Health & Home Home Improvement

How to Protect and Clean Your White Furniture

White furniture adds a completely different aesthetic to your house or room. It also adds to the subtle soft vibe you’re trying to create around your living space. No matter how elegant it may look, homeowners usually avoid it. Most people avoid white as it gets dirty very fast. More importantly, it is bound to get ruined if you have kids and pets around.

But, there is a solution that will allow you to freely maintain white furniture. Mentioned below are a few ways on how you can protect and clean it.

1. Regularly Lint Roll Your Cushions

Lint rolling your white furniture is one of the best hacks to maintaining and keeping it clean. You can do this after every two weeks or when you feel it’s needed the most. Leave the lint roll on for a few days, as this way; you will get rid of any pet hair or threads from clothes. It’s best to do this when you’re not expecting any guests.

2. Get Slipcovers For Your White Furniture

Slipcovers are a very good way to protect your white sofas or cushions. These protectants prevent spills from ruining your sofa or their white touch. You can easily wash the covers whenever you feel like it and use them back again. These are quite the lifesaver for anyone who owns white furniture.

3. Limit Sunlight Exposure

If you have white furniture, then you must keep it away from the sun. Too much sun exposure will cause discoloration, which will ruin the whole outlook of your furniture. It’s pretty heartbreaking to see any discoloration appear on your furniture. So no keeping any of your white wooden furniture near your windows.

4. Avoid Using Bleach

If you want to clean your white bedding, then best keep it away from bleach. Bleach causes your furniture to turn slightly yellowish over time. So instead of bleaching it, spot clean any stains before you thoroughly wash, and you’re good to go.

5. Spot Clean Your White Furniture

Spot cleaning can remove stains and spills on your furniture instantly. This is a good extra cleaning stage before you put any of the white covers into the washing machine. This tip is especially handy for when there’s a red wine spill!

6. Acquire Stain Guard from All your White Furniture

White furniture is bound to get dirty somehow. So it’s best to take measures beforehand so that you protect it from major spills and stains. The best way to prevent dirtying it is by treating it with a stain guard. You can attain this service from professional cleaners, and it will save you a lot of time cleaning and worrying about your white furniture.


Hopefully, you learned something about how to better maintain your white furniture. So now, you don’t have to concern yourself with the question, “what would I do when it gets dirty?”

Beauty Health & Home Wellness

A Dermatologist Changed My Skincare Routine

If you want to take care of your skin, then you’re in the right place. It’s probably time where you might need to tweak your skincare routine. Dermatologists are the best professionals to go to when you want a good change in your skincare routine. Mentioned below are a few ways how a dermatologist can help makeover your skincare routine.

1. Switched to More Multitasking Products

According to many dermatologists, instead of forcing different ingredients in your skincare routine, simplify the process for yourself. You can do this by switching to products that have more than one function. This saves you a lot of time and reduces the amount of product you exposed to your skin. You could opt for a product that acts as a sunscreen, moisturizer, and primer. You will find many products like these, just make sure to look in the right places, and choose from renowned brands.

2. Go For Products with Glow Booster Properties

Summers are usually the time where people often struggle with hyperpigmentation and their skin dulling. This calls for products that allow your skin to glow more. So look for ingredients such as Retinol as this is a great component for a skin cell turnover and leads to good texture and clean pores. Doing this will definitely help you achieve that perfect no-makeup makeup summer look.

3. Opt For Lighter Moisturizers

Moisturizers are the go-to skincare product, and they’re truly irresistible. However, according to many skin care specialists applying heavy moisturizers in the summer isn’t the best choice for your skin. Instead, switch to moisturizers that have lighter formulas as they won’t clog the pores in your skin. They will leave you with light-weight, silky skin. This doesn’t mean you should skip using moisturizer, as it is one of the most important elements of your skincare routine. You can get back to the heavier formulas in the winters.

4. Apply SPF More Than Once

SPF is another important element of your skincare routine, especially in the summer. Applying it once on your skin is not enough. If you plan on spending most of your summer outdoors, you must reapply sunscreen every two hours at least. The best thing to do is keep a small travel-size sunscreen in your bag or car as this way, you won’t forget to apply it and keep your skin from burning.

