Beauty Health & Home Wellness

A Dermatologist Changed My Skincare Routine

If you want to take care of your skin, then you’re in the right place. It’s probably time where you might need to tweak your skincare routine. Dermatologists are the best professionals to go to when you want a good change in your skincare routine. Mentioned below are a few ways how a dermatologist can help makeover your skincare routine.

1. Switched to More Multitasking Products

According to many dermatologists, instead of forcing different ingredients in your skincare routine, simplify the process for yourself. You can do this by switching to products that have more than one function. This saves you a lot of time and reduces the amount of product you exposed to your skin. You could opt for a product that acts as a sunscreen, moisturizer, and primer. You will find many products like these, just make sure to look in the right places, and choose from renowned brands.

2. Go For Products with Glow Booster Properties

Summers are usually the time where people often struggle with hyperpigmentation and their skin dulling. This calls for products that allow your skin to glow more. So look for ingredients such as Retinol as this is a great component for a skin cell turnover and leads to good texture and clean pores. Doing this will definitely help you achieve that perfect no-makeup makeup summer look.

3. Opt For Lighter Moisturizers

Moisturizers are the go-to skincare product, and they’re truly irresistible. However, according to many skin care specialists applying heavy moisturizers in the summer isn’t the best choice for your skin. Instead, switch to moisturizers that have lighter formulas as they won’t clog the pores in your skin. They will leave you with light-weight, silky skin. This doesn’t mean you should skip using moisturizer, as it is one of the most important elements of your skincare routine. You can get back to the heavier formulas in the winters.

4. Apply SPF More Than Once

SPF is another important element of your skincare routine, especially in the summer. Applying it once on your skin is not enough. If you plan on spending most of your summer outdoors, you must reapply sunscreen every two hours at least. The best thing to do is keep a small travel-size sunscreen in your bag or car as this way, you won’t forget to apply it and keep your skin from burning.

Final Thoughts

Once you make these changes and additions to your skincare routine, you will notice some amazing results and will never want to go back.

Career Career & Education Health & Home Wellness

Why Time Off Is Good for Your Health

A workaholic usually sees “taking time off” as something they can do later. But they don’t realize how necessary it is for their growth and mental health. Research shows there are many people who have succumbed to illness by overworking. According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), 745,000 people pass away from ischemic heart disease caused by overworking every year.

Taking time off doesn’t necessarily mean having to go on vacation. Rather, it can mean paying attention to yourself and giving yourself a break from work. There are many reasons you’ll want to take some time off, so read further below to learn how it can benefit your health in a good way.

1.    Helps Refresh You into a More Productive Person

Taking small breaks at work is always refreshing and necessary. Now imagine taking a whole month or a few weeks off from work. You’ll definitely feel refreshed and energetic once you return. Your productivity levels will increase, and you’ll pay attention to work with a cool, calm, and motivated mindset.

2.    Gives You Time to Work on Your Relationships

It’s not easy to maintain relationships or meet friends regularly when you have a tight work schedule. But, it is important to meet your friends weekly or have a cute family night every Friday. Meeting with friends helps you realize that your loved ones are always there for you and vice versa. Taking some time off will help you make up for all the missed nights out and dinner dates.

You can also go for a small road trip for a week. You’ll see the therapeutic effect a small road trip can have on your mental health. During a tough career life, you need to have the support of your close friends and family. However, you need to maintain your relationships with them for that to continue.

3.    Helps you Achieve a Mental Break

When constantly working throughout your day, your brain tends to push back. That’s where you start to experience different mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, etc. This will also soon start having a bad effect on your work, and that’s the last thing you need. Taking some time off will allow your brain to rest and give you time to clear your head. Clearing your head lets you get back to work with a more refreshed and energized side of you.

4.    Allows You to Rethink About Your Goals

Taking time off will also give you time to think if your job is something you want to continue. You might come up with something more of your liking or a brilliant idea that may get you to the top.


Right now, taking time off from work may seem impossible. But the benefits it has on your health are bound for you to take one now. So it’s time to apply for your leaves and take that long break you deserve!

Health & Home Wellness

How What You Eat Can Actually Boost Your Mood

How Can Food Boost Your Mood?

