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What Does The FDA Investigating Sunscreen Mean?

Mentioned below are what the experts have to say about the FDA’s investigation regarding sunscreen. Learn if you should use specific products or not.

For many people, sunscreen is essential for a day out at the beach or when going out during the day. Some people use it every single day to get proper protection from the sun’s UV rays. As much as sunscreen is a lifesaver at times, the FDA has found some ingredients that consumers should know about. The FDA has found that various sunscreen ingredients could potentially be unsafe and come with a few health risks.

This has got many sunscreen lovers questioning the ability of product they’re using and if they should continue using it. Mentioned below are what the experts have to say about the FDA’s investigation regarding sunscreen. It will guide you on whether you should continue using specific products or not.

Ingredients in Sunscreen May Cause Coral Damage

Sunscreen contains two main types of ingredients, octinoxate and Oxybenzone, which are a threat to coral reefs and marine life. These ingredients can cause excessive coral bleaching. This causes corals to expel algae tissues living within, leaving a whitish stain behind. Some coral may starve without the algae. This can have a negative effect on the rest of the ecosystem, putting coral-dependent species at risk. This is why sunscreens that come with these ingredients are already banned in Hawaii. This explains why you come across these products labeled “reef-safe.” It’s to make sure that the creators are working towards protecting the environment.

The Ingredient Benzene Can Lead to May Health Complications

Benzene is a harmful ingredient found in Johnsons and Johnson products. According to the CDC, it can cause leukemia in cases of long-term exposure. Other than leukemia, it can also cause a weak immune system. According to Johnson and Johnson, exposure to benzene through aerosol sunscreen products is not expected to cause health consequences, according to current tests.

The FDA is still investigating 12 chemical sunscreen ingredients, and out of all of them, Oxybenzone has received the most spotlight. Research indicates that it can mix with your bloodstream and show up in your blood, urine, and breast milk, which can be very dangerous.

Labeling Requirements

The FDA is taking the initiative in labeling requirements for sunscreen so people actually know what they are buying. If a sunscreen mentions SPF 100 on the label, then that means you’re getting 1 percent more coverage than that of SPF 50. The type of formula will also be stated, which will tell its effectiveness on your skin. With proper labeling, you are aware of what’s going on your skin and how effective the sunscreens prove to be.

Final Words

Investigations by the FDA on sunscreen will continue, but up till whatever they have discovered is a good thing to keep track of. If you are a sunscreen lover, it is important to be aware of the ingredients in the products and their effectiveness.