Financial Real Estate

Selling Your Home? Here’s a Moving Timeline

Selling your home can be a very stressful time. From worrying that you’ll make enough money on the sale to concern about having to move in the midst of everything else that you have to deal with when selling your home. Generally speaking, the process of selling your home is not done quickly. Most people plan for months before even listing, and then from there you never know how long it could take.

Right Now

Whether you think you’ll be ready to move in 3 months or 6 months, you should have a list date planned, as it makes it easier to plan ahead and get your home ready to show potential buyers. Not only this, but it also simplifies the moving process when you finalize your plans on where you will be living next.

Two Months Prior to Listing Your Home

The market can fluctuate greatly, so it is a smart move to wait to decide on your list price until closer to when you will place your home on the market. Browse the local market; the comparable homes will help you set a price that isn’t so low you lose out on money but not so high that people are not interested.

Six Weeks Prior to Listing Your Home

If you do not already have a real estate agent in mind, this is the time to start getting recommendations from friends and family so you can interview a few candidates. You may get lucky and find someone great right away, but it could take you a few weeks to pick.

You should also get your home ready. A fresh coat of paint inside and outside and a few simple upgrades can make a big difference.

One Month Prior to Listing Your Home

This is a great time to start moving out. Renting a storage unit and eliminating unnecessary clutter, seasonal items, and things you have been storing in your home allows potential buyers to really see the home, helping them visualize their belongings and families in the space.

Two Weeks Prior to Listing Your Home

Contact the company that is handling your mortgage and get the payout information. You will need to know exactly how much you owe so you can price your home right. Also, you want to get any liens on your property taken care of.

If you have decided to use a real estate agent, this would be a great time to discuss staging so your home is ready to be listed.

One Week Prior to Listing

It’s almost time! This is the time where you or your agent will take pictures inside and outside of your home. First impressions matter and these photos will likely be the first thing potential buyers see about your house.

Listing Day and Beyond

Now that your home is on the market, your agent could call you anytime saying someone wants to view the house. It is best to keep your home as clean as possible so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute to get things ready to view.

Financial Real Estate

How to Sell Your House Faster by Its Curb Appeal

It’s getting to the time of year when home sales absolutely explode. If you are getting ready to sell your house, you should know most of the main ways that you can squeeze all the extra value out of the inside of your home.

But what about the exterior? How can you boost your curb appeal and have those buyers ready to make an offer before they even hit the living room? We’ve got the top tips, take a look.

1.   Quality Signage In Front Of Your Home Is Important

It may seem like one of the more trivial things, but the real estate signage in front of your home is a direct reflection of how you and your listing agent regard your property. It should be clean and made from quality materials.

2.   Trim Your Trees And Shrubs

The foliage around your home should accent it, not define it or hide it. It doesn’t take an award-winning artist to trim some hedges and shrubs to make them look nice before going on the market. Bigger trees may need a professional trimmer to come do it safely. Attractive pruning is one of the things noticed immediately by those pulling up to your home. If there are any diseased trees or limbs, you may want a skilled arborist to address those.

3.   Pamper Your Lawn

Make sure you keep your lawn neatly mowed and precisely edged. If you don’t have the right equipment, don’t be afraid to call a local landscaper to come one afternoon before the listing goes live or before an open house. Depending on the time of year, a quick lawn feeding can green it up and really impress potential buyers.

4.   Add Some Color To Your Home

A few flats of flowers from the local nursery or home improvement center can be worth their weight in gold when placed strategically around visible gardens. A splash of the color outside can really help, particularly in areas where HOAs prevent many colors in exterior paint shades. Stick with simple flowers and bright colors, but don’t go overboard. Top it off with fresh mulch.

5.   Refresh Your Walkways In Front Of Your Home

This is often overlooked, but it can add incredible value to your potential sale price on your home. Having your driveway, walkways, and sidewalk professionally pressure washed can make them look nearly new. If you have a blacktop driveway, throw a coat of sealant on it so that it looks nice and crisp.

