Career & Education Education Financial Loans

Will This Type of Student Loan Forgiveness Be Next?

A group of over one hundred organizations representing student loan borrowers recently wrote an open letter calling on the Education Department to overhaul its income-driven repayment program. The goal of an income-driven repayment plan is to make payments more affordable and give borrowing who have already been paying for 20 to 25 years a way out. However, these plans are so poorly designed that only 32 people have qualified for forgiveness as of the beginning of 2021.

According to the National Consumer Law Center, a consumer advocacy group, the government made a promise to borrowers that federal student loan payments would be affordable and would not be a lifetime burden. Unfortunately, the Education Department’s income-driven repayment program has “failed to deliver on every aspect of that promise.”

What is an income-driven repayment plan?

An income-driven repayment plan sets your monthly student loan payment to an affordable amount based on your income and family size. There are several different income-driven repayment plans, but they all generally require borrowers to pay between 10 and 20% of their discretionary income for 20 or 25 years.

What are the downsides to this type of student loan?

Although income-driven repayment plans exist to help low-income borrowers, they come with several downsides as well.

You might not qualify

Most private student loans don’t offer income-driven repayment plans, so you will likely only qualify if you’re a federal student loan borrower. The qualifications can be confusing though: Federal Parent PLUS loans are not directly eligible for this type of repayment plan but may become eligible by including the loans in a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan.

Your loan balance might increase

It’s also possible for student loans to be negatively amortized under this type of repayment plan, which means the loan payments you are making are less than the interest that accrues each month. This results in a higher loan balance which can feel like you’re making zero progress when paying down your debt.

Married borrowers might have a higher payment

Some income-driven repayment plan payments may increase if the borrower gets married and their spouse has a job. This is typically seen as a marriage penalty and can result in a much higher payment than you’re used to due to your joint income.

Student Loan Forgiveness takes a long time

If you’re seeking forgiveness of your student loan debt, you won’t see it until after 20 or 25 years of payment on an income-driven repayment plan. This can feel like you’re in debt forever since you’ll owe money for longer than the standard repayment plan and will end up paying more interest in the long run.

What’s next for student loans?

Advocates are calling for massive reform to the income-driven repayment program since the current program is too complicated, requires too much paperwork, and is poorly managed by the loan servicing companies that run them. Only about 34% of borrowers manage to recertify every year, which is a dismal amount considering these repayment plans are supposed to be helpful.

Financial Loans

Interest Rate Hikes May Come Very Soon

Interest rates, oh interest rates, how we wish you were low forever. But this is not the reality of how interest rates work. And soon, interest rate hikes may grow higher and higher.

During the start of the pandemic, rates were lowered to help grow the economy. If interest rates are low, more people are likely the make purchases using their credit cards or buy homes.

Now that inflation has pushed our economy to the brink, it is expected that interest rates will grow as well. Inflation is at an all-time high, growing more in one year than the previous 30.

It is predicted that interest rates will be raised 3 times during the year 2022. Some people predict that as soon as March hits, rates will begin to climb. They feel the economy has recovered enough that it is time to begin the rate hike.

What Causes Interest Rate Increases?

Interest rate increases are caused by supply and demand. The more people need or want credit, the higher the rates are. The fewer people need or want credit, the lower the rates are.

With the distribution of stimulus checks and government aid during the beginning of the pandemic, people didn’t need as much credit. They were more mindful of their purchases and had the extra cash to buy their necessities.

Now that the government has stopped funding its people, they are back to a new sense of normalcy. Applying for credit and such as they would have before. This means it is time for rate hikes.

Is Inflation A Threat To Our Economy?

Inflation has risen 7% during 2021, and there are no signs that it is stopping anytime soon. Most experts claim that prices will not go back to pre-pandemic levels, and this is our new normal.

Some experts believe that prices will continue to climb well into the year 2024, and with current rates of inflation, that could be devastating for some communities.

