Children Family Health & Home Wellness

Don’t Live Alone? 10 Ways to Carve Out Me Time

Not every one of us is fortunate to own or rent our own space. Sometimes, family obligations and cultural values force us to live in a family system, while environmental factors such as the pandemic and others force us to move in with family or roommates, instead of living alone.

No matter what the reasons may be, it can get entirely frustrating when you just do not get any time for yourself. Devoid of peace and quiet, one cannot survive calmly for long. So how can you carve out alone time for your own sanity when you don’t live alone?

Here is how:

1.    Communicate Your Need for Peace Clearly

Emphasize how you need peace and some alone time. Of course, if you’re dealing with family or friends, you need to set the boundary very gently without hurting feelings. You can make a weekly routine where you spend some time in a solo activity, like writing your journal, etc. Let others know not to interrupt you then.

2.    Boundaries

Set a physical boundary that helps you withdraw to a secluded corner, even if for only a few minutes in a day, to enjoy that much needed alone time. It could be your reading corner, a desk, or even a Prayer place.

3.    Plan a Solo Outdoor Escapade Every Weekend

Whether it is a close-by park or a hiking trail, or even a trip for groceries, make sure you plan one trip every Saturday or Sunday alone.

4.    A Daily Stroll

This is a great idea because it will not only keep you physically fit but also give you much-needed free time. A jog every morning or a leisurely stroll alone in the evenings is a great idea.

5.    Stop By at a Café on Your Way Home from Work

There are days when you are lucky to have a lesser workload. In that case, try not to return home directly but rather stop for a cup of coffee at a café for a breather and soak up all the moments alone.

6.    Early Mornings

The best time to grab some alone time is to wake up before the others. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. Imagine the silence and tranquility when all else are asleep, and you can just relax without intrusion.

7.    Early Bedtime

Similarly, going to bed early is a great way to spend some me-time too. If nothing else works, an early bedtime routine during the week can give you some time to run through your thoughts alone before drifting off.

8.    Date Nights or Happy Hours

Although it may not be alone time, do not hesitate or feel guilty to plan these. It’s okay to grab some special time without the presence of your family or your roommates. A date with your pals or happy hours with colleagues is a treat you deserve every once in a while.

9.    Practice Solitude

Even when you’re living with a crowd, you can practice alone time. It requires some skill, but soon you’ll be able to withdraw emotionally and mentally from the others. Choose a quiet corner during family dinner times or others and try not to contribute in conversation. Focus on your thoughts while trying to block out the sounds around you.

10. Volunteer for Errands

Does your mom need something from the farmer’s market? Has the family pet run out of its stock of biscuits? Volunteer to run outdoor errands if you can manage them. This could be a great way of being by yourself, away from the people at home.

Career & Education Children Education Family Government Grants

Education Grants for Single Mothers and Fathers

We’ve all seen the ads talking about “grants for single mothers” or “go back to school now, forgivable loans”. But they always seem to feel like scams, and I’m left wondering many times if there is any authenticity to them. In most cases, they are exactly what they sound like: too good to be true.

Many end up leading to lists of financial aid links and programs that you can buy, while some others aren’t even legit websites and are just scams trying to take money and information from those looking for help.

With that in mind, there are some real educational funding programs that provide grants for single parents. There are also scholarship programs and educational grants for single parents that are based on skill and merit. Lastly, there are programs to help students pay off educational loans.

Federal Pell Grants

The Federal Pell Grant Program is one of the more well-known grant programs. It is not limited to only single mothers, despite being known as the “single mother grant”. Pell grants have helped many parents continue their education and boost their earning ability.

Federal Pell Grants are based strictly on financial need and are generally offered only to undergraduate students. To qualify for a Federal Pell Grant the applicant must first have filled out and filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. Applications can be filled out online through the official website. The 2020-2021 school year holds a maximum possible Federal Pell Grant amount of $6,345.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants

The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant programs operate on a state-by-state basis. They are most frequently given to students who show the most need based on the information submitted in their FAFSA. Depending on the degree of financial need, awards up to $4,000 per year can be seen.

Academic Competitiveness Grant

This is another merit-based grant. The Academic Competitiveness Grant is specifically designed for first year college students and second year students who graduated in 2006 or after. It is awarded as a supplement to students receiving the Federal Pell Grant. Students can expect up to $750 for their first year and up to $1,300 for their second year.

Individual State Grants For Single Parents

In addition, a large number of states offer their own various grants and financial assistance options for single parents. These are less popular and often underutilized because fewer people know about them. Qualifications for each of these will vary by state. California’s version, called the Cal Grant is prioritized for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged families. These programs should have websites in coordination with the state, and more information will be available there.

SMART Grants

The National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant or SMART Grant is an award given to students in programs related to the sciences, such as mathematics, technology, engineering, and more. The recipients are determined by merit from third and fourth year Pell Grant students.

Children Family Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

10 Fun Mother’s Day Activities to Do

For centuries, different parts of the world have celebrated mother’s day on different dates. On this day, you’ll want to make your birth giver and other motherly figures feel extra special. From getting lavish bouquets and cooking something special to getting your mom a new outfit, there’s a lot you can do on mother’s day.

Unfortunately, due to the surge of COVID19 cases, outdoor activities this mother’s day are limited.  But you can still do plenty of things to make your mom feel extra special on mother’s day. Mentioned below are some super fun mother’s day activities for the whole fam.

1.    Create a Scrapbook

Get a bit of art and crafts in the mix this mother’s day by making a scrapbook of old pictures with your mom’s help. This way, both of you, including your family, can reminisce on the good old days. It’s a great way to think about how every one changed, but your mom’s love stayed constant.

2.    Visit the Farmers Market

Plan a fantastic start to the day by planning a trip to the farmer’s market with your mom.

3.    Plant Flowers For A Day

If your mom enjoys gardening, all of your family members can get together and plant different flowers in a garden. Or go on a plantation drive to support a great cause.

4.    Have a Karaoke Night

Explore each other’s crazy voices by hosting a karaoke night at your place. Mothers love getting the whole family together, and this is the best way to do that.

5.    Have a Swim Day

Engage in water sports by going to the swimming pool with your mom. You can enroll in a water yoga class or just lounge in the pool together.

6.    Watch a Movie Together

Plan a movie night with the whole family, and watch a classic that your mom would love to watch.

7.    Have a Spa Day

Book appointments for manicures and pedicures at a luxurious salon, and spend a relaxing day with your mom.

8.    Arrange a Scavenger Hunt

You can arrange a scavenger hunt by gathering all your family members together. Have your mom prepare two lists of things to get done. Whichever team gets all the things on the list done first wins.

9.    Play a Board Game

On mother’s day, play a board game with the whole family. From Monopoly to Taboo, you can choose between plenty of options.

10.  Go on a Family Bike Ride

If your mother likes getting active, arrange for the family to go on a bike ride on mother’s day. To make her day special, decorate your mom’s bike by adding fresh flowers and a cute basket. After all, it’s her day, so she must stand out! After a bike ride, arrange a lovely picnic in the park, and make some beautiful memories.

Mother’s Day Takeaways

You can enjoy these 10 fun-filled mother’s day activities with the whole family. Now, you can make your mom feel like the queen she is. And yes, don’t forget to give her the tightest hug and tell her that she means the world to you. It’s not enough to dedicate just one day to your mother, but it will remind you to be grateful every day.