6.   Stage Your Deck

Really want to sell your house? Make your outdoor spaces look inviting. Clean furniture, pressure washed deck and patio area, and maybe a fresh coat of stain makes for a beautiful and welcoming outdoor relaxation area.

7.   Get Neighbors On Board

Selling your home for top dollar doesn’t stop at your wallet. Your neighbors benefit from higher property values when a home on the block sells for a good price. Let them know you’re selling, and ask (as nicely as possible) if they could match your efforts at making things beautiful for the potential buyers.

Career & Education Debt Education Financial

How To Deal With Student Debt

It seemed like a good idea at the time, right? Getting a few student loans to make it simple to focus on college without having to worry about funding it with your already thin paycheck. But now you’re looking at graduation, or maybe you have already turned your tassel, and that loan balance is weighing heavy on your mind. It certainly can be a daunting situation, but it doesn’t have to be completely overwhelming.

The first thing you need is a plan, which is probably what brought you here. You’re intelligent, so you’re likely searching for some of the best ways to deal with what seems like a mountain of student debt. Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Here are some of the most effective ways to handle and pare down student debt:

1.   Keep The College Lifestyle

You just left what was in all likelihood one of the most frugal lifestyles that you have lived thus far. Why stop now? Many people learn to get by with so little in college, and when you leave school that can repay dividends.

While others are splurging on meal services and subscription boxes, you can still be eating on a tight budget and putting the extra money into your debt payments. Living like a pauper for a few years means you could be debt-free a lot sooner than many of your peers.

2.   Follow The Snowball

The snowball method of debt payment is a popular technique, and for good reason, it works well. First, you list all of your existing debts, from small to large. Every type of loan you have.

Maintain all minimum payments, and focus all additional liquidity on the smallest debt. When that one is done, move to the next smallest, and so on. Each time, gathering up the minimum payment from the previous debt and rolling it into the current one.

3.   Push Your Extras Right Into That Debt

This one’s simple. Did you get a bonus? Debt payment. Raise? Debt payments. Any other non-essential liquidity? DEBT. PAYMENTS.

4.   Sharpen A Side Hustle To Cut Your Debt Fast

If you can work up a profitable side hustle you can shrink your debt must faster than with your single income. Additionally, if you can create income streams from streaming, Patreon, or other paid content sites, you may be able to become debt-free incredibly fast, followed closely by being financially independent.

5.   Refinance Only If It Makes Financial Sense

This is something you should only consider if the interest rate variance makes the process truly worth it. Sometimes people are much too eager, and they run right to an unscrupulous lender, or even a lender who simply doesn’t care if it’s the right move for the consumer.

Make sure the result is going to be an improvement on what your loan terms and payments are currently. The last thing you want to do is refinance, only to find out your payment is now much higher than before and you cannot meet it.

Financial Tax Services

What is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)?

Founded in 1862 by President Abraham Lincoln, the Internal Revenue Service is in charge of enforcing tax laws as well as the collection of taxes. Under the authority of the United States Department of the Treasury, the IRS’s main purpose is the taxation of all American companies and businesses. Taxpayers can file either electronically or they can mail in their taxes. No matter how you prefer to file your taxes, the department handling your paperwork is the IRS.

What Does the IRS Do?

The overall purpose of the IRS is to enforce and uphold tax laws enacted by congress. Additional duties include:

  • Overseeing certain types of retirement plans
  • Collecting the tax returns filed by businesses and individuals
  • Issuing refunds to those that overpaid taxes
  • Conducting criminal investigations
  • Ensuring you pay whatever taxes are due

The busiest department of the IRS is likely the enforcement side of the organization. According to the Tax Policy Center, the IRS spent almost 40% of its budget on enforcement. Of that funding, 83% of it was for investigations and tax audits.

In addition to collecting taxes, they also ensure that those Americans that qualify for other tax credits, such as the Earned Income Credit, receive them. There are even educational tax credits that can help with your children’s future college education.

