Career Career & Education

The Great Resignation: Why Americans Are Quitting?


Millions of Americans are deserting their jobs in record numbers. The American workforce has never seen an exodus from employment quite like this.

According to the US Labor Department, little under 4.3 million people left their employment in August. Employees all over the country feel that they have the ability and the right to leave their jobs if employers aren’t meeting certain requirements or treating them right. Indeed, workers have found that they have leverage for the first time in American history. Employers now require them more than they require a certain employer.

But why are Americans leaving their jobs in droves? What is causing this enormous shift away from certain businesses?

Who Is Quitting?

Service Industry

892,000 people who left their employment worked in the food service and hospitality industries. 721,000 retail workers quit, while 534,000 healthcare and social support professionals left their careers too.

When you examine the types of industries hit hardest by these resignations, you can start to see why they are happening. The pandemic definitely has had a huge impact on these sorts of jobs and it is causing many to reconsider what they are doing and who they are doing it for.

From food service to retail to healthcare – these are jobs that are directly impacted by the dangers and anxiety of the coronavirus pandemic. They are all high-stress jobs, since they deal with a public that is ever-coarsening, impatient, and furious in the post-pandemic age.

Other Job Industries

However, they aren’t the only employees who are packing up and saying goodbye to their bosses. Workers are departing at or near record levels in practically every industry, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Is it a case of individuals being dissatisfied with their work, or are they just confident in their ability to locate new ones? That’s what many experts believe.

Why Are They Quitting?

It seems like many employees are fed up with their current jobs and the pesky customers they serve. However, they also know that they have a wide variety of choices they can move onto. This is likely what is driving the mass resignations.

Labor Need is Driving Resignations

Currently there is a significant need for labor in the United States. Employees have the confidence to move on because of the high demand for work. Most people are aware that they may find a better job in their industry, one that pays more and provides more of the benefits they desire. There has never been a better moment for anyone wishing to shift careers totally, with plenty of opportunities available.

Essentially, America is in an endless loop of people quitting because they are unhappy. Those resignations cause a demand for labor and that demand for labor makes more people quit because they see opportunity. People feel like now is the time to change careers and the possibilities seem endless.


The pandemic has made many reorganize their priorities and that involves what they do for a living too. Eventually the job market will stabilize but, for now, millions are looking for employment in new, exciting places because they believe they can – and should.

Business Career & Education Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

Consumers Are Spending, Just on Different Things

With the COVID-19 pandemic still in swing, people have lost income and wages. However, this doesn’t mean that every market has crashed, and people aren’t spending money. They are just prioritizing what they’re spending their money on. Where you spend your money and how much you spend is especially important when you don’t have as much money coming in as normal.

What Are The Consumer Spending Patterns?

In August of this year, studies showed that most people spend more on groceries, furniture, and online shopping. All these trends make sense because more and more people are trying to save money and cook at home rather than eating at restaurants.

More people are spending money on furniture and home décor because they are spending more time in their homes as they work online instead of going to the office. Online shopping has also peaked in the last few years because people are choosing to buy everything from the comfort of their home on their computers rather than venturing out into stores.

Which Types Of Places Increased?

Sales from restaurants and bars stayed steady, not decreasing, or increasing. They increased for a few months right after lockdowns ended as people were itching to go out and see friends. However, with the spikes in current cases, more and more are choosing to stay indoors as much as possible.

Sales from online stores rose 5.3%, furniture sales went up by about 3.7% and grocery stores went up 2.1%. Department sales went up 2.4%.

Which Types Of Places Decreased?

The major decline in sales has been in cars and vehicle repair shops. There has been a massive shortage of parts for cars and people are finding that they can’t the parts they need to fix their cars or buy new parts for their cars.

Overall, though, spending is up because people are excited to be out and finally have a chance to get out of the house. The economy is slowly returning back to normal after more than a year of it lagging due to lockdowns and people suffering from lost wages.

Overall Consumer Spending Trends

Consumer spending is still the largest contributor to the economy though and that doesn’t seem to be falling behind at all.

Before the pandemic, people spent more money on travel, transportation, and restaurants and bars. With the lockdowns and fear of the virus, these industries have taken a large hit. Grocery stores though and online shopping outlets have not seen a decrease in sales. They have continued to see a sharp increase because people have found they still need to get food and cook at home.

Online services have also seen a sharp increase because people are trying to buy all the goods they can online to avoid going into stores.

