Health & Home Wellness

17 Insanely Easy Habits That Will Change Your Life

No one wants to make dramatic changes in their life. However, you don’t want to latch onto negative habits and unhealthy lifestyles that can cause irreversible damage. Positive reinforcement takes time in life. So, consider adopting 17 easy habits that would leave a significant impact on your life.

1. Take a Digital Break

Unplug from the chaotic digital world and take a break from your smart phone, tablet, and laptop altogether. Hopefully this will create a new habit in your life.

2. Listen to Interesting Podcasts

If you want to stay informed and evolve as a person, start your day by listening to innovative, educational, motivational, and thought-provoking podcasts.

3. Make Drinking Plenty of Water A Habit

Another habit you should adopt is to drink more water to flush out toxins from your body, gain fresh skin, and boost energy.

4. Participate In New Life Experiences

Life is full of new experiences that make up your personality. Make them a habit! Therefore, it would be best if you looked for new experiences and memories that will make you a better person.

5. Make Meditation and Exercise Become A Habit

If you have a lot of stress in your life, meditation and exercise will help relax your mind and body.

6. Consume More Knowledge

There is no end to how much knowledge you can consume in a lifetime. So, educate yourself by learning a new piece of information each day.

7. Become an Habitual Early Riser

One of the life-changing habits is to wake up early in the morning. Waking up in the afternoon disrupts your entire day but early risers are always on top of things and have fun at the same time.

8. Tidy Things Up

Adopt a minimalist approach and get rid of the clutter in your home and office surroundings.

9. Become Socially Responsible

You do not have to be a recognized humanitarian to demonstrate your responsibilities. Instead, consider volunteering locally to help your small communities.

10. Make Reading A Habit

If you have a busy schedule, life can come across as chaotic. So, try to read 15-20 minutes each day to engage and activate your brain.

11. Learn to Forgive

Forgiving another person is all about moving forward and releasing suppressed emotions and misery of the past.

12. Become More Attentive

If you want to be more attentive, listen to other people. It’s a skill that will help you form better relationships and make you look interesting.

13. Focus On Self-Care As A New Habit

Before you can love others – you will have to love yourself. So, take some time to spend some time on yourself and focus on your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

14. Always Be Thankful In Life

The world will not always be kind to you but you should always be thankful for a few things. Think of it as a self-motivation tactic to preserve your sense of optimism.

15. Savor Positive Statements

Positive statements improve your confidence and boost self-esteem. In fact, these statements will help you believe in yourself. 

16. Save More Money

Times are tough and that means you should put even more effort to save more money. Embrace a DIY approach and make realistic financial goals.

17. Reflect And Celebrate Life

Reflect on your past to learn from past mistakes and celebrate the moments that helped you move forward.

Wrap Up

It’s never too late to incorporate healthy, positive, and productive habits into your life. After all, your life is the reflection of the choices you decide to make. With enough courage and a leap of faith, you can transform your everyday life.

Health & Home Wellness

My Experience With A Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Out of all the therapeutic massage treatments, lymphatic drainage has been quite popular since a while now. There’s a reason why all of us love to rush to a practitioner, as soon as the opportunity presents itself. The rhythmic strokes in gentle, long motions and the light pressure feel almost magical as the lymph nodes flow more easily and the toxins begin to leave our bodies.

Our immune systems naturally contain the lymph systems inside, which helps us fight against infections. In nature, the lymph is a slightly yellowish, clear fluid that plays a vital role in transporting oxygen and nutrients to our cells. While it is performing this task, it keeps collecting the toxins from our body and flushes them out through lymph nodes.

Within our bodies, the lymph vessels exist in a quantity that is twice more than the blood vessels in us. The lymph system does not have a pump like that of our heart, which pumps blood in our body. What the lymph system does instead is that it uses pressure from the blood vessels and the muscle movements to run our lymphatic fluid around.

How I Felt After My Lymphatic Drainage Massage

My personal experience of a lymph drainage massage began with an appointment at the local massage center in my neighborhood. Before proceeding, I verified that the masseuse had professional training in this and was proficient at lymphatic massages. I also made it a point to discuss my personal health issues and let her explain how the treatment would be beneficial for me.

My ultimate goal is seeking a lymphatic drainage massage was to get some relief for my chronic back pain and injuries as a result of sports. When we had discussed at length what method the masseuse would use and what I could expect as the outcome, she began the massaging process.