Final Thoughts

Once you make these changes and additions to your skincare routine, you will notice some amazing results and will never want to go back.

Career Career & Education Health & Home Wellness

Why Time Off Is Good for Your Health

A workaholic usually sees “taking time off” as something they can do later. But they don’t realize how necessary it is for their growth and mental health. Research shows there are many people who have succumbed to illness by overworking. According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), 745,000 people pass away from ischemic heart disease caused by overworking every year.

Taking time off doesn’t necessarily mean having to go on vacation. Rather, it can mean paying attention to yourself and giving yourself a break from work. There are many reasons you’ll want to take some time off, so read further below to learn how it can benefit your health in a good way.

1.    Helps Refresh You into a More Productive Person

Taking small breaks at work is always refreshing and necessary. Now imagine taking a whole month or a few weeks off from work. You’ll definitely feel refreshed and energetic once you return. Your productivity levels will increase, and you’ll pay attention to work with a cool, calm, and motivated mindset.

2.    Gives You Time to Work on Your Relationships

It’s not easy to maintain relationships or meet friends regularly when you have a tight work schedule. But, it is important to meet your friends weekly or have a cute family night every Friday. Meeting with friends helps you realize that your loved ones are always there for you and vice versa. Taking some time off will help you make up for all the missed nights out and dinner dates.

You can also go for a small road trip for a week. You’ll see the therapeutic effect a small road trip can have on your mental health. During a tough career life, you need to have the support of your close friends and family. However, you need to maintain your relationships with them for that to continue.

3.    Helps you Achieve a Mental Break

When constantly working throughout your day, your brain tends to push back. That’s where you start to experience different mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, etc. This will also soon start having a bad effect on your work, and that’s the last thing you need. Taking some time off will allow your brain to rest and give you time to clear your head. Clearing your head lets you get back to work with a more refreshed and energized side of you.

4.    Allows You to Rethink About Your Goals

Taking time off will also give you time to think if your job is something you want to continue. You might come up with something more of your liking or a brilliant idea that may get you to the top.


Right now, taking time off from work may seem impossible. But the benefits it has on your health are bound for you to take one now. So it’s time to apply for your leaves and take that long break you deserve!

Health & Home Wellness

A Scientific Look: Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

Blue light exposure can be dangerous, and most of us are not even aware of how we are exposed to it every day and how it can have a negative impact on your eyes. The most harmful exposure you get is from your electronic screens. Fortunately, blue light glasses can help reduce the harmful impact this has on our eyes.

These glasses help ease the painful side effects that come from getting too much blue light exposure and have lenses that filter out blue light especially those that come from your mobile screens. If you want to learn more about these glasses and how they are beneficial in reducing symptoms, then read further below.

What Are Blue Light Glasses?

Blue light glasses are special glasses that help tackle the exposure blue light has on your eyes. The lenses in these glasses come with non-glare protection. Most of the exposure you will get is from electronic devices, sunlight and light bulbs.

Possible Benefits of Blue Light Glasses

Help Get You a Good Night’s Rest

According to many researchers these glasses help you get better sleep at night. This is due to the exposure from electronic devices stoping or reducing the sleep-inducing melatonin production in your body. According to a study carried out by the University of Houston in 2017, patients wearing blue light glasses have an increase in the melatonin levels around 58%.

This is why it is always advised to use your phones or tablets before you sleep. While keeping the device away might be the best option to get sleep and contain your melatonin production, the best option for you right now is to wear a pair of light blueish glasses.

Reduces Eye-Strain Helping You Work Better

You naturally attain digital eye-strain if you’re a phone addict or use them during the wrong hour before sleeping continuously. An eyestrain has  major impact on your day to day activities as it makes it difficult for you to carry out chores, or even properly see.

You may feel more tired and, and see a massive drop in your productivity levels. According to many new blue light glass wearers, they have seen a massive change in their productivity levels after wearing these glasses. They also suffer from lesser headaches which can have an impact on your entire day.

Reduce the Chances of AMD

While there is still much more research needed to prove this, blue light glasses help reduce the chances of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). This is one of the main sicknesses that lead towards blindness. With the help of a pair of these glasses you can prevent getting AMD.