Although restaurants and bars have seen a large decrease in sales, there is hope they will increase as more and more people get vaccinated. People are beginning to feel more comfortable going out which will hopefully mean bars and places to eat will see a sharp increase in sales soon.

Career & Education Education Financial Government Grants Loans

Federal Grants For Back To School

Your education experience never has to end. In fact, you can be a student for all of your life if you want to. And just because you are older and going back to school doesn’t mean you can’t receive federal financial assistance. You may be eligible for grants and scholarships for returning students if you are returning to college as an adult. Nontraditional college students, in fact, are eligible for financial help as well as low-interest federal loans. These alternatives may lower the cost of college and minimize the amount of student loan debt you must take on to pay for it.

How To Get A Grant

If you’re considering returning to school, the first step is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is often known as the FAFSA. To provide you access to federal grants, loans, and work-study programs, the federal government and schools in the United States must examine your FAFSA.

Far too many people think that FAFSA and other grants only apply to younger, college-aged students. But the truth is that federal assistance has no age limitations. An adult student fills out the FAFSA in the same way that a high school senior does. Even if you don’t qualify for grants, you should still apply for federal student loans through the FAFSA. Federal student loans offer lower interest rates and longer payback terms than private student loans, which might help you save money.

The Pell Federal Grant

When it comes to going back to school, you need look at more than simply FAFSA. The Pell Grant, for example, is available to college students of any age who can show financial need.

The amount of the grant is determined by your financial need, the cost of attendance at your selected institution, and whether you attend college part-time or full-time. The highest Pell Grant you could get for the 2020-2021 academic year was $6,345, but the ceiling varies each year.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

You could be eligible for a federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, or FSEOG, as well.

FSEOGs, like Pell Grants, do not require repayment. They are, however, only available to students who attend a participating school.

An FSEOG might pay you anywhere from $100 to $4,000 per year, depending on where you attend to school, your financial condition, and other variables. The earlier you apply, the more likely you are to receive the award.

The TEACH Award

If you’re pursuing a degree in teaching or educational administration as an undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, or graduate student, you could be eligible for the federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) award.

You can obtain a TEACH award for up to $3,772 if you agree to teach at a low-income school for at least four years.

If you don’t fulfill your service requirement, the government will turn your grant into a student debt that you must repay. As a result, it’s critical to think about whether a TEACH grant is suitable for you.

These are just some of the many federal grants available for students returning to school. Additionally, each state has its own many scholarships which gives new and returning students even more opportunities to continue their schooling career.

Career Career & Education Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

Try These 5 After-Work Routines

Are you happy/satisfied with your performance at work? Do you often feel tired and want to improve productivity? Are you fed up with a 9-5 routine that makes you exhausted?

Even when you are doing well at your job, being an employee is not easy. Besides, lack of motivation, focus, and energy can affect your performance. Incorporating the below-mentioned activities may help boost your mood and energy. Make sure that your post-work schedule does not have an overwhelming and unrealistic plan. You can keep it simple and balanced.

The after-work routine will energize you for getting success and improving your work. Here are five after-work routines that will make you better at your job.

5 After-Work Routines

After a busy day at work, the first thing you should do when you reach home is change your clothes. Rather than flopping down on the couch, wear something you like and do what makes you happy, like listening to your favorite music. Also, you can pick any of the best activities from the below list.

1.     Follow Your Passion

You may have an interest in activities outside your office routine. Hobbies are a practical way to transform your mood and following your passion is one of the best ways to enjoy your time after work. You can set your schedule for each day by discovering your hobby.

It’s all up to your choice what do you choose after work. You can select something you are genuinely passionate about, like painting, singing, dancing, volunteering for a cause, etc.

2.     Socialize with People

Socializing with people is one of the best ideas to keep you away from stress and re-energize your mood and energy. Plan a movie night with your friends or head on to an impromptu date. Go out, socialize with family and friends and have fun.

You can do multiple activities with your family and friends, all depending on your preferences.

  • Go to watch a movie to refresh your mood.
  • Go for an outing or to a restaurant
  • Join any meetup group to have a conversation

3.     Carry out any Activity

If you work in an office, you likely sit in the same place each day from 9-5. You can make a plan to burn off some energy.

  • You can go for a walk.
  • Go to the gym and take a yoga class
  • Listen to music and dance to your favorite beats

Moreover, you can pick an activity as per your choice. You need to keep your body moving to lift your spirit and release stiffness in your sore muscle.

You can visit an art museum or gallery with your friends. If you are interested in art, you will feel happy exploring the great art pieces at the gallery. You can get inspired by creative art and see things from a different perspective. Not to mention, visiting a museum during the evening will be a completely different experience.