Because of the high inflation rates, the cost of rent and other goods are through the roof. These prices are making the average person look for other means to have sustainable living.

What Happens If Interest Rates Increase Too Fast?

If they increase too fast, it could impact the global economy. Many believe it is risky and could be a better solution to keep them low for a while.

Central banks set a standard for rates that are used for loans and debts. When rates skyrocket, fewer people will meet the demand of purchases. Higher interest rates mean a higher cost of goods, and when an economy is already struggling it can be hard to keep up.

Keep In Mind

With high levels of inflation, comes various unforeseen financial drawbacks. We must increase interest rates in order to keep the supply chain satisfied. When we keep rates low for a prolonged amount of time it can hinder the growth of the economy.

Debt Financial Loans

Can’t Pay Rent? Here’s Where To Find Help

Hundreds of thousands of American tenants lost a critical legal safeguard when the countrywide eviction ban was repealed.

The United States Supreme Court recently overturned an eviction restriction. This now means that landlords throughout the nation to proceed with evictions without restraint.

The Eviction Ban is Over

Even while the federal moratorium was in effect, the eviction prohibition was not standard across the board. The moratorium was not enacted in every state in the United States. And not all tenants were aware of the order or how to benefit from it. Therefore, it didn’t reach as many people as it should have.

Although the federal eviction moratorium is no longer in effect, if you have been unable to pay your rent or your utilities due to the epidemic and are facing eviction, you may be eligible for a personal government bailout.

Rent Help Still Remains

Despite the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the federal eviction moratorium, another program remains. A first-of-its-kind, $47 billion government rental assistance program, which covers energy bills and up to 18 months of rent for tenants who have been unable to pay due to the pandemic’s financial effects, is still in place.

The federal program has been hampered by regulations and rules and red tape and has been far too slow to get off the ground since its creation last year, but authorities are working to make it simpler for hard-hit tenants and landlords to collect money they are entitled to. There are many tools available to assist individuals in determining where and how to apply.

How to Get Rent Help

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has built a website where people may input their location. This way they can get contact information for the local organization that administers the assistance in their area.

Another website, run by the nonprofit National Low Income Housing Coalition, provides details on the 493 state and local agencies that distribute the aid, including which agencies allow renters to simply state that the pandemic has caused them financial hardship and that they have lost income, or that they meet other eligibility requirements. Applicants in certain states are required to provide papers. This includes leases and pay stubs to establish that they fit the criteria.

According to existing rules, roughly 750,000 individuals will be evicted throughout the country before the end of the year.


The rental aid program is the last remaining enormous protection for American renters now that the larger eviction ban is over. And many of the remaining state eviction bans are supposed to end by September. With evictions allowed to resume in an estimated 90% of the country by October, the need for financial help to millions is needed just as much now as before.

If the present rate of rental aid distribution continues, 1 million to 2 million families will be behind on their rent and without help by the time the remaining state eviction moratoriums expire.

Thankfully, the federal assistance program exists- although many people don’t know of it. People are calling on the federal government to do even more. They want them to assist people but so far there are no plans in Congress for such help.

Financial Government Grants Loans

Federal Grants, Loans, And Programs for Veterans

Americans have long been appreciative, proud, and protective of their military heroes. They sacrifice so much for the honor and safety of our country and deserve nothing but the best. Thankfully, the federal government provides a wide range of awards and programs tailored specifically for veterans. Veterans in all military branches may rest confident that once their duty to our nation is through, our country will look out for them thanks to a number of federal programs that address a variety of needs, including housing, employment, education, and even medical care.

Federal Programs For Veterans

Hundreds of organizations are available to help our country’s military members even after their tour of service is over. The federal government has made significant progress in ensuring that military men and women have enough chances to attain the American Dream during and after their duty, from educational possibilities to joining the job, home requirements to medical care. Veterans are encouraged to go into the many viable alternatives and take advantage of the loans, grants, and programs offered by the federal government and the American people as a way of saying “Thank you for serving our country.”