Owner and Leadership

The IRS has no owner but is considered the tax administrator that works for the Secretary of the Treasury. The IRS technically has no owner, they are under the direction of the Treasury. They are under the leadership of the IRS Commissioner who is appointed by the President of the United States every five years.

If you have seen the logo for the IRS, either on the website or maybe a piece of mail, you have probably recognized a few familiar elements. The logo for the IRS contains several elements that are found in other pieces of American government signage and seals.

The first and most obvious part of the logo is the eagle. This is the bald eagle, the national bird, and it is also found on many other government buildings, seals, and logos. In the logo for the IRS, it simply represents the USA.

The next component seen is the olive branch. This is another component that is present in a lot of US imagery. The olive branch represents mediation and the offering of peace. The olive branch is accompanied by the scales, another truly American image. The scales represent fair measure and justice.

History of the Internal Revenue Service

The roots of the Internal Revenue Service reach all the way back to the Civil War. It was created by President Lincoln and Congress. They were initially created to collect the original income tax to pay for the plethora of war expenses. That income tax was quickly repealed a decade later, not to be seen again until 1913, when it was included in a Constitutional amendment.

Financial Savings

20 Ways to Take Control of Your Finances

Many people struggle with their personal finances and money. Luckily there are many tips and tricks to help you get more in control of your finances. 

Evaluate How Much Money You Have

Before making changes to your finances, you need to evaluate exactly how much money and debt you have. This will give you a baseline of what to expect with your finances, where you need to improve, and where you can go with your finances.  

Track Purchases

When starting to evaluate your finances, you want to see where your money is going. When you do this you’ll be able to make changes about what you spend your money on. This is also something to continue doing once you have set a budget.  

Set a Budget

Once you have evaluated your current finances and seen where your money is going, you can set a budget. There’s a lot of software and apps you can use to set and track your budget. Having a weekly or monthly plan laid out will help you stick with your plan.

Review the Budget

Every budget will need to be reviewed, you can set this either weekly or monthly. Your financial needs may change and having a review can help you set those changes.

Make Financial Goals

Having a financial goal can give you something to work towards with your budget. It will be easier to stick to a budget when you’re saving for a house or business. 

Automatic Money Transfers

Having your money transfer automatically every paycheck will help you know how much money you have. It will also be harder to miss that money if it was never in your account to start.

Talk to Others

Talking with people that you admire money-wise will help you find ways to save and spend money you may not have known about previously.

Test Saving Methods

Some budgeting ideas will work better than others. Trying new ways will help ensure that you’re using a financial plan that works best for your situation.

Save Money

Saving money every month is the best way to know that you have enough money. This saved money can be towards a specific goal or a general savings fund. 

Minimize Debt

Debt can break many people’s budgets. Don’t let that happen to you by minimizing how much debt you get into. 

Make a Plan to Get Out of Debt

When you’re in debt, make a plan to get out of debt quickly. The more debt you have, the more interest you will have to pay.

Have an Emergency Fund

Don’t let a financial setback take you too far back. With an emergency fund, you can be prepared for many financial mishaps. 


Investing money can be a great way to build more financial equity. It can be used for retirement or other long-term goals.

Earn More Money

While saying “just make more money” is often easier said than done, you can get a side job or start a small business that can help you make more money.

Live Within Means

Many people can fall into the trap of trying to keep up with the neighbors. Staying within your financial means will help you stay out of debt and on track with your financial goals.

Shop Smarter

Shop with coupons or with deals to get the most of your purchases.

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit will ensure that your money gets in the back as quickly as possible so you don’t have to worry about it.


AutoPay ensures that you don’t fall behind on bills and incur late payment fees.

Read About Finances

Reading about finances will help you develop new financial and money-saving strategies.

Hire a Financial Planner

A professional financial planner can help you develop financial goals and ways to meet those goals.

