Financial Government Grants

4 Steps for Successful Online Grant Research

1.    Create a project outline:

To begin you need a general idea of the project scope.  Build an overall one-page synopsis that is as specific as possible for the project: Who is going to be helped? Main goals and objectives? How? What’s the timeline for implementation? Where? How much will it cost? Are there special populations? Do you have access to matching funds? Who is the applicant? Do you have a history of this or other awards?

All of these questions will allow creativity and guidance, and help you while filtering through your grant research!

2.    Create Key Terms:

From your synopsis pull key search terms: Region, Topic, General Scope, etc.  Be creative and think of anything that may make your project special.  Come up with as many as possible to use, and look at the list a few times before you request outside input.  The terms ultimately dictate your searches; the more you have the more successful you will be.

A good search should turn up 10-15 results in a database with 3-4 viable opportunities at different amounts to ensure a multi-pronged approach for success.

For example: Pennsylvania, Children and Family interventions, at-risk youth, matching funds, education, homelessness, prevention, trauma informed care, public housing, transitional living, collaboration, and partner based.

All-Star Tip: Be sure to have a few keywords with synonyms to try in different mixes and see what comes back.  Going for all search fields at once may over-limit your search.

3.    Choose your likely Funding Source:

Choosing what type of funding entity you’ll need for your project will dictate where to go. Some general examples have been listed here:

  1. Scholarships: Foundations, View Sponsored Listings
  2. Research:
  3. Contracts:, and State websites
  4. General Program Support: Foundations,, Federal/State Department Websites, View Sponsored Listings
  5. Project Specific Development/Pilot programs: Federal/State Websites,, and Foundations
  6. One-time events: Corporate Sponsorships, Donations, and Foundations

All-Star Tip: Be sure you think of your capacity for reporting measures. Federal grants are typically more competitive, require a longer history of success, and may require an outside consultant to write.  Some foundations might give you $1500, but the reporting alone may cost you $1500 of employee time – ensure balance and return on investment exist when conducting grant research!

4.    Track your research:

Many grants are released regularly, and in turn, save your information in a separate document to use later. If you are not sure, reach out to the program staff and ask for insight.

Excel sheets have been a personal favorite, but feel free to use any word processing software as well. Headings should include Agency, Grant Name, Maximum Amounts, Due Dates, Key Words, Ineligibility, Match Requirements, Reporting Measures, Website Links, and Internal Proposed Project.

Microsoft word also does well for a memo on each item, but you likely won’t need those specifics until you to take it to a higher authority. Excel creates an easily searchable list, without feeling overly cluttered, which grant research can tend to be. Just remember to stay organized and it will make your research much easier.

All-Star Tip: Create a google doc or sheet and encourage others to add their research in the same format!

Financial Savings

Challenge Yourself With a No-Spend Month

Each month we spend money on things that we don’t necessarily need. We buy iced coffee, video games, and other non-essential items. But what if we took a month to eliminate those non-needed purchases?

Have you ever thought about doing the No spend month challenge? During this challenge, you would cut out any extra purchases and only buy the necessities. It is a great way to save money and get caught up.

What Are Necessities 

Necessities are something that you have to have to live. Paying your bills is obviously a necessity. But what other items would be considered a necessities?

Hygiene Products

Hygiene products are considered necessities for your everyday life. They help keep you healthy and free from disease. Examples of hygiene products include:

  • Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Toothpaste and Mouthwash 
  • Soap & Body wash
  • Feminine Products
  • Deodorant & Antiperspirant 

Medical Product Necessities

Medical products are also necessities of your everyday life. These items also help you be healthy and free from disease. These items can be physical or non-tangible. Some examples of medical product necessities include:

  • Therapy Appointments
  • Medicine
  • Bandages 
  • Insulin Pumps
  • Nebulizers 


Utilities are things that we pay for that allow us to function. Examples of utilities include:

  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Sewage & Sanitation 


Communication is needed not only for our mental health but for work purposes and emergencies. Without communication, it would be hard to do some of your activities. Examples of a communication expense include:

  • Cell Phone
  • Internet
  • Home Phone

Food And Beverage

For us to stay alive, we need food and water. You can not survive without these basic necessities. Examples of food and beverage include:

  • Water
  • Herbal Tea
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Meat

Transportation Necessities

We all need to get places to fulfill our duties. We have many things going on in our daily lives and, most cannot be completed from our homes. Just like us having some mode of transport to leave our houses. Examples of transportation expenses include:

  • Car Payment
  • Uber Or Lyft
  • Train Fair
  • Bus Pass
  • Airplane Ticket

What Are Not Considered Necessities

We have many things in our lives that are not considered necessities. We use and spend money on them every day without a second thought. These are the items that you should eliminate for your one-month no-spend challenge. 