You may know that unhealthy eating habits and food can lead to mood swings. Nutritional imbalances and blood sugar fluctuations are among the causes. When you don’t get the energy from the right source, your mind and body may stop functioning appropriately. The following are some ways unhealthy patterns can disturb your mood and emotions:

  • Avoiding entire food groups decreases the variety of foods in your diet and reduces your chances of getting essential nutrients. This leads to low levels of magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acid, and other nutrients. It decreases energy and causes mood swings.
  • Skipping meals leads to low blood sugar, which makes you tired and weak throughout the day.
  • High consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as pastries and white bread, can alter your blood sugar levels, which lead to irritability and low energy.

Some researchers also show that food can contribute to the treatment and prevention of psychological conditions, including anxiety and depression disorders. Although scientists still have to learn more about the effects of food patterns on mental health, some studies show that eating healthy food may have a protective effect. Not to mention, many doctors and researchers believe that balanced consumption of healthy nutrients is as important for your mental wellbeing as physical health.

What Food Can Boost Your Mood?

Here are some nutrients that give you energy and help you avoid nutritional deficiency, which is one of the causes of mood swings. They can also help you produce mood-boosting hormones that make you feel satisfied and happy.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These nutrients are present in fatty fish like sardines, lake trout, salmon, and albacore tuna. The Omega-3 fatty acid can help you lower inflammation in your body. However, if you don’t like fish, you can consume chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts to meet your body’s omega-3 fatty acids needs.


Magnesium is one of the most important components that can help you keep your mood balance. Do you know that spinach is not only high in tryptophan but also in magnesium? This nutrient plays a great role in reducing anxiety and support sleep. Other foods that contain a significant amount of magnesium include whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Many green veggies offer you B vitamin folate. Although the connection is not yet understood, low levels of folate may have a link with depression.  According to the research of the Journal of Psychiatric, depression patients have lower levels of folate as well as lower intake of folate in their diet compared to people without depression. Other researches also show that low vegetables and fruit consumption can increase the risk of depression.

Here are some folate-rich veggies that you can consume.

  • Okra
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • Lentils
  • Turnip greens
  • Spinach
  • Artichokes
  • Edamame

Vitamin D

Experts believe that vitamin D can increase the serotonin levels in your body that can boost your mood. Some studies also suggest that vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of depression in older adults. People who fall in the following categories are at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency:

  • Darker skin
  • Living further from the equator
  • Spend more time indoors
  • Living in a location with more air pollution

For vitamin D, you can eat foods like egg yolks, salmon, milk, orange juice, soy milk, cheese, and sockeye salmon.

Bottom Line

So, if you want to boost your mood, the only thing you need to do is to eat healthy. Other factors that can impact your mood even if you are taking nutrient-rich diets include:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Work stress

To uplift your mood, make sure that you consider every factor that can alter your emotions.

Health & Home Wellness

My Experience With A Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Out of all the therapeutic massage treatments, lymphatic drainage has been quite popular since a while now. There’s a reason why all of us love to rush to a practitioner, as soon as the opportunity presents itself. The rhythmic strokes in gentle, long motions and the light pressure feel almost magical as the lymph nodes flow more easily and the toxins begin to leave our bodies.

Our immune systems naturally contain the lymph systems inside, which helps us fight against infections. In nature, the lymph is a slightly yellowish, clear fluid that plays a vital role in transporting oxygen and nutrients to our cells. While it is performing this task, it keeps collecting the toxins from our body and flushes them out through lymph nodes.

Within our bodies, the lymph vessels exist in a quantity that is twice more than the blood vessels in us. The lymph system does not have a pump like that of our heart, which pumps blood in our body. What the lymph system does instead is that it uses pressure from the blood vessels and the muscle movements to run our lymphatic fluid around.

How I Felt After My Lymphatic Drainage Massage

My personal experience of a lymph drainage massage began with an appointment at the local massage center in my neighborhood. Before proceeding, I verified that the masseuse had professional training in this and was proficient at lymphatic massages. I also made it a point to discuss my personal health issues and let her explain how the treatment would be beneficial for me.