Credit Financial

Credit Cards for People With Bad Credit

Life can throw everyone an unexpected challenge from time to time. Sometimes those challenges lead to bad credit scores. So, does that mean that everyone with a score under 650 should resign themselves to forever paying cash for everything? Of course not.

Getting a credit card, using it responsibly, and establishing a solid payment history is one of the fastest ways to rebuild your credit. Rebuilding your creditworthiness is crucial because your credit score is used for far more than credit card approvals. Not working on your credit score can make it more difficult to rent an apartment, buy a house, and can even affect the types of jobs you are eligible for.

What Kinds of Cards Are Available for Bad Credit

While the specific score you have can impact what options you have, there are cards available for nearly every credit score.

Secured Cards

These cards are a temporary tool that helps you rebuild your credit. They don’t offer you any “perks,” but they are intentionally easy to get. Approval is not entirely guaranteed, and you do need to have verifiable income. Just be honest about your credit history, and the odds will be highly in your favor.

Why are they so easy to get? Because you have to put down a deposit before you can use it. This deposit protects the credit card company if something causes you to stop making your payments. Some companies ask for larger deposits than others, which can be intimidating. Many will let you split up your deposit over a month or two, making it is easier to afford.

Unsecured Cards

More traditional credit cards are “unsecured,” which just means that no deposit is necessary for the credit line. These unsecured cards are slightly harder to get approval for because there is more risk involved for the credit card company.

These unsecured credit cards often have much higher than typical interest rates (as much as 25% or higher). High interest doesn’t have to be a problem, though, so long as you pay the entire balance each month.

They also have one other major disadvantage. Most of these do charge some sort of annual fee. Depending on the card, that fee could be considerable, and over time you end up paying as much (or more) than the deposit on a secured card.

When to Consider a Card for Bad Credit

How do you know you need one of these cards? Take a look at your credit report before applying for any new credit. Many companies view any score below 670 as “bad credit.” If your score falls in the “fair” range (above 580), you will have few more options. No matter what your score is, you should be able to find something.

Use your credit report to see precisely what is on it, and take the time to make sure all of the information is accurate. Taking care of anything that shouldn’t be there will help you get the best card possible.

Credit cards for bad credit serve a beneficial role in the economy. Used wisely, they can help anyone fix their credit.

Financial Tax Services

What is an Effective Tax Rate?

The effective tax rate is a roundabout way of saying “average tax rate”. It is the average tax rate you pay across all of the tax brackets that your income spans. Since it is an average, your effective tax rate will be significantly lower than the tax amount of your highest tax bracket. The tax rate of your highest tax bracket is also known as your marginal tax rate.

Your effective tax rate is composed of the average of your various tax rates in each increment of your income, after all the deductions that you are entitled to and claim during filing. There is a fairly simple equation that can be used to help determine your effective tax rate.

Finding Your Effective Tax Rate

Since your effective tax rate is an average comprised of the percentages for all tax brackets that the IRS uses to delineate income levels. This starts with the official tax brackets:

  • 10% – Income up to $9,875 for single, and $19,750 for married filing jointly
  • 12% – Income $9,876-$40,125 for single, and $19,751-$80,250 for married filing jointly
  • 22% – Income $40,126-$85,525 for single, and $80,251-$171,050 for married filing jointly
  • 24% – Income $85,526-$163,300 for single, and $171,051-$326,600 for married filing jointly
  • 32% – Income $163,301-$207,350 for single, and $326,601-$414,700 for married filing jointly
  • 35% – Income $207,351-$518,400 for single, and $414,701-$622,050 for married filing jointly
  • 37% – Income above $518,400 for single, and above $622,050 for married filing jointly

You might think this is starting to get a little complicated, and you’re right. It’s going to get a little worse, but you’ll be ok.

A single earner making $60k won’t pay 22% across the full amount of their earnings. They will pay 10% on the first $9,875, the 12% on the portion up to $40,125, and finally 22% on the last $19,875. That means they pay less overall taxes, and that their effective tax rate will be much less than the 22% that only affects roughly the last third of their income.