The Post-9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (MGIB-AD), Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR), Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP), Post-Vietnam Era Educational Assistance Program (VEAP), and the VOW to Hire Heroes Veterams Retraining Assistance Program are the six main federal grants that help veterans afford career training or a college education.

Small Business Loans

There are options when it comes to small businesses for veterans as well. The Small Business Administration (SBA) offers small business loans and grants to all Americans, including veterans. You can read more about this at Small Business Grants. It is important to keep in mind that The Veterans Administration does not provide small business grants to veterans.

Housing Grants

The US government offers two grants to assist handicapped veterans in purchasing or modifying a house to fit their health needs. The Specially Adapted Housing Grant helps veterans with certain impairments build. It also helps them to renovate a home so that they may live freely. The Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) Grant is for veterans who want to buy a house that has already been modified to accommodate their handicap, or who want to modify an existing home that they or a family member owns.

Additionally, the government offers vets home mortgage loans with better conditions than those offered by commercial banks. The four programs that deal with this are VA Home Purchase Loans, VA Cash-Out Refinance Loans, Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loans, and the Native American Direct Loan Program, all of which are offered by the Veterans Benefits Administration.

Health Benefits For Veterans

The US government provides health benefits to all veterans (with the exception of those who have received a dishonorable discharge). The Department of Veterans Affairs provides these healthcare benefits. Hospitalization, outpatient treatment, medical specialist services, dentistry, vision, and preventative care are among the services provided. Healthcare services are offered for free if a medical condition is connected to their service and income limitations are satisfied.


Through these many federal grants, and so many more, veterans will feel respected and taken care of. And they should. These grants are the least an appreciative government and society can give back.

Business Career & Education Financial Government Grants Loans

How to Apply for Federal Grants

There is no doubt that a federal grant is a great way for a business or individual to secure a monetary amount that help shape their financial future. It’s the difference between surviving and thriving for many and it can be a literal game-changer. But finding, applying for, and receiving a loan is much easier said than done. In fact, it’s often times incredibly hard to determine the best course to finding a federal grant that is right for you and your business.

Federal Grant Application

One of the most difficult aspects of the federal grant application process is determining which awards a person, small company, or organization is interested in and qualifies for. After all, with hundreds of grants to apply for, limiting the field may take up a substantial amount of time for a potential candidate.

A prospective grantee’s initial action will almost certainly be to register with the organization. In order to apply for a grant, an individual or organization must first register with the federal government. Depending on how well the individual phases of registration are done, registration can take anywhere from three to two weeks.

The Grant Application

The Grant Application package is the next step for potential grantees to take. Applicants will next require their CFDA Number, which is issued to the program for which the grantee is applying, as well as the Funding Opportunity Number and the Funding Opportunity Competition ID. Each of these identification numbers should be mentioned in connection to the grant for which the applicant is requesting.

Once the application has been retained, the applicant is responsible for reading through the pages of queries and saving modifications as they go. The initial pages of the grant application will clearly state the instructions and requirements for applying, which may contain extra items such as grant proposals. To save both the applicant and the federal government agency examining the grant hours of time, grants will not be allowed to be filed online until they are entirely completed.

After completing the grant application, an online applicant only has to click “save and submit” on the cover page to send it to, where it will be routed to the appropriate department and people. When a submission is complete, a confirmation page will display, and a tracking number will be supplied in case of support or online submission problems.


Each grant has its own thorough application that explains everything a potential candidate needs to know before and throughout the application process. Potential grant beneficiaries will find that collecting and completing an application is one of the most straightforward elements of applying for and getting a federal grant, thanks to the availability of online registration and federal grant applications, as well as comprehensive instructions. Thanks to modern technology and advances, applying for a federal grant is far easier than it ever has been before.

The thing to remember when applying for a federal grant is that the process does take a lot of time. But most of the time isn’t spent on actually applying. Instead, the schedule is usually filled with deciding which grant is right for you and your business.