While entertainment is fun and can help your day go faster, it is not a necessity. It doesn’t provide you with something that enhances your health, safety, or wellbeing. Examples of entertainment include:

  • Movies
  • Concerts
  • Video Games
  • Sporting Events
  • Comedy Clubs

Non-essential Food Items

While food is a necessity, many foods are non-essential. We should meet our caloric needs for the day with healthy food choices. The following are examples of luxury non-essential food items.

  • Chips
  • Candy
  • Ice Cream
  • Soda
  • Iced Coffee


If you are up for it, try the one-month no spend challenge. Use the money that would have been spent on non-essentials and put it into savings. Allow yourself to see how much you are spending on these items each month. 

Financial Savings

How To Save Money On Utility Bills This Winter

Winter is cold for a lot of the United States. Winter is known for its snow and ice and below-freezing temperatures. While it can be a beautiful time of year, it can also become expensive.

Utility bills sometimes skyrocket during the cold months. If you want your home to be at a cozy temperature, your furnace may have to work extra hard, raising your bills to all-time highs.

But what if you are on a budget and cannot afford higher winter utility bills? Continue reading below to find out our top ways to save money on your utility bills this winter.

Insulate Your Home

Having a well-insulated home is crucial to keeping your utility bills low. Insulation will keep warm air inside and the cold air outside. Your furnace won’t work as hard to heat up your home when you have well-insulated walls, doors, and windows.

Open Curtains This Winter

This may sound inaccurate, but it is true. Having open curtains in the winter can allow the sun to shine through. The sun is a natural form of heat and can allow your home to warm up during the day. Be sure to close them at night when the sun goes down.

Keep Your Thermostat Lower

If you want lower utility bills you can try keeping your thermostat a degree or two lower. While it may not be as warm as you would like, it will reduce the amount you are spending.

Replace Furnace Filters This Winter

Replacing your furnace filter regularly, especially at the beginning of winter, will help your furnace work properly. You will know when to replace your filter when it has a layer of dust or dirt covering it.

Add Weatherstrips To Doors And Windows

If you add weatherstrips to your doors and windows it can be a great way to lower your utility bills. Weatherstrips will block and breeze or cold air from coming into your house.

Buy A Smart Thermostat

Buying a smart thermostat can help reduce your utility bills as well. The new technology in these thermostats is more accurate and precise than older thermostats. They will regulate your temperature and allow you to set them from your phone.

Check Your Vents This Winter

Sometimes people forget to check their air vents and don’t realize that they are blocked. A blocked air vent won’t allow the warm air from the furnace to be disbursed into your home. Your furnace will have to work double to accommodate the blocked vent.

Turn Down Your Water Heater

During the winter you may enjoy a hot shower. But having your water heater set too high can also mean a higher utility bill. Adjust your water heater’s temperature a few degrees to help save money.

The Take-Away

Although winter can be a more expensive time of year for utilities, it doesn’t have to be. With some adjustments and quick fixes, you can help alleviate the high bills and still be just as cozy and warm.


How to Write a Check: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing checks is not as complicated as many newbies think it is. Our world has turned digital, this made writing a check almost a thing of the past. But, sometimes it is still something you will have to do.

If you have never written a check, you may need to learn how to fill one out. In this article, we will learn how to write out a check. Continue reading for our step-by-step guide.

Step 1

The first thing you will need to do is rip off the first check on the perforated line. If you haven’t used a check from your checkbook before, your check number in the top right corner will likely start at number 01.

Step 2

Once you have your check, you will need to fill out the date. The date is located below the check number in the top right corner.

Be sure to date it correctly, as a wrong date can void the check.

Step 3

The next step is to make the check out to whoever it is going to. This line may be filled out to the name of a person or a business. Check your spelling to make sure it exactly matches who the check is going to. This should be filled out on the first line under your name and address.

Step 4

underneath the line that you just completed with the name, you will have to fill out the dollar amount in words. For example, if the check is for $5, you will write it out as Five Dollars. If the amount doesn’t have change, you will write 00/100 at the end. This means zero out of 100 cents.

Step 5

You will also have to write the dollar amount using numbers in the rectangle box next to the written form of the amount. Again, if the amount is $5, you will write it as $5.00. Always be sure to add the zeros at the end. A completed check is harder to change. Scammers are everywhere, so you will want to protect yourself from forgery.

Step 6

At the bottom of the check, in the left corner, you will see a line, this line is for writing what the check is for. Let’s say the check is for a utility bill, you will write “Water Bill” or “Gas Bill”. This line is for your records, but sometimes can help the receiver process where the check goes.