Like every other massage, this one also requires you to undress and lie atop a heated table. After that, you experience light and repetitive strokes on your legs, back, stomach, armpits and arms. It is nothing like the deep tissue massages you get in other treatments, but lighter and more calculated movements.

At the end of the massage, I had to rest aplenty and also drink a lot of water, but like masseuse had mentioned, I experienced the full benefits only a few days later. My steps had an extra spring to them, I felt like a spurt of energy in my body and lightness in my physique. I no longer could feel any bloating or water weight weighing me down.

Rather, my body felt less inflamed, mid section lighter and a constant feeling of contentment and comfort surrounding me. If I keep regular appointments with a lymphatic draining massage expert, I’m sure my health is going to improve even more significantly.

Here are some of the top benefits of a lymphatic drainage massage:

Top Benefits

  • Increased weight loss, due to the higher calorie-burning efficiency of your body from the improved metabolic rate.
  • More reduction in water retention
  • Decreases chances of viruses, including minor flu bugs and cold. Strengthens your body against infections and sickness, and improves the healing process.
Health & Home Recreation & Leisure Wellness

15 Ways to Celebrate Yourself That Cost No Money

Taking care of yourself and celebrating yourself is crucial to optimizing your mental and physical health. Some people don’t practice self-care because they think it has to be expensive.

Try these 15 ways of taking care of yourself that are absolutely free.

1. Write down your achievements

At the end of each week, write down everything you accomplished. These can be personal achievements or professional ones. This a perfect way to celebrate yourself and all that you have accomplished!

2. Organize your home

Cleaning out an old closet or room in your house can make you feel like you unburdened yourself. Take a few hours to organize and clean.

3. Get outside and celebrate

Being outside can make you feel like a new person. Spend a few hours reading, hiking, or just being in the sun.

4. Make a playlist

Create a playlist of songs that make you feel good and motivated. Listen to it every time you get something done.

5. Make a fancy meal for yourself

Use food you already have in your house to treat yourself to a fancy meal. If you don’t like to cook, make yourself a fancy coffee drink.

6. Journal about yourself

Write down things you have done lately that you are proud of. Look to the future and list some things you want to accomplish within the next few weeks or months.

7. Celebrate your brain

Celebrate your intelligence by learning a new skill. This can be done by downloading a language learning app or by listening to podcasts or Ted talks to get inspired.

8. Learn a new hobby

Many hobbies can be done at home and online for free. Try to think of something simple you have always wanted to do. Maybe it’s yoga and you can watch and practice free yoga videos.

9. Celebrate someone else

What better way to celebrate yourself than by celebrating a friend or family member? Send flowers to someone you know who just achieved something. Invite them over for a movie or walk to spend time talking with them.

10. Read a book

Taking time to finish that book you’ve had sitting around can make you feel like you did something productive. Ask to borrow a book from a friend if you want to, this way you’re not spending money.

11. Get up for the sunrise

Rising early can make you feel accomplished and productive. Spending some time outdoors at the beginning of the day also makes the rest of your day peaceful.

12. Make a routine

People who follow routines often get more done. This will give you more time to celebrate yourself.

13. Do an at-home spa day

Use cosmetic items you already have around the house and make a spa day for yourself.  You could take a warm bath or do a face mask. This is a perfect self-care day.

14. Get away from the phone

You don’t have to be on someone’s radar all the time. Set the phone down and think about yourself. You deserve to celebrate you!

15. Take a nap

Celebrate your day or morning by resting and spending some time alone.

Beauty Health & Home

The Skincare Ingredients to Keep Your Eye On

In 2020, we all had to prioritize self-care more than skincare. Now that things are returning to a new normal, we’re all eager to return to our self-soothing and skin luxuriating ways. New technologies and innovations are promising some exciting skin trends.

What newly discovered yet magnificent ingredients do you need to look for in 2021 for your skin? We’re listing them for you below:

1.    Buckthorn Oil

Some of you may be aware of it already. While it’s not a new ingredient, it is not a common one either. We know that spas and skincare facilities will be using a lot of this ingredient for treating skin woes and rejuvenating and regenerating supple and glowing skin.

2.    Tranexamic Acid

Skincare experts tell us that mask-wearing will continue, but it can somewhat damage the skin. To keep our skin healthy, experts are recommending products with tranexamic acid for balancing and minimizing pigmentation.

This will help maskne, actinic damage, and post acneic scars too.