Now that you are aware of the possible benefits of blue light glasses, it’s time you get yourself one. It becomes more important to wear these if you have a continuous exposure and already have weak eyes.

Health & Home Wellness

What I Make For Dinner When I Don’t Want To Cook

If you do not have the mood for making dinner tonight, you can choose from the below-given ideas to prepare a mouthwatering dish in minutes. These are delicious, nourishing, and healthy dishes to get ready in the shortest time

The Simplistic and Effortless Fish Tacos

When you don’t feel like spending time preparing a heavy dinner, it is a perfect idea. The most uncomplicated food doesn’t take much time to make. The fish is covered with melted butter, spices. It just goes to bake, needs flake a little, and done. Sprinkle garlic sauce if you want, or sprinkle lemon to add a flavor. 

Easiest Basil Chickpea Curry

It does not take more than a few minutes to prepare Basil chickpea curry. The dish has a superb flavor and does not even require many ingredients. It gets ready quickly with a combination of leftovers of the previous night.

Fried Delicious Chicken Sandwich

The chicken sandwich is a great idea to satiate your hunger. There is no need to do heavy cooking. It will take a few minutes to fry bread slices and keep some batter with small fried chicken pieces and add in spices. Ta-da! Your tasty chicken sandwich is ready.

Taco Soup

Taco soup is something everyone loves, whether kids or adults. The healthy and effortless dinner is gluten-free and takes less than 30 minutes to get ready. It is, however, a delicious combination of ground beef, black beans, corn, tomatoes, and spices.

Sesame Ramen Noodles

The scrumptious dish does not involve anything complicated. You can add any leftover chicken, shrimp, tofu, and an egg on top of it. Then, to enhance the flavor, spot it with ramen noodles. Besides, you can make your seasoning sauce to add the spicy flavor and the best combination. 

Orange Tofu and Edamame Stir-Fry

Here is another perfect, tasty, easy, and meatless dinner. You coat crispy tofu with sweet red bell peppers, protein-packed edamame, and flavorful orange sauce. The healthy one-pot dinner is sure to satisfy your cravings. 

One-Pot Pasta Primavera

Here is the quick and easy dinner recipe that will suit you the most if you are a vegetarian. You can add plenty of fresh spring vegetables along with pasta to make it super yummy. 

Final words 

The above-mentioned yummy meals are mouthwatering. You can prepare them with easy ingredients in minutes. They don’t take a long time, and you don’t even require many ingredients to try these recipes for dinner or any other meal. Whether you have less time or don’t have the energy to cook heavy meals, try out the quickest recipes to make your dinner flavorful. 

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

10 Things To Do On The 4th of July With Friends

Wondering how to celebrate the 4th of July with full zeal and enthusiasm? Well, you can plan many activities with your friends to enjoy this day to the fullest and show your love for the country.

Ideas to Celebrate Independence Day (4th of July) with Friends

1. Head to Any Lake

Are you keen on spending time with friends? So, this idea is for you. A large number of people head to a lake every 4th of July to celebrate the holiday. The festive activities include entertainment at the sandy beach, community events, food and drink at different restaurants. But, the most remarkable thing is the fireworks all-round the lake.

2. Go Camping

Do you have a group of chill friends who love outdoor activities? Go camping for the night as the sun sets down. You can get entertained by music, conversations, dance, and a lot more. The fun experience will let you earn plenty of joy and peace. Plus, you can make beautiful memories with friends.

3. Attend an 4th Of July Concert 

Are you interested in music? Going to a concert with friends is a great idea. On this important holiday, many shows are happening. So you can quickly buy tickets for one or even enjoy a virtual concert with friends while sitting in the comfort of your home. Celebrating the 4th of July dancing to your favorite beats will make it more exciting.

4. Arrange Fireworks

You can not only go to watch some fireworks but also have fireworks at your party with friends on your own. You don’t need to go for an extravagant setup or something dangerous. Make sure to be on the safer side. However, sparklers, pop-its, and smaller fireworks are some great options you can choose. 

5. Foster Crafty 4th Of July Activities 

If you are looking for fun activities, why not go for some crafts. You can find hundreds of craft ideas to celebrate the holiday on different digital platforms like Pinterest. Of course, you don’t need to go for the over-decorated and complex arts, but easy DIY crafts that you can make and enjoy with your friends. 

