Career Career & Education

13 High Paying Jobs That Don’t Require A College Degree

The fact that a bachelor’s degree has substantial differences in salary potential across different industries is not evidence that it is essential. You can earn six figures in some careers without a degree.

Professionals always look for the best return on investment for their career and professional development. College degrees are a good indication of someone’s knowledge and abilities in a particular field. Nonetheless, this raises an important question: Is the return worth the time and money spent? 

Even with the growing costs of attending college, a college degree remains an important indicator and deciding factor in the hiring process. Many degreed individuals who are having difficulty finding jobs, or getting jobs in their field as initially expected, are underqualified or overqualified for the jobs they find. What is the best way to determine if a college degree is likely to be beneficial and worth the investment? 

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a definitive answer. By exploring other career paths that do not require a degree but do not have the same growth trajectory or employment potential as your chosen career, you can gain a very broad understanding of whether a college degree is necessary in order to pursue your chosen profession.

As you plan to earn an advanced degree, such as an advanced degree in a teaching area, or a PhD in a related field, then you are greatly increasing your chances of earning a high salary. In addition, you should know that not everyone needs to go to college. There are several other options, including vocational training. If you would like to know how to figure out if you should go to college, you might start taking some online classes, check out this article: “5 Best Places To Take Online Classes.”

If you are interested in any of the jobs on the following list, you may be able to earn a six-figure income, or at least close to it, without having to spend money or time on a college education.

A Note on the Use of Median Salaries

The career paths selected for this list all offer median annual salary of more than $60,000. In cases where the median is less than $60,000, bear in mind that these career paths offer opportunities for you to reach a six-figure salary without spending 4-6 years in college. You also may gain certain intangibles such as sales commissions, on-the-job experience, and the ability to rise to a position of leadership in your field that can all make a six-figure salary attainable.

Maybe college isn’t something you’ve been particularly interested in, or you feel that you need to get a job quickly in order to climb that ladder of opportunity. But considering you have pretty good grades, why not take some time to explore the possible careers and degree paths that can get you on a six-figure salary?

Otherwise, keep reading to find out how to break into a high-paying career, even if it doesn’t require a college degree (or if you’re already mid-career and are looking to boost your salary)!

1. Air Traffic Controller

The life of an air-traffic controller is no picnic. You are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, wherever you are. And there’s no easy shift rotation. Air-traffic controllers have to work nights, weekends, rotating shifts, and must absolutely maintain an absolute maximum of concentration. It’s a tough life, and it’s no wonder that hiring and advancement are pretty competitive.

At a 4% growth rate, it will add fewer than 1000 new jobs between now and 2030. In other words, this occupation is rarified air. But that’s a minor consideration. If you want to set your career in the right trajectory, working as an air traffic controller could give you a salary boost.

2. Police Officer

Being a police detective is a dream of many. Your training program and subsequent on-the-job training with other experienced detectives will provide you with most of the knowledge, credentials, and expertise you need to be successful in your job.

Although police officers and detectives made a median salary of $67,290 in 2020 according to the BLS, numerous career advancement pathways and a strong labor union made it possible for detectives and investigators in the 75 earnings percentile to earn a $111,900 salary in 2020. Longevity, leadership and specialization can all lead to six-figure earnings for veteran law enforcement officers.

3. Online Entrepreneur

Billionaires rarely started out by getting a bachelor’s degree. As a matter of fact, the American university system often stresses the importance of formal education—pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree—over knowledge gained from experience and practical learning.

4. Radiation Therapist

Using radiation to treat cancer is a very common practice, and Radiation Therapists play an important role in this process. Radiation Therapists earned a median salary of $81,100 in 2020 according to the BLS, but top earners may make a six-figure salary of $115,200. 800 or more.

5. Executive Chef

Chefs are in demand. Those who are willing to commit the hard work, long hours, and sometimes stressful work in a fast-paced environment have the chance to gain this experience and become a top-notch chef. While working at the entry level means that this will be your job for at least a couple of years, and that this could be your only path to success, starting in an entry level kitchen position could be your stepping stone to the top.

But not everyone in the restaurant industry achieves this status. Many learn valuable lessons along the way, whether it be the “hard knocks” lesson of kitchen life or simply that cooking isn’t for you—and that it’s okay to say that.