Financial Loans Real Estate

Low-Income Home Loans: What Are Your Options?

Working a job that provides a low-income can make homeownership seem like an impossible goal. Luckily, there are a variety of options available to assist those with a low income in buying a suitable home.

In this article, we’ll cover some of the most well-known home loans that cater to low-income individuals and families in some way.

Homeownership Vouchers

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) allows families assisted in the program to use a voucher to purchase a home. Families will also receive monthly assistance to help with household expenses. The voucher is only available to those families who are enlisted in the program. It’s also not available in every single housing authority.

Other qualifications for this home loan program are to meet specific income requirements as well as having gainful employment. Participants also need to be first-time homeowners, attend and complete a housing counseling program, and meet any other local eligibility requirements.

Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program

Indigenous people and native Alaskans make up some of the poorest populations in the United States. Because of this, the Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program was created. This program is exclusive to native people and guarantees them a reasonable home loan through private financial institutions.

In order to qualify for this program, you and your family must be enrolled members of your native tribe. You must also be in the process of searching for a home. The maximum loan length through this program is 30 years and there are no prepayment penalties either.

HomeReady and Home Possible Loans

Home Possible and HomeReady are two different loans but they have very similar benefits. HomeReady is a loan program backed by Fannie Mae. It is meant to help low-to-moderate income homeowners either buy or refinance their homes. They do this by reducing the standard down payment and mortgage insurance requirements.

Home Possible is backed by Freddie Mac. It is essentially the same as HomeReady, except that it requires a slightly higher minimum credit score to apply. This is perhaps the most helpful for the general population of low-income individuals as a lower required down payment means you don’t need to save nearly as much in order to purchase your home.

Good Neighbor Next Door

The Good Neighbor Next Door Program is an exclusive program to firefighters, K-12 teachers, law enforcement officers, and emergency medical technicians. The loan allows those in these professions to purchase a home at up to 50 percent less than the list price so long as they promise to live in the residence for at least three years.

Down Payment Assistance

Although it’s not technically a loan on its own, down payment assistance can be paired with your loan to decrease the amount you need to pay down on your house. There are approximately 2,000 down payment assistance programs across the country and they’re typically run through the city government.

There are four main types of down payment assistance: grants, loans that are paid alongside your mortgage, loans with deferred payments, and loans that are forgiven after a number of years. This assistance is typically used by first-time home buyers and past homeowners can use most programs after three years of not owning a home.

Career & Education Education Financial Government Grants Loans

Furthering-Your-Education Grants


Millions of hardworking Americans are having to adapt to fewer jobs or limited options by furthering their education in order to increase their value in a competitive job market, and the federal government offers a variety of options for prospective or current students who want to further their education.

Aimed towards a variety of fields of study and demographics, new college students and diligent adults wanting to continue their schooling are urged to check into the dozens, if not hundreds, of government grants that are available to help them thrive in their profession. These grants are the key to going through school, studying hard, and finding a career that is right for them. It’s a major difference maker for millions of people who want to study hard and worker harder but require some assistance to meet their goals.

Education Grants

Many of the most positive grants available to students through the federal government are basically scholarships, which are offered by government agencies such as the US Department of Education’s Office of Student Financial Assistance Programs, or specialized foundations named after the scholarship.

Some federal furthering-your-education grants adhere to a wide range of interests, and simply target a particular demographic, such as minorities, or American Veterans. Students who do not fit into a specific subject or demographic will also have choices. The US Department of Education manages the Federal Pell Award Program, which is more of a “blanket” grant that may cover a wide range of career ambitions, age groups, and general sorts of students over the age of 18. Essentially, a demonstrated and demonstrable need for financial help is the most important criteria for awards like the Federal Pell Grant.