6. Arrange a Late-Evening Picnic

What’s so special about a late-evening picnic? They are more exciting with enlightened scenes and a beautiful combination of dark with artificial lighting. You can choose a spot where you can see the beautiful locations of the city. The mesmerizing scenes will blow you away and relax your mind. 

7.  Throw your Friends a 4th Of July Party

Inviting friends to your place or arranging a spot to sit together to enjoy food is a great idea. You can organize and make an attractive composition with colorful pottery, stylish decor, and various foods. 

8. Hang String Lights

If you opt to go for a party after sunset on the 4th of July, you can literally brighten up your party by hanging string lights. The bright string lights create a mesmerizing ambiance. Moreover, you can use colorful string lights according to any particular theme. 

9. Make a 4th Of July BBQ Plan

A festival is incomplete without having a BBQ party. It is, however, a top-notch idea to arrange a BBQ party with friends. You can select a variety of condiments. Make your BBQ flavorful with pickled jalapeños, shredded cheese, chili, crushed Doritos, and maybe BBQ sauce. 

10. Enjoy Ice-Cream Cones

You can coat the ice cream by serving it with sprinkles of sugar, chocolate. The delicious ice-cream cones are ready to lick. Everyone loves ice cream in the hot summer season. So, the idea will be a hit. 

Final Words

The above ideas are the best choice for anyone who wants to celebrate the holiday with their friends and enjoy it to the fullest. It is up to you whether you set up activities at your place or go out to beachside or somewhere else. 

Health & Home Wellness

How What You Eat Can Actually Boost Your Mood

How Can Food Boost Your Mood?

You may know that unhealthy eating habits and food can lead to mood swings. Nutritional imbalances and blood sugar fluctuations are among the causes. When you don’t get the energy from the right source, your mind and body may stop functioning appropriately. The following are some ways unhealthy patterns can disturb your mood and emotions:

  • Avoiding entire food groups decreases the variety of foods in your diet and reduces your chances of getting essential nutrients. This leads to low levels of magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acid, and other nutrients. It decreases energy and causes mood swings.
  • Skipping meals leads to low blood sugar, which makes you tired and weak throughout the day.
  • High consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as pastries and white bread, can alter your blood sugar levels, which lead to irritability and low energy.

Some researchers also show that food can contribute to the treatment and prevention of psychological conditions, including anxiety and depression disorders. Although scientists still have to learn more about the effects of food patterns on mental health, some studies show that eating healthy food may have a protective effect. Not to mention, many doctors and researchers believe that balanced consumption of healthy nutrients is as important for your mental wellbeing as physical health.

What Food Can Boost Your Mood?

Here are some nutrients that give you energy and help you avoid nutritional deficiency, which is one of the causes of mood swings. They can also help you produce mood-boosting hormones that make you feel satisfied and happy.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These nutrients are present in fatty fish like sardines, lake trout, salmon, and albacore tuna. The Omega-3 fatty acid can help you lower inflammation in your body. However, if you don’t like fish, you can consume chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts to meet your body’s omega-3 fatty acids needs.


Magnesium is one of the most important components that can help you keep your mood balance. Do you know that spinach is not only high in tryptophan but also in magnesium? This nutrient plays a great role in reducing anxiety and support sleep. Other foods that contain a significant amount of magnesium include whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Many green veggies offer you B vitamin folate. Although the connection is not yet understood, low levels of folate may have a link with depression.  According to the research of the Journal of Psychiatric, depression patients have lower levels of folate as well as lower intake of folate in their diet compared to people without depression. Other researches also show that low vegetables and fruit consumption can increase the risk of depression.

Here are some folate-rich veggies that you can consume.

  • Okra
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • Lentils
  • Turnip greens
  • Spinach
  • Artichokes
  • Edamame

Vitamin D

Experts believe that vitamin D can increase the serotonin levels in your body that can boost your mood. Some studies also suggest that vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of depression in older adults. People who fall in the following categories are at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency:

  • Darker skin
  • Living further from the equator
  • Spend more time indoors
  • Living in a location with more air pollution

For vitamin D, you can eat foods like egg yolks, salmon, milk, orange juice, soy milk, cheese, and sockeye salmon.