6. Independent Trade Contractor

The ability to earn a living from a specific trade skill whilst enjoying a work life-balance is within reach for many budding entrepreneurs. Whilst professional standards and the cost of education varies by vocation, many skilled trade position can be worked into a successful and profitable small business. The ability to earn a living from a specific trade skill and enjoy work life balance is within reach for many budding entrepreneurs.

Whilst professional standards and the cost of education varies by vocation, many skilled trade position can be worked into a successful and profitable small business.

The ability to earn a six-figure salary has more to do with a company’s ability to grow than just your own individual hustle. Possessing a specific portfolio of trade skills opens up a range of business and career opportunities, which is often much broader than may be immediately apparent. Your earning potential as a trade professional is influenced by the size of the local market where you provide service, your ability to either differentiate yourself or carve out a profitable niche in your field, and your own ambition and level of professionalism.

7. Freelance Writer

The aim of this post is to provide you with a list of tips on how to excel in the world of freelance content development. Take it from somebody who’s been there. However, you should understand that it takes a lot of work and the fostering of positive long-term relationships to earn six figures as a freelance writer. Only a fraction of freelance writers will make that kind of money. But, you can get there. Here’s how. Learn how to write a pitch. Email your pitch to the editor of the publication you’re targeting. Always ask to be paid for your writing. Know your strengths and play to them. Set concrete goals. Get involved in a community of freelance writers online. 

8. Nuclear Technician

The field of nuclear technicians is expected to contract by 12% between now and 2030 due, in part, to retiring and otherwise outgoing professionals. However, despite the impending shrinkage of the market, there will still be 700 new job openings created every year between now and then. That is good news for those who seek employment with nuclear technicians while the field is shrinking, as the available positions will only become more desirable and necessary as time advances.

9. Sales Executive

While it’s hard to predict exactly how much you’ll earn in sales until you start selling, here’s a quick look at what your earning potential could be:

  • Low-Level Sales Representatives bring in around $50,000 a year.
  • Insurance Sales Agents typically earn between $70,000 and $80,000 a year.
  • Luxury Car Sales Agents claim median salaries of around $51,280.
  • Sales Engineers bring in nearly $78,550 a year.
  • Business Development Managers (average salaries reported by Pay Scale) earn over $99,400 a year on average.
  • Sales Managers earn a median salary of $112,860, but you can exceed that with commissions if you’re really on top of your game.
  • Senior Managers who sell can command a salary of around $158,070.
  • Sales Directors can earn salaries of around $130,000, and Boards of Directors can pull in as much as $177,500 a year.
  • Executives can command salaries upwards of $250,000.

Now, of course, these are just median salary examples… but you get the idea. The best sales professionals can earn well into the six figures thanks to sales commissions.

10. Real Estate Investor

Much like sales, real estate is a field in which a combination of personal drive, determination, and charisma can separate you from the field. As with sales, you can begin working in the real estate brokerage field with just a high school diploma or GED. The primary qualification for beginning work in this field is a real estate license, which you can earn by completing a brief certification course and passing the licensing exam administered by your state. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for Real Estate Brokers was $60,370 in 2020. But once again, as with sales in general, this median salary tells only part of the story when it comes to potential earnings.

Your ability to hustle, to truly understand and pursue the needs of your clients, and the economic opportunity within the region you serve can all lead to earnings that far exceed this median range. The real estate market is particularly sensitive to ebbs and flows in the overall health of the American economy. This can lead to fluctuations in earnings, and one should be prepared for this possibility. However, real estate is also an excellent option for those with an interest in taking on a side hustle. Many real estate brokers are self-employed or freelance, which means you could have the freedom to set your own appointments around a day job. As a supplementary income on top of your 9-to-5, real estate could easily push you into six-figure territory.

11. Health Educator

For those who love to teach and are skilled in the area of health, a career as a health educator can be very financially rewarding. Health educators teach others about health and may be employed by hospitals, health care facilities, pharmaceutical companies, the Centers for Disease Control, or insurance companies. This career, which is closely related to the field of medicine, typically includes teaching others about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of disease. A health educator is paid an annual salary that is typically in the range of $45,000 to $75,000.