Learn More About These Grants

Furthermore, candidates should be aware that Education Grants can come in a variety of formats. While scholarships and direct disbursements of cash for educational reasons are perhaps the most popular awards, long-term, low-interest loans are also available to assist pay the costs of school, housing, household expenditures, and other necessities for both full-time and part-time students.

Colleges, universities, and private schools all have their own set of awards to assist improve the quality of their educational equipment, personnel, and materials, which benefits present and future students indirectly.


With help from the federal government, potential students of all abilities and ages, and at all phases of life, will be able to further their careers and, ideally, their income. The educational scholarships offered by the Federal Government are designed for prospective students who need it the most and cannot afford a higher education without aid. They help guarantee that everyone has a chance at achieving their professional goals while also creating a wiser, more educated nation.

For generations now, countless Americans have turned to the federal government for help when it comes to going to school. And truly billions upon billions of dollars have been spent to create a base of Americans that is hard-working and devoted to learning more There is money available for most students looking for higher education, they just need to know where to find them.

Financial Government Grants Loans

Federal Grants: Who Is Eligible For Them?

Federal grants are a helpful financial sum that can be awarded to many different types of parties for many different types of needs. Many businesses, organizations, individuals, and non-profits are given federal grants annually and the difference they make is able to help them survive and even thrive.

But Who Is Eligible For A Federal Grant?

Are they given to just anyone or are there specific rules and regulations that decide which applicants are given and denied these grants?

It’s critical to figure out who is eligible to apply for and get a government grant. If a group or person is not legally qualified for a certain financing opportunity, they will spend a lot of time and money filling out the application just to find out that you are not eligible for the award. If you are a part of one of these organizations, it is smart to study the rules beforehand so you know your chances at landing a federal grant.

There are many types of organizations generally eligible to apply for funding opportunities on the official website located at Each type of organization is listed on that site. Here are just some of the ones you will find there.

Government Organizations

  • State governments
  • County governments
  • City or township governments
  • Special district governments
  • Native American tribal governments (federally recognized)
  • Native American tribal governments (other than federally recognized)

Education Organizations

  • Independent school districts
  • Public and state controlled institutions of higher education
  • Private institutions of higher education

Public Housing Authorities

  • Public housing authorities
  • Indian housing authorities


  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education
  • Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education

Additionally, individuals may submit applications and may be awarded them too. There are multiple reasons why an individual would apply for a federal grant but most of the applicants that attempt to get a grant from the government are doing so on behalf of an organization, company, government, or institution. However, if you are registered with only an individual applicant profile, you are only allowed to apply to funding for individuals. Only official groups are able to apply for group grants.

Another major and important type is the Federal Pell Grant. You have likely heard of this type of grant before. A Federal Pell Grant is ideal for students and is used by millions of college applicants every year. Pell Grants are a type of federal financial aid that might help you pay for education. The money you obtain from Federal Pell Grants does not have to be repaid, unlike loans. Undergraduate students are often eligible for Pell Grants.

Although many groups and organizations apply, the largest source of federally funded grants is the Federal Pell Grant. For the 2020-2021 academic year, the maximum amount given in a Federal Pell Grant is $6,345.

Career & Education Education Financial Government Grants Loans

Federal Grants For Back To School

Your education experience never has to end. In fact, you can be a student for all of your life if you want to. And just because you are older and going back to school doesn’t mean you can’t receive federal financial assistance. You may be eligible for grants and scholarships for returning students if you are returning to college as an adult. Nontraditional college students, in fact, are eligible for financial help as well as low-interest federal loans. These alternatives may lower the cost of college and minimize the amount of student loan debt you must take on to pay for it.

How To Get A Grant

If you’re considering returning to school, the first step is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is often known as the FAFSA. To provide you access to federal grants, loans, and work-study programs, the federal government and schools in the United States must examine your FAFSA.

Far too many people think that FAFSA and other grants only apply to younger, college-aged students. But the truth is that federal assistance has no age limitations. An adult student fills out the FAFSA in the same way that a high school senior does. Even if you don’t qualify for grants, you should still apply for federal student loans through the FAFSA. Federal student loans offer lower interest rates and longer payback terms than private student loans, which might help you save money.