My ultimate goal is seeking a lymphatic drainage massage was to get some relief for my chronic back pain and injuries as a result of sports. When we had discussed at length what method the masseuse would use and what I could expect as the outcome, she began the massaging process.

Like every other massage, this one also requires you to undress and lie atop a heated table. After that, you experience light and repetitive strokes on your legs, back, stomach, armpits and arms. It is nothing like the deep tissue massages you get in other treatments, but lighter and more calculated movements.

At the end of the massage, I had to rest aplenty and also drink a lot of water, but like masseuse had mentioned, I experienced the full benefits only a few days later. My steps had an extra spring to them, I felt like a spurt of energy in my body and lightness in my physique. I no longer could feel any bloating or water weight weighing me down.

Rather, my body felt less inflamed, mid section lighter and a constant feeling of contentment and comfort surrounding me. If I keep regular appointments with a lymphatic draining massage expert, I’m sure my health is going to improve even more significantly.

Here are some of the top benefits of a lymphatic drainage massage:

Top Benefits

  • Increased weight loss, due to the higher calorie-burning efficiency of your body from the improved metabolic rate.
  • More reduction in water retention
  • Decreases chances of viruses, including minor flu bugs and cold. Strengthens your body against infections and sickness, and improves the healing process.
Health & Home Wellness

Nutritional Morning Drinks Instead of Coffee

Coffee has significant health benefits like boosting your focus and staying alert. It can help you lose weight, burn fat, and reduce the risk of stroke, cancer, and dehydration, etc.

Its dehydration part is quite alarming for those who want to sip coffee first thing in the morning. In order to avoid its early morning consumption, scientific research opines there are better alternatives to coffee. Let’s take a look at some of the best nutritionist-approved drinks to offset your coffee habits.

1. Green Tea or Matcha

Green tea has a lot to offer for having matcha as its prime alternative to offset caffeine deficiency. Matcha contains amino acids-like I-theanine, which will offset the effects of caffeine.

You can get a cup of green tea if matcha is not available around. Green tea is rich in polyphenols that keep away inflammation. Both tea options will prove to be great for your caffeine deficiency.

2. White Tea

White tea refers to several styles of tea which is minimally processed leaves of the Camellia plant. Its antioxidants and polyphenols fight your inflammation and aging. What’s more, white boosts heart health by minimizing cholesterol. It’s a pale yellow tea, in fact and doesn’t cause stains.

3. Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea is low in tannins and from any traces of caffeine and oxalic acid. it’s a good herb for eliminating your caffeine urge because of the presence of antioxidants. It’s another natural remedy for lowering blood sugar.

Rooibos tea will also settle the stomach which is the best alternative to coffee for those people who struggle with early morning nausea.

4. Mushroom Coffee

Mushroom coffee comes from grinding regular coffee with the addition of mushroom powder. It’s good for supporting your immune system because of the presence of antioxidants in mushrooms. Mushrooms offer low caffeine than coffee.

This will help reduce anxiety and improves sleeping patterns. Mushroom coffee reduces early morning headaches that may come while quitting coffee.

5. Warm Water and Lemon

Instead of coffee, try mixing warm water with few drops of lemon. It’s a simple way to replenish your dehydration. As a result, proper hydration can help reduce fatigue, brain fog, and ensuing headaches.

Its early morning consumption will keep your digestive tracts clear during the day. Something everyone should consume. It’s a great help for lowering or soothing joint pains and stiff muscles.

6. Green Juice Before Breakfast

You can add a daily serving of spinach or other green of your liking to make it drinkable. However, you should have a slow juicer that can extract all nutrients from the desired fruit or vegetables.

Green juices offer a lot of benefits, like reducing weight and improving your hydration plus digestion. They will shield you from free radical damage and steer clear from depression.


If you are willing to get rid of your early morning coffee intakes, then go for one of these drinks. These are natural alternatives to replace your coffee. There are hardly any significant side effects that may discourage you from opting for any of these drinks.

Health & Home Tech & Media Technology Wellness

The 5 Best Fitness Apps To Download Today

When you are looking to take control of your fitness and take care of your body, you sometimes need a bit of help. Thankfully, smartphones have made it so much easier to keep your body fit and your fitness game on track. Because of wonderful fitness apps, you can now finally have the body and state of health that you have always wanted.