Bottom Line

So, if you want to boost your mood, the only thing you need to do is to eat healthy. Other factors that can impact your mood even if you are taking nutrient-rich diets include:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Work stress

To uplift your mood, make sure that you consider every factor that can alter your emotions.

Health & Home Recreation & Leisure

12 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month

June is almost here which means preparations for Pride month celebrations are in full swing. How are you planning to honor the LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community in your vicinity? If you haven’t made plans yet, here are top 20 ways in which you can celebrate Pride Month this year.

1. Charity Fundraiser

One of the best ways of celebrating Pride Month is by either organizing a charity fundraiser or participating in one this year. The initiative will ensure your money goes to worthy contribution and that you’re making a genuine impact on this important segment of society.

By organizing a charity fundraiser, you’d also unite your workforce under a noble cause and raising awareness.

2. Ally and Activist

Another great way of celebrating this important event in a meaningful way is by becoming ally or activist for the LGBT community. You’d get to advocate for their rights, being a listener to their stories and playing an essential part in supporting the LGBT community. If nothing else, you can at least raise your voice to put an end to the derogatory remarks and anti-LGBT jokes.

3. Pride Parade

Many popular events, parades and festivals happen to celebrate the Pride Month. You can participate in or attend one this year.

4. Inclusion Workshop

You can host one for your workforce or conduct a hands-on training session to teach about LGBT equality and inclusion. This would be a step ahead in ensure your LGBT employees, peers, colleagues etc. get equal rights and benefits in the organization and more inclusivity.

5. Flag Art

If you want to celebrate the Pride Month in a way in which your children can particularly participate and learn, then making rainbow flag art is a great idea. You could make posters, dream catchers, banners, jewelry pieces of even rainbow headbands with them.

6. Design Pride Month Outfits

You could organize a fun event within your company. Gather the workforce and have them design t-shirts or any garment piece to honor the LGBT community.

7. Revise the Inclusion Policies

If you are an employer, the Pride Month is a great opportunity to improve diversity and discrimination policies of your organization. Make improvements and changes where necessary or introduce new constitutional rules to encourage inclusivity and equality for the LGBT employees.

8. Donate For Pride Month

Run a donation drive in your neighborhood or company and encourage the people to raise money for a foundation that serves the LGBT community.

9. Decorate

You could decorate your home, office, backyard, front yard, driveway etc. with rainbow banners and flags. It will show your solidarity with the LGBT and raise awareness for them too.

10. LGBT Seminar

You could organize a simple seminar in your backyard, the neighborhood park etc. for young kids and teens to talk about inclusiveness, gender identity and homosexuality with the young. Raise a healthy discussion that honors the LGBT men and women.

11. Advocate

Take an oath to advocate for the Pride peoples network. Take a step forward in creating an inclusive and safe neighborhood, workplace and society for the LGBT community.

12. LGBT Speaker

One excellent way of raising awareness this Pride Month is to engage a bureau to send an LGBT speak to your company or neighborhood. The orators will shed light on the struggles of LGBT people and their lives and raise awareness.

Health & Home Wellness

My Experience With A Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Out of all the therapeutic massage treatments, lymphatic drainage has been quite popular since a while now. There’s a reason why all of us love to rush to a practitioner, as soon as the opportunity presents itself. The rhythmic strokes in gentle, long motions and the light pressure feel almost magical as the lymph nodes flow more easily and the toxins begin to leave our bodies.

Our immune systems naturally contain the lymph systems inside, which helps us fight against infections. In nature, the lymph is a slightly yellowish, clear fluid that plays a vital role in transporting oxygen and nutrients to our cells. While it is performing this task, it keeps collecting the toxins from our body and flushes them out through lymph nodes.

Within our bodies, the lymph vessels exist in a quantity that is twice more than the blood vessels in us. The lymph system does not have a pump like that of our heart, which pumps blood in our body. What the lymph system does instead is that it uses pressure from the blood vessels and the muscle movements to run our lymphatic fluid around.