The Pell Federal Grant

When it comes to going back to school, you need look at more than simply FAFSA. The Pell Grant, for example, is available to college students of any age who can show financial need.

The amount of the grant is determined by your financial need, the cost of attendance at your selected institution, and whether you attend college part-time or full-time. The highest Pell Grant you could get for the 2020-2021 academic year was $6,345, but the ceiling varies each year.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

You could be eligible for a federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, or FSEOG, as well.

FSEOGs, like Pell Grants, do not require repayment. They are, however, only available to students who attend a participating school.

An FSEOG might pay you anywhere from $100 to $4,000 per year, depending on where you attend to school, your financial condition, and other variables. The earlier you apply, the more likely you are to receive the award.

The TEACH Award

If you’re pursuing a degree in teaching or educational administration as an undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, or graduate student, you could be eligible for the federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) award.

You can obtain a TEACH award for up to $3,772 if you agree to teach at a low-income school for at least four years.

If you don’t fulfill your service requirement, the government will turn your grant into a student debt that you must repay. As a result, it’s critical to think about whether a TEACH grant is suitable for you.

These are just some of the many federal grants available for students returning to school. Additionally, each state has its own many scholarships which gives new and returning students even more opportunities to continue their schooling career.

Financial Government Grants Loans

Grants 101: What Are Federal Grants?

You have likely heard of federal grants before. However, did you know what they are and why they work and who they are awarded to? Did you know that federal grants come in many shapes and sizes and for many different practical reasons?

What Are Federal Grants?

A federal grant is basically a monetary or economic award made by the US government. They are made from monies available in the general federal revenue. The funds might be in the form of a loan, a percentage of the cost of a project or organization, or a full funding of a project, research, or other endeavor. Although the government alone offers nearly 1,000 different grant programs to qualified companies and organizations, dispersed by 26 grant-specific agencies and divided into 21 separate categories, grants are available from both the government and outside sources including foundations, non-profit charities, and non-profit corporations.

The categories are diverse and serve a certain demand or direction of growth. Individuals or corporations seeking grants must choose the area that best suits their unique needs. Some of these specific needs include the arts, trade and commerce, disaster assistance, housing, the humanities, technology and science, and education.

Who Are They Awarded To?

All awards are separated into two categories when it comes to obtaining funds: direct grants and pass-through grants. First up is the direct grant. A direct grant is one in which the beneficiary receives funds directly from the federal government, with no middleman.

These funds are advantageous since they need no additional red tape. They only need a single application and subsequent agreement with the federal government. After that, the money is awarded and able to be spent as the parties see fit.

The second category of grants is called pass-through. The federal government awards a pass-through grant to the state, which then distributes the cash to local applicants. This essentially means that applicants have fewer grant competitors, only other organizations or potential recipients in their state, and that applicants only need to visit their state capital for in-person clarification, appearances, or any other communications that would benefit from personal contact.

What Are The Specific Guidelines?

But even within those two categories, there are more specific guidelines that determine how to qualify and describe a federal grant.

A Project Grant is a sum of money given by the government to a certain “project” or study topic. Members of the research, education, and technology communities are frequently awarded project funds, providing they qualify and satisfy a few basic criteria. Generally, an applicant must meet certain criteria or requirements prior to applying for a grant (which is specified in detail for the specific grant sought), and project awards usually have a deadline when financing ends. A project award usually lasts three years on average.

A Categorical Grant is a little more particular, and it may only be utilized for specified, stated objectives. Grant recipients are frequently required to “match” the cash granted by the government, or at the very least contribute a percentage of the total cost. Categorical grants are the most frequent type of award, accounting for approximately 90% of all grants issued by the US government.

Of course, there is much more to federal grants than just that but that is a good primer and basic summary of how – and why – federal grants work.