12. Dental Assistant

A dental assistant is a person who works in the dental office, assisting the dentist and hygienist. Dental assistants perform a variety of tasks, from answering the phone and greeting patients, to sterilizing equipment and preparing materials for procedures. A dental assistant’s salary depends on the region of the country in which he or she works and the type of employer. Generally speaking, however, dental assistants are paid an hourly rate that ranges from $9 to $17 per hour.

13. Computer Programmer

A computer programmer is a person who designs, writes, and maintains the computer programs used to run many systems. Computer programmers create software applications, such as database management systems, word processors, and games. A computer programmer’s salary depends on education level and experience. The average computer programmer earns an annual salary in the range of $40,000 to $80,000.

Career Career & Education

How To Build A Better Relationship With Your Boss?

Maintaining a respectful and productive relationship with your boss is important for your growth and the company’s success. When you intend to initiate a relationship with your boss, you should be aware their goal. One of the most important goals of any boss is to work with hardworking employees. If you help your boss with this goal, they will appreciate your efforts.

Build a Better Relationship with Your Boss

Let’s be honest, you want to have a better relationship with your boss, and here is how you can do that:

1.     Give Your Boss Value

Keep in mind that your boss hired you for a reason. They want you to add value to their company. Bosses want their employees to agree with them as well as solve critical problems and challenges. Thus, you can win their heart by giving reasonable suggestions, showing confidence, and speaking facts. When your suggestions and ideas will result in the company’s growth, your boss will have confidence in your capabilities.

2.     Anticipate Their Challenges

You need to understand the challenges your boss faces every day. You can find solutions for their problems and make their tasks simpler. Sometimes, you have to anticipate their challenges before it occurs. So, when your boss will ask a question about the problem, you have a thoughtful answer supporting a solution. Thinking ahead to help your boos will make you a valuable team member.

Your boss undergoes a plethora of challenges every day. Reducing their problems will make them like you. They have a lot of work that you don’t know about. So, why not simplify the tasks that you know of. Also, if your boss has rude behavior, they might be under a lot of pressure. You should understand their position and make things easier for them.

3.     Learn to Communicate Well

You should learn how your boss wants to communicate with you. Whether they like to receive detailed or one-liner emails, you should keep the communication the way they want. If they ask you to send an outline for a project, you should always send them an outline to give them an overview. You should try to mimic their style and improve your communication skills according to their preference.

4.     Make Your Boss Look Good

Everybody wants to maintain a good reputation in the workplace and this includes your boss as well. So, if you want to make your boss happy, make them look good. Remember, when your boss is happy, they will make you happy. This means that you shouldn’t correct your boss when other employees are around. Making your boss embarrassed in front of others by pointing at their mistakes will make them angry.

5.     Ask for Feedback

Always share feedback about your tasks with your boss. Never think that your manager doesn’t have time for your feedback because they are busy with their tasks. Sharing feedback and progress about your tasks will remove the burden from their shoulders. As a result, they can think straight and stay focused on other tasks. A feedback email will do the trick.


In the end, if you want to build a better relationship with your boss, try to gain their trust. Consider your boss as a mentor and go-to person. Creating a better relationship with your boss will result in business success and rewarding for you as well.

Career Career & Education

7 Work Hacks To Implement This Year

If you have the motivation and will to succeed in your new job, then all you need is guidance. Sometimes, work can get very exhausting and overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to do your level best. There is no need to stress out if you feel like you’re falling behind. Continue to read further below and go through some of the work hacks you must implement this year.

1.    Formulate a Work To-Do List

If you have a lot to take care of at work, prepare a to-do list. This way, you won’t miss out on any tasks and will feel a sense of achievement once you check each item off your list.  Try making your to-do lists as attractive as possible.

2.    Choose what’s important and what’s urgent

To narrow down which task to complete first, allocate which ones fall under important and urgent. Start by giving more importance to urgent tasks. Then, you can start moving on to the important ones. You can draw out a diagram and start plotting all your tasks in it.

3.    Switch Off Your Notifications When At Work

Our phones are one of the biggest distractions whether it comes to working, studying, or reading. When working, you need complete focus, and unless you want to be distracted by who commented on your Instagram post, it is best to switch off notifications. This will give you time to concentrate on work, so you get everything done much faster.

