Career Career & Education

How To Build A Better Relationship With Your Boss?

Maintaining a respectful and productive relationship with your boss is important for your growth and the company’s success. When you intend to initiate a relationship with your boss, you should be aware their goal. One of the most important goals of any boss is to work with hardworking employees. If you help your boss with this goal, they will appreciate your efforts.

Build a Better Relationship with Your Boss

Let’s be honest, you want to have a better relationship with your boss, and here is how you can do that:

1.     Give Your Boss Value

Keep in mind that your boss hired you for a reason. They want you to add value to their company. Bosses want their employees to agree with them as well as solve critical problems and challenges. Thus, you can win their heart by giving reasonable suggestions, showing confidence, and speaking facts. When your suggestions and ideas will result in the company’s growth, your boss will have confidence in your capabilities.

2.     Anticipate Their Challenges

You need to understand the challenges your boss faces every day. You can find solutions for their problems and make their tasks simpler. Sometimes, you have to anticipate their challenges before it occurs. So, when your boss will ask a question about the problem, you have a thoughtful answer supporting a solution. Thinking ahead to help your boos will make you a valuable team member.

Your boss undergoes a plethora of challenges every day. Reducing their problems will make them like you. They have a lot of work that you don’t know about. So, why not simplify the tasks that you know of. Also, if your boss has rude behavior, they might be under a lot of pressure. You should understand their position and make things easier for them.

3.     Learn to Communicate Well

You should learn how your boss wants to communicate with you. Whether they like to receive detailed or one-liner emails, you should keep the communication the way they want. If they ask you to send an outline for a project, you should always send them an outline to give them an overview. You should try to mimic their style and improve your communication skills according to their preference.

4.     Make Your Boss Look Good

Everybody wants to maintain a good reputation in the workplace and this includes your boss as well. So, if you want to make your boss happy, make them look good. Remember, when your boss is happy, they will make you happy. This means that you shouldn’t correct your boss when other employees are around. Making your boss embarrassed in front of others by pointing at their mistakes will make them angry.

5.     Ask for Feedback

Always share feedback about your tasks with your boss. Never think that your manager doesn’t have time for your feedback because they are busy with their tasks. Sharing feedback and progress about your tasks will remove the burden from their shoulders. As a result, they can think straight and stay focused on other tasks. A feedback email will do the trick.


In the end, if you want to build a better relationship with your boss, try to gain their trust. Consider your boss as a mentor and go-to person. Creating a better relationship with your boss will result in business success and rewarding for you as well.

Health & Home Wellness

How To Improve Your Posture at Work

You may already know the fact that the more you move your body throughout the day, the better it is for your overall well-being. However, that can be quite a challenge when you work all day sitting at a desk. After all, your posture can affect your overall health, including your blood flow, mood, and the strength of your muscles and joints. While it is normal for people not to take notice of their posture, you should know that poor posture is the reason for your backache.

We understand if you think that you can’t do much to help yourself, but here’s the good news: you can be mindful of your posture and fix it while going along your usual workday. Here are a few ways you can work smarter at your desk.

Sit All the Way Back

If you are a person who experiences constant back pain due to sitting for long hours, you need to change how you’re sitting. Most adults experience back pain because they’re unaware of the right way to sit in an office chair. Make sure that you are sitting with your butt touching the back of the seat. Then, you will notice a gap between your lower back and the seat, which is the natural sway in your spine. You should use a firm cushion and place it in the hollow space to support your back.

Adjust the Height of Your Chair For Better Posture

If your work involves a lot of typing, this will do wonders for you. Your keyboard or desk should be at a height that your elbows bend at an angle of 90 degrees while you type. If you feel like this is not true for you, you can adjust your chair to the correct height. Or, it is even better if your char has adjustable armrests. Make sure you adjust them to the same height as your desk.