From the mild and easy to the more intense, here are some of the best apps to download when you are attempting to get a better handle on your health and become the fit and active person you have always wanted to be.

Fitness Buddy

Do you want a personal trainer but don’t want to spend the money on one in real life? Well, thankfully there is Fitness Buddy. This app is like a personal trainer and nutritionist in one app. It provides you with hundreds of workouts to keep your body in its best shape. There are videos, workout plans, easy to follow instructions and so much more. Best of all, this app is free so you can enjoy it without plunking down the cash you would need for a gym membership.


This app is all about staying fit, not just by going to the gym. This application gives you a whole bunch of different food options, allowing you to create meals that are good and good for you at the same time. MyFitnessPal has a massive food database, a recipe importer, a calorie counter, restaurant logger, and more. This means that you will be able to stay healthy at the gym and at home, thanks to this helpful app. Staying fit is about more than hitting the gym and MyFitnessPal proves that.

10K Runner

The 10K Runner app is a great way to train and prepare yourself for a marathon. It will gradually teach you how to walk, jog, or run great distances. However, if you are just looking to run for the sake of your health and not to become a marathon champion, you can still use 10K Runner a lot. Whether you are training your body for a long run or just wanting to keep yourself in shape and fit, 10K Runner is an app that is perfect for you and should be downloaded immediately.

30 Day Fitness at Home

30 Day Fitness at Home is an app that you can use to push yourself and encourage yourself to meet your fitness goals. It comes with a slew of video instructions that will keep you on track and losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a pro, this app will provide you with wonderful guidance.

Home Workout – No Equipment

Going to the gym is a lot of fun but it’s important to remember that you can achieve your goals and lose weight and stay fit even without stepping foot inside one. The app Home Workout – No Equipment will help you hit your marks and achieve your goals without a gym membership. It is easy to use and easy to follow and easy to buy…because it’s free.

Health & Home Wellness

Got the Sunday Scaries? Try These 9 Things

For most of us adults, Sunday scaries are quite honestly the biggest bane of adulthood. There’s just some unspoken dread about this particular day of the weeks that demands we dread, despair and feel doomed, thinking all about we will have to do over the week, the weekend we wasted and so many other things.

To be honest though, it’s nothing that you cannot conquer. Here are top nine ways to beat those Sunday scaries for life:

1.    Use Friday Proactively

We all know the reality: we tend to barrel through our office doors on dot at 5pm every Friday, with every attention of attacking that laundry pile, paying the bills, meal prepping for the weekend, emptying the fridge and completing the massive task. But all that gets washed away in the first glass of wine you drink the moment you’re home doesn’t it?

Now, instead of leaving all the unpleasant tasks for Sunday night amid panic attacks, start completing them from Friday evening. Once you’re done with it till the clock strikes midnight on Friday, you have all of Saturday and Sunday free to enjoy.

2.    Complete tasks smartly

Do not get over ambitious when trying to get ahead of your chores on Friday evening. Meal preps don’t necessarily mean putting a dozen meals in containers to reheat. Simple chop up veggies for salads, marinate chicken for the Crockpot and the bare minimum for smart meals throughout the week.

3.    No Loose Ends for Monday

A lot of the Sunday scaries come from leaving off too many loose ends to catch up with at work on Monday. Motivate yourself throughout the week to finish every assignment, project, appointment, meeting etc etc. before you leave for home on Friday evening. Heck, even tidy your desk so that you are at peace mentally all weekend.

4.    Make plans, but after fulfilling obligations

Yes, weekends are about fun trips, sleeping in or partying at the clubs. But before you plan an itinerary, make sure you prioritize completing the chores.

The weekend vibes may get you drunk and those tasks and obligations pile up till Sunday night, another room for scaries. Avoid doing that!

5.    Coffee Preps work too

It’s not only meal preps that are helpful, beverage preps are too. When you know you can’t function without your morning java, prepping in advance will ensure you have a cup even on days you’re running late.

So, stock up on necessities during the weekend, including, milk frothers, your favorite syrups, creamer and clean cups etc. Prepping for your favorite caffeine is sure to calm your scaries on a Sunday night.