This line can also be used for account numbers. Depending on who you are writing the check out to, they may have a special request of what they want to be written on the line. Be sure to find out exactly what is needed before turning in the check.

Step 7

On the opposite bottom corner, you will see a line for you to sign. This is where you put your signature verifying that you are the person who wrote the check. Be sure to use your regular signature that matches what the bank has on file.

Credit Financial Real Estate

Buying a Home With a Partner Who Has Bad Credit

Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases you will ever make. It takes a lot of time and preparation to buy your first home. Sometimes our partner has less than good credit which can complicate the process.

If you have a partner with less than perfect credit, you may want to read below. We will discuss tips to make the buying process better.

Tip 1

If you are married and want the best interest rate on a mortgage, you can buy a home using only one partner’s credit.  Most states consider a property that is bought during a marriage to be both party’s responsibility.

The partner with the better credit puts the house in their name, using their income and credit. While you may not be able to buy as large of a house as if you used both partners’ income, you will get a better interest rate. It will also help your odds of approval.

Tip 2

Save up for a little while longer, and put down a higher down payment. The bank wants to see that you can be responsible for the mortgage payments. If you put down at least 20% as the downpayment on the loan, the bank will see that you have the ability to save.

A higher down payment means a lower mortgage amount, which can help if one partner has bad credit.

Tip 3

Wait until your partner raises their credit. Sometimes waiting is not fun. But in the end, it is worth it. Have your partner take a credit repair course to understand why their credit score is low. Once they understand why they have poor credit, they can begin to fix it.

Credit repair can be done by eliminating debt, paying credit cards and bills on time, and not applying for new credit. After six months to a year, your partners’ credit can be in a better place. Which will help with mortgage approval.

Tip 4

If your partner has bad credit, maybe you should look at buying a smaller home. If one person isn’t good with finances it may not be wise to buy a home that they can’t keep up with. You want to avoid foreclosure at all costs when buying a home.

Think of circumstances where your partner may be the one responsible for the home. If you lose your job or become injured, will your partner be able to take over a large home?

Tip 5

If you want to buy the home of your dreams, but your partner has poor credit, add another stream of income. The more money you make, the more likely you are to be approved for a home.

All Things Considered

With everything you know about the importance of mortgage preparation, you will want to find a plan that works best for you and your partner. You are not out of luck getting a mortgage if your partner has bad credit.

Financial Loans

Interest Rate Hikes May Come Very Soon

Interest rates, oh interest rates, how we wish you were low forever. But this is not the reality of how interest rates work. And soon, interest rate hikes may grow higher and higher.

During the start of the pandemic, rates were lowered to help grow the economy. If interest rates are low, more people are likely the make purchases using their credit cards or buy homes.

Now that inflation has pushed our economy to the brink, it is expected that interest rates will grow as well. Inflation is at an all-time high, growing more in one year than the previous 30.

It is predicted that interest rates will be raised 3 times during the year 2022. Some people predict that as soon as March hits, rates will begin to climb. They feel the economy has recovered enough that it is time to begin the rate hike.

What Causes Interest Rate Increases?

Interest rate increases are caused by supply and demand. The more people need or want credit, the higher the rates are. The fewer people need or want credit, the lower the rates are.

With the distribution of stimulus checks and government aid during the beginning of the pandemic, people didn’t need as much credit. They were more mindful of their purchases and had the extra cash to buy their necessities.

Now that the government has stopped funding its people, they are back to a new sense of normalcy. Applying for credit and such as they would have before. This means it is time for rate hikes.

Is Inflation A Threat To Our Economy?

Inflation has risen 7% during 2021, and there are no signs that it is stopping anytime soon. Most experts claim that prices will not go back to pre-pandemic levels, and this is our new normal.

Some experts believe that prices will continue to climb well into the year 2024, and with current rates of inflation, that could be devastating for some communities.

Because of the high inflation rates, the cost of rent and other goods are through the roof. These prices are making the average person look for other means to have sustainable living.

What Happens If Interest Rates Increase Too Fast?

If they increase too fast, it could impact the global economy. Many believe it is risky and could be a better solution to keep them low for a while.

Central banks set a standard for rates that are used for loans and debts. When rates skyrocket, fewer people will meet the demand of purchases. Higher interest rates mean a higher cost of goods, and when an economy is already struggling it can be hard to keep up.

Keep In Mind

With high levels of inflation, comes various unforeseen financial drawbacks. We must increase interest rates in order to keep the supply chain satisfied. When we keep rates low for a prolonged amount of time it can hinder the growth of the economy.