4.    Enable Email Batching

If you’re bound to get countless emails, then you should try out email batching. This will allow you to read and respond to emails at a given time frame. So you can read about two to three emails per day at particular intervals. With this method, you’re not constantly checking your inbox, allowing you to work and worry about other things.

5.    Create Templates

If you have a repetitive job that requires you to do the same tasks again and again, start creating templates. This will help you save so much time and ensure consistency. For example, if you have to keep sending the same response to certain emails, or give it the same contracts, keep these templates ready as they will make life at work so much easier.

6.    Make Time for Yourself Outside of Work

As much as you need to get work done on time, it’s important to remember that breaks are important. This means taking a day off and engaging in something relaxing and refreshing. This could be going to the gym, dinner, or a spa day with your best friend. If you have a hectic job, you need to keep yourself maintained to take the workload.

7.    Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a way of time management that sets a specific amount of time on how long you work and when to take a break. This technique is very effective for those who have jobs where you have to constantly sit in one place.


With the help of these work hacks, you can easily complete any work task you want, no matter how difficult you might find it. All you have to be is confident and make use of these hacks.

Career Career & Education

The First Thing To Do When Becoming a Manager

Are you excited to become a first-time manager? There are a few things that you should follow as ground rules. When you have a team to manage, you can easily make mistakes. The key to success is to realize and prepare for the mistakes beforehand. Here are some tips for new managers so they can succeed and set an example for their team.

1.     Always Research

Walking into the first day blinded can be embarrassing. You have to stay prepared and understand your new role before joining. Learn your training opportunities and keep your head clear. If you have tools and resources from the new manager’s training program, go through it multiple times. Also, read HR documents and manuals and understand the business process. When you are aware of the company before starting the first day, you can make a good first-time impression.

2.     Shift Your Focus

Many new managers struggle to shift their focus. They cannot understand their new role and help people with their tasks instead of performing their job. Keep in mind you have to prepare your team to perform the tasks. Also, your focus should be to achieve team goals. Thus, you have to prepare a team that can handle tasks according to their capabilities.

3.     Manage Relationship Shifts

If you got a promotion in the same company you were working for before, you have to understand the power shift. This can be uncomfortable since you were already closer to your team before. But, it is important to succeed as a team. You must forget closed-door chats and one-on-one after-dinner drinks. That way, you can equally treat your team members.

You need to separate your work relationship from friendships. If your friends can’t understand the relationship shifts, you should honestly explain. They may not agree, but you have to make things clear for the success of your team.

4.     Set Clear Goals

When your goals are clear, you can focus on your employees and handle tasks. Becoming a manager is a tough job with extensive tasks. You can focus on your goals by removing subjectivity while considering performance reviews.  

5.     Stay Consistent

When you have to boost the confidence of your team, you must stay consistent with your decisions. Change in decisions will loosen your team morale. Also, never let emotions rule your decisions. Emotional control will help you become consistent. Another thing that helps to improve consistency is patience. Don’t make rapid decisions. Instead, take a coffee and make informed decisions.

6.     Set an Example

When you are a manager your team will look at your action. They will see how you behave. They will learn to tackle challenges from you. So you shouldn’t complain about your boss and deadlines and spew personal opinions. You need to be the master of the game.


When you have clear goals, appropriate research, and consistency with decision-making, you can become a successful manager. Keep in mind that you have a team to manage, if you let your emotions control your decisions, you will let your team down. So, follow these steps and set an example from the first day.

Career Career & Education

Getting The Most From Your Employer 401k Match

We all want to maximize our money coming in each week. With our jobs and savings, we have more options now than ever to increase profits. Savings accounts accrue interest and our employers supply 401k programs.

But did you know that most employers also have a 401k match program? A 401k is a great way to plan for retirement. Since many employers now offer a match program, growing your retirement fund has never been easier.

A 401k match program is essentially free money. Every time you put money into your 401k, your employer puts money into the account as well.

How To Start A 401k Match Program

Not all employers will offer a 401k match program. But it is never a bad thing to reach out to HR and ask if they do. Ask your employer what options they have available for your 401k.

Some employers will offer a full 100% match, while others offer a 50% match. Depending on the company, you may be able to work up to a 100% match after a few years of employment.

Are There Limits To The Programs?

The most simplified answer to this is, yes. There are limits on 401k match programs depending on the rules set by your employer. No two companies are exactly the same, so your new employer may differ completely from your old employer.