6.    Unplug from Work

Giving in to the temptation to check your emails, get a head start on reports etc. is only equivalent to feeding your scaries. It is important to totally unplug from work so that you can relax thoroughly, not feel soul-sucked and stressed.

7.    CBD

CBD has worked for many in chasing the Sunday scaries away for good and you should asking your specialist for recommended doses as well.

8.    Make it Special

You deserve some pampering after the grueling week you put in at work. When you do nothing to make yourself feel good, Sunday scaries take root. Beat those away with plans that revive, revitalize, refresh and rejuvenate you over the weekend. Fill in lots of family and friends time if you love that and truly enjoy.

9.    Self-Care Routine

A Sunday self-care routine is also essential. It could be anything that unwinds your frayed nerves and bunched up muscles and melts the scaries away. A hot soak in the tub, a glass of wine with your partner or even a massage is a great start.

Health & Home Wellness

7 Tips to Make Your Eating Habits More Sustainable

Our planet is suffering from a variety of issues and many of our food choices are to blame for it. What we choose to eat has a devastating impact on the Earth, what with the globe forests having to clear more space for growing crops for feeding our livestock, to rearing cattle and others.

Even the oceans are becoming barren day by day, as we overfish and deprive it of life. It’s about time we transform our eating habits to make them more sustainable. Here are a few tips for it:

1. Choose a Variety of Food

The major part of our food supply comes from just five animal species and twelve plants. You’d do a great service to Earth if you start consuming a greater variety so that some of the agriculture disparity reduces.

2. Let go of Red Meat

Considering the staggering global demand for red met, mainly lamb and beef, the toll on the environment is massive due to its production. This includes water resources and soil degradation, greenhouse gas emissions, ecosystem disruption and others.

If you can replace red meat with top-quality plant protein, you’d help lessen the environmental impact.

3. Spread Awareness On How Food Is Affecting The World

If you have already realized the devastating impacts the global food choices is making on the environment, you’d do great to inspire the sustainable food habits of others too. Help teach family and friends about deforestation free food and together try and raise your voice for it.

4. Go for Lentils

Lentils are not only environment-friendly, they’re also super delicious and eating more of these would be a great sustainable habit. Lentils, peas, beans and other plant-based foods are tremendously beneficial for the health too and a great substitute for animal protein.

If agricultural sustainability is your priority right now, you cannot find a better choice than legumes to add to each of your meal from now on.

5. Choose Your Seafood Responsibly

Choosing your seafood wisely is another great tip for sustainable eating. You can try eating a diversity of species from sources you can trust and also opt for seafood options featuring lower carbon emission.

6. No More Refined Grains

Instead of opting for refined grains, you should try and choose whole or minimally processed grains and cereals. They’re far more beneficial for your body and health in comparison to refine grains, which don’t even contain much of their original nutritional value.

Additionally, the whole grains also provide protein, minerals and B vitamins and antioxidants that further benefit your health.

7.  Your Own Sustainable Produce

Truly, there can be nothing better than having your own garden and preparing meals with the home-grown and fresh produce straight out of it. Not only will you find each of your meals more delicious, healthy and wholesome this way, you will also be consuming foods without the carbon footprints that shop-bought items have.

Final Thought

Much of our food choices are significantly responsible for the massive environmental damage our earth is suffering. From excessive consumption of red meat, over fishing certain favorites to deforesting for more space for growing crops and rearing cattle, we’re doing unimaginable harm to our planet just to satisfy our taste buds.

With our helpful tips, you’ll soon be eating sustainably.

Beauty Health & Home Wellness

Skincare Questions That Dermatologists Answer

People ask skincare questions by the dozen and not surprisingly, considering how confusing the routines can be. Most people cannot be sure what skincare type is good for their skin type, what products help with what issues and so many other queries.

In this article, we will look at the questions people ask most commonly about skincare and which ones dermatologists have answered.

1. Is there a correct order for skincare routine?

The best way to use skincare products is in the order of thickness. For example, if you are a beginner in skincare, then you must start with a simple routine. Begin with a cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen as you start your day. Then in the night, complete your skincare regime with a cleanser and moisturizer.

