Financial Savings Tech & Media Technology

Saving Money With These Top Apps

Truth is, if saving money were easy, then half of us wouldn’t make financial resolutions each year. However, we’ve got some money saving suggestions that you can pick-up on at anytime. Consider what we deem to be the 4 best money saving and money making apps to date!

Ready, Set, Save Money!

Many mobile applications boast about their ability to help you save money, but which ones are actually worth it? If you’re busy like the rest of society, then you’re probably also looking for something that’s not super time-consuming. Consider these options below:


A financial assistant in your pocket, Trim has the power to help you automate your financial life. After securely connecting your accounts, Trim will analyze your connected accounts to determine where you can save more money. It’ll specifically look for those recurring subscriptions you have and cancel them upon your request. Maybe you no longer need those weekly newspapers or monthly clothing boxes, huh?

Trim also has a Bill Negotiator, where it helps users save $5-$50/month with Comcast and more! With Trim, you can really make the most of your money without investing a lot of your time.


Do you often shop at Amazon and want to get paid for it? Then you might want to check out ShopTracker. Sign-up for an account by simply completing an application. You’ll need to provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Birthday
  • Street Address
  • Zip code
  • Gender

After that, you’ll be asked how often you make purchases on Amazon, the type of account you have on Amazon, and the number of accounts in your household. If you qualify, you’ll need to install the application and sync it with your Amazon account. Following successful installation, ShopTracker will automatically pull data monthly from your account and you’ll get paid for it.


Looking for a bank with no monthly fees, overdraft fees, or foreign transaction fees? If yes, then meet Chime! Chime comes with a Visa debit card, savings account, and checking accounting; it’s very ideal for those who like to bank on-the-go. By opting in to their ‘Save When You Spend’ feature, every time you spend money, it automatically rounds up transactions to the nearest dollar and transfers it to your savings account. They also automatically transfer 10% of every paycheck directly into your savings account, so you can’t help but save!

You Need A Budget

An application that can be used on your computer, phone, tablet, Apple Watch, and Alexa is ‘You Need A Budget’. After connecting your bank accounts, you can set-up some goals and start easily tracking them. Individuals who love visuals will love seeing their progress in graph and pie chart form. Need some extra assistance setting up a budget? Check out their live workshops or send them an email!


Want to save money without thinking about it? Then download ‘Digit’! Once you’ve securely added your bank accounts, Digit will calculate how much you can comfortably save everyday and automatically set it aside for you. The money is added to your Digit savings account and can be retrieved by simply sending Digit a text message. You’ll be able to access the money in your checking account on the next business day free of charge. Guess what else? There’s no account minimums!

Financial Savings

Saving Money: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

Volumes can be written about the psychology behind saving money, but if you’re just starting out trying to save you want real actionable steps to getting some savings built up. Each of these steps can be taken easily, quickly, and can also be expanded to larger scale savings.

1.   Every Little Bit Helps

People often get discouraged when they cannot seem to save money rapidly enough. If it were a race, slow and steady wins. Save a dollar here and there, even a few cents, just don’t touch it unless you absolutely have to. There are even apps that can help you save by rounding up purchases automatically and either saving or investing the spare change. This can be incredibly powerful for people who use their debit cards constantly.

2.   Know What You Should Be Saving

You know that you need to save, but do you know how much? Figuring out what you want to save for, and saving in small incremental goals, can boost your saving success. Save up for something small first, then add on to that, increasing until you have the savings and emergency funds you need for any rainy day.

3.   Make Saving Easy

Saving money shouldn’t be hard. It shouldn’t require you to live like a pauper. One of the easiest ways to save is to gamify it. When you set goals and reach those goals, be sure to reward yourself.

If you like ordering pizza but spend way too much on it, keep track of the times you’d order, and instead of ordering save that money. Once you’ve saved through 4 pizza delivery cravings, treat yourself to a pizza on the 5th. That way you’ve got a nice pile of savings, and a small reward.