Most employers match up to a certain percentage of your income. For example, let’s say your employer will match 100% of 4% of your income, and you contribute 5% to your 401k. Your total amount contributed would be 9%.

On the other hand, let’s say that your employer will match 50% of 3 percent of your income, and you contribute 1% to your 401k. Your total amount would be 1.5%.

The higher amount you put into your 401k, the higher the match will be. It is always best to put in at least the minimum percent of what they are willing to match. If they match 5%, you should put in 5%. Anything less is essentially losing money that could be offered.

Are Their Caps On My 401k Investment

Yes, there is a cap on your investment. The only drawback to a 401k in my opinion is the limits set on how much you can earn each year.

For 2022, the maximum amount you can contribute is $20,500 for the year. If your employer has a 401k match program, the limit increases to $61,000. If you want to save more money for your retirement you may want to consider an IRA account.

Don’t Exceed Your Limits

Since there are limits on how much you can contribute to your 401k each year, you have to be aware of how much is going into the account. You do not want to exceed your allowed amount because you may be taxed twice on the amount earned. Reach out to HR before tax day to fix the issue and avoid double taxation.

Career Career & Education

How to Prep for Performance Review & Get a Raise

Despite enjoying your work and being happy with it, performance review still scares us all. It is that time of the year when you have to sit down and go over your performance with the manager. The review can either result in you staying at the same place or earning a raise. It is both time-consuming and causes anxiety. However, if you are prepared beforehand, you can save yourself from getting worried about it. Here are a few tips to prepare for a performance review and even land a raise:

·      Think of Your Performance Review as a Job Interview

You must remember how you did all the preparation before landing this job. Your performance review will analyze your current performance and possible prospects for a raise. So, take it as applying for a higher-level job. Revisit your old interview practice approach. Have your friend do a mockup interview.

·      Show Your Achievements

One of the important techniques is to show your achievements. Make a good presentation about what objectives you delivered and how much they positively affected your company. Brainstorm the value that you bring to this company. Show them how it can improve with your work in the future. You can talk about an upcoming project that you think is perfect to lead with your experience. These ideas will present a positive image to your manager and a possible raise.

·      Prepare to Get Criticized

This is your performance review of the year. It cannot be all positive, so you have to make up your mind to accept the criticism that you will receive. Listen to it and note down the points. You might not agree with all the criticism, but you have to accept it as your future in the company depends on it.

Explain to your manager how you will overcome the observed criticism and ensure your commitment to the company.

·      Review Current and Future Goals

Go over your previous goals and come up with future goals. This will show your boss your commitment and dedication to the company. You might even land a raise if your boss considers your efficiency. If you have already met your previous goals, that counts as a big plus for your raise.

·      Present Your Case for Salary Raise

You need to directly bring up the salary raise objective on the table. After all the discussion, make a case for your future in the company. Show them how you have earned the right to get a raise depending on the past performance. Tell them how you fulfill all the requirements and should get a raise. A strong case from your side will grab your boss’ attention.

Your hard work and commitment will determine how far you have come and how far you can go. You have done everything in the past year, so all you can do for your performance review is to be one step ahead. Review your performance, prepare for your boss’ analysis and be sure to present a powerful case that lands you a raise.

Career Career & Education

Got Stood Up in a Job Interview? Here are 3 Lessons

Getting stood up should be no big deal. People get stood up at dates, friend meet-ups, and even awards. A lot of people also get stood up in their final job interviews. While it is not at all uncommon and completely okay, we should try our best to avoid it.

When you fill out a job application and send in your resume, you feel like you’re the best fit for the job. Most people are very sure that they would get selected and ace the interviews. However, most of these people clear all the steps and get rejected at the very last step: the interview. If you’re someone who got stood up at the final job interview, we’re sure you had a lot to learn from that.

Let’s have a look at what lessons you can learn from getting stood up at a job interview and how you can improve.

Notice the Red Flags

This may sound very cliché as you obviously can’t ignore the red flag of getting stoop up. However, for most people, it is the only red flag that they notice. The truth is, you might be ignoring a lot of other warning signs that are becoming an obstacle in the way of your success.