Financial Tax Services

Selling Cryptocurrency to Lower Taxes?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know about or may even own Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies have been around for about a decade but only recently have become mainstream. If you are thinking about selling your Crypto early in order to lower your taxes, you may want to gain more knowledge before doing so.

When To Sell Your Crypto

Selling Crypto is something that is similar to selling a stock. You buy it at a certain price and sell it for a profit. That is the ideal situation, but sometimes when the market is bearish, you sell early at a loss in fear of losing your full investment.

When you sell your Crypto too early, you will have to pay Short Term Capital Gains taxes, as Crypto is taxed as an asset, not a stock. If you hold and sell your Crypto for less than one year, this tax will apply.

If you choose to hodl, a term meaning to hold your crypto asset for longer than a year, you will not be taxed as a short-term capital gain.

Most “hodlers ” have high hopes for the crypto they choose.

If you choose to sell your crypto after the one-year mark, you will be subject to long-term capital gains taxes, but they are not as steep as short-term.

Does A Bull Market Matter?

A bull market is when the crypto is flourishing and attaining new levels. 2021 was a bull market, with bearish cycles. This means that it moved upward to higher and higher amounts, some reaching their all-time highs. The bearish cycles came into play when those high levels retraced back to a lower amount.

Most cryptocurrencies ended the 2021 year higher than the previous year but not as high as the mid-may bull cycle. Because the second half of the year has bearish tendencies many people became afraid and sold at a loss.

Should I Sell At A Loss

It is up to you whether or not you want to sell at a loss. The crypto market is volatile and fluctuates a lot throughout the year. Selling at a loss on a short-term investment means you could be charged taxes on your loss.

Also, it is possible that the crypto that you sell could rebound quickly and you could miss out on buying it at a good price.

Should I Hold On To My Crypto

If you have the patience to hold your crypto, in hopes that it will one day may you wealthy, this may be the best way to hold off on paying taxes. Especially if you don’t want to pay short-term capital gains tax.

In Conclusion

Whether you bought Bitcoin, Etherium, or another crypto asset, you want to keep track of how much you bought each crypto asset for. You will also want to keep track of when you purchased them, and if you choose to sell, you will want to know if you have held the asset for a year or longer.

The better you are at keeping track of your cryptocurrency the easier it will be during tax season.

Financial Savings

Set Up Automatic Deposits To Help Save Money

We all want to save more money for a rainy day. Sometimes though, when money is in our checking account, we frivolously spend it without a second thought. Then, when a rainy day comes we have no savings. 

Sometimes we need help with separating money that we spend for everyday use and money that we should be saving. If you want to learn how to start saving money without having to manually transfer it into your saving account, continue reading below.

Check With Your Employer For Automatic Deposits

Talking with your employer is the best first step to set up automatic deposits. Did you know that you can have a percentage of your paycheck deposited into a savings account each week while having the rest put into your checking account? 

Putting part of your money into a savings account can keep you from using it. Out of sight, out of mind. Better yet, put it into a savings account that accrues interest for higher yields and faster results.

Use The Round-Up Method To Save Money

A new way to save money is the round-up method. To participate in the round-up method you will need a participating financial institution. The concept of this way of saving is simple. Let’s say you make a purchase for $3.85, the purchase would be rounded up to the nearest dollar. The $.15 that it would take to reach the next dollar amount would be put into your savings account.

The purchase would actually be $4.00, but since the difference would be put into your savings, you would not miss it. That is up to .99 per transaction. After a few purchases, you could already have a steady amount of money saved. 

Keep in mind that these are apps that provide this service. You can’t do this with your regular brick-and-mortar bank. 

Check Your Bank

You can reach out to your bank and ask them if they offer automatic bank transfers. If they do, you can set it up so that a certain amount of money goes into a savings account each week or month. 

Most banks also offer the option of sending money to other banks. If you have your primary account as your checking, and your savings with another bank, it should be no trouble sending money between the two.

Things To Be Aware Of

There are a number of things to be aware of when setting up automated payments. Most of them relate to having sufficient funds in your account.

  1.  Always make sure you have enough money in the bank to cover your purchases and the automatic deposit.
  1. Always ask your bank if there will be any fees associated with the automatic deposit.
  1. Don’t overstretch yourself so that you have too many deposits coming out of your account at once.

The Bottom Line

Sending money has never been easier. Technology has improved the world of banking tremendously. You no longer need to drive from one bank to the other to deposit money for savings.

Financial Savings

5 Financial Goals to Make This Year

Saving for things that are currently out of your budget is a wise choice. Whether you are 10 years old and want a bicycle or an adult who wants to buy a new car, saving would be the best goal. But, as you grow up financial management becomes a complicated activity.

