Financial Real Estate

Real Estate Tips for a First-Time Home Seller

While buying a home often revolves around emotions, and how the house “feels” as a home. Selling should be detached as much as possible from that emotional aspect so that it can maximize the profit potential of the seller. These tips will apply to anyone putting a home on the market for the first time, as well as anyone who may need a quick review of some best practices.

1.   Make Sure You Have An Accurate Price Listed

This is one of the areas where having an experienced and reputable agent can help you immensely. Particularly one that has already had success in your general neighborhood. Make sure that they will perform a comparative market analysis for you. This should help you set your price as high as possible while not deterring offers or needing to reduce your price.

2.   Staging Can Add Incredible Value

Get advice from your agent on prepping for the sale. Many homes can benefit greatly from being professionally staged prior to an open house. Most homes show better and get more positive results from having about half of the furniture removed before showings. Professional home staging can add significant leverage for appeal and selling power.

3.   Stay Flexible With Showings

You may have to have several showings, so if they are too much of an imposition, or if watching someone tour your home seems weird, consider just not being around for the first weekend your home is on the market. This will allow your agent to show your home at times that work best for the prospective buyers.

4.   Host An Open House For Potential Home Buyers

If you have had your home staged, you may get noticeable benefits from hosting an open house. Your agent will know if this will be a viable option for your home. Some homes may not be conducive due to traffic patterns in the area, or even the home layout.

If there is a reasonable expectation of a benefit from the open house, put signage nearby, preferably on the main road likely to draw in viewers from the traffic. Sometimes all someone needs to know your house is the one, is to walk through it.

5.   Get The Commission Details

Don’t hire an agent purely based on a cheap commission. Many times the agents who offer a reasonable standard commission should be seriously considered. Don’t expect a cheap agent to give your listing the full service and attention it deserves. Likewise, be sure that the agent you do go with has a proven track record of selling homes, and of the sellers being satisfied.

6.   Respond Quickly To Home Buyers

If you’re putting in serious effort to sell your home, make sure you put in serious effort to respond to offers. It’s not uncommon for purchase offers to expire relatively quickly. Even if they don’t, prospective buyers will not appreciate waiting for the acceptance of their offer, or possibly even more frustrating, a counteroffer. Responding the same day, or within 24 hours, is ideal.

Financial Real Estate

Selling Your Home? Here’s a Moving Timeline

Selling your home can be a very stressful time. From worrying that you’ll make enough money on the sale to concern about having to move in the midst of everything else that you have to deal with when selling your home. Generally speaking, the process of selling your home is not done quickly. Most people plan for months before even listing, and then from there you never know how long it could take.

Right Now

Whether you think you’ll be ready to move in 3 months or 6 months, you should have a list date planned, as it makes it easier to plan ahead and get your home ready to show potential buyers. Not only this, but it also simplifies the moving process when you finalize your plans on where you will be living next.

Two Months Prior to Listing Your Home

The market can fluctuate greatly, so it is a smart move to wait to decide on your list price until closer to when you will place your home on the market. Browse the local market; the comparable homes will help you set a price that isn’t so low you lose out on money but not so high that people are not interested.

Six Weeks Prior to Listing Your Home

If you do not already have a real estate agent in mind, this is the time to start getting recommendations from friends and family so you can interview a few candidates. You may get lucky and find someone great right away, but it could take you a few weeks to pick.

You should also get your home ready. A fresh coat of paint inside and outside and a few simple upgrades can make a big difference.

One Month Prior to Listing Your Home

This is a great time to start moving out. Renting a storage unit and eliminating unnecessary clutter, seasonal items, and things you have been storing in your home allows potential buyers to really see the home, helping them visualize their belongings and families in the space.

Two Weeks Prior to Listing Your Home

Contact the company that is handling your mortgage and get the payout information. You will need to know exactly how much you owe so you can price your home right. Also, you want to get any liens on your property taken care of.

If you have decided to use a real estate agent, this would be a great time to discuss staging so your home is ready to be listed.

One Week Prior to Listing

It’s almost time! This is the time where you or your agent will take pictures inside and outside of your home. First impressions matter and these photos will likely be the first thing potential buyers see about your house.

Listing Day and Beyond

Now that your home is on the market, your agent could call you anytime saying someone wants to view the house. It is best to keep your home as clean as possible so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute to get things ready to view.

Financial Real Estate

Want to Sell Your Home? Best Tips and Steps

Whether you have decided you are ready to sell your home or you are still deciding if you really want to move or not, understanding the selling process can help you along your journey. Really, the process is pretty straightforward. Let’s take a closer look at what you will need to do to ensure your home sells.

Deciding to Sell Your Home

Before committing to putting your home on the market, you should ultimately ask yourself why you think selling is the right decision. Is your home too small? Outdated? Not in a good location?

After you decide to sell, it is completely normal to be nervous and have doubts about your choice. There are a few signs that show you are ready to take this step:

  • You are equity positive, which means you do not owe more than the value of your home.
  • You are in a position financially that will allow you to buy a home that is a better fit for you and your family.
  • You’ve done a gut check, ensuring your emotional state will allow you to treat the selling of your home like a business transaction without feelings getting in the way of critiques and negotiations.

After you determine that you are totally ready to sell, you should determine the value of your home and decide when you would like to start the selling process.

Best Method to Sell Your Home

When it comes to the actual selling of a home, most people do not have the first idea of what to do. This is where a real estate agent comes in. They are professional home sellers and they will be able to help you get your home on the market.

Real estate agents do a lot:

  • Analyze the housing market to help determine a fair price for your home
  • Help guide you through prepping the house for photos and showings, including decluttering, repairs, and staging
  • Recommend professional stagers and photographers to show the true beauty of the home
  • Using social media and real estate platforms to market your home
  • Find potential buyers to show your home to, highlighting all of the best parts
  • Handle negotiations so you get the best price
  • They do the bulk of the paperwork, and walk you through anything you need to handle

Getting Ready

It can be tempting to completely remodel your outdated kitchen or replace the flooring in the owner’s suite. The most important things to fix are things that matter to buyers. As long as everything is functional, the most important thing to do is keep your home clean, decluttered, and as neutral as possible.

Negotiations and Closing

Once your home is on the market, it’s a waiting game on your end. You essentially wait for people to show interest. When the offers start coming in, you’ll need to make counter offers and choose the best offer, put the offer into escrow, handle any problems related to your deed or title, have the home inspection, and close on the sale.