Oftentimes, we think we are the perfect fit for a certain job position. While it may be true, a lot of people start to blindly believe it. In reality, you may not really think that and might have just convinced yourself to believe it. Being overconfident about getting the job can lead to a massive downfall. There are also a number of other such red flags that become part of our personality.

Get a Control of Whatever You Can

If you get stood up at a final job interview, how would you react? A lot of people freeze in such situations and find it a hard challenge to exit the situation sensibly. People start to panic, send impulsive texts, or even get angry when they are disappointed.

One lesson to learn is that you cannot change the circumstances. It is completely out of your control to reverse things. However, there is still something that you can control. It is the way you react to the circumstance that you’re in. Your response can make a significant difference in what happens next. Try not to let your emotions get the best of you and understand that the job might just not be the one for you.

Look at the Good Side Of The Job Experience

You may have already experienced and know that every experience comes with lessons and a chance for betterment. While you may feel overwhelming emotions about the rejection, the experience may have taught you something valuable that will stay with you your entire life. Look for it, and you will find the value in your experience.

You will realize that when you look at the experience sometime later, it will only bring you gratitude. You might have learned big lessons like not taking the job search process as seriously, or you may have found out that you just dodged a bullet when you lost the opportunity. We think you may have gained more than you lost.

Career Career & Education

7 Phrases To Stop Saying At Work

If you’ve got an opportunity to work your dream job in this economy, consider yourself lucky! But if you want to make the best impression possible, there are a few words you should avoid saying. When working in a competitive environment, certain words can hinder your performance and confidence. The worst part is that you may not even be aware that you said them. It’s normal to use negative phrases at work, but it’s time to start using alternatives instead. Mentioned below are 7 phrases you need to stop saying at work now!

1. “No Problem”

Using the phrase “no problem” to reply to a “Thank you” is quite common, but it’s something you should stop doing. Whenever someone thanks you for doing a task at work, you just simply say “you’re welcome” instead. When you use this phrase, it will give you a sense of recognition and appreciation.

2. “This might be wrong, but…” Phrase

It’s okay to doubt yourself when given the opportunity to showcase your workplace with a new idea. But, this can turn out to be a great success if you avoid opening your presentation and conversation in general with negative phrases. These negative phrases often involve self-doubt and go like “I’m no expert but…” or “This is probably a bad idea, but…”

When you use such phrases, you steer the audience to see flaws that don’t even exist. Your audience can react positively or negatively, but don’t influence their decision by using phrases to highlight your flaws.

3. “I Feel Like” Phrase

When you’re not sure talking about a certain idea, you tend to use phrases such as “I feel like” as an act of self-protection during anticipated criticism. When you stop using these words, the people you work with will start taking you seriously. Instead of dragging the conversation, cut to the chase, and show them what you really mean.

4. “Just”

There’s no harm in using the word “just” in all your emails, but notice the times you use it in your emails. Using “just” is a very respectful phrase as you’re putting the other person in a position higher than you. You tend to use this phrase when you’re nervous and not sure what to say next. If you want to have the upper hand in decisions, then avoid using the phrase “just”!

5. “How do I…”

If you have to ask your boss a query, phrase it, so you seem like you want to learn. Don’t straight up start with “How do I…”? That just going to make your boss start questioning your capabilities, and that’s the last thing you want.

6. “Let me Know” Phrase

When using the term “let me know,” you’re being considerate towards others’ availability and time, but you’re not actually getting the job done. Think of other questions that provide a distraction, and use a phrase that confirms their availability but in a polite way. Don’t let them leave you hanging.

7. “Does That Make Sense”

After conducting a proper meeting or presentation, you want constant feedback to reassure that you made sense or were clear enough. In a frenzy, you may ask coworkers, “Does that make sense?” Using this phrase suggests you’re preemptively not coherent, and that’s not necessarily true. Feedback and clarity are not necessary for you to succeed, but you should have faith in your capabilities.


Once you stop using these seven phrases at work, you will notice a change of confidence and strength in whatever work you do. Start practicing now So you can communicate at work confidently.

Career Career & Education

How to Stand Out At a New Remote Job

It is very interesting to get a new remote job. While the opportunity feels exciting and big, it can also bring feelings of confusion and nervousness. It is completely okay to feel nervous in new work settings, especially when it’s a remote job. If you are wondering how to grow and stand out while you’re at it, we have a few ways that will help you. Let’s see what you can do to excel in a remote job.