5.     Share your Skills and Talent

You can share your skills and talent in different productive ways. You may act like a mentor, lecture about a career at an institute, share your part at community events, and explore new ideas to help people. Sharing your skills and talent will make you feel inspired and bring a motivational change to your life.

Bottom Line 

It will be a great idea to pick any activity from the above five after-work routines that will improve your job. So, are you ready to transform your daily activities after work? Let’s shake up things to bring an inspiring change in your life.

Career Career & Education

This Resume Trick Will Help You Switch Industries

There are times in your career you might feel like you’re doing something wrong or might start questioning your industry. The moment you start doing that, it’s time for you to trust your gut and change your industry.

While it’s not easy switching into different industries, and the same time it’s not possible. It’s never too late to change your industry; all you need is confidence and the right guidance. Mentioned below are a few resume tricks that will help you switch your industry.

1. Have Good Teamwork Skills

No matter what industry you choose to work in, teamwork is an important quality to have. Teamwork knows how to work with a big group of people and how to communicate with each other in order to achieve the same goal. If you want to switch to a new industry, you have to show them how you want to make that change. The best way to show them that is by showcasing your team player skills. You should be adaptable in every team setting and work with different types of people.

2. Maintain Critical Thinking Skills

Any industry you want to work in, treasure one thing the most, and that is critical thinking. Without critical thinking, it’s impossible to solve difficult issues or queries. You must showcase on your resume you have previously solved different cooperate issues. You should also show them what other things you had to deal with on the way. By looking at this, the interviewer will understand how you think when trying to solve issues.

3. Have an Organized Attitude

When it comes to being organized, you have to know how to manage your time and multitask. You can have an organized attitude by showcasing the different internships or activities you have taken part in. This also shows the different skills you have and how you apply them to different fields at one time. When jumping from one industry to another, you must also showcase what made you do that and how you were so successful.

4. Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are a must, no matter what type of industry you’re working in. That is the only way you can deal with issues and successes around the company. It is not easy to communicate with totally random people, but that’s a skill you need to have. This is why you need to have good communication skills. If a company knows you have that, they will instantly want you no matter what industry you’re transferring from.

The Takeaway

Now that you have these simple resume tricks in front of you, it’s time for you to start applying them from now on. These are the few skills you must have, and they will always help you in everything.

Bankruptcy Business Career & Education Legal

How Can Bankruptcy Help My Business?

Sometimes running a business means making some tough choices. One of those potentially incredibly difficult choices is whether or not to file for bankruptcy protection. It can feel daunting, but you need to remember the laws surrounding bankruptcy. They were created specifically to protect entrepreneurs, businesses, and those who operate businesses.

Just because you are filing bankruptcy doesn’t mean that your business is going to be confiscated, liquidated, and eliminated. There are some types of filings that will offer protection to the business. This will allow them to continue their operations while solving some of their seemingly insurmountable debt problems.

This is the case with many larger companies that comprise significant portions of industries, like airlines and large banks. Businesses like this, and many others, will often use a bankruptcy filing as a strategic maneuver. These business use it to reduce or eliminate debt, while legitimately restructuring their business. This can result in a more efficient business operation overall. This will lead to an increase in profitability even without new revenue streams.

The Types Of Bankruptcy Filings

There are three main types of bankruptcy that may be applicable to your business. They are chapter 7, chapter 11, and chapter 13. Make sure that before you make any decisions, you speak with the legal counsel for your business.

If you do not have legal counsel, it may be worth it to pay for an evaluation or a la carte bankruptcy preparation from a local bankruptcy lawyer. Let’s take a look at each type of filing, and what it might entail for your business.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 bankruptcy consists of having a court-appointed agent, called a trustee. They will sell your assets and use the proceeds to pay your creditors. By filing for chapter 7, the structure of your business will determine if you will be able to keep it operational. Sole proprietorships may benefit the most here, while legally separate entities like LLCs or corporations may want to file on behalf of the business.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 is where your business will be allowed to keep its assets while setting up and maintaining a repayment plan with all of the creditors. These can be notoriously complex, but filing for chapter 11 is the only way to let corporations, LLCs, and even partnerships reorganize and continue their business operations. Filing Chapter 11 may also let sole proprietors restructure and continue operations, but do not meet the debt limits for Chapter 13.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 filings are only available to businesses that are owned and operated by sole proprietors. With this filing, the business gets to keep all of its assets and is assigned a repayment plan with its creditors. There are some stringent debt limits that apply for those seeking Chapter 13 protection. However, using Chapter 13 as part of your business bankruptcy strategy can let sole proprietors include business debt as well as personal debt. This makes it a great option.