If you have a dry skin, then you may include a hydrating serum or face oil. For acne, you can opt for topical acne medication or even retinoid.

2. In skincare, what does AHA mean?

By AHA, we mean the alpha hydroxyl acids. These acids chemically exfoliate and we can derive them from plant sources, like grapes, milk and sugarcane. Many products read these lactic, mandelic or glycolic and each is a reference to the AHA family.

These acids are quite beneficial for your skin because they remove the dead cells and break through the glue-like substance holding the dead skin cells to make way for new ones.

3. What are the best products?

There really is no way to call a product the best, considering how every skin type is different. What may work wonderfully for a particular skin type may not work the same for another. Your oily skin may not respond to a hydrating serum as well as dry skin would.

The only way to find the products that work best for your skin is through trial and error. Start with basic and gentle products and slowly discover what your skin needs.

4. How to cure acne?

This is perhaps the most Googled of all skincare questions because acne is a widespread skin condition. Truthfully, there are dozens of different treatments and products for acne. The best approach is to visit a dermatologist first and come up with a solid plan for your acne treatment.

Also ensure you routine includes washing your face every morning and night and using chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid or glycolic acid  for exfoliation. You must exfoliate regularly with those to whisk all the excess oil away and prevent breakouts.

5. What is the best night time skincare routine?

The best skincare routine includes a good cleanser, a serum and moisturizer and a face treatment once or twice a week. This routine every night will suffice in keeping your skin in optimal condition.

In the end, it is important you talk to professionals about your skincare. Don’t count on the people around you and non-professionals for skincare advice. Whether you want to try a new product or are wondering how to get rid of a pimple on your face, let a dermatologist help you.

Health & Home Wellness

Intuitive Eating – Here’s How to Start

Intuitive eating is all about a non-diet approach towards your food. It focuses on building health-boosting behaviors rather than focusing on the scale.

It considers building a better body image and having a stronger connection with your food. Intuitive eating helps you make guided choices and acknowledge your internal cues. These include how you feel around food, fullness, and satiation after the meals and your cravings.

To help you transition smoothly to intuitive eating as a beginner, here is our short guide:

1.    It is not dieting

Intuiting eating is far from dieting, and you need to get rid of all those dieting jargon that promise quick weight loss. If you cannot rid your system of the belief in the dieting culture for weight loss, you will not discover intuitive eating freely.

2.    Hunger Acknowledgement

When you first feel the hunger pangs, do not ignore your body’s needs. It deserves to have sufficient carbohydrates and energy, and you must feed it adequately. When you underfeed or tend to starve your body, you reach a primal hunger state and end up overeating on impulsive food choices. Stop this!

3.    Social Media Detoxing

Stop allowing social media to glorify the thin and skinny physique of you. Thinness does not mean good health, but the idealized images have made this a perception.

You are better off without any source that promotes body dissatisfaction and a reed-thin figure.

4.    Don’t Apply Moralistic Value on Food

Part of living in a diet culture is how we tend to give it moralistic value. We associate all food items with guiltlessness and thinness or good and evil. When you categorize food as bad, you start depriving yourself of it and trigger biological cravings.

Do you know what the biological cravings result in? Binge eating, and then you go on a diet after that, and the vicious cycle continues. It is best to stop using moralistic terms for describing your food. Instead, try to eat everything in moderate proportions.

5.    Satisfaction factor

It would be best if you prioritized finding satisfaction from your food. When you’re eating, acknowledge the gift of existence and the bounty of nature before you. Be grateful for what you are eating and the abundance of food you enjoy. This will result in a high level of satisfaction and content after each means.

This will also help you discover just the right portion of food that brings this satiation level for you and the environment and setting you love to take your meals in.

6.    Make the Exercises You Love

In intuitive eating, you also need to change the way you work out. Instead of pushing your body for rigorous routines that the trainers insist upon, move the way your body loves. It doesn’t matter if the exercise is high-intensity or low-intensity; work out the way your body loves and finds comfortable.

Final Thoughts

Intuitive eating is all about forgetting the rigid, wrongly glorified dieting principles and forbidding foods to maintain a zero size. It is about eating freely and with gratefulness, in a way that benefits your wellbeing.