4.   Clear Your Debt

Debt is frequently one of the more challenging things to overcome before you can begin saving. It can wipe out any progress that your savings and interest give you. If you have high-interest debt like credit cards, focus on paying that down quickly. While you do this, try to save a small amount, even $20-$30 per month, to help you break the cycle of credit card use.

5.   Pay Yourself First

This is one of the older methods for saving, but it’s one of the easier ones to implement and it helps change your saving behavior. It’s simple, establish a percentage of your pay that you will save and not touch. Many people set this at 10%. So for every hundred dollars you earn, stick ten in savings, and watch that pile up quickly.

6.   Generate Cash

Generating cash might sound crazy, but it’s a legitimate technique for saving. At the simplest, this can look like a credit card with a cash back bonus, where the cashback is dropped into a savings account and left there. More aggressive generation methods are running side hustles, getting a part-time job, or even selling extra stuff to make a few bucks that you don’t need for bills.

Financial Savings

Earn Money With A Checking Account

We have been conditioned to think that even though bank accounts are necessary that they are a drain on our resources. For example, most bank accounts come with high monthly fees, unless a user maintains a significant minimum monthly balance or meets other restrictions. Users may also be hit with heavy fees if they overdraw their accounts. Many banks charge overdraft fees in excess of $30. 

But, not all bank accounts are costly. In fact, some checking accounts may actually earn users money. This primarily happens via bonuses that customers receive when they open checking accounts.

Checking Accounts With Bonuses

Not all banks offer bonuses for customers to open new checking accounts, and not all bonuses are created equally. This means that it is important for a customer to shop around. Comparison shopping also means looking at more than just the upfront bonus. Customers should also consider how they will likely be using the account and what the long-term associated fees will be.

The bonuses that are offered generally range from $100 to $250. However, some banks may offer even more attractive bonuses, particularly to high net worth customers. For example, HSBC Bank currently offers a $750 bonus for its premier checking account. However, customers need to be aware that they will be charged a $50 monthly fee unless they maintain a $100,000 minimum account balance. This minimum is outside the means for most customers.

The Best Bonus for You

When opening a checking account, particularly one with good bonuses attached, they may want to check your credit score up front. If they use a hard pull on your credit, this will make your score dip lower temporarily. If your score was already not the best and you were planning on using it soon, like if you were considering buying a car or renting an apartment, then you may want to check with other banks first or hold off on the checking account until things are settled.

Banks aren’t known for giving money away for free, so don’t expect this to come without other types of attachments. For instance, there’ll be fees on the account like monthly maintenance charges which might take up the whole bonus, if not more. Not to mention that the bonus is technically considered interest, so the government will want to take out taxes on this so-called free money. Lastly, consider interest rates at various banks. Some banks that offer no bonuses but has competitive rates may earn you more money than vice versa.

Other Caveats For A Checking Account

Minimum monthly balances are only one issue that consumers need to take into account when they are shopping for a new checking account with a sign-on bonus. Banks often put other requirements or caveats on these accounts, some of which are more stringent or restrictive than others. Many of these accounts will require that customers have at least one direct deposit enter their account each month. Since most employers now pay via direct deposit, this is not a difficult requirement to meet.

Another requirement that customers need to take note of is the minimum amount of time that an account needs to be open. Many banks require customers cashing in on these sign-on bonuses to keep an account for six months or more, while some banks set the minimum to one year. Customers who close their accounts before then may be required to pay back their initial bonus.

These aren’t reasons turn away an account with a sign-on bonus. They are simply buyer-beware caveats. Make sure to read the fine print about any account before opening one.

In the End

Customers should treat shopping for a new bank just like they treat any other shopping experience. They should work to collect as much information as possible and weigh this information against their own unique needs. What works for one customer may not be the appropriate answer for another. Consumers have the opportunity to pick the bank account that best meets their long-term needs, ideally one that offers an attractive account opening bonus for new customers.