The earner in our example would end up paying $8,991 on their $60k yearly salary. This works out to about $988 on the first portion taxed at 10%, $3,630 on the second portion taxed at 12%, and $4,373 on the past portion at 22%. Since $8,991 is 14.985% of 60,000, their effective tax rate would be 14.99%.

As you can see, the numbers and bracketing can get a little complicated, and it can be a bit tedious to go through each income bracket to figure out the tax amounts for each percentage. However, knowing how to calculate your effective tax rate is important information. It can even help you determine if you are leveraging itemized deductions effectively from year to year.

Financial Tech & Media Technology

10 Best Online Stock Brokers of 2021

One can only feel comfortable investing when they know they’re dealing with authentic and trustworthy stock brokers. In the age of technology, it is all too easy to trust fraudulent brokers and lose your precious capital.

In order to avoid falling victim to scams, we have shortlisted the 10 best online stock brokers to help you start with the right people and with any fear.

1.    SoFi

SoFi is an excellent trading platform that gives long-term and beginner investors an incredible modern experience. As a result, you will find fair value from Cryptocurrencies, stocks, fractional shares, and ETF’s here.

2.    Fidelity

This online stock broker is value-driven and offers $0 trades, user-friendly mobile apps, qualitative trading tools, industry-oriented research, and holistic retirement services. So with a clientele of over thirty-million people, you can trust Fidelity for your everyday investment.

3.    E*TRADE

This online stock trader is one of the best trading platforms. You can trade your ETFs and mutual funds for free on this platform, and it is an excellent option for long-term investment.

4.    Interactive Brokers

If you’re a professional, you will surely benefit from Interactive Brokers. This trading platform is an institutional-grade desktop one with margin rates hitting rock bottom.

5.    Merrill Edge

At Merrill Edge, you will find ETF trades and $0 stock trades; with excellent customer support and robust research offerings, you will find this an incredible investment platform, most especially if you a customer of Bank America.

6.    Ameritrade

This online broker has outstanding products and tools for you. It is an all-rounder brokerage with comprehensive and detailed research and zero account minimums.

7.    Ally

You will find this a viable investment platform with its zero account minimum and zero commissions features. If you’re looking for cheap trade options, Ally would be a worthy consideration for you.

8.    Robinhood

If you’re looking for a straightforward trading platform, then you might find Robinhood a good option. It is a no-frills place, allowing you access to cryptocurrency and trade fractional shares. In general, the uncomplicated policies might suit your needs along with the efficiency of the trading platform.

9.    Charles Schwab

This is one of the least expensive online brokers currently. The platform has eased up its policies by bringing down its base commissions to $0 every trade, eliminating its standard account fees, and slashing its ETF and mutual funds charges.

10.  Trade Station

If you’re a cost-sensitive investor or an active trader, then Trade Station might be a feasible option for you. This is a discounted trading platform, but you have to be willing to go the extra way and price the two commission schedules here.

If you’re ready to put in the extra efforts, you might find this an agreeable platform but mind you; this platform is more for the casual-traders rather than long-term investors.

Family Financial Insurance Senior

When Can I Change My Medicare Insurance Plan?

We know that Medicare insurance is complicated. There are restrictions, open enrollment periods, and so many different plans from which you can choose. It’s easy to find yourself with one hundred different questions.

One of the most common questions we see is, “when can I change my Medicare supplement insurance plan? While we’d like to say the answer is simple, much like Medicare, it’s complicated. In this guide, however, you’ll learn more about when you can change your supplement plans and how to do it.  

What are Medicare Supplement plans?

It is important that you understand the difference between your Medicare insurance and Your Medicare Supplement plan. Your Medicare plan is provided by the government, but a Medicare Supplement Plan is a private health insurance policy.

The purpose of a Supplement plan is to supplement the coverage you get with your original Part A or Part B Medicare plan. For a monthly payment, Medicare Supplement plans usually cover your coinsurance, deductible, and copays. They help to fill in the gaps that you would otherwise be required to pay out of pocket. For that reason, they are sometimes referred to as Medigap insurance plans.