Career Career & Education

6 Ways To Get More Freelance Work

Whether you’re a freelance writer, photographer, or teacher, freelancing can become demotivating when you fail to manage a schedule and prepare a strategy. Freelancing jobs have become more popular than before in today’s age, and it is one of the best ways to put your talents to use. If you’re trying to start freelancing or engage with more clients, you’re in the right place. Freelancing may sound easy, but it’s not. This article will guide you on how you can gain more freelance work.

1. Take referrals from your current clients

If you’ve already started freelancing and have been able to secure at least two clients, you must ask them to refer you to more people. They can get you in touch with other clients from different industries, depending on the work you’re providing.

2. Increase your network

One of the best ways to broaden your network is by making contacts, and the best way to do that is with the help of social media. You’ll find plenty of freelancing groups on Facebook, as well as other networking platforms. Here, you can find many potential clients seeking the services you provide. Of course, this will involve getting out of your comfort zone, and having to talk to random people online. But, it’s worth it in the end as you’ll definitely get more freelance work.

3. Market your work services

Whether you’ve started a small business or are freelancing as a writer, one of the best ways to get more clients is by advertising your work. You can create a post that lists all your services and price range, and post it on all social media platforms. Ask your friends and family members to share and engage with your posts so your chances of getting clients are higher. You can also create a website to lure in potential clients.

4. Be straightforward in what services you’re providing

You must give a detailed explanation about the services you provide, whether it’s in person or on your website. You can start off with your experience in the freelancing industry, and the types of clients you’ve worked with before. Be as detailed as possible, and you can include details that provide more insight as to your freelance work.

5. Engage in competitive pricing

It seems realistic to set prices low once you begin with freelancing work, but remember that price can play an important role when clients choose you. If the price is set too low, your clients may think your services aren’t up to par. Set the bar high by keeping your prices moderately high. Make sure to take a look at your competitors’ pricing and how they change it based on projects and client requirements.

6. Make clear contracts

Remember to provide contracts with clear details as communication is essential for making a good impression. In the long run, it’s beneficial to help you get more freelancing work. Make sure your needs are addressed the same way you’ve addressed the services you will provide. It helps clients understand the agreement they’re getting into.

Freelance Work Conclusion

Hopefully, with the help of this article, you can now apply all these tips to get more freelance work. Remember to take referrals, prepare a marketing plan, build a network, set great prices, and write comprehensive contracts.

Career Career & Education Health & Home Wellness

Why Time Off Is Good for Your Health

A workaholic usually sees “taking time off” as something they can do later. But they don’t realize how necessary it is for their growth and mental health. Research shows there are many people who have succumbed to illness by overworking. According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), 745,000 people pass away from ischemic heart disease caused by overworking every year.

Taking time off doesn’t necessarily mean having to go on vacation. Rather, it can mean paying attention to yourself and giving yourself a break from work. There are many reasons you’ll want to take some time off, so read further below to learn how it can benefit your health in a good way.

1.    Helps Refresh You into a More Productive Person

Taking small breaks at work is always refreshing and necessary. Now imagine taking a whole month or a few weeks off from work. You’ll definitely feel refreshed and energetic once you return. Your productivity levels will increase, and you’ll pay attention to work with a cool, calm, and motivated mindset.

2.    Gives You Time to Work on Your Relationships

It’s not easy to maintain relationships or meet friends regularly when you have a tight work schedule. But, it is important to meet your friends weekly or have a cute family night every Friday. Meeting with friends helps you realize that your loved ones are always there for you and vice versa. Taking some time off will help you make up for all the missed nights out and dinner dates.

You can also go for a small road trip for a week. You’ll see the therapeutic effect a small road trip can have on your mental health. During a tough career life, you need to have the support of your close friends and family. However, you need to maintain your relationships with them for that to continue.

3.    Helps you Achieve a Mental Break

When constantly working throughout your day, your brain tends to push back. That’s where you start to experience different mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, etc. This will also soon start having a bad effect on your work, and that’s the last thing you need. Taking some time off will allow your brain to rest and give you time to clear your head. Clearing your head lets you get back to work with a more refreshed and energized side of you.

4.    Allows You to Rethink About Your Goals

Taking time off will also give you time to think if your job is something you want to continue. You might come up with something more of your liking or a brilliant idea that may get you to the top.