3.    Microbiome

Skin experts are expanding in the probiotic skincare zone. They are going to push people towards probiotic-packed potions and will encourage more probiotic0peddling skin routines.

4.    Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is going to return in the spotlight too. The skincare industry is going to continue its commitment to clean beauty, and we can see why. They’re looking, and more hydration and repairing for the skin and jojoba oil can give you all that.

It has rich vitamins B and E content and can eczema and inflammation too. You’d be wise to start using it.

5.    Baltic Amber

One expert tells us that Amino acid is part of Baltic amber, or perhaps what you may refer to as succinic acid. These ingredients are some of the best antioxidants because they firm up your skin quite well.

They’re also great at reducing signs of aging while cleansing your skin of free radicals and toxins. Let’s load up on this one, people!

6.    Prebiotics

We touted the benefits of probiotics, but you need to incorporate prebiotics into your skincare routine as well. Prebiotic ingredients balance and replenish dull and damaged skin, and you will find a plethora of products along this line in 2021.

7.    Polyglutamic Acid

This skincare ingredient will possibly take the lead and be the leading trend. You know why? Because it is like hyaluronic acid. If that is your favorite, then this one will be too because it binds water just as well.

It will not penetrate your skin but instead form a hydrogel film to prevent water evaporation on your skin’s surface. When your skin locks moisture better, it will look plumper, radiant, and fresh.

8.    Bakuchiol

This is a gentler and plant-derived version of retinol. It will balance the overall texture and tone of your skin and support collagen production as well. Furthermore, this ingredient has the potential to clear sun spots, fine lines, and wrinkles on your skin.

Final Thoughts

Skincare for 2021 appears to be promising, with some exciting new trends that the experts will establish. Some fantastic ingredients are coming to light that has several benefits for the skin. Watch out for these in the latest products 2021 will bring you.

Health & Home Wellness

Self-Care Routine Upgraded in 10 Ways

2021 is finally here! Throughout the challenges of 2020, we anxiously waited for its successor to arrive. While each of us is cautiously optimistic and hopeful for better circumstances, we also need to prioritize our self-care routines.

If the past year taught us anything, we must make ourselves as strong as possible – both internally and externally. With this thought in mind, here are our top ten ways to upgrade your self-care routine in 2021:

1. Do Not Put Off Your Medical Exam any Longer

With COVID-19 restrictions, you can choose between in-person visits if you’re comfortable or else have an online check-up. However, the priority is to schedule an appointment with your doctor, an optometrist, and a dentist. It is best to ensure you are in top shape, and have strong immunity.

2. Prioritize Sleep

It’s time to set your sleeping pattern in order. Depriving yourself of sufficient sleep damages your cognitive abilities, your mood, and attention span. With time, you lose appetite, productivity, and good health.

3. Analyze Your Mental Health

After the shocking turnover of the entire world and our lives in general, checking your mental health is more important than ever. Take stock of yourself and see how well you manage stress, anxiety, and grief (if any).

Create a self-care routine that helps you cope with your challenges without crumbling internally. Make sure you have peace inside.

4. Learn More

It is time to give your brain more fuel and more horizons to explore. Limiting your pathways will burn you out mentally, and that is not going to improve life. Hence, make it a point to learn something new from now on.

Have you always fancied playing the guitar? Playing basketball? Or becoming a graphic designer? Now is the time to step out and inspire yourself professionally and personally.

5. Analyze Your Relationships

Analyze your relationships and see which ones are just making life better and which are completing you. Then devote time and energy to strengthening those relations that matter in life.

6. Go Offline

The dreadful notifications and the uncontrollable screen time is destroying the quality of your life. Create a routine that helps break this habit, reduces smartphone and laptop usage, and fills your time with more rewarding activities.

7. Exercise

Never could make time for it before? 2021 is the year to make it a permanent habit. You will reap the rewards of it till the last day of your life.

8. Set Boundaries

You need to set firm boundaries around yourself and others if you are to accomplish good self-care. Practice good intentions but do not overwork or be mindless for that.

9. Make Meals Colorful

It is time to eat consciously. Give up on all the carbs and trade them for more greens, vegetables and drink plenty of water. Try new recipes but make sure they fill you up with nutrients.

10. Revamp Your Surroundings

Now that 2021 will see more of us at home, why not make the environment more fun, colorful and refreshing? Fill your home with plants, art, and bursts of color everywhere.