Position Your Screen

You must have experienced cervicogenic headaches or neck pain from working long hours sitting at a computer. The reason for such pains is that you have your screen positioned at the wrong height or level. This can cause bad posture. Such head and neck aches occur when you stare at screens that are either too high or too low. So how can you make sure to position your screen correctly? Your screen should be directly in front of your eyes, at natural eye level. When you do, your chin will stay parallel to the ground when you look at the screen.

Avoid Slouching

This may require a little practice to finally master, and at times, you may even forget to maintain proper posture. Nevertheless, it is totally possible to fix your posture once you build an awareness of how you’re standing or sitting. It is very common for people to slouch to some extent, which can be really hard on their spine. You can open your shoulders by rolling them down and back. While you do this, you will feel your upper back muscles engage. This can be hard in the beginning, but in time, it can effectively relieve all your aches.

Let Your Feet Touch the Ground For Better Posture

We believe that you can’t ensure proper posture if you don’t start from your feet. It seems impossible to fix your posture if your feet are not placed flatly against the floor. This can negatively affect the shape of your spine if you sit down to work for long periods of time. Make sure your feet are pressed on the floor, and your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Propping your legs on an object can tighten your hamstring muscles or cause an irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Career Career & Education

7 Phrases To Stop Saying At Work

If you’ve got an opportunity to work your dream job in this economy, consider yourself lucky! But if you want to make the best impression possible, there are a few words you should avoid saying. When working in a competitive environment, certain words can hinder your performance and confidence. The worst part is that you may not even be aware that you said them. It’s normal to use negative phrases at work, but it’s time to start using alternatives instead. Mentioned below are 7 phrases you need to stop saying at work now!

1. “No Problem”

Using the phrase “no problem” to reply to a “Thank you” is quite common, but it’s something you should stop doing. Whenever someone thanks you for doing a task at work, you just simply say “you’re welcome” instead. When you use this phrase, it will give you a sense of recognition and appreciation.

2. “This might be wrong, but…” Phrase

It’s okay to doubt yourself when given the opportunity to showcase your workplace with a new idea. But, this can turn out to be a great success if you avoid opening your presentation and conversation in general with negative phrases. These negative phrases often involve self-doubt and go like “I’m no expert but…” or “This is probably a bad idea, but…”

When you use such phrases, you steer the audience to see flaws that don’t even exist. Your audience can react positively or negatively, but don’t influence their decision by using phrases to highlight your flaws.

3. “I Feel Like” Phrase

When you’re not sure talking about a certain idea, you tend to use phrases such as “I feel like” as an act of self-protection during anticipated criticism. When you stop using these words, the people you work with will start taking you seriously. Instead of dragging the conversation, cut to the chase, and show them what you really mean.

4. “Just”

There’s no harm in using the word “just” in all your emails, but notice the times you use it in your emails. Using “just” is a very respectful phrase as you’re putting the other person in a position higher than you. You tend to use this phrase when you’re nervous and not sure what to say next. If you want to have the upper hand in decisions, then avoid using the phrase “just”!

5. “How do I…”

If you have to ask your boss a query, phrase it, so you seem like you want to learn. Don’t straight up start with “How do I…”? That just going to make your boss start questioning your capabilities, and that’s the last thing you want.

6. “Let me Know” Phrase

When using the term “let me know,” you’re being considerate towards others’ availability and time, but you’re not actually getting the job done. Think of other questions that provide a distraction, and use a phrase that confirms their availability but in a polite way. Don’t let them leave you hanging.

7. “Does That Make Sense”

After conducting a proper meeting or presentation, you want constant feedback to reassure that you made sense or were clear enough. In a frenzy, you may ask coworkers, “Does that make sense?” Using this phrase suggests you’re preemptively not coherent, and that’s not necessarily true. Feedback and clarity are not necessary for you to succeed, but you should have faith in your capabilities.


Once you stop using these seven phrases at work, you will notice a change of confidence and strength in whatever work you do. Start practicing now So you can communicate at work confidently.