When Can I Change My Plans?

The simple answer is that you can change your Medicare Supplement plan anytime, but of course, there’s a catch. Since supplements are private health insurance policies, the insurance company can choose to turn you down for health reasons.

Supplements are not the same as your Medicare Part C or D plan. Therefore, they aren’t eligible for changes during the Annual Election Period, which occurs in the fall.

There’s only one time when you can enroll in any supplement without being rejected, and that time is six months after you turn 65 or enroll in Part B, whichever comes later. Once this period passes, you can still apply, but the decision is ultimately up to the provider.  

How Do I Change My Plans?

If you would like to change your Medicare Supplement plan, all you have to do is fill out an application with questions related to your health. Many states also require you to pass a medical underwriting.

What does that mean?

It is the process of examining your medical history in order to determine any risk factors that could affect your health insurance coverage. If you are found to be too much of a risk, the private insurance company can deny you or charge you a higher rate. However, there are also many situations that could be covered under your guaranteed-issue rights.

Reasons to Change Your Insurance

Though the application process isn’t always easy, there are several reasons that seniors choose to switch their Medicare Supplement plans. You should consider changing your plan if you:

  • Found the same plan for less money from a different insurance company
  • Need more benefits than what your plan currently offers
  • Don’t use all of the benefits that you currently have
  • Wish you buy your plan from another insurance provider

Request a Quote for a Medicare Supplement Plan

Your best chance to get the coverage you need is within your one-time enrollment window, but you can change your supplement plan at any time! If this is something you’re interested in, we recommend that you do your research and request a Medicare insurance quote from different companies.

Once you have found your ideal plan, you can start the application process. Many companies offer a “free look period” for 30 days. That means you can take 30 days to decide if your new plan is the best Medicare insurance plan for your needs.

Financial Tax Services

Which Tax Software is Best for You?

Tax season is upon us and for many people, that means stress and worry about filing their taxes correctly. You want to be sure to file your taxes correctly while still getting all of the deductions and refunds that you qualify for. Using tax software can help you achieve that goal.

Tax software leads you through the entire tax process by asking questions to know what forms you should file. They will also tell you what information you need and where to find it on your tax forms. They also make it easy to file electronically so that you can get your refund quickly.

There are different tax software available and each kind of tax software is best for certain people and situations. Which one you want to use will depend on your situation and what taxes you file.  


TurboTax is one of the leading tax filing software companies. Their software asks you questions about how you’re filing taxes this year, how you made money, and what your year looked like financially to get you to the right places to file correctly and get the right deductions. They also account for federal and state taxes in the same filing. 

This software is easy to use whether you’re an individual or business filing taxes. It will automatically include home purchases, dependents, and other deductions so you don’t have to worry about including them. By answering the questions it asks you, you can be ready to file electronically and know that they will be filed correctly. 

H&R Block

If you want free software to file your taxes, H&R Block can help with that. They provide ease of filing without having to pay for anything. It covers federal and state taxes for many filing options without any additional charges. 

Many individuals do not have complex tax forms, they have a W-2 form and some deductions. In these situations, having a free option for filing taxes is the best option. When your taxes are easy to file, they should come with a corresponding price tag.   

Tax Slayer

As more people become reliant on the gig economy or self-employment for either a portion or for their entire paycheck, having tax software that understands that can help ensure that your taxes are filed correctly. These kinds of jobs have different tax forms and deductions that you want to account for.

Tax Slayer is affordable and will help you account for all of the ways you made money and the different deductions that you qualify for. They provide options for state and federal taxes so you can be assured that all of your tax needs are met.     


Filing taxes requires different needs depending on how you’re filing taxes. Some taxes are easier to file than others. There are several kinds of tax software available so you can find the right one for your situation. Filing taxes with the help of tax software makes filing taxes easy, no matter how you made money.