.

Dating Health & Home

13 Ways to Get the Relationship You Want

Searching for a way to bring a spark in your relationship again? Or want to work on your relationship once you find a partner? Or do you want to find a date for yourself? If so, you can use the following methods to bring intimacy to your relationship with your partner or future partner.

1. Let’s Get Cozy

Physical touch is the key to a perfect relationship. Yes, it includes sex, but it is much more than that. Give your Bae a rub on the back, hug them, hold their hand, and offer a massage. Physical touch releases oxytocin, which makes you feel closer to your partner.

2. Say Sorry In Your Relationship

We all mess up in life and say things that we regret later. We may also do things that we shouldn’t. But it happens. What you need to do is to admit your mistakes instead of blaming others.

3. Listen to Your Partner

It is the most important thing. LISTEN TO YOUR PARTNER – can’t emphasize more. Ask them about their experiences and other things, and show interest in them. If you are one of those who only complain about their day, you need to learn some empathy and listening skills.

4. Avoid the Mr. and Miss Perfect Thinking

Drop the perfectionism idea as nobody is perfect. You need to stop expecting your partner to be perfect in every way. Additionally, stop generalizing and personalizing your partner’s action. Think about them as humans who can make mistakes.

5. Don’t Stop Doing Old Things

As the months and years pass, we tend to stop making efforts that we usually do in the first year of dating. We lose our gentleness, patience, understanding, and thoughtfulness. So, think about the starting dating days, and write about the things that you should start doing for your partner.

6. Ask for What Your Partner Wants

Over time, people assume that they know everything about their partner and vice versa. This leads to fights and misunderstandings. Try to communicate with your partner and ask their view about everything, even if you think you know what they want.

7. Check-In Every Week

Make it a ritual to check in once a week. Discuss what has worked and what hasn’t. Plus, discuss what improvements you can make in the coming week. In the same discussion, plan a date night, talk about what you want to see happening in the coming week, and ask them what they are looking forward to.

8. Be Creative in the Time You Spend Together

Make a time to have a movie or dinner night. If you don’t want to go outside, arrange a wonderful date at your house. You can go hiking, cycling, fishing, and anything that is thrilling. Enjoying a good time together can help you improve your relationship.

9. Don’t get Distracted Because of Your Packed Schedule

Daily responsibilities of family and work can drain all your energy. You might don’t have any energy left to hear your partner. Try to be mentally present at home when you are with your partner. When you reach home, forget about the work until the next day.

10. Fight the Right Way

Yes, it’s absolutely true. You can fight with your life partner but in the right way. The conflict is not the problem. The actual problem is your attitude towards the situation. Every person has different options. This is why you both will fight at some point. However, try to listen and understand each other’s perspective and then make a decision together.

11. Ask About Your Partner’s Day

People think it is outdated, but it is not. Asking about the day is the best way to show that you are interested in what your partner does. It also shows that you want to know more about them, rather than complaining about your day.

12. Be More Affectionate With Your Partner

You may not feel the passion that you once did at the beginning of your dating. However, you both can still maintain affection for each other. Do things unexpectedly, like kiss hands, hug each other, hold hands, and say good night and good morning.

13. Learn Your Partner’s Stress Pattern

Every person feels stress about something. If you learn what things can negatively impact your partner’s mood, you can try to avoid doing them. Plus, if there is something that you don’t like and feel stressed about, make sure to tell your partner about it. You both can stop doing things that can be stressful for each other.

Bottom Line

Maintaining a good relationship is not that easy. You need to think about your needs as well as the desires of your partner. When you have a relationship that is fulfilling for both of you, you both will feel more attraction and affection towards each other.