Tip #1 For Remote Jobs

It is as simple as this: if you avoid introductions, you miss out on opportunities at your job. The main reason behind people avoiding introducing themselves is the rejection of fear. However, it is important to understand that introductions specially make a huge difference in remote job settings. This is because remote or hybrid settings do not allow face-to-face interaction opportunities.

The best way to go about it is to practice and continue to introduce you even in days after the first week. You can just practice your opening lines and let the rest of the introduction flow according to the situation.

Remember to make use of the opportunity to introduce yourself whenever a meeting involves new people. Doing so will increase your chances of building relationships that can support you later.

Tip #2

The most you can do during formal meetings is to give an introduction. While it is good and makes a positive overall difference, they are still not sufficient. It is best that you try to build a connection with each of your colleagues.

For this, you can try to plan informal meetings as you can’t really talk to them outside of the formal setting of your remote job. Not only will such post-meeting interactions help you create relationships, but you will also feel more connected to your job and become more knowledgeable this way.

What’s more? Along with feeling connected and gaining knowledge about your job, you can gain knowledge about other opportunities outside of your job. For instance, you can ask your colleagues about what projects they’re working on and what companies they’re connected with.

Tip #3 For Remote Jobs

This tip is all about keeping your manager updated and briefed on what you’re doing. If you want to excel and be the best employee, ensure that your manager knows how hard you’re working. You can do this at the end of each week by contacting them through email or chat, whatever feels more convenient for the both of you.

What’s most important about this tip is that you remind your manager of how things are going. This will also act as a reminder of all your achievements and improvements as an employee. However, first, ensure that you’re not doing it unexpectedly.

Try to build a connection first and ask for permission to talk about your performance. Chances are, they would like to be on board with how well you’re doing. Also, don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek help.


If you strictly follow the tips, you will surely see a difference in how well you connect, even with a remote job. Not only this, in a matter of just a little time, you will also begin to experience the benefits.

Career Career & Education

The Great Resignation: Why Americans Are Quitting?


Millions of Americans are deserting their jobs in record numbers. The American workforce has never seen an exodus from employment quite like this.

According to the US Labor Department, little under 4.3 million people left their employment in August. Employees all over the country feel that they have the ability and the right to leave their jobs if employers aren’t meeting certain requirements or treating them right. Indeed, workers have found that they have leverage for the first time in American history. Employers now require them more than they require a certain employer.

But why are Americans leaving their jobs in droves? What is causing this enormous shift away from certain businesses?

Who Is Quitting?

Service Industry

892,000 people who left their employment worked in the food service and hospitality industries. 721,000 retail workers quit, while 534,000 healthcare and social support professionals left their careers too.

When you examine the types of industries hit hardest by these resignations, you can start to see why they are happening. The pandemic definitely has had a huge impact on these sorts of jobs and it is causing many to reconsider what they are doing and who they are doing it for.

From food service to retail to healthcare – these are jobs that are directly impacted by the dangers and anxiety of the coronavirus pandemic. They are all high-stress jobs, since they deal with a public that is ever-coarsening, impatient, and furious in the post-pandemic age.

Other Job Industries

However, they aren’t the only employees who are packing up and saying goodbye to their bosses. Workers are departing at or near record levels in practically every industry, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Is it a case of individuals being dissatisfied with their work, or are they just confident in their ability to locate new ones? That’s what many experts believe.

Why Are They Quitting?

It seems like many employees are fed up with their current jobs and the pesky customers they serve. However, they also know that they have a wide variety of choices they can move onto. This is likely what is driving the mass resignations.

Labor Need is Driving Resignations

Currently there is a significant need for labor in the United States. Employees have the confidence to move on because of the high demand for work. Most people are aware that they may find a better job in their industry, one that pays more and provides more of the benefits they desire. There has never been a better moment for anyone wishing to shift careers totally, with plenty of opportunities available.

Essentially, America is in an endless loop of people quitting because they are unhappy. Those resignations cause a demand for labor and that demand for labor makes more people quit because they see opportunity. People feel like now is the time to change careers and the possibilities seem endless.


The pandemic has made many reorganize their priorities and that involves what they do for a living too. Eventually the job market will stabilize but, for now, millions are looking for employment in new, exciting places because they believe they can – and should.