Right now, taking time off from work may seem impossible. But the benefits it has on your health are bound for you to take one now. So it’s time to apply for your leaves and take that long break you deserve!

Career Career & Education Education

How To Choose The Right Online Course or Degree

If you are planning to choose an online degree or course for further studies, then you need to know some factors to make the right decision.

The following are some considerations that can help you find the right and suitable class to improve your skills.

Determine Your Goals

Of course, the first thing you need to do is to define your goals. Spend some time understanding what you want to achieve through your education experience. Do you want to get enrolled in a course that can help you get a promotion in the office? Do you only want to learn skills that you can use for short-term purposes? Or do you care to get proof of your degree and course at the end in the form of a certificate, degree, or something else?

Once you understand what your preferences and goals are, you can easily choose the right online classes for yourself.

Spend Some Time Exploring Online Courses or Degrees

When you get a clear idea about your objective of enrolling in online classes, you need to search about courses. Look for the institutes that offer you online platforms for learning. Additionally, once you find some best sites, dig deeper to get an idea of whether they offer your required course or degree.

Make sure to check the outline of the courses or degrees to determine what you will learn from the online class or whether it meets your criteria.

Choose the Right Institution For Your Degree or Course

It is important to understand that there are hundreds of organizations that are offering online classes on a wide variety of subjects. However, not every course or degree is credible and offers you excellent education. You need to choose the one that is highly reputable among the students and offers the best teaching solutions. Consider your time, goals, financial capability, future plans, and field before making any decision.

There are three types of institutes that you can choose from, including:

  • Accredited College or University- if you want an academic degree or certificate, you need to look for a reputable university.
  • Specialized Training Institute- this type of institute offers you affordable and flexible courses.
  • Vendor-Specific Courses- some manufacturers and vendors provide specialized training on their specific products.

Methods of Assessment

One of the important factors when it comes to choosing any course or degree is the assessment process. Some online classes assess you through project-based tasks or coursework, while others require students to take exams. You need to pick courses with methods of assessment that you can perform best in.

For instance, If you don’t have time to give exams at a specific time and date because of your busy schedule, then it’s best to avoid courses with exam assessment methods.

Bottom Line

Just make sure to consider all the mentioned factors before choosing an online course or degree. Since the purpose of online classes is to give you access to high-level education in an easy and simple way, you need to determine what type of classes meet your preferences.

Career & Education Education Financial Loans

What Is A Preferred Lender List?

A preferred lender list is usually used by colleges to help students find lenders for private loans. Private loans may be needed if there is a gap between federal loans and scholarships. Usually, colleges will have certain criteria for private loan companies and the preferred list allows them to show students who meet the requirements.

Preferred lenders will also offer some of the same benefits as federal funding, such as loan deferment and forgiveness. Customer service is usually also better because they have worked with thousands of students before.

Colleges do not benefit from the lenders in any way financially. This means these lists will always be reputable and students don’t have to worry about being scammed.

Is choosing a preferred lender required?

No. Students do not have to pick a lender off of the preferred lender list. They can use any company or financial institution to take out private funding. Always have students research any possible lenders and let them pick the best one for their needs.

Loans are not one-size-fits-all. Everyone may need something different. Consulting the preferred lenders’ list though can make choosing a lender much easier. Most of the companies have years of experience and reviews from other students.

This allows the student to see how they have helped people before and gives them peace of mind when it comes to reputation. It will also help students narrow down potential lenders faster. They can know that the list is reliable and takes away some of the burdens of having to do hours and hours of research.

Are private loans always needed

Not all students have to take out private loans to go to school. Some students will receive scholarships or grants. The federal loans may also cover the amount needed. However, private loans are becoming more and more popular and needed with the sharp increase in tuition rates.

There are a few things you can do before looking into private lending. Also files a FAFSA every year you are in school to see if you qualify for any grants or other money that you don’t need to pay back. You can also ensure that you get federally funded loans which may have less interest rates and longer repayment plans.

Federal loans will usually give you more protection and fixed interest rates. They also don’t usually require a co-signer or credit score, which gives the student more options when borrowing.

After trying FAFSA and federal loans, students can use the preferred lender list to ensure they pick a good lender with a good reputation. It will also help students narrow down the search for finding good lenders.

Not all colleges have extensive preferred lending lists though. Larger colleges tend to have more options than smaller schools. Always ask around and see what other students have used and what has worked the best for them. Financial aid officers should also be willing to advise students and make sure they are making good loan decisions.