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Ways to Celebrate Cinco De Mayo

Cinco De Mayo is a celebration of the Mexican victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla. Here are some exciting ways to celebrate this year.

This year Cinco De Mayo will be different without large parties and gatherings. But this Mexican celebration can provide you with a welcoming and refreshing break from the same sluggish routine that we are following nowadays. If you haven’t celebrated this fun-filled occasion in the past like this, don’t sweat it. Learn about some new ways to celebrate Cinco De Mayo and plan for a more fitting celebration.

Understand the Significance of this Holiday

Most Americans celebrate this occasion with Tacos, margaritas, and other Mexican food, but they don’t understand the cultural significance this holiday holds. Before you celebrate Cinco De Mayo, explore the history behind this occasion to feel the real spirit and also educate others so that they, too, know what they are celebrating. Sharing the awesomeness and reality behind this celebration is something that all of us should do.

Support Local Mexican Eatery

Although most local Mexican eateries are closed due to the prevailing situation, there are chances that they are open for takeaway or delivery orders. Get in touch with your favorite Mexican restaurant or eatery and order Tacos or any other favorite Mexican food of your choice to celebrate with your intimate family.

Read About the Battle of Puebla

If you think that Cinco De Mayo is an independence day of Mexico, you are wrong. It’s a celebration that commemorates the Mexican military victory over the French army in Puebla. This occasion commemorates the Mexican triumph in the year 1862, giving them a decisive victory. Puebla is a city in Mexico where this battle took place, and it highlights this occasion by putting on a parade and reenactment of the Puebla battle across the city.

Support Mexican Businesses

The celebrations of Cinco De Mayo are not only about food and margarita. You can celebrate the occasion by supporting Mexican businesses in and around your locality. This not only helps the local economy but also supports the Mexicans who own those businesses. You can buy an art piece from the local Mexican gallery or support a small Mexican pottery shop.

Honor Mexican History and Culture

You can honor Mexican history and culture by reading about it and dressing up in Mexican attire. If you don’t know anything about their history, you can search online and share it with your family and friends over a zoom meet-up while dressed up in a Mexican outfit.

Decorate Your Home

It is simple and fun to create a décor theme of Cinco De Mayo inside your home with your kids. You can either make or buy the supplies for this occasion online, such as banners, flags, buntings, etc. Hang Pinata, play mariachi music in the background, and prepare Mexican cuisine to celebrate in full swing with your kids.

Give Some Donation to Cultural Centers

Nowadays, small cultural centers like art galleries and history museums are struggling for survival. You can make donations to help them stay alive and reopen their doors when the COVID-19 situation settles. You can search these organizations online or ask around about such institutions and send them donations online. Even a small amount can matter.