How I Felt After My Lymphatic Drainage Massage

My personal experience of a lymph drainage massage began with an appointment at the local massage center in my neighborhood. Before proceeding, I verified that the masseuse had professional training in this and was proficient at lymphatic massages. I also made it a point to discuss my personal health issues and let her explain how the treatment would be beneficial for me.

My ultimate goal is seeking a lymphatic drainage massage was to get some relief for my chronic back pain and injuries as a result of sports. When we had discussed at length what method the masseuse would use and what I could expect as the outcome, she began the massaging process.

Like every other massage, this one also requires you to undress and lie atop a heated table. After that, you experience light and repetitive strokes on your legs, back, stomach, armpits and arms. It is nothing like the deep tissue massages you get in other treatments, but lighter and more calculated movements.

At the end of the massage, I had to rest aplenty and also drink a lot of water, but like masseuse had mentioned, I experienced the full benefits only a few days later. My steps had an extra spring to them, I felt like a spurt of energy in my body and lightness in my physique. I no longer could feel any bloating or water weight weighing me down.

Rather, my body felt less inflamed, mid section lighter and a constant feeling of contentment and comfort surrounding me. If I keep regular appointments with a lymphatic draining massage expert, I’m sure my health is going to improve even more significantly.

Here are some of the top benefits of a lymphatic drainage massage:

Top Benefits

  • Increased weight loss, due to the higher calorie-burning efficiency of your body from the improved metabolic rate.
  • More reduction in water retention
  • Decreases chances of viruses, including minor flu bugs and cold. Strengthens your body against infections and sickness, and improves the healing process.
Health & Home Home Improvement Tech & Media Technology

5 Innovative Tech Tools To Upgrade Your Home

Now that we’re all spending more time in our house than at work and out socializing, we’re spotting all the niches and spaces where our homes could use some tech tool upgrading. Besides, we’re a highly tech-powered modern world and staying ahead of the trends definitely feels far more satisfying.

If you’re planning to catch up with some much-need home improvements, here are 5 tech tools to add to your living space.

1. Smart Thermostat

Getting smarter with things is the way ahead and homeowners are the best to benefit from this. Besides, saving up on energy bills while the family is more at home these days sounds like a brilliant plan. All you have to do is trade your old thermostat with the smarter and intelligent models. It’s the perfect tech tool for an easy upgrade!

You can find a range of options now that can sense whether or not someone is in the room and adjust the temperature accordingly. A smart learning thermostat also meets your temperature requirements for the day automatically, by aligning the heating and cooling temperatures with the weather of the day.

2. Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Robots are overtaking our housecleaning too and why not let them to conserve more of your energy? You now have a range of robotic vacuum cleaners to choose from in the markets.

These smart cleaning solutions have smart technology inside that helps detect and maneuver around obstacles while cleaning. You don’t even have to empty their bins since the technology automatically does that too. For every type of flooring you have, there is a mode option to clean it.

The best feature of these is how you can clean your home even when you’re away. You only have to preset its intelligent time scheduling feature and then your floors get what they need- thorough sweep in your absence. If you had cleaning woes before, now is the time to bid goodbye to them. Go get this tech tool today!

3. Bediator

Nothing can beat a night of warm, cozy and comfortable sleep, even during the coldest winter days. Here we recommend the Bediator intelligent device that heats up your room with advanced technology, to the ideal temperature settings. From being energy efficient to saving significant amount of money on your electricity bills, this stylish radiator is a must-have for every modern, high-tech bedroom now.

4. Thermal Leak Detector

Ever wondered where your energy is going when you’re not looking? The culprits could be your ducts, fireplaces, windows and other insulation spots that could be leaking precious energy away. Thermal leak detectors would prevent this from happening and are also a great assistance in monitoring your freezers and refrigerators.

5. Smart Faucet

If we’re getting smart with everything else, why should our faucets be any different? Time to focus on saving gallons of water per year and we have just the right high-tech home-improvement gadget to recommend for this. Smart faucets come with innovative technology that help you save approximately fifteen thousand gallons of water yearly.

The intelligent design further conserves energy and reduces carbon footprint too. Besides, considering the current health crises, no one can resist the contamination-free, high hygienic functions of this touch-free tool.