So, if you find financial management challenging and want to figure out ways to achieve the unachievable, then you should start by setting up goals. When you have goals in your mind, you can easily stick to a strategy, despite a tight budget. Here are some financial goals that you should include in your New Year’s journal and learn how to achieve them:

1.     Build an Emergency Fund

Normally, people think of an emergency fund as a short-term financial goal. But, that is not entirely true. Emergency funds have long-term financial benefits as well. The emergency fund works as a money management tool. It can help you through medical expenses and job loss.

To create a long-term emergency fund you need to set saving goals. This doesn’t mean that you should have a single large goal. Rather divide this goal into smaller ones to keep a track of them. Start with small but regular contributions. Also, limit your monthly expenses and automate your savings in a separate bank account.

2.     Manage Credit Card Expenses

Interest charges negatively and largely influence your cash flow. Therefore, you should reduce your credit card use. Furthermore, you shouldn’t use a credit card unless you know how you are going to pay. If you have trouble paying for the use, try credit consolidation.

3.     Reduce Your Expenses

When you learn how to manage your expenses, you get complete control over your finance. You should set a goal to spend less than you earn. This means that you need to avoid using a credit card. When you limit your expenses, you get plenty of income for investment, saving, and paying off debt. At first, differentiate between needs and wants. You cannot achieve your financial goals without recognizing extra expenses.

4.     Quit Any Addiction

This might not seem like a financial goal, but you can save a huge amount by quitting any addictions. Whether you are addicted to cigarettes or alcohol, you are wasting your money. Addiction works like a financial parasite that eats up all your money. However, when you quit your addictions, you can add a significant amount in savings. To quit any addiction you need to distract your mind whenever you feel the urge to so end the money on it.

5.     Develop Skills

Adding new skills to your portfolio can lead to large payoffs. If you are a student you can attend workshops and conferences and learn new ideas to earn money. However, if you work in an office, you can take additional training and become an expert. Developing new skills open new opportunities and doors to earn income.


For many people, financial management seems like an irritating task. Keeping track of your income and expense requires more time. But, setting your financial goal will improve your future. If you want to be independent when you get old, you should take control of your finance from now.

Debt Financial Loans

Can’t Pay Rent? Here’s Where To Find Help

Hundreds of thousands of American tenants lost a critical legal safeguard when the countrywide eviction ban was repealed.

The United States Supreme Court recently overturned an eviction restriction. This now means that landlords throughout the nation to proceed with evictions without restraint.

The Eviction Ban is Over

Even while the federal moratorium was in effect, the eviction prohibition was not standard across the board. The moratorium was not enacted in every state in the United States. And not all tenants were aware of the order or how to benefit from it. Therefore, it didn’t reach as many people as it should have.

Although the federal eviction moratorium is no longer in effect, if you have been unable to pay your rent or your utilities due to the epidemic and are facing eviction, you may be eligible for a personal government bailout.

Rent Help Still Remains

Despite the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the federal eviction moratorium, another program remains. A first-of-its-kind, $47 billion government rental assistance program, which covers energy bills and up to 18 months of rent for tenants who have been unable to pay due to the pandemic’s financial effects, is still in place.

The federal program has been hampered by regulations and rules and red tape and has been far too slow to get off the ground since its creation last year, but authorities are working to make it simpler for hard-hit tenants and landlords to collect money they are entitled to. There are many tools available to assist individuals in determining where and how to apply.

How to Get Rent Help

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has built a website where people may input their location. This way they can get contact information for the local organization that administers the assistance in their area.

Another website, run by the nonprofit National Low Income Housing Coalition, provides details on the 493 state and local agencies that distribute the aid, including which agencies allow renters to simply state that the pandemic has caused them financial hardship and that they have lost income, or that they meet other eligibility requirements. Applicants in certain states are required to provide papers. This includes leases and pay stubs to establish that they fit the criteria.

According to existing rules, roughly 750,000 individuals will be evicted throughout the country before the end of the year.


The rental aid program is the last remaining enormous protection for American renters now that the larger eviction ban is over. And many of the remaining state eviction bans are supposed to end by September. With evictions allowed to resume in an estimated 90% of the country by October, the need for financial help to millions is needed just as much now as before.

If the present rate of rental aid distribution continues, 1 million to 2 million families will be behind on their rent and without help by the time the remaining state eviction moratoriums expire.

Thankfully, the federal assistance program exists- although many people don’t know of it. People are calling on the federal government to do even more. They want them to assist people but so far there are no plans in Congress for such help.